It is time for an update and honestly I have hit a snag in the road. Now I got the drop down to work, however, only Everything About Reality TV show and the collab tab is not showing. It has been an uphill battle and I think it definitely has to do with the CSS code as it is not in the code itself that is build into the bar itself. I kind of put that to the side and why you currently see the old menu bar which stretches out to the right side right now but I am planning to get working on the menu but it will take me some time but it will be up and down until I figure the issue. I have an idea what is the issue but I will need to pinpoint the issue but hopefully it's an easy fix to the issue. I have already asked around and Quora might be a good place as the blogger forums wasn't much help so I am going to ask around. You have to realize this is the first time with CSS code and building something from scratch such as the menu. This is pretty intense coding I have to do but I am actually learning a lot about it too. I am a pretty fast learner too and have figured out how the heck to do things. However this is the first time, I have hit a snag in the road. I will figure it out eventually. I attached a screen shot of the issue I am having with it. Any website pros out there know why its doing this please shoot me an email via contact.
Also the Podcasts page will be disabled as I will be using the Everything About Reality TV page which is already designed and ready to go. Also the current "Collab" page will be still active just moved under the Podcasts tab which will drop down. Once it is completely functional then I will announce it on Twitter and Instagram when it is officially functional and ready to go I will let you guys know it is up and running. Any bugs can be reported to me via the contact page which you guys can send me an email through the contact page on this website. I honestly cannot wait to release it and it will open up the website and I want it to be more easier to navigate but I have the podcasts under one tab like I did on the original as I had it originally. So I am trying to get back to the original roots of the website which I wanted to do but I didn't know how to do it but good old Chris (me) has done some research and have gotten places with it but that one issue so that bug has to be worked out before I release the menu. However that is where I am at with things, just hopefully it will be done by summer and the website will be complete.
First of all, I hate to even think the podcast is ending as it could never end as there is other Reality TV shows, new Reality TV Shows so I know this won't be over sol quickly and end of this week, I am at my 200th episode. So I hate to really think about the idea of it ending but if it was to ever happen, then I should have a plan for the future honestly. First thing that came to my mind is the Power Rangers Podcast which will be on going for the next several years, 4 episodes a year so I do have something that I can fall back on. Larry and I are having a ton of fun with this podcast honestly and there are plans which I will address eventually but both him and I have discussed it and planning something with it down the road. This isn't overly stressful. Watch the entire season for a good 2 - 3 weeks, take notes, type em up then record, edit and release, then repeat.
The next thing I could do is CBOTW Gamers Podcast. I was working on putting a format together on and off lately but working away on it and hoping to get it finished soon but if I had the choice, I would do it again on YouTube as I mentioned Tuesday, I had 0 frames dropped on YouTube compare when I streamed on Twitch a week ago and I am not trash talking just talking the truth about it and wish I took a screenshot to prove it to you but I am one of the most honest person you can meet but after the test stream on YouTube on the Everything About Reality TV channel but I can go either way Audio ONLY or video on YouTube with CBOTW Gamers Podcast but it is still very much early to decide where to go at this time as it is currently in Pre-Production Stages.
I am not looking at starting anything new myself but I do have a staff member working on a podcast that they will be hosting and is part of the Chris B On The Web network but more information to come later on that. At least I do have a plan for after Everything About Reality TV but yet again, I cannot say when it ends but it has came to my mind many times to what will happen but now I can officially say I do got a plan under way and think it will be a great idea plus something new is coming to CBOTW this summer but more details to come later.
I was talking to some of my staff that use to help me out in the past and it came to me how the heck did my now former series, The Entertainment Man Talk Show got it's name? I know this goes way before The Entertainment Man Talk Show started, actually before I discovered the YouTube platform. My friend Gordie found out I made videos Durham Entertainment Today days, he started to call me "Entertainment Man" and ever since it really stuck with me for years and yes I changed it after a while after YouTube but another story for another day. Probably about a year later after Eric quitting on me out of nowhere yet again, the talk show you guys know and loved for a good 6 oober long years called The Entertainment Man Talk Show. I just added The at the start of "Entertainment Man" and Talk Show at the end of it. Pretty much after calling it this, the rest is history and it ran for 6 long years. Hey! It was my talk show, as I was the producer, director and host of the series.
So basically the series was named after my nickname that Gordie, aka muffler man gave me so I really have him to thank for for that as if I was never called "Entertainment Man" The Entertainment Man Talk Show probably would of never happened but I do not wanna wish that as it was a good series up to the drama at the very end but I have never told you guys how that series ever got it's name honestly. However, you now know how the show, the series I loved, Larry & Dave love how it got it's name actually. I know it was a long name for a series and was hard to hashtag on social media unless I ended up doing something like #TEMTS on Twitter but that is now long gone now and it has nearly been 3 years since the series got cancelled due to certain reasons. I hope you enjoyed today's little throwback story and it was a neat one to tell you all.
After almost 3 years of podcasting full time, I have found my calling which is podcasting. Yes I recently made the announcement about me returning to YouTube which I will address on Friday afternoon so there will be 2 extra posts today address schedule changes and this Friday addressing the big news as I have been hinting on social media for the past few days. Anyways back to what I was saying, YouTube was fun making videos, web series but honestly it wasn't me anymore and yes I am aware I am going back and I will address this in 2 days from now. But it would be different content but again I will explain. The fact I have no team now minus 2 people 1 former team member of mine and also someone new which will be addressed in the summer time at some point. However, I am the only one that is recording Everything About Reality with some guests and of course the now popular Power Ranger Collab Podcasts that come out 4 times a year. So now I have truly found my calling and it isn't as demanding as YouTube but this season proved to be just like an off season of my old web series but I do get breaks between seasons more then I did recording The Entertainment Man Talk Show.
I can see me doing this for years to come both on YouTube and obviously Audio ONLY and also exclusive content here on I have other ideas for even later on and been designing logos but podcasting is definitely my calling now and I am really enjoying creating content for you guys regardless and I have finally found my calling after the end of The Entertainment Man Talk Show Series and the way things ended but this was the best move I ever made. I know I have said I could of done a separate channel for the podcast but that is about to change and my alum, well most of em agreed to the decision I have made but podcasting has changed my life and I can be my true self not fake stuff like I use to at certain times and I am able to express my opinion on what is happening on the show and love doing this several times a week and yes it can be exhausting but in the end I do the podcasts not just for me but you guys too.
So as you know this year, I have been trying to cook something new once a month as I want to learn to make some new dishes that I want to make. I think I once touched on this before here on the blog but the very next two dishes I want to make I have discussed it with my mom already. So what are this dishes? Here is the list of what I would like to make over the next two months starting next month.
1) Mushroom Ravioli- I am not a big fan of Mushrooms but I can make it small enough that is isn't as big inside the pasta. I would make the pasta dough from scratch add in the meat and mushroom and actually I think it is in an oil based sauce if I am correct but I would have to look at the recipe yet again to see what is in it. Either way I am excited to be trying out this recipe which is officially going to help teach me to cook new things both healthy and of course hearty as Italian is a hearty dish.
2) Chicken Balls and Lo Mein Noodles- I had a smaller chicken ball sample at the Chinese place at the food court in Toronto Union Station and gave me the idea to do smaller pieces of chicken with batter around it and also smeared in sweet n sour sauce. As a side dish do lo mein noodles and I got majority of the stuff ready and maybe tonight i'd give it a shot but right now we have a pile of left overs right now so it is kind of hard. However in time I plan on trying it out and I think next week I am going to make the time to even try it out.
Anyways there is my list of things I would like to cook first and hopefully by the start of May which is only a week away to start trying to cook this dish for you guys and giving it a shot. Now I do have to figure out batter as it is different from breaded chicken so there is a difference but I like cooking as it is very relaxing for me and I find it to be a very relaxful thing for me especially after a long day in this studio as I have been spending majority of my time here lately while taking care of my mom during her recovery from knee so a good amount of my time is here in the house and the studio which is downstairs as you can tell with the photos on my Instagram.
Nobody really know why I quit, it wasn't because of the Adpocolypse on there, nor it was cause of the family friendly content. That came after I left the platform in 2016. There are reasons why I decided to leave and why my channel just failed all together. The first reason was my first staff of CBOTW quit which put The Entertainment Man Talk Show into turmoil and I was really not sure where to turn with the series next. I believe over the months I started to plan the 7th season which didn't last long up to the point of my second staff that came back to help ended up quitting on me again for the 100th time over the course of 10.5 years of them helping me. This is when I started to think this is not worth it and that is when The Entertainment Man Talk Show was truly done and I just didn't give any crap about that series and I was pretty much over it. All because of 1 series as you can see is basically the main reason I just ended it all and yes I realize "Everything About Reality TV" was still very much active and I could of pretty much basically continued on that platform and rename the channel to Everything About Reality TV but I didn't. To open more old wounds, I ended up firing someone I had on for not able to take a simple joke as I like to be funny but noooo they like to be all serious. I like to have fun while taking the job seriously so that didn't help with any of the future of the channel honestly. I honestly didn't even talk talk to any of the 3 for months even up to an year. First one of the 3 we started talking again by summer at the most but the other 2 took longer up to a year, year and a half.
So in conclusion of this the main two reasons was the web series failing which mind you again, it was a stupid reason honestly because I still had Everything About Reality TV on the channel and things could of been worked around it with it so the first reason was pretty much one of the stupidest reasons for it ending. But the truth is, things weren't the same after losing 90% of my team that helped me I just lost complete focus on the channel and what I should of done was setup a separate channel for the podcast and kept the main one for other videos etc or as an archives. That was probably my major downfall with YouTube on top of losing my team but a solo project could of been a doable thing for CBOTW but yet again you have to realize I would of ended up in the middle of this entire adpocalypse and family friendly content bull so either way the decision I made was the best decision as Everything About Reality TV has been striving good on Audio ONLY.
First of all I have to say, Happy Easter to you all! I love this time of the year like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today I am spending time with my family, my brother, sister in law my niece and nephew and of course my parents and I will be having dinner this afternoon not long after this post goes live here on Yes I am taking 2 days off from the podcast right now as I need a tiny break as I have been going non stop since January and need to take a break from it all but mind you I am still watching the live feeds and reminder I did remove live feed stuff as you guys did not like the idea as I lost mad amount of subscribers. Anyways I got some things the kids and I can do as I will be the entertainer for the kids especially. My friends call me Entertainment Man for a reason and why a certain web series which is no longer active as a series no more is running but another story and could just be a Throwback story for this week actually. This will be a nice break for me and gets my mind off of all this craziness and preparing for the future of CBOTW.
So with saying what I had to say and I know this is not the longest post in the world but I wanted to take the time and wish you all a very Happy Easter and there will be a post tomorrow but in the way of work nothing else is being worked on and I will be back in Studio working on podcasts and that darn menu bar trying to make it work better. I think I do know the issue but I have to find it in the CSS Code to where it will make it work. Anyways I hope you all have a great Easter with your family and I will be back back tomorrow with another post which will be an amazing post that is coming out to you guys tomorrow.
I know I haven't updated you guys what is going on with my weight loss and no I haven't given up on it and actually I do have an update today not just about how the weight loss but also a plan between now and the start of the summer time, I have a plan honestly. So I will start on the weight side of things right now. Well at this point I am staying between 218 and 220 in weight at this current time but would like to lose more and get below this number. With Easter only less then 24 hours from now, I am off the diet honestly. I will enjoy the day and able to eat as I admit I have been eating healthier and I have been fasting during Lent but with Lent now done, I am going to start eating a lot more healthier starting on Monday and you are probably wondering what do I mean by this? I have been on this blasted diet since 2017 that is nearly 2 years trying to lose the weight but I gotta admit being sick back around Christmas and also with a cold did help me get down to this weight but I know being sick and losing a good amount isn't a good way but what I am trying to say is it has helped me to maintain this weight to this point.
Now to the second part of today's post, my goal is to get down to 210 pounds the summer. I know it is quite the goal to aim for. However, I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I am pretty much taking it one week at a time and if I can lose 1 - 2 pounds week, I can actually get down there. That is not much to ask per week actually and is a reasonable amount to lose honestly per week and it's not hard. I wanna take it slow as I already know that losing weight too fast isn't good nor healthy. Probably my next goal i to reach 200 pounds as of the fall then whatever from here on out. But I am feeling good about the weight being lower then it has been recently. It is a good feeling and I feel good about myself with losing the weight and more confident as a person. I think when I went through the transition from YouTube to Podcasting, I just stopped caring about my body and not talking care of myself like I am now but I am definitely back on the right track, just gotta keep it going.
I was going through my DVD's back on Sunday and found the original project I did back in January 2006, which is little over 13 years ago when I did the project with Eric. I actually put it in the DVD Rom of my computer and watched it for old time sake. Felt so nostalgic looking back in the past especially that far back it was nice to look back and remember the good old days before I got into the world of YouTube. This never made it to YouTube. nor was meant to go onto YouTube as it was a project for high school at the time. This is Pre-YouTube like I said, however less then a month later after the class saw it that is when I decided to continue on to make videos and did so all the way up to January 2008 when Durham Entertainment Today which was under another name at one point but I won't as I would be revealing where I actually live. After one episode changed my life forever because then I ended up becoming an YouTube which is all history later on. Now this episode, I never spoke about ever. Never when I was on YouTube nor on this blog but the secret is out there is a series that never went onto YouTube. I think I did post the 2nd episode but took it down pretty quick.
This first episode pretty much pivot-able for us and the camera work was very, very sloppy but moi. Yes I was the idiot behind the camera so I can take the entire blame but don't forget, I didn't know a dang thing about recording a video or filming but we learned on the fly over the many years I was active creating video content before YouTube and during but it took time to get a steady hand and plus it was the first episode so we had no clue what we were doing. However in the end the class enjoyed the 22 minute episode and that is the reason why I continued doing what I was doing for many years up to June of 2016 when that decision as you guys know that I made. In the end it is nice surprise to actually dig it out and I think I still have the O'Neill special still somewhere so maybe that will be the next thing to pull out but I would have to clear out my shelves as it probably is in a very skinny clear case so it is there I'm sure.
There is so many memorable moments with the podcast not just with Everything About Reality TV but also Power Rangers Podcast which has proved to be a huge success. In today's post I am going to definitely covering a bunch of em from both of the podcasts as I got some things I can mention.
1. The intro screw ups on Everything About Reality TV, where I just let out a bunch of profanity on the recording but don't worry it never made it to air on any of the platforms as I have that saved for my laughs and only a couple people have heard the recording. I think the problem I had was I just talking to fast and my words stuttered. I could down the road make it's own page on here under podcast bloopers for you laughing needs.
2. When Larry and I did the Mighty Morphin saying by the forces of lighting make our monster grow.
3. Also during the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Podcast Larry say I don't like you... Ed.... I said It's Zedd, You Blinkin bucket of bolts! LORD ZEDD! I was able to channel my inner Lord Zedd honestly. We sure have fun with these podcasts when we are recording these collaboration podcasts.
4. When I switched out the intro lines I say over the intro theme of the podcast from "Media Man" back to "Entertainment Man" I think I confused my head completely with the intros but now I have re-trained myself back into that intro but it was funny trying to do the intro, especially over and over again.
This adventure as a podcaster has just started and I am sure there will be more funny moments and I am sure there will be other podcasts that will be added into Chris B On The Web. I am planning on down the road to continue to continue on with podcasting as I have indeed enjoyed doing these each and every week. Yes Everything About Reality TV has been fun and can be exhausting like I am now but it is all worth it in the end with the stress and mental exhaustion and same goes with any other podcasts that has been done within CBOTW.
I have been so busy with projects galore recently with Chris B On The Web I just have had no time to actually play the video game right now, but recently I have taken some time off and actually played the game and almost went to mom or did but ended up dying in the game which sucks but getting better and better each and everyday so it is indeed work in progress to get challenges done and other things that I need to get to get the full 100% Platinum God but I am going to start working really, really hard as I want to get to Rebirth as well, then after birth, after birth + as well. But in-between work here on the website, I am sure as heck working hard on it. I am not one to give up on a game well if I know it was very, very bad at it then I would stop and I have done that by erasing the game from Steam and I have done that in the past but will make sure to sure give it a shot and try the actual game out but again, I've been busy but here and there I am playing the game once and a blue moon I will load it up and play a bit and trust me I'm going further but if I do not play then I become very rusty at the game so I have to keep up with it.
Now with The Messenger, I have been stuck for the past month or so with the video game but every time Larry is here I seem to get on a roll but last time he was here and I just struggled with the game and unable to beat as I feel like I cannot past the wizards that shoot out as that seems to be the hardest part of the video game honestly. Very frustrating but I manage to keep on trying. However I so plan on continuing on with this game just wish I would progress further but again patience is a virtue and I will get it in time, I'm sure. Like I have said on Social Media right now, I just do not have the time to play the video games with my podcast schedule very, very busy right now with 4 episodes a week,1 on Tuesdays, 2 on Thursdays and 1 on Fridays, so there is no way I can put in time for fun right now as the workload is, well there is a lot on my plate right now and fun time is not at this current time or place but these two games will be at the top of my list of trying to achieve success and hopefully to add to my completed games list finally as well.
I know I have spoken about the 11th season of Everything About Reality TV but since Amazing Race starts this week, the 11th season start is now up in the air at this point. I cannot give answers right now as like I said over the last couple of weeks, CBS's Big Brother still nothing to report and right now it is still sounding like Amazing Race so the 11th season probably will start in early July at this point of time. However I just cannot say when it will start and probably be on a small hiatus for a week or two with some off season podcasts I am sure. This is why I have been very, very quiet about the next season and right now, maybe I need to take a hiatus after this season or wait it out. All I know I probably will be going to a weekly schedule after Amazing Race is finished but it is too soon to say. I just cannot guaranteed anything right now. This is probably the most stressful thing and when I said I meant it that I'd cover Amazing Race Canada only this summer, I did mean it. I just cannot really tell what is going to be in stored for Big Brother U.S.
All I can do is wait and what I do plan on doing is trying to stall for time as much as I can with the off season podcasts between the end of this season and the next and don't worry, I am glad I wrote these off season podcasts when I did cause they sure will come in handy in this case. And yes! I wrote a lot of them to last me a very long time which I am glad I prepared these towards the end of last year into the start of this year. If I didn't plan this ahead of time, I would of definitely been mad scrambling to get content together for you guys once way or another. In the end, what we need to do or I need to do is be a bit patient with things but what I trying to say is, I will announce the next season and what is going to be covered when I know further. With saying that, this will be my last update for quite some time until I do know further and social media, Twitter/Instagram is the best way to know BUT definitely will do an update blog on here too when the time is right.
I have started to play between work that I have been working on, Star Trek Online which was recommended by a twitch stream I watch regularly. So big shoutout to them. Now when I first started, I just could not for the life of me find the main bridge of the ship my character was suppose to go to so that took at least a good 10 - 15 minutes to find which I did in the end. Now the movement and shooting was very awkward at the start but remember every game is different with the way of the controls are. Majority of the time it is WASD Keys for the movements or the arrows keys. I am learning the movements of the character and it will definitely take some time for me to get the hang of it. One thing that does bother me is the fact the enemies go right up to you shooting and I try to move away so I can shoot but they seem to like get in my face and shoot. I also find the shooting hard to do and figure out what button to shoot with, but yet again, it will take some time to get the hang of it down the road. I am very much awkward with the movements but again it comes down to learning the keys down and I will in time honestly.
So far, I am enjoying the game but was sort of still trying to maneuver around the paths in the game but I guess eventually I will get through it. What a friend told me the PC version of this game has a heck of a lot more levels so it will definitely take some time for me to beat but I am definitely up to the challenge honestly. However I am sure once I pass a bunch of missions, I will figure it out and I will be completing things quite quickly which that is one thing I wish I can do with another game I am playing but this is a nice change of pace for the way of video games honestly and it does indeed give me a break from games I am trying to 100% *Cough cough The Binding of Isaac* which I will beat sooner or later but at least I am playing a bit of a different genre of a game and I am enjoying it but it is once again a learning curve but patience is indeed a virtue.
After this week being even more chaotic then last week, I am just looking forward to sitting down with the family and enjoying everyone's company at Easter dinner and of course my is to entertain my niece and nephew we will either be in my room, or playing hide and go seek or video games which they haven't seen me play for the longest time since I have been busy taking care of my mom and her full knee replacement. So you can see my dilemma but I get through. I honestly I thought that we weren't going to have Easter with my parents, brother, sister in law, my niece and nephew and my grandma but my mom is progressing very well in her recovery that we are able to have Easter as my dad and my brother got the dinner covered but I offered to help but like I said I will be with my niece and nephew keeping them entertained during their visit. I know were are planning on a more simple dinner since we are limited on the help this year as my mom will be sidelined to helping and I will be making sure she is not helping. This will be definitely be looking forward to relaxing for once as I need to relax and like I said on the blog post that yes I said last week was a very stressful week for me and this week will be a busy week for me so it will be to sit back let loose and just do nothing for the day. Monday as well I am planning to take the time off Monday too. I just need that break and even if it is a day or 2 here and there that is a good thing and I know I will have 2 extra days the week Easter Sunday is on that Thursday, the 25th as I may actually be out of town but I will know this week. Also the 2nd of May I am out of town again. I am out of town quite a bit leading up to the Big Brother Canada 7 Finale.
I love the Easter holiday or any holiday so to speak as it is a time for me to rest and get my juices in my head but any holidays I do enjoy any holiday honestly because I like to spend the time with the family and it really gets my mind off of things as my mind is always on CBOTW 24-7 pretty much. My world seems to always revolve running this website and making sure you guys are happy. However, it is a good idea to actually unplug from the online life I live on a regular basis. Sometimes to unplug for a while here and there is really good idea as you cannot keep going on and on stressing yourself out. Sometimes you have to say what the heck and unplug from social media. However I sometimes take a day or two to myself and not worry about it whatsoever. I can look forward to the 2 days off and the odd day off over the next couple of weeks which help me prepare for shows ending their season runs and moving into the off season transition very smoothly.
This week has been nothing but mass chaos for me with being behind schedule again and work piled up on me is making me think is this additional podcast worth it? Well yes I wanted to do it but I was hoping by May 22nd it would of stuck to that schedule but it is what it is. Plus I have had appointments and meetings all week and no time to edit the podcast and have it up on time. But Thursday I was only a tad bit late which isn't bad at all. However, I am excited for this week as it is going to be a busy, busy week for me with Easter coming up and dealing with the podcasts but don't forget I have done two podcasts in a day once when I covered Music City so I should be able to handle the stress levels of that. But I think this week, I worried a lot about the upcoming week as Easter is nearby and I will be busy with the family so what I am doing is pre-planning my days ahead of time before I get into this very busy week.
It is always with me planning, planning, planning and executing this plan. I haven't stopped since January rolled in since Music City as I have been busy with that podcast, but Celebrity Big Brother, Survivor, Big Brother Canada and finally Amazing Race, I have just gone on non stop. I don't think I will end up sleeping tonight at all or not very much due to the stress and worries with the final weeks of 4 episodes a week, then moving down to 2 then down to 1 podcast a week finally. I just want a break from it all honestly. I have also been stressing that CBS has yet said an official renewal of Big Brother US 21 that has been driving me up the wall waiting and waiting for official news even though reliable Big Brother sources say it will be back this summer but yet their is no official word from CBS themselves.
At this point all I can say is Amazing Race Canada 6 is the only one that I am covering and if they decide at the last second to bring it back this summer, more then likely I may end up taking the summer off from Big Brother 21 as this is driving me absolutely insane honestly. I know you guys the fans are starting to lose patience but it is CBS for you. I think I have made my decision for the 11th season of Everything About Reality TV and will be making the announcement soon enough, hopefully by mid June/Late June at the most. I am beyond frustrated, mentally exhausted and tired and need a break from it and once Amazing Race completes, I hope I have a week or so off before starting up the next season. I can tell you this, I have already made the decision for no many or no off season podcasts, however, that could change but I usually got my mind made up to what I wanna do with CBOTW.
Right now I am not thinking straight right now.... As you know with the recent additions to the podcast I think I am just overwhelmed and not myself and I am so confused with things and people are literally worried about me right now. Honestly my mental state or mental health isn't all there right now. I need to learn to just deal with it and work with the schedule and I always record in the mornings so I should continue on with it honestly. Honestly this is only for a few weeks then I am down to 2 per weeks which is half of what the schedule is going to be starting next week so what the heck am I honestly complaining about. It's only a few freakin weeks honestly which isn't much and the final weeks of both Big Brother Canada & Survivor Edge of Extinction will go quite quickly. I just gotta work hard and make sure I am going to have it ready for the actual release at the new times that I have mentioned.
What did I mean it feels like 2016.... I just feel with everything going on right now it feels like how The Entertainment Man Talk Show ended in the final months of it's existence and I just do not want Everything About Reality TV ending in the same way that ended and if it ended anytime soon, it would definitely be on a good high note as of right now I am currently standing at 191 Episodes, 192 today as I recorded yet again today for the Preview of Amazing Race 31 which starts a week today which should be exciting honestly I should show the excitement levels. If I think of it, if it ends start of June to Mid June at the most which I do not know when the finale will be at this moment but I am sure I will have a few weeks off from this podcast and I think I will be not doing many off season podcasts, I am going to take the break I need without worrying about it.
Honestly I do not want it to end up like almost 3 years ago as I was in a very dark place and honestly it felt like that tonight as I felt the control I had slipping through my fingers and I was going back into my old ways. I don't need to go back that way cause it wasn't a pretty face to see honestly and this all started back two days ago at the mall when visiting with Eric. I am just not with it and I am in need a mental break from doing this podcast which when I was on YouTube before this begun, I didn't have that break and it feels like that even now. When I was not in the right frame of mind which I did really stupid things to myself and it's no lies and honestly I do not wanna go back into that depression and corner like I was in and I assure you this is not going to happen again. I am just currently in a funk and need to get out of it and fast.
I know two podcast posts in a row but a lot of podcasting news from the CBOTW Studios but keeps you guy up to date and everyday something seems to change or happen. Now to today's post, it is no secret in the past few weeks, I have been working on ideas to get CBOTW Gamers Podcast back up and running once again. I will give you a bit of a back story to the podcast. I had a co-host for the podcast but it did not work out and the podcast was shelved. they also hosted the podcast originally, then it was cancelled, followed by a revival then shelved for the last almost 3 years now. I just recently decided to start working on bringing it back with me as host but right now it is quite difficult to do with me running both Everything About Reality TV & Collaboration Podcasts but it will eventually come back and is on hold for the meantime. Least in the meantime, I can start working on much newer ideas for the podcast itself and if it isn't the gamers podcast that returns it could be something else but like I said to Eric, I sure have options and I think CBOTW Gamers can be something to look into even on a monthly basis which isn't as much as bad or every second week could work out too for the podcast but I haven't gotten that far in the production side of planning that. But eventually I will and yes I have been looking into streaming it live but again not gone that far with it as of yet. Plus once the website is fixed to the changes I am making to it with the site which I have briefly have mentioned it on Twitter and Instagram a bit so I will have room for an additional tabs to the site but I am definitely thinking of the future for CBOTW Gamers Podcast which can be a thing down the road especially.
This podcast has a ton of potential and I know that and I knew that when it was originally in it's original run with the original host who I will not bring up as we are not on good terms but it is what it is as sometimes friendships goes their own ways sometimes. Anyways I am totally taking over this project 150% of this project and I am planning on having guests on the podcasts down the road too and plan on setting it up so I can take calls through my mixer board. So still a bunch of work to do and money to save up but come June, I am working on that side of things. I am getting way out of hand on other topics on this post now aren't I? I plan on even having segments Happenings on YouTube, Twitch, maybe a Gamers spotlight of the month or week added in there too. New games coming out on various different platforms and much more on the list! The podcast is going to be an hour long per episode or per month or whatever the schedule permits but again the scheduling and format has yet to be put together but I plan on making a template and all I have to do is write in the notes each and every episode. I am excited for this new opportunity down the road and soon as I am ready to go an official announcement will be coming down the road. It will not be on YouTube as I said before, I am very much retired from that platform and the way it's going I am better off elsewhere at this point. I gotta do what is best for me and the podcasts as well.
I really hate to make these schedule changes posts but two parts to the post today and it involves all around all the podcasts that are currently active within Chris B On The Web and the website community right now. So right now my schedule has gotten even busier for me. It is nothing I cannot handle at all. I use to the high pressure of being a podcaster now and getting very much the hang of things now. I was mad at the start with CBS but now that I have been able to accept this decision. Here is the regular schedule plus the schedule for 3 certain weeks due to me being busy:
Regular Schedule:
Tuesdays- 8 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
Thursdays- 6 pm EST: Amazing Race 31 Recap
9 pm EST: Survivor: Edge of Extinction Recap
Fridays- 9 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
Week Leading to Easter (Apr 14th - 20th, 2019):
Thurs. Apr 18th, 2019- 8 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
Fri. Apr 19th, 2019- 12 pm EST: Amazing Race 31 Recap
9 pm EST: Survivor: Edge of Extinction Recap
Sat. Apr 20th, 2019- 8 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
Last Week In April (Apr 21st - 27th, 2019):
Fri. Apr 26th, 2019- 6 pm EST: Amazing Race 31 Recap
9 pm EST: Survivor: Edge of Extinction Recap
Sat. Apr 27th, 2019- 8 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
First Week in May (Apr 28th - May 4th, 2019):
Fri. May 3rd, 2019- 6 pm EST: Amazing Race 31 Recap
9 pm EST: Survivor: Edge of Extinction Recap
Sat. May 4th, 2019- 8 pm EST: Big Brother Canada 7 Recap
There is the crazy schedule and if there the 3rd day missing, it means a lot of readjustments towards the end of the middle of the month and the last week of April and start of May but after that, we will be back on schedule right throughout the remainder of the season which will be easing off slowly but surely. When the season is close to finished I will announce and by then I hope to have more answers to the summer. Also may as well mention this as well on the list of things that is going on with me but I had to put the Power Rangers back on Hiatus as I was ready to make the official announcement that has changed and both Larry and I do not know when we will be back to recording it right now I cannot give am answer and that is why today has been a really tough day taking this information, so now I have to rearrange things which is OK but in the long run, I feel like I've let Larry down but he understands my schedule can be quite busy from time to time so like I said before, when I am ready to announce when both him and I are ready to record, we will give you an official post to when it will be released publicly here on the website. Finally the schedule here on Schedule page has officially been updated by going to for the full schedule for the season.
- Chris
Things are truly getting interesting for not only me but my Staff and Alumni been planning a lot with the future of Chris B On The Web and yes CBOTW Gamers Podcast was among the list of things but I ended the planning and putting that project back on the dusty old shelf. As for the other things being planned, I cannot talk about it yet as it is still in the preliminary stages at the moment and not everything is set in stone yet and not all is set up as of yet right now. However it is excited for CBOTW expanding into a new broader horizon and more projects being added. I guess you can say we've become a bit of a network now as we are adding stuff to the website. Already tried doing an brand new menu bar and it is still work in progress right now and I will get it eventually. That I can say publicly that we are officially working on a brand new Version 2.0 of It is time to take this site to the very next level and eventually I will get this glitches that I am experiencing fixed. Always going to be bugs on the website especially with building new stuff within the site but this has been a learning curve learning about building menus from scratch and also learning CSS Code for the color but so easy to learn honestly once you get the hang of it. Love working on the website and learning new things to help build the community and that is my entire purpose behind it. I want to grow the community some more and I knew in time I did need to make some necessary changes to the website to fit this entire change.
When is this entire change being made? Like I said some things are not being mentioned as this current time, however, once the website is done, I do plan on announcing the plan with CBOTW Gamers Podcast by middle of June once I know what the plan is with Big Brother US and if it is going to return as that is when CBS plans on bringing it back but as of right now: Big Brother - On Hiatus, Renewal For Season 21 Likely. Never know what I am planning or my team that sits behind me. Yes I got only a small crew of 3 of us, Dave, Billy and I. However, it may be a small group of us but a very dedicated group to making CBOTW on top of it's game again after a very rough 2.5 years BUT were surviving as a group and there is a lot of exciting stuff to happen and maybe just maybe, I will make one more return to the Autism Celebration for one last year as I will have a ton of things to promote and share with everyone which will be great. We are definitely gearing up for something big, that is for sure and we're excited to share it with you all as well!
I made a good move this season with Everything About Reality TV and splitting the Big Brother Recaps into two different days. I will break down for those who aren't a listener of the podcast or are a fan of Reality TV and haven't checked out the podcast yet. At the start when I started covering Big Brother in general both the U.S. and Canadian version of the show, I did it once a week until up to this year where I made the decision after a very successful season with Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 so that is what made my decision much easier. So I started looking at the different options and once the schedule for the show was released, I set myself on Tuesdays and Fridays @ 8 pm EST which so far has done well minus the last week and a half now with the technical issues I have had recently. The reason why I decided to split the recaps into two day was to lower the stress of getting it done and ready for release in the evenings. This definitely was the right move to make honestly, I think it has taken the amount of pressure down this season minus the one mishap last week due to computer tech issues. However once I fix the scheduling issue this schedule will be the best schedule I have yet.
So I did make the right move with final tweaks to the morning schedule of me recording early in the mornings then this schedule will be a force to be wreaken with. Even if Big Brother comes back for Season 21, I'd definitely do the same thing with twice a week schedule since it does indeed work. I told you guys there are changes this year for the podcast and this definitely needs a bit tweaking but in time I will manage to get on a great roll and I appreciate you guy's are patient with me and I am still learning about scheduling, editing and all other aspects as a podcaster but I am enjoying the split as once the first recap is done I can focus on it. Yes I did remove the live feeds talk as I was losing subscribers so I did take those out and you guys seem to like the new format that the podcast has adopted for BBCAN7 recaps so that makes me happy that you guys are happier with the format now and any feedback is always greatly appreciated positive or negative, it helps me to improve the podcast. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the season and remember "You Can and You Will!"
There is so many secrets I would love to tell but some of them are best to keep a secret, especially the drama that actually happened on set which was never recorded minus that one scene that is posted up on my old YouTube and is one of two dramatic scenes captured on camera but for the most part it was done behind closed doors up to 2016 when I came out frustrated with my team in 2016 when staff quit. What do I really mean about the staged scene. It is the one where I purposely tripped and fell which I did also do a remix of me falling over several times which is really the beauty of editing actually which is great honestly. Also I never practiced it nor my team actually knew that I was going to do that which it was on all me during which I said I tripped which is actually in the video itself I tripped and nobody knew the actual truth behind it till this post coming out on this throwback Thursday edition of the blog so I have kept it quiet for all these years but now the truth is out and my staff I really never told them what really happened not yet at least but maybe one day I will have to tell the ones who were involved during the 2nd season of The Entertainment Man Talk Show.
The second part of this throwback Thursday story is the running jokes on set like me saying s**t and my team telling me in the bathroom which occurred once or twice during the series. Also picking on our friends in good humor, the St. Patrick's Day for example that was a fun episode and we had comments made. Cursing was a big thing as I really showed my true colors and my true self on set each and every episode and majority of the time I left in those moments in the episodes as majority of the time I wanted to capture the moments which there is another primary moment of me cursing at the lawn mower which now almost 10 years later, we still have that lawn mower and she is still working well for an old mower. Can always rely on your old mowers but I will do a old start cold start this spring when it is time to get her ready for the late spring/early summer time on Instagram TV. There are plenty of moments and if you guys enjoyed these neat stories from the days I was on set filming my series and I plan on coming up with some more down the road as well.
Right now, I have Power Rangers Podcast definitely in the back of my mind but yet again I have all kinds of things on my mind right now but eventually you will know what I am up to with another project in the back of my mind. Right now my two focuses are Everything About Reality TV and this podcast but yes there is projects in the works for CBOTW. Anyways back to the subject at hand there is no doubt I have been in the last few weeks been thinking about Power Rangers Podcast and the fact Larry has been wanting to get back and yes I have spoken about it publicly on Twitter that it would be cool if Larry and I continued on past Dino Thunder Season which is probably more then a hint to you guys that I want to keep on going with it and I know Larry has told me he'd like to keep it going and plus we record twice a year as he knows I am busy with the other podcasts between recording and yes I do get time to relax between the collabs with him. I am always thinking about the podcast one way or another and when I want to record and what not.
Usually, it is in June and December as that is how it landed last year in 2018, so it is sounding like that it will end up this year by the sounds of things in the back of my mind that I have been thinking about for the past few weeks right now. Yes I am sort of giving a hint but been very, very "radio silent" recently but it is coming sooner then you know it and yes it is just hints and hints and in time you guys will know. You will know what the heck is going on when the day comes and I post up on Twitter and Instagram! Never know, may end up with the second boom arm in the studio for all we know! All I know both Larry and I are eager to get back behind the microphones and officially bring this long winded hiatus to an end as it will have been almost 7 month hiatus due to my very busy schedule with Everything About Reality TV Podcast covering Music City CMT, Celebrity Big Brother US Season 2, Survivor Edge of Extinction & Big Brother Canada 7 as well that is why this podcast disappeared for a while. It wasn't cancelled just put on the shelf (on hiatus) for almost 7 months. I can promise it is going to return, very, very soon in the very nearby future and were excited for the return!
Everyday I seem to be keeping up with the steps each and everyday which is a good thing and I have been maintaining at 219 but that's not good enough as I want to lose the weight more but more the steps the better. Yesterday I didn't make my 6000 as I was home majority of the day but got up to 4000 yesterday and still feels good to still get that number honestly. slowly but surely getting there with them. However I am very much happy with the amount of steps I have been getting each and every day which is 42000 steps a week practically. But I think I almost have that amount everyday this week minus Thursday which I was home all day long but I try to the best of my ability to actually get the entire 6000 steps in when I can. However I am managing to get moving and a groovin so it is good. The more I keep up with the steps, it will even help me lose the weight I need. Honestly at this point I am currently maintaining at 219.6 pounds which I am happy with but honestly I would like to go a bit further down in weight but I have to remember to remain patient with this as it does time time but I just gotta keep on moving around.
Now for me to get 10000 usually I am out in Toronto or up north for example when I manage to get the steps beyond 10000 or right on the dot. I think the highest I have ever had was around 14 to 15 thousand in steps which is amazing but it could be more then that honestly but I am not sure honestly. However having this fitbit has helped me remain active and maintaining the weight that I have been at but like I have mentioned I need to start losing it more then maintaining where I am at right now with my weight but I have to be patient and show a little patience and it will happen eventually just gotta take some baby steps that is all and I am going to but weight does not go down rapidly fast, it just takes time and the more steps the better in my journey. I hope in the next couple of weeks to finally do an update on my weight loss journey but right now I have been stuck at the same weight for a long time and it is hard to get it moved any further down but everyday I am sure as heck trying to get it down. I will not quit till I get and reach my weight goal which is 170 - 175 pounds.
I Chris, have decided to step down as Owner of Chris B On The Web as it has been a tough almost 3 years running things I found it time for me to move from this. No I am not giving up on the podcasts, it will just be a solo project from here on out and I think this is the best move for me honestly.... I will miss running CBOTW but I am sure Snowballs Entertainment has this and the ability to continue on with the website and content that is on the website. I hate to say this but it has been fun while it has lasted but all great things do come to an end eventually and I guess this is the time.
You guys think I would do such a stupid thing and quit when things are about to get really shooken up with CBOTW... It is going to get real by the summer time as I cannot yet talk about it yet but I ensure you were going nowhere anytime soon, we are definitely here to stay for the very long run of the website.