Showing posts with label Content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Content. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! [2025 is OFFICIALLY Here!]

            Happy New Year! 

We are officially in a brand new year! We're excited to what is coming next. Chris has some big announcement coming out tomorrow. I really do not know what the announcement but sounds like really huge news that is coming our way! This year, what I have been told by Chris is The CBOTW Show will have 2 shows per week sometimes and he's hinted in recording a ton more of those as Entertainment Man Podcast is a weekly radio podcast so I am excited to hear new episodes and hopefully things are a but smoother and I know it will be now that he has a full-proof plan with the podcasts. 

       Also we will be launching something here on the website in regards to The CBOTW Show so I am looking forward to it. We look forward to hitting the 1 million view mark on our website. Not sure what other things we are planning but I can say Chris is going to be streaming on Twitch more as he's started to grow our channel Twitch which is great. So once again Happy New Year, let's make this year a great year, I am so proud of my team and look forward to serving as the Companies CEO and I will talk to you on Friday for our first end of the week updates.

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Website Changes, New Idea!

               Website has been changed up once again and this is cause of the issues with our audio only platform we are with and I've decided to have one feed for TV and Movies and we will add a dedicated feed to Reality TV if we chose to go down that route down the road. I have a plan with all of that doesn't involved YouTube nor Rumble whatsoever. I am planning to utilize Spotify a ton more both audio and video and this way I do not have to worry about those platforms. That is kind of the reason why we went down to one website page for the time being till I decide to launch the Reality TV side again down the road. 

               I will probably be waiting for the expansion till May or June to finding some hosts for the podcast but that will be later on. The first step will be us getting the Audio ONLY fixed first. However I have changed everything around, Entertainment Man Podcast will be on Spotify Video & Audio ONLY; meanwhile The CBOTW Show will be Audio ONLY like it has been recently but doesn't mean we are getting rid of video all together. More details are coming on Thursday but as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Collaborations Are Working For Us!

                      The history of our collaborations has gone back years since June 2018 when Larry and I introduced Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and recently we have actually started to collaborate with others for our blog which has been very good for our website analytics and views. We are in the right direction with content and we want to continue to collaborate with you guys moving and why we have the "Get Involved" tab onto our website and it proves it as I've been monitoring and it's in the middle of the pack but you guys have been checking it out. We appreciate you guys collaborating, it helps us out and plus we love to read you posts you create for us. 

               This is not the end neither, we are constantly working on the next part of the next little endeavor with The CBOTW Show especially. I know everything is upside down with that podcast but hopefully in due time we will be back up and running fully. I know I've not addressed the episodes going up and they are going to just on till approves the two feeds we have. However PATIENCE is a virtue. In  the meantime we continue to prepare and record till we can start posting it to all platforms so please do feel free to reach and I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special birthday post.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Feeling Good This Morning!

        Regardless of how I feel this morning, sleep or no sleep, I feel very good. I feel accomplished and the fact I've got it done at a good timely manner. Slowly but surely I am getting back on track! I feel the power of positivity that this is the beginning of posting out on time for once. Maybe my luck and the fact that I am actually going to be bringing out content more on time and the fact I am posting both episodes this afternoon, things are on the up and up.

       You have to remember to stay positive and work through the struggles that you are going through. No matter what, things will turn around and get better. Yes it may take some time to improve but it will indeed get better but it takes some time. I understand this now especially the fact it's been two or 3 months now and still was struggling with the scheduling issues. I think it was because I wasn't adjusting to the new schedule very well. It was all on me and I admit it and very open to admitting my mistakes. But what I need to do is move forward and continue to improve the day to day operations and that is all I can really do. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post.


Monday, October 7, 2024

When To Know When To Adjust!

             This has become a problem the last 3 months with being behind schedule and you guys know I consider it unacceptable! I am trying to discipline myself to being better with a schedule. Today it is about me getting caught up releasing Entertainment Man Podcast around 7ish tonight, it is about me getting Wednesday's episode ready for The CBOTW Show and then the following weekend. 

              There is a reason behind this blog other then me complaining about myself and I am not really complaining about myself but there is a lesson to this. You have to know when to re-adjust things. Also sometimes you need to realize there is only 24 hours in a day so you you cannot get everything done in a day unless you work really, really hard. So you have to adjust but not just re-adjusting the priorities is important as well. Making priorities what is needed to be done first. That is the issue I am having is dealing with priorities. But I need to re-adjust and not think about what's next. You do what needs to be done first then you move on so what could be the issue is I am thinking too far ahead which overwhelms me so I need to re-adjust my brain to focus on what is going now. Anyways that is all I have to say, hope this helps to those who feel overwhelmed with things on a daily basis and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Discord, Podcasts & Finalizing!

               The Discord is now finished! After a long fought battle to getting the Discord done, it is done!  So this the final time I am going to touch or delete something. This is part of permanent changes that are going on. 

              Now the Schedule is being tweaked a tad bit to fit everything into place. I was careless to the program  schedule and Witchbucket, big shoutout to him that has inspired me to rearrange everything. So here is our new schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Monday - Friday's: 11 am EST- Daily Blog

Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays: Live Stream on the main YouTube Channel, ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Tuesday's: 1 pm EST- Video on the main YouTube Channel, ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Thursday's: 6 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Saturday's: 11 am EST- Bonus Blog (Randomly)

                Lots of content throughout the week and excited for this schedule and now there can be streams on the weekend if you guys ask for one. I am always open to that. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions and hopefully this really sets things into place for the future. Still working out  the kinks around Christmas and New Years for The CBOTW Show and will have a post for you guys this week with my thought process. 


Monday, May 27, 2024

OFFICIAL Content Schedule Press Release

             Good Morning!  Here is our new schedule for 2025 as we are making some major changes to fix some problems within our content schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                  7 pm EST- Gaming Stream

Monday - Fridays: 11 am EST- Daily Blog

Monday - Wednesdays: 3 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube Short)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: 11 am EST- End of The Week Blog

                      7 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream

           There is the schedule, it is a lot more simpler and easy to understand. This is the final schedule for 2025. I am ready for these changes with the bonus episode of Entertainment Man going away and down to a weekly schedule as well as The CBOTW Show. That is today's post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Content Schedule Changes 2025!

           As you know by the recent poll I made I have made the decision to drop the bonus episode of Entertainment Man Podcast On Wednesdays. To be honest, I don't have a topic that is less time as I go between 15 - 20 minutes long and the views for Wednesday shows hasn't been great. You guys love the long form content. So replacing that podcast is The CBOTW Show but it will be premiering on Wednesdays @ 6 pm EST. Here is the schedule starting January 1st, 2025:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Will be premiered

                  2 pm EST (Sporadically): Gaming Stream (YouTube/Twitch) LIVE

Monday - Saturdays: Daily Blogs

Wednesdays: 6 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Will be premiered

Saturdays: 1 pm EST- Weekly Chat (Facebook/YouTube/Twitch) LIVE

          So that is the schedule moving forward as we continue to grow our network and we test and add new content to the network, this is a good start for us right now. Anyways that is the post for today as always thank you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Content Schedule [Updated]

                   The Content Schedule is always changing or being adjusted for us and we've come up with a plan that will work for us and here is our schedule that is permanent:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Monday - Saturdays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Monday - Fridays @ 3 pm EST: YouTube Shorts, week # 1 is Monday - Fridays; Week 2 is Monday - Wednesday

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST- Week 1: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

                                               Week 2: The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Schedule [Facebook Fan Page/YouTube

Sporadically: Gaming [YouTube ONLY]

                There is the schedule and what we're looking at in a more of a permanent schedule moving forward. However as for the Sporadic gaming schedule, it could be on a Sunday, it could be on a weekday, it will vary on my schedule and if I am busy. However that is the post for today, have  a great weekend and as always Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Monday, April 8, 2024

Why do we have 3 YouTube Channels?

             I know things are completely now off the rails but I made a promise when it came to streaming at least weekly for Just Chatting with Gaming Stream when I had extra time on my hands and I ended up deleting the original channel which when I brought it back up I was still a Moderator in Sonal's channel and Entertainment Man Podcast's YouTube Channel which is hilarious actually. Glad I am able to keep helping my friends out with moderating their channels as well as Streaming on my own weekly with the occasional gaming stream.

            Now as you know Entertainment Man Podcast is sticking to it's schedule meanwhile The CBOTW Show sticking to every 2nd week schedule which people don't mind cause the channel is growing even on a bi-weekly schedule people enjoy that schedule. So do not worry I will figure a way to juggle all three channels but the just chatting streams will be on both Facebook and YouTube on the weekly basis. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Current Content & Stream Schedule!

               The schedule for all content and streams as follows:

Sundays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (Podcast's YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                  2:30 pm EST:  Gaming Stream (CBOTW Media YouTube)

Monday - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: Week 1- Entertainment Man Podcast (Podcast's YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                        1 pm EST: Week 2- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: 11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                     1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (CBOTW Media's Facebook & YouTube Channel)

               There is the schedule currently and I wanna talk more in the future what I am thinking but have a clearer idea what I have in my head. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Blogs for 6 days this week and next week

          With me busy with local and events in Toronto, I have decided to expand the schedule to Saturday once again and I think this may end up being a permanent basis for the rest of the year as their has been endless amount of content. Because now, I am looking at two blog posts as of Friday which is insane to have so much content for the website it's unreal. You guys are so very lucky to have a ton of content really. 

           I think putting our blogs 6 days a week soon is going to be taking affect soon like really. I am now convinced we need to make this move NOW, not in January 2024, however I am holding onto the decision to make the switch. Because I want to see if it is needed this year or if it can wait till next year. We will see as I am already preparing for the end of the year. This blog may be a bit shorter but that is today's post and I will speak to you all tomorrow! 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Content Schedule Is Being Adjusted in 2024!

        With 2024 slowly coming to an end... We have changed the schedule for 2024 and please note changes are in bold and italics:      

Sundays: 1 pm ET: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. 

Monday - Fridays: 11 am ET: Daily Blog Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. Only change is Saturdays being added to the lineup.

WednesdaysEntertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY, Posted ONLY) Only change on this podcast it is being added to YouTube so the podcast is fully on YouTube 

Friday's (Every second week), 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- TV or Movie w/ Chris or both Larry and I. (Audio ONLY) This will be a rotation between my solo episodes on this podcasts and Larry and myself 

Saturdays:   11 am ET: Blog post Been tested throughout the last year or two and has become popular enough that people want it back. 

                    Time TBA: (Sporadically): Facebook Stream

The CBOTW Show will be sticking to one schedule and rotate with Power Rangers/Movies and other TV Shows with Larry. This is a better schedule. I wish we could put this schedule into affect immediately but we have a lot riding on us this year first of all so the schedule right now is SPORADIC. This is a better and more solid schedule moving forward and it is important to have a more solid foundation moving forward and everything was clumped too close together. Excited for the necessary changes we need to continue to be a successful Media group in 2024 and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Monday, September 18, 2023

Great Content coming out this week/weekend!

            This week is an exciting week. There is a ton of content both blog posts and Podcast wise! Tomorrow is the next episode of The CBOTW Show which will be going out at 1 pm EST. I know that podcast is very, very loved and a lot of love for the podcast is there especially the ones on my own. I know Larry and I haven't been very active with the ones with the both of us. But that is coming back soon. More details to come very, very soon, I promise! 

            Entertainment Man Podcast is celebrating the 200th episode and there will be a premiere at 7 pm EST. This is to help anyone that works they can also listen to it so the 1 pm EST slot will be more open and there is the TikTok and YouTube shorts that actually go up but as for content, the afternoon is more open and I am sure I will have updates as I have been working in the studio lately. I have been cleaning up the studio preparing it for Larry's return hopefully soon. But awesome content is coming stay tuned for more. Hope you guys enjoy the two podcasts this week along with blogs I have to release this week and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I'm Recording My 500th Episode as a Podcaster!

              Tomorrow I will be recording my 500th episode of the podcast and what an amazing podcast to pay homage to the last 500 episodes I have done whether it was Reality TV, Entertainment Man or The CBOTW Show. It has been such an amazing last 500 and I never thought I would get to this moment where I would be celebrating 500 episodes as a podcaster. The next big moment will be the 1000th episode then 5000 but I am getting a little ahead of myself.

             I have you guys to thank for supporting me the last 8 years since starting this podcasting and it has been such an amazing adventure for me! I have learned so much as a podcaster and you probably will hear this for me but either way I cannot wait for you guys to hear this episode of the podcast, was a great one that I did and yes it will be premiered this weekend as I promised that I would do a premiere this weekend. But for right now that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Monday, August 7, 2023

I've Learned A lot Being a Content Creator

             After the situation with the interview I was suppose to have a guest. I have learned I need to take the time to go over the information that I am given from my guests and actually take a day to go over the information and make a decision whether it is a fit for my podcast or not. I mean I need to also know what is suitable for my podcast and what isn't. I have an issue with always saying yes and also making the decision too soon and too fast. I mean I make a decision right away and not take the time to go over information before making a decision.

           So I have learned to take the time and make a decision when it comes to not just the podcasts but even the blogs, YouTube, TikTok, business decisions regarding ChrisBOnTheWeb as well. So this has become a big learning curve for me and this actually has again opened up my mind on a lot and continue to make changes to my day to day life. That is what I want is even more growth as a creator. That is the post for today, I am going to continue to grow as a blogger, podcaster and creator and I promise to do better but as always I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Thursday, July 13, 2023

New Content Schedule!

               As you know by the rumours there is a 2nd ChrisBOnTheWeb channel called CBOTW Live which is right now coming soon as I cannot verify the Live Feature yet and I will continue to try the rest of this summer and year and hopefully get it up and running but for right now here is the content schedule for the current moment:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast, YouTube/Video & Audio ONLY, 1 pm EDT

Mondays - Fridays: Daily Blog

Tuesdays: The CBOTW Show- Full House Recaps, 1 pm EST (Starting at the end of the month of July on the 25th)

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast, Audio ONLY, 1 pm EDT

Saturdays: Bonus Blog Post, 11 am EDT

                    Facebook Live Stream, 1 pm EDT

          That is the schedule for the content, it isn't much really but when I open up the CBOTW Live I will be planning to stream to YouTube and sometimes Facebook. I will talk to you all tomorrow to explain what CBOTW Live will entail, etc.


Monday, November 7, 2022

Already Planning for 2023!

           With this being the 2nd last month of the year, I have started to think about the future of ChrisBOnTheWeb for 2023. As you guys know the schedule for the collab it does mark the end of an era for seasons for us as we will be wrapping up 29 seasons by the end of the next year which brings us to 2024 where we will be doing a podcast for Season 30 in February 2024 which will mean we will be caught up. We are not sure what's next for the series but we will cross that bridge when it comes. We possible could be speeding up the process if we really want to with seasons and it could be a possibility but again we will see how far we get with prep work. 

            Entertainment Man Podcast is not changing whatsoever for 2023 just that minor extension to the bonus but you knew that already. I probably didn't mention that Larry and I will be covering two of the Power Ranger Movies but not till near the mid year at the most. However I've got a plan and without that I would be clueless what I am doing. I do need to write some episodes for Entertainment Man so I have a couple for the start of next year but I will definitely make some time for them as I got maybe 100 or a little more but that is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

When To Say Something and When To Not Say Anything

            You probably raised an eyebrow to this post title and wonder what the heck I am talking about and that is cause of some things that has gone on behind the scenes with Power Rangers Collab which I will not say what exactly what is going on but you probably noticed posts disappearing or changed around that was me doing that. The lesson from that is I should wait till I am 150% sure that we are sure we are ready to announce anything. 

              I mean I announce things but then it backfires to a point there is problems behind the scenes so I am going to just keep quiet and not say anything to you guys till we are 100% sure we are ready to go. Anyways I almost ended up doing the same thing as I did before but stopped myself in my own tracks which is great and everything and I am proud of myself cause then it would of ended up signing another new one again. When the right time to announce anything is probably a week in advance or even as you guys know me well I like to surprise you guys. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow! 
