Things haven't been going according to plan, we're behind schedule as it is yet again and it is really starting to annoy the heck out of me like really. I don't always complain about the workload too often nor say much what happens behind the scenes but I am quite annoyed... Not with you guys but myself. I feel anxious a bit, I feel frustrated, I feel annoyed and honestly it is good I am kind of venting. This is what being a content creator and running your own media company there is a ton of work.
This is why it is important to have a recording schedule and to stay on track. I feel good that this week I will be all caught up on things that I could even start streaming on weekends if I wish. However that will be later on taking it one thing at a time but by the end of the week or weekend we should be on track entirely with shows. I already have Ken's interview ready at the helm for this weekend. Anyways I am trying to be patient through this all and one step at a time. However I will talk to you guys tomorrow for another amazing blog post.