Showing posts with label Podcasting Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podcasting Network. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2024

End of The Week Updates [10-11-2024]

                Another crazy week has come to an end and time for some updates. First update is we are up to speed with podcasts. I am working on new episodes for both episodes and not sure what talked me into doing new episode for The CBOTW Show, yet I said there was no plans for a new episode next week so something just clicked. So I will be working on that today and tomorrow then from there I will have time after my break from ChrisBOnTheWeb Media on Sunday and Monday which I am planning to stream both days for hours on end during the daytime. 

               But Tuesday I'll be back to normal and working on new episodes for Entertainment Man Podcast and preparing for The CBOTW Show next Thursday as Larry and I will be back here in the studio for another recording session which I always look forward to before we take at least 2 - 3 more weeks or more off so we can record Christmas episodes the mid way of the month of November so we have content ready at the helm. I also want to point out November we will be back to normal content and already got two episodes planned out. I may try us at every 2 weeks for the month of November then back at it weekly to try and get to a weekly podcast again. I will talk about that on Monday for another post. Also the Discord server is finished completely and happy it is done and out of the way and ready to add subscribers role later on when and if I get affiliate. But I hope you all have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Saturday, October 5, 2024

End of The Week Updates ]10-05-2024]

                Well another wild week here at CBOTW Media Studios HQ as we have been working so hard on stuff, content and getting back on the right track. However we are on the right track and next up is to work on Entertainment Man Podcast for tomorrow which mind you it will not be premiered as I will be out of town for the day. The CBOTW Show today will be premiered to help start growing the channel and having it also become as successful as Entertainment Man Podcast has become. I feel so much positivity flowing through me with it. 

               I have switched assistants and Brooke is back and helping me personally with things behind the scenes to ensure it is out on a timely matter. We have finished the website for the podcasts and now into the new mode now. Also The CBOTW Show YouTube channel RSS feed is up to date moving forward and we are premiering the first video version of the podcast today at 1 pm EST. Excited to chat with you all in the chat. Those are pretty much the updates and the upcoming week will be interesting to publishing our content on schedule this time around but enjoy the rest of the weekend and talk to you all on Monday.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Back To The Grind!

               Today, I am getting back into the groove of things. I am working on The CBOTW Show for Wednesday and after that I will be working on another project I cannot talk about yet but it will be going to be huge portion of this community and help us moving forward as well. Thursday I am aiming to record the follow week and getting into the grind. I know the shorts last week or so has been limited. That is on my docket to get them out. I have like 25 shorts I can post up for you guys and it would keep you guys busy. 

           Getting there and learning to stay on a schedule this way I can take time off for myself on a Sunday where I do nothing at all whatsoever. I think moving forward in this way, I will have a lot more structure then I did before. I mean I did have structure till the schedule changes ended up throwing me off kilter and it is nobody's fault but mine. I should of known better to follow the new schedule but this week is the week of not trying to sabotage our schedule anymore. I know I was accused of it but wasn't intentional, been going through some personal struggles outside of work. Anyways that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Starting to Get Use to a Routine!

               Getting into this new schedule has been rough go from the get go and we are 4 days into July and already feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed which is sort of trigger my anxiety a but the pill seems to help counter act it but it gets late in the day and I work very late it seems like an empty bottomless pit for me honestly. I need to realize the schedule is to get smaller along with the workload that I have it will eventually wind down on the load and I can take it more easier and I will get easier days but it will take some time. 

               However I do feel at ease knowing the schedule is more simpler and easy to follow and actually makes sense compare the crazy schedule we use to have we are getting use to this schedule but may take a few weeks to really get a grip into the schedule and we will in time. However I feel a lot happier with the schedule and not mad scrambling. That is the post for today, Happy 4th of July to all our American Fans, have a great weekend everyone and Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates tomorrow and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Monday, June 17, 2024

Content Schedule Readjusted for July 1st/24)

             We have finalized the content schedule for July 1st, 2024 when we switch to a new schedule so here is the new permanent schedule:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) 

                @ 215 pm EST: Gaming (Main Channel/Twitch)

Monday - Fridays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Fridays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Video (Main Channel) In preliminary planning right now 

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (Main Channel/Twitch/Eventually Facebook as well)

             There is our new schedule moving forward with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. I look forward to the new schedule. It's simple and easy to follow. I can also put more time into streaming too and maybe even streaming during the week as well if I don't have much going on. However that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What You Need To Know About The CBOTW Show!

               This is the right time and place you guys need to know on The CBOTW Show. In the post today, you will know what shows are going to be on Audio ONLY platforms and Video and Audio ONLY Platforms. As you know The CBOTW Network is back in play and it is what we are calling it as this podcast is not just the only Podcast within the network but you guys also have Entertainment Man Podcast that is on this network so we have a bunch of different podcasts currently happening on the network here. Anyways here is what will be on Audio ONLY and what will be on both Video and Audio ONLY and which one is pending if it will happen.

Video and Audio ONLY: Survivor (When It Returns From It's Hiatus), Big Brother & Big Brother Canada (BBCAN is pending to start soon) and Big Brother Australia (Will Be Pre Recorded and Posted on Both, but is pending to find a host for it.)

Audio ONLY: Amazing Race and Amazing Canada (When It Returns From It's Hiatus) and Tough As Nails

                That is the list of what I have planned. Yes I was planning on  Tough As Nails and finding a host but I have decided to pick up on Season 2 as I did originally plan for Season 1 but that can be for after Tough as Nails Season 2 Wraps up recording so be sure to be on the lookout for that podcast next week with an Cast assessment by Wednesday and the Recap by Thursday evening at 6 pm EST for both days. I have up'd the ante on this is the plan moving and not 100% sure on the BBAU (Big Brother Australia) as finding a host will not be easy but we're trying with this big venture but we will see how things go. One other thing we are looking for Big Brother Canada 9 is a The CBOTW Show Morning Update Host for the Live Feeds for this upcoming season. So right now, we are looking into this as we get more information moving forward. Last thing to add is there will be a Big Brother related podcast as you can tell by my subtle hints and the cats out of the bag so to speak. Anyways that is what is planned for The CBOTW Show moving forward and a lot to look forward to in the way of content and all I can really say is stay tuned for more! I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Monday, February 1, 2021

CBOTW Weekly Updates [02-01-2021]

            Well here we are with the first update blog on a Monday with a brand new blog schedule on the 1st of February. A lot has happened in the last week with changes after changes and trials and tribulations of this new channel as Chris has been using the CBOTW Network channel. Anyways I will explain all of this:

YouTube: Chris has made the YouTube channel active with Entertainment Man Podcast, from regular episodes to the interview with Jasmine despite some issues with the brightness and double audio but Chris thinks he has corrected that issue. The Live feature has not yet been used but it will be not this week but next week they will be going live for a Podcast.

The CBOTW Show: With the return of this podcast after 2 year hiatus I am sure there are questions and I will answer them. One yes Power Rangers Podcast and The Big Brother Collaboration Podcast is being shifted on this one feed. We also will be adding into the Survivor Recaps into the loop. Power Rangers Podcast will be host and co hosted by Chris and Larry, Big Brother and Big Brother Canada Recaps will be hosted and co-host by Chris and Jasmine and Survivor Recaps will be hosted by Billy.

Website: Now the website for the obvious reasons have been moved back to the newer version of the menu bar and because of the past Reality TV podcasts we will keep the one feed this way there is 0 confusion unless we end up coding a single page for the former Everything About Reality TV but the way we currently have it it a ton better.

               There are the updates and I'm sorry it's late by 2 hours but got distracted with other projects that the boss man has given me and I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week and I will be talking to you guys next Monday for another update.

- Site Admin

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Return of The CBOTW Network

              As I said yesterday, The CBOTW Network and all the podcasts within this website it's not dead, it's coming back and bigger and stronger then ever! Which is totally exciting for us as a group or his team behind him as we have his back 150% So we have two streams on the list for the podcasts at this moment, Twitch & YouTube which more then likely will be the only two streams we will be on at this current time unless we end up reaching out to our Fan Page but I think Chris wants to keep Social Media for Social Media at this time. The CBOTW Network for those who didn't know this network was on Video but also Audio ONLY Streams and recorded for Audio ONLY Platforms which was one, Mixcloud was his home originally. It is indeed exciting to see this make a triumphed return and to regrow that empire. There is no Audio ONLY Stream, just the video streams which you can find on here. So you can find us on both platforms here:




             There are the links, please do be sure to follow or Subscribe to either or both feeds if you'd wish and we updated the website with Live Podcasts and Audio ONLY Podcasts within the website so it is there for you guys on the website as we got rid of the idea of uploading videos to the website at this point. There is simply no room on the website at this point and we wanna focus on the podcast side of things at the moment. However all videos are downloaded and on  an external hard drive and saved in case YouTube shutdown or they banned his account for some odd reason. This is exciting news and Chris has already started posting up on the YouTube side of things with Entertainment Man Podcast on an weekly basis and he possibly could be live tomorrow for the interview he is doing with Jasmine. Anyways I will talk to you guys tomorrow.

Charlotte, Site Admin