Friday, February 25, 2022

End of The Week Updates [02-21-2022]

                     Another week has come to an end and here are some updates for this week as it has been another chaotic and crazy week:

Staff Changes and Additional Help: Larry is just a Co-Host, with the ongoing stress between us, I felt it was best that he retains just the Co-Host role for right now. He is still part of Power Rangers Podcast as I think that is what is best for him to focus on this podcast and not have to deal with decisions. Right now all the decisions are all up to me but I will consult Larry and Amy if I need to. You also notice that Brianna has now joined up the team and she is very familar with ChrisBOnTheWeb as her sister Charlotte was with us last year. So her role is the Community Manager so she will help with answering questions within the community.

Website: I have added in the upcoming schedule for the month of March as there is more podcasts coming and just hope this will not overwhelm me whatsoever and it shouldn't really if I follow the guidelines i gave not just myself but the team as well.

The CBOTW Show: Got things rolling for Cast Assessments for both Amy's Survivor 42 and also my BBCAN10 Cast assessment which will be live next week. So it begins what will be a busy next few months and we are getting prepare for what will be a hectic with great content coming out. I made a mistake when it came to promising March 10th with the podcast with Larry and I but we can do it when it is done and finished. There is no set time or schedule really as it is not in our contract with each other.

Entertainment Man Podcast: This week's episode to give you guys the heads up that it is a topic this week as I have decided to take a break and there hasn't been an interview request this week so this means I am just got a topic to talk about and it is about Transitrioning back into YouTube which is a great topic as you know I have been working around the clock with Amy and Larry on The CBOTW Show YouTube Channel. 

                      This is the updates for the week and I will update you guys with anymore information next week once we have it and have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

The CBOTW Show-- Made Some Wrong Decisions

                  Without clearly thinking things through, I made decisions without thinking things clearly through. That is why Amy and I did a podcast to kind of clear the air on things and get things straightened out for the upcoming return on this podcast. We are still very much learning what works and what isn't going to work and I have been feeling overwhelmed with the podcast and getting things under way. One thing is I didn't do any research on shows being recapped on YouTube and that was one of the issues so hence one of the shows was moved to Audio ONLY and will be on Audio ONLY and you have to go and listen to our recent podcast: Video (YouTube) or Audio ONLY which are both hyperlinked here on the blog. There shouldn't be room for errors like for goodness sake I have taken down the trailer twice and now I have to make sure it is all true facts as we do not wanna get taken down for spam and deceptive practices especially on YouTube and again we did a podcast. 

                   Yes we have considered that we can take down the podcast as we are falsely advertising things but reason we did that extra podcast is to correct our mistakes. Yeah we may remove the podcast we did previously but that will be up to Amy and I if we take it down but  we might not, I've not been advised with it. Also between Larry and I there has been frustrations between the two of us with the way of tech issues but who said it was going to be easy especially during a pandemic and it hasn't been easy. Transitioning from in studio to Skype hasn't been easy on us. I know Larry, Amy and myself are looking forward to actually do podcasts in studio and it will happen in due time. Moving forward we need to make the right decisions and there should be a concrete plan when it comes to deciding things. That is my post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mamma Mia On Stage Review

                   Mamma Mia which is still on stage all around the world, it was a good show and I was very, very young and I remember the entire day I went to the good old Spaghetti Factory which is still even open during this pandemic but that's besides the point. Great food and honestly I should do a review on it to be quite honest and it is on my list for next week as I am running out of blog post ideas at this point. Anyways after we ate we went to the Royal Alexandra Theater off of King Street for Mamma Mia. Now at this point, I wasn't familar with the band, ABBA or who it was. As the musical went on, I started to dig the music and felt like it was a very dancable kind of music especially Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen which are two of my favorite songs from the band and I know there are other songs that I quite enjoy. I remember we were in the first 

                   It was a great show, I know at the end I got up started to dance to the songs Mamma Mia, Dancing Queen and Waterloo. I give this show out 20 out 20 cause it was such an amazing show and I enjoyed it. I just wish it'd come back to the stage cause I would go see it for a second time around. Was a great show and worth missing half day of school as we didn't get back till late. I could of even missed an entire day of school too cause I slept in so late but that was 21 - 22 years ago when I saw the show live on stage. I hope you guys enjoyed this review and I know I have other review in the back of my mind that I saw on stage which was awesome but that is for another day and another time, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Entertainment Man Podcast 2 Year Anniversary & 100th Episode Plans

                   With Entertainment Man Podcast closing in on it's 100th episode of the podcast which took 2 short years to break there has been questions asked if I have any plans to do something special for this episode of the podcast? Well yes I do an already eyeing some ideas to even do a bit of a clip show with memorable moments and I have already started to clip the podcasts from the past episodes in the last almost 2 years as March 8th will be the 2 year anniversary of this podcast and yes I will doing a bonus episode for the 2 year anniversary as well and it won't be much for a podcast, nothing really special planned as it is only 2 years on the air and I do not want to really make overly a big deal about it being 2 years but technically it is a big deal for it to last this long. 

                 Back to the 100th episode part of this podcast-- I plan on actually going through episodes and I gotta make sure it isn't overly too long of a podcast, the usual maybe a tiny bit extended episode of the podcast depending how much I have planned in the back of my mind and I cannot overdo the number of clips and the clips would have to be short no more then 30 seconds to a minute. Whatever I pick I have to make sure it doesn't go over 45 minutes, no more then an hour in a way of a podcast so I have to make sure it is not over done when I pick and I also have to remember that I cannot have no less then 25 mins as that is  it but it will be over 25 minutes don't worry. Anyways that is today's post and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's blog post!


Monday, February 21, 2022

ChrisBOnTheWeb's 1500th Post!

                  Wow, time has flown by with posts. I never thought even with 5 days a week with posts that I'd never get to 1500 blog posts. It is quite a feat getting this far and I just continue to pump out posts every day during the week and sometimes on weekends. It is very crazy to be this far and now with Amy aboard on the team, she has been added to the blog here on and you can see her listed on the right hand side just below the logos, search bar it is there and 2 of us are listed, myself and Amy. I may ask Larry to reaccept the invite to the blog so there will be definitely 3 of us listed for right now and they can post up whenever they want they just gotta tell me when they wanna do a post on the ChrisBOnTheWeb blog so I can properly schedule it on social media so it goes out to you guys. 

                   So we have gone a long way with ChrisBOnTheWeb & since it started. When we started I blogged sporadically which means not that often and I think the fact I was primarily focusing on YouTube at the time and was the only thing I wanted to focus on at the time. As my YouTube career started to fall apart, I moved more into the blogging side of things here on the website. I am happy with the way things have turned out with ChrisBOnTheWeb and proud of every moment along the way. I probably will not do anything special for a post till the 5000th blog post at this point and I know I said this before but I am making a promise there will be post for that too. Anyways that is the post for today, hope you enjoyed this and I will talk to you guys on tomorrow's post!


Friday, February 18, 2022

End of The Week Updates [02-18-2022]

              Well another week has come and gone and it is time for another end of the week update. It has been another crazy week and emotional as we lost a dear member this week as she passed away.

The CBOTW Show: Also some great news as you know Big Brother is returning lets get right into it. Big Brother Canada has been thrown into the mix of things and excited to be doing this podcast and yes I said I'm excited to be doing this podcast cause yours truly is actually doing this podcast and excited to be back and yes I am doing this solo this time as last time it was a disaster and Season 9 was technically not completed all the way as I ended up stopping those recaps for foreseen circumstances. I am staying solo no matter what.

Power Rangers Podcast: I do have an update with my crazy schedule I have broken how I am going to get it done. By end of next week I am aiming to get it all done before the Friday the 4th of March and sent out to him that is Samurai just the first of 2 podcasts. Then the next step after that is to have Super Samurai done by March 18th for the following week schedule which I will get into next week on the blog.

Website: Website is doing well, almost at 350K (350,000 views) on the website and it is incredible to see the amount of growth the website has gotten over the years and the fact I continuous work on it and improve the website on a regular bases and it has truly been an amazing how people have loved the updates that has been made.
                 Anyways that is the updates for this week, not much just podcast stuff and craziness this week and I will speak to you all on Monday morning for another blog post which I do have some ideas already but have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Full Schedule for Entertainment Man Podcast/The CBOTW Show

               So much has happened and I cannot do this in the end of the week update as this is a long winded update for you guys. With the changes of Entertainment Man Podcast which I will explain in a post next week on Monday why it was suddenly pulled and now The CBOTW Show being pushed to success finally, here is what is on Video/Audio ONLY & Audio ONLY for Entertainment Man Podcast/The CBOTW Show:

Video/Audio ONLY:                                                                Audio ONLY:

The CBOTW Show (Survivor, Amy- Pre-Recorded)                Entertainment Man Podcast (Both                                                                                                    Episodes) (Chris)                          The CBOTW Show (Big Brother Canada, Live)     

The CBOTW Show (Big Brother US, Live)

The CBOTW Show (Power Rangers Podcast, Chris & Larry- Live)

Worst Cooks In America, Amy- Pre-Recorded)

                  Now the actual Schedule coming up for the podcasts and this is across the board on both podcast and I know it's a lot but it is a lot of content and I had to fiffle with the schedule a bit but got it all figured out. Here is the time table and when and if it is currently active:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast (Regular Episode, Chris) Audio ONLY 1 pm EST Currently Active

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast (Bonus Episode every 2nd week, Chris) Audio ONLY 1 pm EST

                     The Other Side of The CBOTW Show: Survivor After Show (Amy) Pre-Recorded, Video (YouTube)/Audio ONLY Starting March 3rd, 2022

                      Big Brother Canada 10 Recap (Chris) Live On YouTube Starting March 10th, 2022

Fridays:         Big Brother Canada 10 Recap (Chris) Audio ONLY Starting March 11th, 2022

Saturdays:     Worst Cooks In America, Season 1 (Amy) Pre-Recorded, Video (YouTube)/Audio ONLY  April 2nd, 2022

                  Sorry for the long winded post but a lot for the schedule and in the next week or so I will be posting to schedule but for right now I will talk to you all on tomorrow's post.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Gaming Updates [02-16-2022]

                 Time for a gaming update which I haven't done in weeks maybe up to a month now. There are two games I have focused on lately but here are the updates and it isn't much but least it's something:

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth: I have actually knocked off a ton of challenges since modding the game with both Minecraft and also a Mario Bros mod as well but it is very cool. Anyways I managed to knock off at least 3 to 4 challenges and I have dominated and done very well. However I have actually stopped playing lately with my busy schedule and to get Samurai done it's now a priority but I'll get back to it eventually.

Minecraft: I have been building this supposedly 50 floor Office building which is going to be a massive project and is now ongoing and I have taken a bit of a break from it but I am now on the 7th floor of the building and she's going up quite quickly.  I also took down the old office building as I tried to reconnect bridges from the other 3 buildings so I said screw it, I'm going to actually tear it completely down which took about an hour to pull it entirely down and I even put a hole in the ground and the animals were killed and their pens removed temporaily which now holds a very large Garden Centre. the one half actually has an upstairs built right into it where the Office building once stood and it is very cool structure. Also in front of the office building is a house built and I will be building houses all over the place and putting villagers in it etc. Now in the north railway at the one end of the line is the other house I figured that the villagers have gotten in my way for the last time so I leveled out the dirt and built them their own housing compound to the existing building so they can access all the tables and gear as they normally do. They use to be outside but not that is not an option now unless..... unless I build a porch for them to go outside for air. Also I made it tougher for them to go and re-rotated the ladder so it is against the wall when I go into the unit the ladder is in and yes it has a gate as villagers cannot go in as I found them sneaking up ladders or opening the trap door. Finally on this rather long post I have started working on the lights so I can shut them all off from each floor to make it easier but it is a bit of a sticky sitation to be quite honest and I think I can only do floors 2 and 3. That is my post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Liar, Liar Movie Review

              I know I have spoken about this podcast before in the past but at a very short length. I wanna do a full comedy movie review today on the movie. It's a very funny movie and one of the top 10 of the Jim Carrey movies I have seen before. I will do a seperate list and why next week as I have that already listed on my whiteboard to write next week as I have enough to write this week alone. This movie is hilarious, one of my favorite movies to be quite honest. I love the moment he was being sarcastic with Dana in the courtroom also the pen is blue moment was also a great moment as well. I like when Gretchen says here's your raise and flips the bird at Jim Carrey that was pretty priceless moment in the movie. Also there is another moment that tops it all off when he says to the guy that knocked over the ATM to stop breaking the law and calling him an a hole, I remember my comment which was that is advice any lawyer should give to their client in a joking way tho. 

                One thing is his excessive cursing of the s word cause he got pulled over by a cop which he was speeding and failing to stop at a cross walk, changing lanes without signalling and the list goes on. It was a great movie and I haven't seen in a long time but it is 10 out of 10 for the movie. Jim Carrey is a brillant actor and still one of my faves on top of Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Leslie Nielson. I highly recommend this movie if you enjoy comedy movies and you want a laugh especially if you guys are feeling down or having a rough day. Anyways that is my post for today, hope you enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, February 14, 2022

Forgot To Add One More Thing!

                   As you guys know I was talking a bit about The CBOTW Show and how not as involved I am with that podcast as I am taking a more of a "behind the scenes" role with that podcast as you guys know, I have "Entertainment Man Podcast" and "Power Rangers Podcast on The CBOTW Show." There is one other thing with Amy's Survivor Recaps that she will be doing on and off when shes not currently covering the newer seasons. I will be popping on seasons of Survivor as I have hand picked certain seasons that I wanna come on for the entire season she covers to talk about the particular season that I chose and I have 6 picked out for right now and if I wanna do others, I will. 

                  I also will be popping up during the new seasons of Survivor so you guys will be seeing me from time to time.  So I will be involved with some podcasts not all of them but my focus is on Entertainment Man Podcast and Power Rangers Podcast (within The CBOTW Show) Yeah at some point I will run out of ideas but this will be years down the road with the way things are going with the interest of interviews has made the podcast seem endless and it is a good thing not a bad thing. It makes me so excited to see people interested in the podcast to be quite honest and it is definitely here to stay for the long run. Also I can add this that I really enjoy the podcast and am having fun with the podcast and am looking forward to episosdes in the future. I wanna finally add in to this post if Entertainment Man Podcast ever ends, yes I'd consider going back to The CBOTW Show on a more full time and I'd consider doing shows but that is much much later, not right now at this moment.  Anyways that is my post for today, thanks for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, February 11, 2022

End of The Week Updates [02-11-2022]

               Another week has gone by and time for another end of the week update. Been an busy week with interviews on the weekend and Monday to editing and having em ready to go to post up this weekend and yesterday as well. Anyways here are the updates:

Website: As you know there has been issues with the blog links and it is the correct links are set on there and it is correct but there seems to be a bug in the system with the website where it changes the link which messes it up for you guys and it seems to do that when the link to the blog is longer. So now I need to take extra measures and check the links and make sure and be up in case it does this again in the nearby future. I also added emails for both Entertainment Man Podcast General Inquries and also The CBOTW Show General Inquries. Also Amy's email is there for The Other of The CBOTW Show: Survivor After Show.

The CBOTW Show: An announcement podcast is coming on Monday at 2 pm EST where Amy and I will be talking about what is coming up for the podcast and how we are planning to re-launch this podcast which will be at a slower pace to start things back off. I think the last time, we actually went a little too fast with rebuilding the TV and Reality TV Podcasts and we just gotta take it slow and let things progress the way they will. 

Community Manager: We have a Community Manager that will be helping answer emails as they have been going through the roof lately and hard to handle every inqury on my own so she has been hired on to help me with handling at least the ChrisBOnTheWeb inquiries side of things for the most part and it can be found on the contact page of

               That is the update for this week, a lot has transpired and this community continues to grow on a regular basis just gotta work on rebuilding the Twitter followership which has kind of plummeted on me where interest in my content has gone down so now I have to try and get some new followers. I try to be as active but my busy schedule I try to fit it everything if I can. Anyways I will talk to you all on Monday, have a great weekend in the meantime.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

I'm Behind Schedule Again...

                As you know, I have been busy with other projects and honestly had no time to work on Power Rangers Samurai which I got to. I have been working on two other sites, plus getting The CBOTW Show ready for production plus scheduling it all adds up but nothing that I cannot handle. I got a team I can rely on and trust this time around. Before it was nothing but issues and problems and I wished by the end of the season, I just fired em originally in 2020 and I did fire em last year.   That is last year as I am focusing on now. Yes I may have let myself slip things out of hand again but this time it is for a good reason honestly as I said I have been working a ton of behind the scenes of The CBOTW Show which is really is going to be around for the long run of this project so it is just the matter of time when it starts and there will be an live announcement on Monday at 2 pm EST just after I record another interview. 

              Anyways the plan moving forward and been working on this week is I watched Samurai then working on typing those notes up, then start on Super Samurai then typing those notes up and then print em and mail em out to Larry. Both Larry and I have decided to delay recording and again that announcement is coming on Monday, February 14th, 2022 @ 2pm EST. I know it's been long waiting for an announcement to come with that podcast and it is coming and excited for what is coming up for the podcast moving forward. Sometimes you gotta make sarcifices to do other things, what I mean is sometimes you gotta make priorities what has to be done first but I am working on it slowlyby surely. That is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What Do I Think About The Maple Leafs This Season?

                I have had mixed feelings at times when they play a not as strong team, they lose but other then that, I am quite impressed on well they are playing together and yeah we're in the playoffs right now. I think a lot of the problems was Covid-19 cases on the team and this wasn't just the Leafs, it was other teams in the league and I can understand the frustration and it is going to happen. Also we have a few injuries and Marazak the back-up had some injuries that was a problem and we all know we couldn't rely on Campbell all the time like for crying out loud he needs a break from time to time. We cannot have him become fatigue whatsoever as his the the man behind the net but we also need a healthy backup goalie as well. However we seem to bring up Joesph Woll who has done a fantastic job when he was called up and played in the net. I know we had the issues with the other goalie Hutchinson and those who know me well, I am not a Hutchinson fan. 

              However I just hope they can make a real run at the playoffs and go farther then the first round and they are a very well rounded young team just hope this is the year where they can go far and I know they can. However I have had my frustrations this year with them having the lead then blowing it where they are tied up leading to overtime but a win is a win still regardless of anything. I got remain hopeful for the rest of this season as we wont be done till late April cause of make up games that had to be made up due to cancelled games. I know they said Toronto has a high chance of being successful but now at 6th place which is lower then last years standings it is hard for me to predict. But that is what I think about the Leafs. I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will speak to you all tomorrow.


Monday, February 7, 2022

Learning To Travel Again During This Pandemic

                 It was one of my worst fears after being locked down for a year and unable to see friends and what not till August 2021 of last year. Being able to travel in my region again and I have made it clear that I am not planning to travel out of the region especially right now with this pandemic new variant it is not worth trying to get sick. That isn't the point but at some point of time I will have to go back into Toronto and yes that is a very huge step for me and it almost happened last year too as my dad and I had plans to actually go to the Toronto Christmas Market but I heard some kind of rumors they shut it down cause of the rise in cases. However I am currently happy traveling in the region and the region only for now and I have really gotten around during this pandemic. I have even travelled on my own while cases been high but not too far but recently made a trip to the mall twice and the post office once which I need to make 2 more visits, one today which I am more then likely out by the time this is now out for you guys. 

                 It does take courage but not only that but it is how I am feeling and Eric has really put me out of my comfort zone but that's OK honestly. I had to start learning how to travel again, get use to being out and about. Plus not travelling the bus has changed so much as now the paper bus pass is not a thing no more. That has been abolished? I dunno if that is right word. Let's just say they took away the paper passes here and we have a system called Presto and now I got two options for a bus pass one is $45.50 and the other is $46 bucks one which I get the second one. I know I haven't travelled much during January but this month I have been on the bus a tad bit more then usual which is great to be honest and I need to go out for more bus rides and it is a very safe method of travel as I take the more less busy buses but I only go out if I really need to but I think a bus ride once a week would definitely do me some good. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, February 4, 2022

End of The Week Updates [01-04-2022]

                    Another week has gone by which means it is time for another end of the week update for you guys. It has been another stressful and busy week with ChrisBOnTheWeb. I have questioned a lot of things and made so many changes so quickly.

Facebook: The community is doign just fine minus the rogue moderator issue which now has been resolved as they have been removed as a moderator it is now Larry & Amy as mods and myself as the Admin and sole admin of the group.     

Website: The site has been updated and as you can see the On Demand tab is back. Also the Podcasts tab has in brackets (Audio ONLY) written so you guys know and it distiguished between video and audio only platforms. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: All is well with the podcast and been busy with interviews and been a hectic recording schedule. Just got started on interviews and the past month has been mostly interviews and not complaining. However this weekend I have one interview on Saturday afternoon and one on Monday afternoon. A week Monday, I have an interview with Jimi from The Record Machine Show which he is also part of the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community so I am looking forward to the interview.  

The CBOTW Show: We remain pretty quiet in the way of news, there will be a video explaining everything by the end of the month. Larry and I are still hoping to record by the end of February but we will see how things go. Working on things behind the scenes and once things are completed and sent to Larry then I will announcement. 

            That are my updates for today, as always busy week and an announcement towards the Facebook is coming and there will be more then likely a Facebook Live Stream to announce a change in the way we're now doing moderators moving forward and that will be only exclusively on Facebook so be sure to join if you haven't done so yet. Have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Noticed Some Days Are Better Then Others!

                    The las tweek or so has been tough on me with the stress and drama on my team I've found myself at times, distancing myself from the team and social media aspect of this. I shouldn't ever be doing that, I need to keep being active and tweeting minus last night which we had a power outage in studio  and that put me over the edge as I was suppose to  technically suppose to talk  to Eric which I am by this morning by the time you guys are reading this. I notice I am flying off the handle with my team and they realize this too and been super patient with my mood swings in and out. I notice when I get in my moods also, I get quite angry and I also can become very quiet or I still have a really bad habit of running my mouth which isn't good at all. I rather just go quiet when I'm in one of my moods more then anything to be quite honest. 

                    Other days I am happy and smiling and talkative and today is one of those days despite being up at 1:30 am EST this morning. Today is a bit of a better day and I am putting behind the past and going to move forward because great things are coming to the podcast, I can tell you guys that. I just gotta keep positive and yes the days I am up during the night cause I sleep early, I am not afraid to take a nap if I need to and I will for sure. I am stuck at home my sleeping habits have been off kilter then normally and I expected that to happen but I am taking it one day at a time and that is all I can really do. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

We're Looking To Expand Our Team For The CBOTW Show

                  I know you guys have heard this song and dance before, but this time I am 100% sure on the decision to try this for the 3rd time now. Yes! 3rd time is a charm right? LOL. I know with the fact I have a great team behind me, yes Amy and Larry. Now this your chance to get involved with The CBOTW Show as we're now becoming a growing show and network. With Big Brother Canada 10 closing in, we are ready and able to start the audition process for two people a host and a co-host that will work great together. The podcast will be live after the episodes on Monday nights and Thursday Thursdays, so we are looking for someone that can dedicate their time to twice a week with episodes. Monday's episode will consist of the HOH, after the HOH and also nominations. Thursdays will be after nominations, POV Ceremony and the eviction. 

                Where do you sign up? You can sign up and I will make this a public post this afternoon only on Twitter and Instagram since my Facebook Group is too small to post it We are only accepting serious inquiries as before things ended not so great. There are a few guidelines we require before applying:

1) Must have a PC or laptop and internet access. 

2) Have a good internet connection as it will live

3) Must be available twice a week for recaps. 

4) Have a good web cam

5) Must have a good quality microphone.  

6) Must be 18 years old

7) Will have an opportunity to host the Big Brother US Version and should be familiar with both the US and Canadian Big Brothers.

              We are excited to grow the team further and will definitely open doors for future seasons and maybe international seasons of Big Brother Australia and Australian Survivor but my team and I look forward to reading your applications and we will be in touch with you guys for a potential Skype Interview before our final decision then followed by us accepting you on by either all 3 of the team members, 2 of us or just myself. There will be another meeting when close to go through logistics technical stuff to going live, setting up both cams for the guests, etc. Also schedule your Cast Assessment for Season 10 and go through with your streaming schedule.  Any questions please feel free to ask on social media throughmy Twitter and Instagram which can be found on the right hand side. Also there will be an opportunity  That is my post I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The CBOTW Show-- What You Need To Know

      Larry, Amy and I have been working out the kinks on the plans for The CBOTW Show and we have finally decided to just do both Video & Audio ONLY. Now we are still working out on things and currently have 2 shows on our schedule at this moment but hope and wanna grow this thing even bigger. So the current shows are:

The Other Side of The CBOTW Show: Survivor After Show, Pre-Recorded, Fridays @ 1 pm EST YouTube & Audio ONLY

Power Rangers Podcast, Live, Schedule Varies when we are able to record and done with notes.

Now there are other shows we have that are scheduled but doesn't have a host at this moment but here is the schedule:

Big Brother Canada, Mondays, Live after the episode 9:10 pm EST YouTube

Big Brother Canada, Wednesdays, Audio ONLY, 1 pm EST

Big Brother Canada, Thursdays, Live after the episode 9:10 pm EST YouTube

Big Brother Canada, Saturdays, Audio ONLY, 1 pm EST

          There is the timetable or plans for what we have for this podcast and eventually we will have all these shows to the list but for right now we  are focusing on the 2 at this moment then to grow the podcast from there. No plans beyond the Big Brother shows at this moment but something to look into later on as we continue on with things. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow! 
