Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Miss Broadcasting....
Now all of you guys are going to ask me what about gaming? Hitbox? Twitch? Well Twitch I got Strike 3 with them, so I am now banned from the site, well my account but I will not be making a new account and a few people I do not like and were extremely rude., well according to a few on Twitter a lot of drama and thats not what I am about, I am about having fun., I was hacked again and again, so I have given up on them. Finally hitbox, I am having troubled staying on air no matter how I change the resolution, bitrate, frame rate it will knock me off the air so Hitbox is pretty well shitbox...
I'd like to cast again but like I said I am banned from pretty well every site, I do not like UStream/LiveStream at all, Ustream's chat sucks and a banned user doesn't stay banned which sucks! It is only 24 hours. Livestream you gotta apply which is for free for more viewers but been denied it many many times and to get listed which is utter crap!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Was The Entertainment Man Talk Show A Quit?
Obviously I am writing this on the train heading home from my day trip in Toronto. Now you all are wondering after the struggle in the last year and a half with the series, was it a quit? Well yes... I had no other choice to end it or in your view as a reader of the blog, it was a quit. Now reason behind it was the struggle with the staff drama it just drove me absolutely nuts. Once Larry quit I did have an alternate plan which was Eric until he quit on me officially over me having odd feelings and concerns. Then the icing on the cake was Sarah getting fired a day or so after hiring her on as staff of my website. So the answer to the series ending abruptly is yes it was a quit and I have no regrets whatsoever at all of it ending and with me walking away. Made the final decision for me and me only.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
1000 Blog Views! and Climbing!
One thing I remember I got very little in views at the start, but climbed to double digits as I went on... The most I think I had once was the blog post entitled Done With Ex Girlfriends.... My blog is for daily rants, or thoughts of the day and I want to do more with this blog and going to make 10 - 15 minutes of my time and blog more cause I wanna write what I am feeling and it seems to help me bring out my thoughts and ideas as well!
Again Thank you to you all for the love and support over the last while, I am greatly appreciative of all your support over this long span of time.