Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

We're Back on Track With Podcasts!

               I think we are officially back on the right track for the podcasts. I know two days of new episodes plus the older episodes. I realize it is a bit chaotic but seems like you guys are enjoying older episodes and newer episodes which is great. I know there is confusion with the YouTube Channel but promise to be done re-uploading. If I do a premiere with older episodes it's by accident. I need to watch what I'm doing when scheduling the posts. 

              I made a tweak in the schedule for the re-upload schedule and on actual show days we are not uploading the older episodes as we want to make sure it is the main focus on those days for the new episodes nothing else. It is more than fair for us however we are on track and getting things done when they need to be done and look forward to the coming weeks with shows we have planned out for you all. Anyways I wanted to give a bit of an update that we are certainly doing a ton better and back on the right track for shows for the time being and that is the post for today, enjoy your weekend and as always I will talk to you all on Monday!


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Full Updates & Streaming During The Holidays!

               Alas! We've been updating constantly our website and always room for improvement and this is why we have perfection our schedules and our website and been playing around with it way too much and sticking to the schedule, Sara and I created together and two spots for The CBOTW Show so we are most definitely sharing the love between the two shows. I should of not tried to go to 3 shows a week  but stick to the 2 shows a week perhaps. 

             Plus you have to remember, I stream quite often these days, well not at this moment as the holidays approach, I will not be on as much but might pop up here and there. I am going to try and pack in a bunch of streams today, tomorrow and Saturday then I probably will not be on till Boxing Day so it will be quiet for a bit in the way of streams but once I return then we are full force again. I will talk more about New Year streams if I plan on going live but that is the post for today, I will talk to you all on Monday for another post.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Updates on a Monday from the Former CEO?

              Updates on a Monday?! Yes! We are moving quickly and with Entertainment Man Podcast, I will be trying out the Beta test of Spotify Video which means no more YouTube for that podcast. It might be the same thing with The CBOTW Show down the road when we get the audio only figured out officially. Work in progress over the holidays to getting it all figured out. Anyways, Sara is working on a Discord Server so there will be a ton of ways to support us. We will NOT be getting rid of the server this time around, any disrespect, drama you are gone. Sara is tough as nails and I know from experience.

               Other than that I am finishing up stuff with both podcasts editing wise and also working on notes, recording the Christmas Special and editing it to post and it will be on Spotify video for the first time and see if I like it. Once all podcasts are recorded and edited, I will prepare notes for the new year and the podcasts so we have some shows we can put out there every week and I already know the schedule for Bob and I and how it will work. Slowly winding down the year and excited for some rest as well. Anyways that is the post for today, As always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, September 13, 2024

End of The Week Updates [09-13-2024]

                Another dramatic and crazy week is wrapped up time for some major updates! I mean major, major updates! As you can notice everything has been moved about, staff removed from our team page and staff added to the team page, to removing podcasts (audio) which is now under On Demand for both podcasts including archives from the website, podcasts and pages. Also we've added on get involved so now YOU guys can get involved and the first thing we've added to the website is collaborating on our blog by posting your own post on! Now there will be something for The CBOTW Show next year but all will be revealed in due time! 

               Our Discord Server is deleted and my Discord account is now scheduled to be deleted. I have no purpose for it anymore. I am focusing primarily on the blogs and podcasts moving forward, no more live streams. Those days are now behind us and we want to focus on creating content instead. So we are downsizing for right now. Speaking of that, we have gone ahead and deleted The CBOTW Show from YouTube as we are not ready yet. Also the main YouTube channel is deleted as well. I am doing what's best for the company and when I hit 100 plus followers on Facebook, I promise you guys I will go live weekly but only on Facebook to update and give you guys insight behind the scenes look at everything. Anyways those are all the updates, slowly making progress on the changes and will keep you all up to date by Monday on the progress but have a great weekend and talk to you all on Monday!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Will be using Riverside & Updates

                 As you know Streamyard has been giving issues with the connection when recording so I have made the decision for shows to use Riverside FM which is a great platform and totally understand the platform. It's a decision we didn't make lightly but 3 interviews have had some issues with the connection and it is either connection or an issue with the recording feature. So moving forward we are using this platform moving forward for both Podcasts, Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show when The CBOTW Show records this Friday and after the hiatus when it returns .

                Speaking of The CBOTW Show, the reason behind the hiatus of posting episodes is cause of the backlog of work we are experiencing right now but will be recording a bunch of stuff for you guys throughout the next week or so and there will be a ton of episodes already recording. Maybe The CBOTW Show will be back next week but anyways that is the post for today, have a great rest of your day and evening and talk to you all tomorrow!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

End of The Week Updates [08-16-2024]

                 Well, I am not sure where to begin with the end of the week updates, been doing a ton of recording and editing and still gotta record 2 more shows for the upcoming weeks. I have everything laid out for Entertainment Man Podcast for the next couple of weeks with interviews. I will be recording tonight 2 The CBOTW Show and editing them. Also this weekend since it will be rainy weather, I am not going to Rib Fest due to the weather but never say never with the weather. For now it's a no go.

                 Also will be introducing The CBOTW Show on video soon! It is work in progress and the plan is the first Wednesday in September for video which is super exciting step for that podcast to be on video. Also I am taking a hand in streaming again on weekends only Saturdays and Sundays that's it and the occasional pop up streams but mostly back to weekend streaming as I work during the week. Final update we're rebuilding the Discord community as I gave our former staff too much power and she went and deleted the entire server so now I have to be careful who I give full admin powers on there. Anyways that is the update for today, I will talk to you guys on Monday for another blog post, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Friday, July 19, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-19-2024]

                 Sighs.... I hate to be sounding like a broken record but this drama with Chris has to STOP!  He's not doing anything to anyone and minding his own business in a YouTube channels to be brought down as a person saying publicly if their going to his stream and saying maybe when their NOT welcome whatsoever.  Banned for bringing in drama and causing all kinds of problems will get you banned for good. Not just him that had enough but myself, Larry, Kevin and Brooke HAD ENOUGH! 

                      Chris doesn't want to be involved with this community anymore.  He's going to be less involved and work on the work that needs to be done for content despite his empty threats that he's made about discontinuing The CBOTW Show and taking Entertainment Man Podcast and being on it's own. I don't think he's serious about that. But this has to stop or he will stop streaming and stop interacting which he loves to do. At this point our network is now 18 + not changing the rules now, if we find out you're under 18 cya, cya. 

                    As for updates not much, Chris has to reschedule one podcast but has an interview Monday and a week Sunday so he's preparing for both interviews coming up. A new episode The CBOTW Show will be recorded next Thursday and excited to hear this one. Chris and Larry both continue to surprise us with new episodes when their not even scheduled to record. Also Chris is working on promoting a few channels here on both Sonal's Channel & Witchbucket Films have been  promoted on here on our website. Going to test it out see it helps them out with views and I'm sure it will with the amount of views we've gotten on this website each and everyday but check it out on the video page. Chris will be away for a few days next week and not around as he will be gone for a few days. Anyways this was rather a very long update and I had to vent briefly and give you updates but I will talk to you guys next week for more end of the week updates.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Now What's The Plan?

                 Literally our world has been turned upside with both Kelsie and I's account was compromised and we are unable to get into our accounts, so with that we have decided to downsize everything we had. There was nothing but drama in Discord and YouTube to listeners and fans turning on us. We will NOT tolerate drama whatsoever and you will be removed out of community all together. Consider this a warning. 

                However you are wondering what's next for us. Will we ever stream again? Yes once the Fan Page gets up to 100 followers I can start streaming and there is always Instagram but as for YouTube the answer is no. We continue to strive to focus on "Entertainment Man Podcast" on YouTube and The CBOTW Show on Audio ONLY Platforms. Anyways that is where we are at the moment and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Why was there no blog yesterday?

             I apologize on his behalf for just cancelling the blogs for the week. There was only today, tomorrow and Saturday but with the posts suspended for the rest of the week I've decided to jump in. Now I do not know how long this craziness is going to be happening for us but I will keep you guys in the loop and I hope by Monday all of this has blown over. 

            One of the things is Chris wasn't happy with you guys the most amazing fans with the ones that sad NO to the changes and now he's reverted back to this schedule:

Sundays. 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

215 pm EST: Gaming Stream (YouTube/Twitch)

Monday - Friday, 11 am EST: Blog

Wednesdays, 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Every second Friday, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays, 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (YouTube/Twitch eventually Facebook Fan Page)

              Hopefully this fixes any of the problems and I apologize and Chris has confirmed he will be back to the blog on Monday. He needed some time away from the channel. I will talk to you all in 2 hours for the end of the week updates.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Firing on All Cylinders Recently

            Things may have gone wonky with our schedules for content, missing episode of Entertainment Man Podcast last Wednesday to the YouTube Shorts not going out on time and we actually or I posted a bunch of stuff in the last 24 hours to catch up on the channel content. Now you see why I do not want to put The CBOTW Show up on YouTube as of yet, maybe not at all. I haven't determined what the plan with that is right at this moment. 

            However the last 24 hours I have been firing on all cylinders catching up, determined to get all the editing done so I can work on podcast interviews for this week and the next 2 weeks for the podcast.  Then the next plan is to work on writing new episodes of both podcasts. Anyways that is the post, I wanted to make this a quick blog post and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Monday, May 20, 2024

Quick updates on Victoria Day

                      Hello everyone, Chris is taking one last day off before he gets back into work and I believe late in the afternoon today he will be doing a gaming stream probably around 4 pm till 7 pm EST. He will be spending time with the family  but he will pop up around then and look forward to watching his streams today. 

              We feel bad that we didn't do a lot of updates but the one good thing is Chris announced the renewal of both podcasts for 2025 which is fantastic to hear he's bringing em all back for next year. A lot surprising announcements that has been given out while away is astonishing! It was so obvious with his schedule changes for 2025 both podcasts were coming back for a respected 6th & 3rd season of the podcast and excited with what he's planning to bring to the podcasts. I know Larry is moving what the team and I have talked about, especially Chris who has actually started to prepare for podcasts online in 2025 as Larry is moving north. Chris mentioned to me to actually he will be recording Sunday's & Wednesday's episodes mid week and excited to what he has planned out.  Anyways that is where we are at, I will be back Saturday for an end of the week updates on the normal day and time.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

End of The Week Updates [04-13-2024]

                    This week has been very chaotic for us from editing the Power Rangers Podcast to struggles which is where I am going to start this blog off. Because Chris has ran into trouble when it came to uploading the video but he has since then has rectified the issue and it is now working now and is scheduled to be uploaded at the start of May, I believe he has it scheduled for May the 8th, 2024. 

                    With episodes edited he has shifted over to planning other podcasts like Entertainment Man Podcast which he has a few extra for wiggle room. He does need to record episodes while he's away that is 2 extra episodes and he's going to this weekend record 4 episodes if he can so it is ready to go as this month is going fast and quickly so he will be getting that done this weekend too. The CBOTW Show he's getting ready to do some podcasts on The Simpsons and not very many are on his list but he keeps coming up with new episodes he wants to watch and write notes down. Any who that is today's blog post updates have a great rest of your weekend and I will speak to you all next week!

Kelsie, COO (Chief Operating Officer of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

10th Anniversary Updates!

             I know 10th anniversary has been ramping up as Kelsie would say and I have some updates. We should be releasing the schedule January 1st, 2024. On November 14th, 2023, we will will have pictures up on the website and excited to share a walk down memory lane. Right now Kelsie and I are organizing some pictures from the past and it is ridiculously a lot of pictures and we are trying to strategize how we will put it up on the website and we do have an idea how to put it maybe by eras perhaps. However we are working on the entire project. 

           I plan on not going too overboard with the pages and right now have 2 pages at this point. We may add a 3rd page to the list with a list of activities and events going on throughout the year which we can say March we are starting with events for 10th anniversary but we do not wanna overdo it but I plan on events online every 2 weeks at the most actually but I have a plan don't worry! Anyways that is the post for today, have a great rest of your Wednesday and I will talk to you guys tomorrow! 



Saturday, July 29, 2023

End of The Week Updates [07-28-2023]

            Another week has gone by and time for some updates: 

 Power Rangers Movies: It has been long wait but I finished up at 2 out of 3 power rangers movies with Larry. He had no clue till 2 days prior, I was really going to keep it a secret till the day of but I couldn't contain the excitement honestly.  

Blogs: I have all blogs done for this week and tomorrow and Monday's blog. Pretty much I am on a role for blogs and don't wanna stop as long as ideas are there I may as well try and blog everyday if I can if not then stick to the normal schedule.

Entertainment Man Podcast: So I have not wasted time and already have been setting up interviews and already have one booked for the upcoming week so I am back to the interviews again. 

Power Rangers Seasons: So the season have been put on hold for now and the upcoming week I will be working on the seasons again next week as things start to settle down for me as it is massively chaotic right now at the moment. I will get to it this week at some point. 

          Anyways that is the updates for the week, I will talk to you all tomorrow with the food review, so stay tuned for that and will be up at the normal time @ 11 am EDT and who knows maybe this is the return of daily blogs? Anyways I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, October 21, 2022

End of The Week Updates [10-21-2022]

             Another week has gone by and time for some updates. As most of you know, we have lost Alexandra recently and been quiet about her passing away, just wanted to deal with the loss on my own personal time. Sophie has joined the team prior to Alexandra passing away as Lead Moderator and Jeff has become a part of the Management Staff helping me and advising me through everything moving forward and so far has done an amazing job. I will always remember Alexandra's hard work she put into CBOTW. R.I.P. Alexandra. Now to the updates:

Website: Obviously the team page had to be updated with everyone's role on the team changing or re-adjusted. Also the event page has been updated and I have ruled out that I will not be comfortable going to Toronto for The Royal Winter Fair and have removed it completely off the page. Any event beyond November 9th is up in the air as my mom is going in for Surgery on November 10th. 

Power Rangers Collab: After a very long struggle with the podcast, Larry and I will be returning to recording as of Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 for Megaforce and Super Megaforce and this should help get us back on the right track with it finally. December's final recording session for 2022, may be in the studio but it may end up via Skype, depending how my mom is doing a month into recovery from knee surgery.

8th Anniversary: Now this has been weighing on my mind lately with COVID-19 cases have been up and down like no tomorrow and threats of a mask mandate returning but we are planning a small gathering with Larry and I. I do not feel comfortable trying to get Eric, Justin and Larry, not yet. Maybe for the 10th anniversary in 2024 perhaps.

              Anyways that is the post for today and the week, have a great weekend and as always I will be talking to you guys on Monday and hopefully I will have a full update on the progress on the collab as I plan on working on it this weekend so I can get to the next phase but talk to you all Monday.


Monday, August 8, 2022

A New Week Is Here!

                A New week is here and with me on the mend, I am going to start working a tad more then usual. I know last week wasn't as productive as I normally am and the lack of updates have been lacklustre.  This week I have two big things on the list to get done, one of them is the collab that you guys have no clue what I have been up to with this collab and I have been very quiet in the last week and a half since the day I saw Larry in person but an update is coming next week about that as I need time to think about it first. Also the other thing is recording a new episode of the podcast for this weekend and also the following weekend as supposedly will be away as of Monday for my holiday officially but really does depend how we actually feel but we have a week to get better and stronger but I do understand if we need to just cancel all together this year as we cannot keep cancelling. 

               Maybe we should of waited to decide on the vacation and I will be writing a post this week about it tomorrow perhaps and what will happen if that is the case if I do not go on vacation. However I am still going to be recording that extra episode just in case. I will explain why the interviews are on hold this week as well that will be by Wednesday. So plenty of blog content this week and I may do a couple of Facebook pop up streams with updates especially when I finish up the collab so Larry has in case we need to shift to Skype for the time being. I will also be talking about that this week by Thursday. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Decision Has Been Made!

                 A decision for the collab has been reached. I have spoken to Larry and we have made a decison. If I get it done in time, we will record that one episode, if we do not then him and I will be hanging out with one another again and we will record it in the fall time when we will do it. I currently do not have a make up schedule and the schedule page has been updated accordily till I know for sure and this means no announcement till possible the day of recording this week (Thursday) as Monday night I had a funny feeling I was gonna get it done in time but I am jumping too far ahead as I am writing this way in advance. However I am trucking away and Entertainment Man Podcast is still active but this is the work I am currently working on as there is recording to do on top of the normal weekly podcast. 

                  With this decision made once we make a public announcement which more then likely Thursday or Friday, but more like Friday we will know that it was recorded because I don't even know if we will be recording Thursday. Again I am writing this way in advance but at the start of the week, I wrote 2 of the posts for the week as I needed to focus on notes this week. I am not sure what tomorrow or Thursday is planned at this moment. We'll say. However Friday, if you guys hear something at the end of the week, this means we have recorded it and we can announce things for the release of the podcast. I still gotta discuss a few things with Larry if we record and details will come as we have them. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Schedule Updates!

             So I know there are questions with the collab and the Power Rangers Movies and I have come up with a make up schedule in case I do not finish up with Super Megaforce in time but here is the schedule moving forward for the rest of this year and next year:

Thursday, July 28th, 2022: Power Rangers Megaforce

Mid October 2022: Power Rangers Super Megaforce

November 2022: Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Super Dino Charge

February 2023: Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

April 2023: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie 1995 & Power Rangers Turbo Movie 1997.

June 2023: Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Seasons 1 & 2.

October 2023: Power Rangers Dino Fury, Seasons 1 & 2 (Depends when they finish airing season 2)

November 2023:
Power Rangers Movie (2017)

              I know this is quite a long post with the schedule but that is the plan moving forward so I will have an update with the movie tomorrow on the end of the week updates so this way you guys know what is up with that as it was listed up to yesterday morning but has been removed once again. However that is the updates for today and I will talk to you all for the end of the week updates for you guys.


Friday, July 8, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-08-2022]

                 Not much to really report. It is just me working on both podcasts right now and spending time with family when I see my aunt. I hate to say this but this post is going to be a shorter one this week as I have no real updates for you guys right now. It is just for me to get this workload unloaded and free time to myself. As I said my workload and schedule right now is so packed up, I have had to have some time off and I will be in August for about a week it will be a lightload week for me. Also vacation is sometime in August, possibly in the middle of the month I will be away for 5 days with my dad up north and riding the ferry boat across and also a boat cruise is in the plans. So I will have some actual time off, non of this light load of work.

               I do not know what else I can say but I feel bad for the first time in years or maybe ever, I have no updates. Everything is very quiet, even for Entertainment Man Podcast, things have gone quiet as episodes are already scheduled to go out to you guys either way minus the 17th that has to be done ahead of time. Oh one thing I can mention is I know last weekend there was suppose to be an interview but there was a miscommunication so it is being rescheduled so stay tuned! I am not going to say when just in case, I do not wanna promise you guys anything then something happens but once it is done then I will be able to actually mention it and talk about it. Let's just say I got my own verbal NDA with myself to not and spoil a lot that I've got planned. Also you probably noticed the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is out months ahead of schedule and if I need to update it I will. Anyways that is really all I can say, again there was an update afterall as I started to type then it all came to me what I needed but hey least it's in a different format this week and maybe if you guys liked this format, maybe I will do this once and a while for you guys. Have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday! 


Friday, April 29, 2022

End of The Week Updates! [04-29-2022]

               Well another week of struggles and drama continues. I was having a lot of doubts with ChrisBOnTheWeb but somehow made it through this week of dramaticness. Anyways here are the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: I have recorded two episodes one for Sunday and one for next Thursday as I will be busy with Power Rangers Collab preparing the next collab and editing the Samurai season that is recorded but hasn't been edited so I am ahead of schedule. 

Chaoticness of ChrisBOnTheWeb: With Entertainment Man Podcast quieter now I have been able to try and get things back under control, including getting things back on track with content and working on Entertainment Man Podcast episodes. I think I got things back under control and got two Mods that are helping watching over things for us. 

Website: With the Survivor Podcast out of the picture now week and a half later almost, I had to remove things off the website, Team Page is removed, Partners Page has been removed off the site and the 3rd podcast we had is now completely removed as I said before. So any audio only has been deleted all together. Support chat has been added back and removed days later and turned into a normal everyday chat as it was used but also abused so it is a normal chat and our Moderators continue to monitor it but it is launching soon!

Power Rangers Collab: Will be working on Super Samurai as of Sunday and hoping to get it done by mid week then typing it for the next 5 days and sent out by May 13th to Larry for the last time which this may be the last one via Skype hopefully ever as we return to Studio still aiming for June of this year. More coming on that later. 

               Anyways that is the updates for the week, I will be back tomorrow with a post about my time with Larry and will be posting up pictures tomorrow as I posted enough this morning with updates and this afternoon at 12:15 pm EST I will be posting some pics up of the craziness of the studio late last night so stay tuned for that updates as well and I will talk to you all tomorrow.
