Showing posts with label content schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label content schedule. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Finalized Content Schedule!

                 So Chris, Larry, Kevin, Brooke and myself have come up with a schedule that is going to work for us and this completes the revising of our schedule for content and here is our schedule:

Sundays, 1 pm EST:  @EntertainmentManPod  (YouTube/Audio Only)

                 2 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Monday - Fridays, 11 am EST: Daily blog ( 

Wednesdays, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY & is accessible here on YouTube)

Fridays, 1 pm EST: Weekly video ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia )

               6 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Saturdays, 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia , Kick & FB eventually)

                  I will talk to you everyone on Friday for the end of the week updates as our Site Admin Brooke wants to introduce herself. 


Monday, June 17, 2024

Content Schedule Readjusted for July 1st/24)

             We have finalized the content schedule for July 1st, 2024 when we switch to a new schedule so here is the new permanent schedule:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) 

                @ 215 pm EST: Gaming (Main Channel/Twitch)

Monday - Fridays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Fridays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Video (Main Channel) In preliminary planning right now 

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (Main Channel/Twitch/Eventually Facebook as well)

             There is our new schedule moving forward with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. I look forward to the new schedule. It's simple and easy to follow. I can also put more time into streaming too and maybe even streaming during the week as well if I don't have much going on. However that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Monday, May 27, 2024

OFFICIAL Content Schedule Press Release

             Good Morning!  Here is our new schedule for 2025 as we are making some major changes to fix some problems within our content schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                  7 pm EST- Gaming Stream

Monday - Fridays: 11 am EST- Daily Blog

Monday - Wednesdays: 3 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube Short)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: 11 am EST- End of The Week Blog

                      7 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream

           There is the schedule, it is a lot more simpler and easy to understand. This is the final schedule for 2025. I am ready for these changes with the bonus episode of Entertainment Man going away and down to a weekly schedule as well as The CBOTW Show. That is today's post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Content Schedule Changes 2025!

           As you know by the recent poll I made I have made the decision to drop the bonus episode of Entertainment Man Podcast On Wednesdays. To be honest, I don't have a topic that is less time as I go between 15 - 20 minutes long and the views for Wednesday shows hasn't been great. You guys love the long form content. So replacing that podcast is The CBOTW Show but it will be premiering on Wednesdays @ 6 pm EST. Here is the schedule starting January 1st, 2025:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Will be premiered

                  2 pm EST (Sporadically): Gaming Stream (YouTube/Twitch) LIVE

Monday - Saturdays: Daily Blogs

Wednesdays: 6 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Will be premiered

Saturdays: 1 pm EST- Weekly Chat (Facebook/YouTube/Twitch) LIVE

          So that is the schedule moving forward as we continue to grow our network and we test and add new content to the network, this is a good start for us right now. Anyways that is the post for today as always thank you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Content Schedule [Updated]

                   The Content Schedule is always changing or being adjusted for us and we've come up with a plan that will work for us and here is our schedule that is permanent:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Monday - Saturdays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Monday - Fridays @ 3 pm EST: YouTube Shorts, week # 1 is Monday - Fridays; Week 2 is Monday - Wednesday

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST- Week 1: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

                                               Week 2: The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Schedule [Facebook Fan Page/YouTube

Sporadically: Gaming [YouTube ONLY]

                There is the schedule and what we're looking at in a more of a permanent schedule moving forward. However as for the Sporadic gaming schedule, it could be on a Sunday, it could be on a weekday, it will vary on my schedule and if I am busy. However that is the post for today, have  a great weekend and as always Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Current Content & Stream Schedule!

               The schedule for all content and streams as follows:

Sundays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (Podcast's YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                  2:30 pm EST:  Gaming Stream (CBOTW Media YouTube)

Monday - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: Week 1- Entertainment Man Podcast (Podcast's YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                        1 pm EST: Week 2- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: 11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                     1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (CBOTW Media's Facebook & YouTube Channel)

               There is the schedule currently and I wanna talk more in the future what I am thinking but have a clearer idea what I have in my head. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Content Schedule Is Being Adjusted in 2024!

        With 2024 slowly coming to an end... We have changed the schedule for 2024 and please note changes are in bold and italics:      

Sundays: 1 pm ET: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. 

Monday - Fridays: 11 am ET: Daily Blog Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. Only change is Saturdays being added to the lineup.

WednesdaysEntertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY, Posted ONLY) Only change on this podcast it is being added to YouTube so the podcast is fully on YouTube 

Friday's (Every second week), 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- TV or Movie w/ Chris or both Larry and I. (Audio ONLY) This will be a rotation between my solo episodes on this podcasts and Larry and myself 

Saturdays:   11 am ET: Blog post Been tested throughout the last year or two and has become popular enough that people want it back. 

                    Time TBA: (Sporadically): Facebook Stream

The CBOTW Show will be sticking to one schedule and rotate with Power Rangers/Movies and other TV Shows with Larry. This is a better schedule. I wish we could put this schedule into affect immediately but we have a lot riding on us this year first of all so the schedule right now is SPORADIC. This is a better and more solid schedule moving forward and it is important to have a more solid foundation moving forward and everything was clumped too close together. Excited for the necessary changes we need to continue to be a successful Media group in 2024 and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Thursday, July 13, 2023

New Content Schedule!

               As you know by the rumours there is a 2nd ChrisBOnTheWeb channel called CBOTW Live which is right now coming soon as I cannot verify the Live Feature yet and I will continue to try the rest of this summer and year and hopefully get it up and running but for right now here is the content schedule for the current moment:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast, YouTube/Video & Audio ONLY, 1 pm EDT

Mondays - Fridays: Daily Blog

Tuesdays: The CBOTW Show- Full House Recaps, 1 pm EST (Starting at the end of the month of July on the 25th)

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast, Audio ONLY, 1 pm EDT

Saturdays: Bonus Blog Post, 11 am EDT

                    Facebook Live Stream, 1 pm EDT

          That is the schedule for the content, it isn't much really but when I open up the CBOTW Live I will be planning to stream to YouTube and sometimes Facebook. I will talk to you all tomorrow to explain what CBOTW Live will entail, etc.


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Content Schedule & Events 2023

            As I said yesterday, the content schedule is changing once again. Here is the schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast [Regular Episode] (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Mondays - Fridays: Daily Blogs

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast [Bonus Episode] (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: (Sporadically) @ 11 am EST: Blog Post                                             @ Time TBD: Live Stream (Facebook)



Saturday, May 6th, 2023: Bowmanville Maple Festival  

June 10th or 11th, 2023: Oshawa Peony Festival  

July 1st, 2023: Canada Day Celebrations (TBD)  

August 25th, 2023: Kars on King 
October 14th, 2023: Bomwanville Apple Festival  

December 2023 (TBD): Port Perry Parade  November/December 2023 (TBD): Christmas Market (Toronto)

           As always you can find the entire timetable which is a mess I know  so much happening but it is neatly in sections right now. However you can find the Schedule by going here: and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!



Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Content Schedule Adjustments

                    Now that the ChrisBOnTheWeb channel is in the mix of things in content and with me streaming on weekends, creating videos here and there, I have decided to make this post about the content schedule. Now this includes podcasts, blogs and videos on the secondary channel that you guys see listed here on the fan page. However here is the schedule starting Sunday and ending on Saturday:

Sunday: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast, Regular length episode (YouTube  Audio ONLY)

                2:30 pm EST: Sporadic Stream on Sundays.  (Will not always be on Sundays, especially when my niece and nephew's hockey returns in the fall.)

Monday - Fridays: Blog post (Here on the website)

Tuesdays: 1 pm EST (Sporadically): Video on the ChrisBOnTheWeb YouTube Channel

Thursdays: 1 pm EST (Every 2nd Thursday): Entertainment Man Podcast, bonus episode (Audio ONLY Platforms)

Saturdays: 1 pm EST: Stream (ChrisBOnTheWeb YouTube Channel)

                   There is the schedule moving forward for you guys and will be changing in the fall with my niece and nephew's hockey games the schedule could vary at times but more information will be coming later on but for right now that is the current schedule at this moment. That is today's post, thank you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, April 11, 2022

Easter Schedule 2022

                 As we enter Easter week, there are going to be some changes this week in posts and the Support Chat schedule and it will be a bit of a shorten week for us in content:

Today - Wednesday: (April 11th - April 13th, 2022): Normal Posts-- Nothing is to change this week, posts go up as always. 

Thursday, April 14th, 2022: End of The Week Updates

Friday, April 15th, 2022 (Good Friday): No content & Support Chat is closed for the day

Saturday, April 16th, 2022: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast

                                              3 pm EST: The After Show With Amy F

                                               Support Chat is open till 5 pm EST (Moderators Only available to help)

Sunday, April 17th, 2022 (Easter Sunday):  No content & Support Chat is closed for the day

Monday, April 18th, 2022 (Easter Monday): No content & Support Chat is closed for the day

                There is the Easter Schedule and things go back to normal on Tuesday with a shorten blog schedule to Friday but rest of the content stays in tact for schedule wise for the week but I made a bad judgement call saying the podcast was going to go up on Good Friday but this is reasonable to keeping things semi open minus the Friday, Sunday and Monday. We need a break from things and this is a good time to stop. I will explain Power Rangers Collab prep on a post Wednsday, but when the chat is closed please use our emails to contact us if you got a question. As for staff, we are taking some time off from ChrisBOnTheWeb for Easter holidays so our Moderator CBOTWMod will be in the chat on the days that says Support chat will be open. Anyways that is my post for today and I will talk to you all Wednesday as tomorrow we got a special from Exec Producer/Host of The After Show With Amy F.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

New Schedule Coming In January!

             With New Years looming closer the schedule for January has been completed.  What I mean I have tweaked the scheduling for 2022 once again in the way of content and even streaming. Here is my Content Schedule:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast, 1 pm EST (Regular Episode)

Monday - Fridays: Daily Blog Post

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast. 1 pm EST (Bonus Episode)

Here is then Stream schedule and now mind you I was going to stream on Twitter but I do not get many listeners so to start I am going to focus on the Facebook and Instagram Social Media for right now. Here is the timetable:

Wednesdays: Instagram Stream, 3 pm EST(Subject To Change If I am busy with family)

Saturdays: Facebook Group Stream, 1 pm EST

              Originally with the content schedule I had the Saturday blogs saved for Saturdays but due to the recent increase in cases, I am putting that on hold at this moment. Also small note that Power Rangers Collaboration posting is a sporadic schedule and why there are times for us being quiet and not saying anything. Anyways those are the updates and they are subject to change at anytime. I will talk to you guys tomorrow!
