Saturday, December 19, 2015

Everything About Reality T.V. Winter 2016 Schedule

As I said in the video I would post up the schedule up on a blog within my site and blogger. Not all 4 shows are confirmed as of right now, Big Brother Canada 4 hasn't announced when it will start. For right now below is the timetable for the confirmed Reality T.V. Shows: 

Wednesdays: Survivor Kaoh Rong (Brains, Beauty and Brawns 2) RECAP @ 10:15 pm EST
Fridays: The Amazing Race 28 RECAP @ 9:15 pm EST
Saturdays: Hell's Kitchen 15 RECAP @ 8 pm EST

Well there you guys go, that is my current schedule for #EverythingAboutRealityTV 

- Chris 

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