This has become a problem the last 3 months with being behind schedule and you guys know I consider it unacceptable! I am trying to discipline myself to being better with a schedule. Today it is about me getting caught up releasing Entertainment Man Podcast around 7ish tonight, it is about me getting Wednesday's episode ready for The CBOTW Show and then the following weekend.
There is a reason behind this blog other then me complaining about myself and I am not really complaining about myself but there is a lesson to this. You have to know when to re-adjust things. Also sometimes you need to realize there is only 24 hours in a day so you you cannot get everything done in a day unless you work really, really hard. So you have to adjust but not just re-adjusting the priorities is important as well. Making priorities what is needed to be done first. That is the issue I am having is dealing with priorities. But I need to re-adjust and not think about what's next. You do what needs to be done first then you move on so what could be the issue is I am thinking too far ahead which overwhelms me so I need to re-adjust my brain to focus on what is going now. Anyways that is all I have to say, hope this helps to those who feel overwhelmed with things on a daily basis and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!