Showing posts with label catching up on work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catching up on work. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Slowly Catching Up!

            I know there was a blog missing today and we're late as ever can be but that doesn't mean I am not going to get things done... I will don't worry. I plan on dedicating tonight to a very late night work session and work my butt off getting notes done and now I have to do a topic episode as we have had to rearrange the interview to two weeks from now due to his wisdom teeth removed and it is totally understandable. 

           This does give us the chance to complete everything that is on our schedule and we have a pile of stuff lined up for podcasts that needs our attention. So I am going to focus on those this week plus the episode Larry and I are going to record at the end of July Thursday this week. Plus the collaborations with Bob, Mary and Izaac are all on the list and needing our attention but slowly getting things completed and done. Anyways that is the post, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post on time!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Firing on All Cylinders Recently

            Things may have gone wonky with our schedules for content, missing episode of Entertainment Man Podcast last Wednesday to the YouTube Shorts not going out on time and we actually or I posted a bunch of stuff in the last 24 hours to catch up on the channel content. Now you see why I do not want to put The CBOTW Show up on YouTube as of yet, maybe not at all. I haven't determined what the plan with that is right at this moment. 

            However the last 24 hours I have been firing on all cylinders catching up, determined to get all the editing done so I can work on podcast interviews for this week and the next 2 weeks for the podcast.  Then the next plan is to work on writing new episodes of both podcasts. Anyways that is the post, I wanted to make this a quick blog post and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Everything Has Gotten Crazy for us.

           So much is happening at once and got some many things to still get done:

- Work on recording the bonus episode of the podcast

- Finishing up interviews prep for the podcast

- Edit the entire 3 podcasts Larry and I recorded  

- Work on future episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast   

- Edit the bonus episode for next week

             So there is a ton of stuff that I need to finish so I am not sure if I will be able to get streams in this weekend but certainly will try my best to get those in too. One step at a time though that's all I can do really anyways that is the post for today as always I will talk to you all tomorrow. 
