I know you guys have heard this song and dance before, but this time I am 100% sure on the decision to try this for the 3rd time now. Yes! 3rd time is a charm right? LOL. I know with the fact I have a great team behind me, yes Amy and Larry. Now this your chance to get involved with The CBOTW Show as we're now becoming a growing show and network. With Big Brother Canada 10 closing in, we are ready and able to start the audition process for two people a host and a co-host that will work great together. The podcast will be live after the episodes on Monday nights and Thursday Thursdays, so we are looking for someone that can dedicate their time to twice a week with episodes. Monday's episode will consist of the HOH, after the HOH and also nominations. Thursdays will be after nominations, POV Ceremony and the eviction.
Where do you sign up? You can sign up and I will make this a public post this afternoon only on Twitter and Instagram since my Facebook Group is too small to post it https://forms.gle/n7fpgAheZaQrowYA6 We are only accepting serious inquiries as before things ended not so great. There are a few guidelines we require before applying:
1) Must have a PC or laptop and internet access.
2) Have a good internet connection as it will live
3) Must be available twice a week for recaps.
4) Have a good web cam
5) Must have a good quality microphone.
6) Must be 18 years old
7) Will have an opportunity to host the Big Brother US Version and should be familiar with both the US and Canadian Big Brothers.
We are excited to grow the team further and will definitely open doors for future seasons and maybe international seasons of Big Brother Australia and Australian Survivor but my team and I look forward to reading your applications and we will be in touch with you guys for a potential Skype Interview before our final decision then followed by us accepting you on by either all 3 of the team members, 2 of us or just myself. There will be another meeting when close to go through logistics technical stuff to going live, setting up both cams for the guests, etc. Also schedule your Cast Assessment for Season 10 and go through with your streaming schedule. Any questions please feel free to ask on social media throughmy Twitter and Instagram which can be found on the right hand side. Also there will be an opportunity That is my post I will talk to you all tomorrow!