Friday, August 30, 2024

End of The Week Updates [08-30-2024]

                    Another week has come and gone and time for another update. So today I am trying my hardest to get The CBOTW Show out for you guys and I feel bad and started to doubt everything and starting to give up getting The CBOTW Show up today but working hard to getting it all done and edited and I am sure I will get it done fast and the furious so it will be up for the right time. 

             So once all of this is done and edited then we can move on to preparing other shows. I still have to finish the Discord server so I can make it also public for you guys as well. So still a ton of work to be done and excited for the coming week. I already have a solo episode planned out so I'm ahead of schedule already for the following week. Just a heads up the next 3 Wednesdays will be one of the 3 Guardians of the Galaxy movies and excited to release it via video and audio only. Anyways those are the updates and as always talk to you all on Tuesday as we will be shutdown on Monday for Labor Day. Have a great long weekend!


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Going with a new plan...

            What I mean by the title is that is trying to follow the schedule. Now I know the schedule is to aim for 4 pm EST today for The CBOTW Show but we'll see how it goes but there is only so much I can do. But this is the schedule I want to follow:

Monday - Fridays (Sometimes Saturdays): Daily blog post.

Wednesday: Record a new episode of Entertainment Man Podcast on weeks there isn't an interview.

Friday: Record a new episode of The CBOTW Show

             With the recording schedule, I hope to follow this and it helps moving forward to get episodes out in a better timely matter and no more delays. Today has been an eye opener and I am finally making things right with you guys as we move forward with other episodes, collabs and what not. Anyways that is the blog for today, I will keep you guys updated but I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Kars on King 2024!


            Last week I went to Kars on King, locally. I've been doing this for many, many years with both my dad and my mom, my niece and nephew. But anyways I got to go to the event and we actually had a lot of fun. Lots of cars but I was under a lot of pressure in time to get back to record with Mary but that was rescheduled to this week but it will be done. I noticed on the main road, King Street it was only on one side and it's because of the changes to the road and extra sidewalk on the one side but I love the layout of the street now. Makes the downtown more lively. 

             Of course the Mr. Bean car made an appearance and obviously you guys know by now I am a big Mr. Bean fan. No DeLorean this time around and it was a few years ago they had one there which was really cool to see. But also there was entertainment and the one band was playing "My Girl" by the Temptations. Anyways that will be a wrap for this blog and I will talk to you all this afternoon for a second post to make up for yesterday.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

You Cannot Predict Future Plans!

                  I know, I know I did it again but anyways today I would like to talk about is I cannot predict the future. This is pertaining to not really anything in particular but I mentioned to the mod team member that I do not know how long Entertainment Man Podcast will be around and that's ok. Sometimes we do not know what the future brings. It is OK to feel the unknown when it comes not knowing what the future brings. 

                  I honestly am taking the podcast one week at a time and that is probably the best advice I can give you guys to take one thing at a time. This way you are not overwhelmed and nobody can really predict the future. The future is whatever you make it and this is a quote from Doc Brown from the movie Back To The Future. Also he quoted from the movie to make it a good one. This hits home with me actually and it is very true. Only we can create our future and future plans, nobody else but you. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, August 26, 2024

Starting to Make Good Progress but Work in Progress!

             I have been struggling with and I did it again. I call this unacceptable. For the longest time I have been on schedule for years now and I have fallen off the plateau so to speak but progress is being made. I am getting what is required done for the next upcoming episodes. I know The CBOTW Show is being recorded today or tomorrow at some point of time but there will be an episode this week. I am planning to get The CBOTW Show off hiatus. 

            However progress is being made with all of this and taking things one thing at a time. Tomorrow will be another turning point for me, I have two shows, one for Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show probably recorded in the morning prior to Entertainment Man Podcast. I already know I will be caught up and will be on a better roll with all of this. Anyways I am sorry this is late, I need to do better and I hope today is a wake up call for me but I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

End of the Week Updates [08-23-2024]

                So another crazy week. Yeah story of my life from stressing out to procrastinating and I need to really stop doing that honestly and get it all done ahead of schedule but don't worry I will have all 3 movies done for tonight plus attending Kars on King which it's that time again for the event and probably will be up Monday to talk about the event or even possibly a bonus blog tomorrow perhaps as well. We'll see how things are. Not sure what is on tap for tomorrow whether I'm heading north for the Motor Fest 2024.

             Anyways got Kars on Kings that will be up tomorrow or Monday but I said Monday on my Instagram story so sticking to that day technically. So I know this was suppose to be up this morning but I got busy preparing for the collaboration with Mary which is postponed and will be rescheduled when she's free. Anyways I have a bit of an announcement The CBOTW Show will be returning next week on Audio ONLY. The collab with Mary we will be taking a week after recording to edit everything together so next week August 28th will be a new episode (Audio ONLY) and the 3 with Mary will be Video and Audio ONLY and probably till Larry returns we will start testing out video here and there with the podcast too. Anyways those are the updates and I'm sorry this is going up at midnight on a Saturday morning but Monday everything is going back to normal for podcasts and blogs, will make sure everything is out on time for once. Have a great weekend!


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Minecraft Updates! [08-22-2024]

               So as you know I haven't been streaming Minecraft minus yesterday we were fooling around with the main hub area with a double track which can be very helpful plus an area for extra minecarts which is great and I think today if I do stream again which I think I'm going to for about an hour, I will continue to work on the subway track down that one area for sure! It looks really, really good! I am quite impressed with my skills on this. 

              Because if I was to actually continue on the line with two then it would take forever to build it around the existing tracks so this is better. The second track also serves the other line that goes to the villagers and that tall, tall tower. Also I have been actually cleared out all the trees and looks better bare now this way we can build stuff around what we have on the property line. Anyways those are the updates, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Will be using Riverside & Updates

                 As you know Streamyard has been giving issues with the connection when recording so I have made the decision for shows to use Riverside FM which is a great platform and totally understand the platform. It's a decision we didn't make lightly but 3 interviews have had some issues with the connection and it is either connection or an issue with the recording feature. So moving forward we are using this platform moving forward for both Podcasts, Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show when The CBOTW Show records this Friday and after the hiatus when it returns .

                Speaking of The CBOTW Show, the reason behind the hiatus of posting episodes is cause of the backlog of work we are experiencing right now but will be recording a bunch of stuff for you guys throughout the next week or so and there will be a ton of episodes already recording. Maybe The CBOTW Show will be back next week but anyways that is the post for today, have a great rest of your day and evening and talk to you all tomorrow!


Shopping Cart Simulator or Grocery Store Simulator?

            Well now that I have actually played both Shopping Cart Simulator and Grocery Store Simulator I have found myself loving Grocery Store Simulator more then Supermarket Simulator. I dunno why but I've actually moved a lot further then Super Market Simulator but I am not knocking it because I will be back and stronger then ever. I think Grocery Store Simulator has taught me a lot when it comes to running a store. I have learned so much and I can definitely utilize that if I choose to come back to the game. 

            I may have given up on Shopping Cart Simulator but doesn't mean I'd go back to it down the road. However, I just feel like Grocery Store Simulator is better in my opinion but you guys know me, I will not give up that easily plus i cannot get my money back on this game whatsoever so it is on the long list of games I want to play on the streams during the week. Stay tuned for more updates on this. I do have one more Minecraft post but that will be tomorrow but I will talk to you all at 1 pm EST.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Busy Week Ahead of Us!

               This week is going to be a hectic and busy week ahead of us. Blogs is the first thing that needs to be taken care of and I need to talk to Sadie if she'd like to do some of the posts at the end of the week but I think it'll continue to do end of the week in general. Next is watching Guardian's of The Galaxy collab on The CBOTW Show with Mary which will be put on the list of episodes to release as of first of September we start video for The CBOTW Show. Excited for that coming up. 

              The other thing, I am going to work on upcoming interviews I have coming up and I never told you guys this but I ended up double booking by accident next week... oops! LOL. I already mentioned it to my guest and their fine with it going up the following week. This is why it is important to look at your schedule and maintain it on a weekly basis. So this week is going to be quite hectic but a good hectic plus will be seeing Larry on Thursday as well plus my mental health program between, I will definitely need a break this weekend from the grind of everything and will be streaming in the afternoons. That is the post, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

End of The Week Updates [08-16-2024]

                 Well, I am not sure where to begin with the end of the week updates, been doing a ton of recording and editing and still gotta record 2 more shows for the upcoming weeks. I have everything laid out for Entertainment Man Podcast for the next couple of weeks with interviews. I will be recording tonight 2 The CBOTW Show and editing them. Also this weekend since it will be rainy weather, I am not going to Rib Fest due to the weather but never say never with the weather. For now it's a no go.

                 Also will be introducing The CBOTW Show on video soon! It is work in progress and the plan is the first Wednesday in September for video which is super exciting step for that podcast to be on video. Also I am taking a hand in streaming again on weekends only Saturdays and Sundays that's it and the occasional pop up streams but mostly back to weekend streaming as I work during the week. Final update we're rebuilding the Discord community as I gave our former staff too much power and she went and deleted the entire server so now I have to be careful who I give full admin powers on there. Anyways that is the update for today, I will talk to you guys on Monday for another blog post, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Tim Horton's Flatbread Pizza Review

              I know, this has been on my backburner for a while now since last week when I was at the Pickering City Center. I got the pepperoni flatbread pizza and it was so amazing! Greasy but gooey cheese and pepperoni was great. I've been wanting to try this for a very long time and been saying I was going to and I have now done it, I'd do it again in the future for sure and I would try one of the different ones they have for sure. 

             Anyways this blog is going to be shorter as I have a lot of other work to do here in the studio once I return home from my outing to take a break from the hard workload that we have been doing all day. But as for rating for this review 20 out of 10 as it exceeded my expectations. Tim Horton never has let me down once well except the one which I forgot which one that was but that's my review. If you are in Canada and you like Pizza to try it out, very good Pizza even though I'm not a big fan of flatbread pizza normally but this time I definitely am on this review. I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Getting back on the right tracks!

              As you know and I've been talking about this for quite some time that we've been derailing our content going up and I can officially say, we're back on track sort of. It is coming along and tonight is the podcast with Mary and I won't be doing much recording till Sunday afternoon after tonight. So it is slowly coming along. 

              One step at a time. I figured out the routine behind all of this. I have learned to prioritize myself to what is the most important to get done. Now I need to hone my craft and keep this momentum up. Not sure what caused this change but this is good change. I want to keep this momentum and to have an assistant like Sadie is good. She's keeping me in line especially with the workload piled up the last week or so but we're coming to the end of the line with podcasts to record which is good so I can start working on other podcasts for the very nearby future. Anyways I am proud of myself to have a fantastic team and grateful for my team behind me and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for the "End of the Week Updates."


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Still Behind Schedule.... Sighs...

              Things haven't been going according to plan, we're behind schedule as it is yet again and it is really starting to annoy the heck out of me like really. I don't always complain about the workload too often nor say much what happens behind the scenes but I am quite annoyed... Not with you guys but myself. I feel anxious a bit, I feel frustrated, I feel annoyed and honestly it is good I am kind of venting. This is what being a content creator and running your own media company there is a ton of work. 

               This is why it is important to have a recording schedule and to stay on track. I feel good that this week I will be all caught up on things that I could even start streaming on weekends if I wish. However that will be later on taking it one thing at a time but by the end of the week or weekend we should be on track entirely with shows. I already have Ken's interview ready at the helm for this weekend. Anyways I am trying to be patient through this all and one step at a time. However I will talk to you guys tomorrow for another amazing blog post.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The CBOTW Show Future is Bright!

               The CBOTW Show is slowly but surely growing. The future is looking bright. However this is just the beginning of our journey with The CBOTW Show and YouTube. We plan on doing Audio ONLY for a bit longer. I am not sure how much longer till we start recording video but for the remainder of August at the most is record Audio ONLY then take on video later on. 

               Worse comes to worse for the date of starting up is the first week of September but nothing is set in stone yet and when it is time we will let you guys know but for right now, I cannot really say and I would have to consult Larry on when we should do The CBOTW Show on video. Anyways this is a short blog as I have a lot to do today and get done and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, August 12, 2024

So Much Going on All At Once!

                  I have too much going on right now with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. Everything is clumped together, I'm up north today for the day tomorrow The CBOTW Show and Entertainment Man Podcast, plus my mental health program I'm in that I'm doing to help better myself as a person. I am feeling very overwhelmed and blaming myself for it waiting too long and procrastinating everything. I should of had my mental health done already and I would of been just fine for being on track.  

                   However this is a big test for me actually. I am testing myself out see how I can handle everything this week. I am trying to rearrange one of the podcasts that I am suppose to do Wednesday evening and going to see if my guest is OK with later in the week or even next week but I know I am feeling anxious a bit, I just want to get all of this finished and move on to the next collaboration. The Fact I know the 3rd Guardians of the Galaxy as Larry and I saw it together in the theater last year helps but I am planning to do an entire rewatch. I am trying my best to deal with anxiety and going to somehow get all of this done. One step at a time right. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, August 9, 2024

End of The Week Updates [08-09-2024]

              Another week has passed by and we are now down a staff member. We no longer have a COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media as she has departed. Anyways, we move on that is all we can do, keep pressing forward with CBOTW Media. So we are pretty well back on schedule with the podcasts, I am recording today the next two episodes that need to be finished then I will be writing episodes, interviews, topic episodes, etc. 

              Also the Discord server has been completed and up and running for use which is awesome. I feel bad for it being slow on finishing up that project but least it is now up and running and working well. If there is any issues to let us know and we will fix it. That is about it for the updates and I will talk to you all on Monday for more posts as I have a food review to do here on the blog.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

The CBOTW Show to expand?

        So Chris and I have discussed this a tad not at full length but he’s started to show interest in expanding The CBOTW Show with other hosts expanding our network after failing time and time again with expanding cause of false accusations made against him and drama with the on air team he once had turned him off from it.

        Anyways I am proud to say that he’s expanding the network with the first step of expanding is to go to video plus Audio ONLY. We have the channel but have to verify things still. However work in progress right now and he’s slated starting most of these changes to The CBOTW Show this fall if everything goes to plan but that’s a wrap for me I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We've Shifting to Focus on Podcasts and Blogs

          We have started to shift our focus into more the podcasts, the shows and projects we currently have running for our network right now. We want to make sure we are on the right track. Right now with all the tech issues and blogs not going out on time we need to focus on getting things done on time especially when it comes to the podcasts as I said Chris has been struggling..

           The blogs continue on with the Monday - Friday but it seems there is more of a demand for more of them and the views on the website has been on the up and up and Chris and I have discussed re expanding to 6 days a week with end of the week updates now on Saturdays instead of the traditional Fridays that you have seen. Only reason we took away the Saturday was lack of views on the site but now that it’s become busy with traffic on the site it’ll be time to reimplement Saturday posts with Sunday the only day off from it all. Anyways that is the post I will talk tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Discord is FINALLY Done?!

         All I gotta say to start with my infamous... SMH towards Chris as it has been weeks and he finished it. Finally and we can move on to other projects and things that need to be done with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media and I do know the next step he's working on too! I will be covering Chris on these blogs for the week and possibly next week as he continues to knock things off as he has a collaboration coming up in 12 days from now.

         Anyways back to Discord, I have actually made a birthday plans to celebrate Chris's birthday and anyone that is on our server and anyone that has a Discord Server is certainly welcomed. Look forward to it and will be in the lounge. So those who joined and to those who want to can by hitting the Discord button on the left hand side or and will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Monday, August 5, 2024

Unlock Your Happiness: How Being Your Own Boss Boosts Mental Well-Being

Image via Pexels

Entrepreneurship is like setting sail on a vast, uncharted sea. This venture promises financial independence and the richer, less tangible rewards of enhanced mental well-being. By becoming your own boss, you unlock a world where your professional and personal lives can harmonize, your achievements directly boost your self-confidence, and your daily work fuels a deeper sense of purpose. Today, ChrisBOnTheWebMedia shares some tips that can significantly impact your mental health, offering a unique blend of challenges and triumphs that foster growth, resilience, and satisfaction.

Balancing Life and Work

When you decide to steer your own course in business, one of the first benefits you'll notice is the remarkable shift towards a betterwork-life balance. This newfound equilibrium is not just about having the flexibility to set your schedule; it's about reclaiming time for personal interests, family, and self-care. This balance is crucial for mental health, as it allows you to decompress and enjoy the fruits of your labor, thereby reducing stress and enhancing overall life satisfaction.

Mental Health Benefits of Working from Home

Working from home offers significant mental health benefits, primarily through stress reduction and improved time management. Without the daily commute, individuals can enjoy more sleep, better manage family commitments, and avoid the strain of office distractions. This flexibility allows for a more personalized schedule, leading to a better work-life balance and a reduction in anxiety. Additionally, the home environment often provides a quieter, more controlled setting, which can enhance concentration and overall well-being.

Cultivating Confidence and Self-Worth

The journey of entrepreneurship is one of self-discovery and empowerment. Each milestone achieved under your leadership is a testament to your capabilities, reinforcing your self-worth. The autonomy to make decisions and the responsibility for your success cultivates deeper confidence in your skills and judgment. This process, inherently tied to being your own boss, is a powerful self-esteem booster.

Fueling Passion and Drive

There's something incredibly motivating about pursuing a vision that's uniquely yours. Entrepreneurs are driven by their passion and their personal stakes in their venture's success. This personal investment translates into a strong, intrinsic motivation that propels you through challenges and makes the journey towards achieving your goals more fulfilling.

Aligning Your Passion and Profession

Aligning your career with your passions through entrepreneurship brings a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. This alignment enhances your motivation and imbues your daily activities with meaning. Working towards goals that resonate personally with you can transform your mental health, making each day more rewarding and purposeful.

Forging a Path to Personal Growth

The path of entrepreneurship is one of perpetual growth and learning. Whether it's mastering a new skill, adapting to market trends, or learning from setbacks, this constant development is stimulating and enriching. The challenge of continuous learning keeps the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well, contributing to mental agility and resilience.

Looking Inside the Creative Entrepreneur's Mind

Entrepreneurship offers the freedom to innovate and think outside the box. This freedom encourages a creative approach to problem-solving and strategy, allowing you to bring unique solutions and ideas. The autonomy to explore creative avenues sets your business apart and contributes to your mental well-being by providing a fulfilling outlet for self-expression and innovation.

Embracing entrepreneurship is an empowering journey toward financial independence and improved mental health. The flexibility, autonomy, and personal fulfillment of being your own boss offer a unique pathway to a balanced, rewarding life. As you navigate the challenges and triumphs of building your venture, remember that the journey is transformative, promoting growth, resilience, and well-being. Take charge of your career, and in doing so, elevate your mental well-being to new heights.

Friday, August 2, 2024

End of The Week Updates? [08-02-2024]

             First update is Chris is home, now he's been trying to get The CBOTW Show and it will be done he was up late finishing notes. Please be patient with him as he recorded this morning and is now editing it to go up. Trust me he wants to get back on schedule this weekend with Entertainment Man Podcast and next week with The CBOTW Show. I give him credit for wanting to get back on track and fast. We've been off schedule lately especially the blogs this week as we were hoping the guest post from Lisa was going to be up yesterday and why we have cleared the 11 am EST schedule for her post. 

           Today after The CBOTW Show is recorded he will be working on next week's episode and he has the following week which will be recorded on Thursday next week, then the collaboration with Mary from Mac and Cheese Podcast and Life with Mary Podcast. So lots of collabs Chris wants to work on., Also he plans on preparing the one with Izac and the one with Bob as well. Also working on future episodes and interviews he has lined up with Entertainment Man Podcast. So it will be a mix and match of episodes for the rest of the summer. Excited to hear everything he has planned out. However that is all for me for the week, I will be back next and hope you enjoy Lisa's post on
