Friday, January 31, 2025

Weekly Updates [01-31-2025]

             Chris and I have been busy making sure everything is running smoothly. I know he's been promising Matilda Podcast and he will be getting to it eventually. Right now he has other priorities at the moment but what he's told me next week it is going to be going up on the Friday so a week from now. It is something he is working on this weekend as a priority. Also next week we are going to be start uploading OLDER episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast to the channel with this new schedule:

Sundays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Mondays: 10 am; Tuesdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Wednesdays: 10 am EST; Thursdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Fridays: 10 am EST & Saturdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST. Days with new episodes we will only post up an old episode once, that's it. We are trying to make sure to upload just once a week if possible. The sooner the better so Entertainment Man Podcast can return back onto video in the very nearby future. The last update I have is Chris is indeed back as the CEO. He missed it so much and I was willing to step down and take over. He made my COO (Chief Operating Officer) to run the day to day operations of the company. We both agreed this will make us stronger with the operations of the team plus we have brought Billy back on as our new Community Director. So we've been making a bit of moves to strengthen us as a team.. Enjoy your weekend and I will chat with you next week.

Sara, Chief Operating Officer

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Supermarket Simulator New Updates

               So far, I am enjoying the updates. However I am not too far in as I just re-started the game but I got to play around with it even with the old file with security guard and the theft alarm. To watch the security guard beat the crap out of thief is quite hilarious actually! I want to keep streaming this game just haven't had time to actually stream. This weekend I do plan on streaming on Twitch. I just need to reactivate the account again in order to do this move.

              But I like the updates and another one is the cleanliness of the store.  Always having to clean and my motto is a clean store is a happy store. I want to see how deep into the game I want to and there is several things I want to do to grow the store. I took the name I had from Grocery Store Sim which is now not being played thanks to the staff doing whatever they darn well please placing items in the wrong shelving units. However back to Supermarket Simulator, the first impressions were positive and look forward to playing it more on Twitch moving forward. That is the post for today, have a great weekend and talk to you all on Monday.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Let's Talk Podcasting!

             I know we are trying to get old episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast up so we can bring it back to video and there is no ETA on that. I honestly am not sure I want to bring back Entertainment Man Podcast to Video to be quite honest. I am happy with Audio and the views seem to be higher just audio yet a lot of you guys want video back but that decision isn't made quite yet. Once I am at the end of the line of episodes on video, then I will decide but it sounds like January 2026 for Entertainment Man Podcast going back to video. 

            This way The CBOTW Show can grow a bit more then we can grow both and I know we've had emails why not grow both and we are uploading old episodes first before new episodes go up. Like I said The CBOTW Show is posting up episodes with behind the scenes as well. But we are holding our own and very impressed The CBOTW Show is getting a ton of views and seems to be popular within our channel. We plan on continuing with the channel and not letting trolls get the better of us. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 

Chris on The Move Again....

              Yes! is back on the move yet again. We have been maneuvering everything around on the website and some of the pages have made no sense and the drop down menus have been changed and I am still not happy with the amount of items and it really cannot be helped honestly but it is there. We also maneuvered enough room for a chatroom here on our website. Yeah it's a bit hard to cram a lot into the one website but I wanted to level up the website a bit more and add it as a feature. 

             We are always tweaking things on the website and I believe we are in a good place now. Especially now that both our (TOU) Terms of Use & (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions has been updated we are more then ready for the next step and that's getting old and new content out. I know we've not uploaded old stuff and we're sitting on a studio update. Too much happening all at once. But that is the blog post for today and I will talk to you all at 11 am EST for a second blog post as I'm making up for yesterday but talk to you all then!


Monday, January 27, 2025

1 Million Views!

               As you may have heard on our social media, our website has hit 1 Million views. Which is incredible. Took us just over 10 years to reach and probably take 10 more years to reach 2 Mill. However the views on our website been wild each and every day. The last year we have seen enormous growth on our website and it is very great to see the website and our community continues to grow and flourish each and every day. I think it was yesterday or Saturday we actually had 5k in a day which is bonkers.

          However, I am so proud even after I stepped down as CEO, the team continues on to strive forward and continue to grow this entire thing. I want to thank a lot of people: First my family for always having my back and being there and even when I stepped down as CEO and being involved still they still continue to support my endeavors. Next my team and I still consider everyone on the team as my team. Always will be. They have been there for me through the thick and thin of things no matter and even after Nov 14th with the changes. Finally our loyal fans of many, many years, you guys are the reason why we are still here today, always supporting us, reading our blogs, interacting on our chats, Social Medias, Groups, commenting on our YouTube Channel, Listen to our podcasts so with that I cannot thank you guys enough! Anyways that is my post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Weekly Updates [01-24-2025]

            I have changed over the name of the end of the week updates to Weekly Updates. Anyways, first thing I want to mention is Chris will NOT have Matilda up today on time but he hopes to get some of the videos he recorded for social media and YouTube up today. He will get it out next Friday as a bonus and promises to do better with the upload schedule for The CBOTW Show. Right now he's in the midst of editing Ghostwriter Podcasts they recorded yesterday in studio, 5 episodes to be exact that they did. Also Chris has been editing Entertainment Man Podcast for Monday so he has been working on lately. 

       I know we haven't been posting up the old episodes as we mentioned on our YouTube channel and it is next on our list things to do. First editing episodes that are recorded, then watching Matilda, recording the podcast and editing it. Also he has to prepare for an interview a week from now. Those are the updates, Chris may pop up this weekend on Twitch, basically some work casts and maybe a gaming stream but depends how far he is into recording the one podcast and editing but he would like to do a gaming stream to relax for once. I wish he would take some time off especially on Sundays but I have that funny feeling Chris will be casting for a good 6 hours tomorrow, working and chatting. We will see what he has planned out. I will chat with you all next week.

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

We're Back on Track With Podcasts!

               I think we are officially back on the right track for the podcasts. I know two days of new episodes plus the older episodes. I realize it is a bit chaotic but seems like you guys are enjoying older episodes and newer episodes which is great. I know there is confusion with the YouTube Channel but promise to be done re-uploading. If I do a premiere with older episodes it's by accident. I need to watch what I'm doing when scheduling the posts. 

              I made a tweak in the schedule for the re-upload schedule and on actual show days we are not uploading the older episodes as we want to make sure it is the main focus on those days for the new episodes nothing else. It is more than fair for us however we are on track and getting things done when they need to be done and look forward to the coming weeks with shows we have planned out for you all. Anyways I wanted to give a bit of an update that we are certainly doing a ton better and back on the right track for shows for the time being and that is the post for today, enjoy your weekend and as always I will talk to you all on Monday!


Games I Want To Play!

                 Games I want to play in the way of newer releases I have about 2 to 3 on my list. A lot of them are simulators and other are something different. Here is my list:

Indiana Jones: I've seen the game play and really amazed by the quality of the Graphics and it is literally Harrison Ford's voice in the game. 

Storage Hunters: Seen this game on some gaming YouTube channels and really love it and looks so simple to do too so I want to give it a shot on my Twitch Streams. 

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: Still have my stick for flying and has been on the shelf over the years and played the 2010 version way back 15 years ago and suddenly lost the disk so definitely want to try it out on this updated version. Looks really cool and TMart2 has done an amazing job on his YouTube Channel.

                 Anyways those are the games I want to play and there will be reviews coming soon so stay tuned for it and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Our Studio Computer is Finicky!

              My computer doesn't like it when I leave Audacity up on the desktop while playing a video games it disappears on the desktop and I wonder if it has to do anything with the gaming mouse as when I had the other mouse which is tucked away at the other desk. Anyways I had the episode recorded and was editing it on and off and I totally forgot to save the entire podcast so this morning I have to re-record the podcast for today. So looks like it will a later post yet again thanks to my own stupid mistakes. 

            I thought I taught myself that you save, save save your work and I need to remember that especially when it is a podcast as well. Especially with guests on the show and there are guests coming back on to the podcast coming, both new guests and reoccurring guests as well. I need to get myself together and figure out everything so this way I can record and edit the podcasts without having to re-record cause of this minor problem. I had this issue with my old computer at one time. However, hopefully by the time this goes up I have it recorded and edited and I can move on with Friday's and next Mondays. Anyways that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you tomorrow.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Weaving Around Everything!

               With all this podcast craze going on in our network re-uploading the old episodes, recording current episodes, we are busy. I am trying to get everything uploaded and scheduled so I can focus on the current stuff and currently in 2022 for episodes. Please note there are episodes that were live that are no longer available and it's beyond my own stupidity but we will post what I have stored in my Drive that I plug into the computer to grab episodes from 2022 - 2024.

               So weaving around the podcast and running this blog 5 - 6 days a week, we're swamped but a good type of swamp actually. We're keeping busy. Today's episode may be a tad late and there is a reason is I needed to catch up on a few hours of sleep but I will get it out today and remember it is only Audio at this moment and I have mentioned this time and time again. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Friday, January 17, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-17-2025]

           Now that things are settled down, first update is Chris is recording this morning both episodes for Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show so be on the lookout this weekend for the episode to drop! Excited stuff. Monday is as scheduled. I want to thank you guys for the love and support you have given us, especially with Chris we have started to blow up with the YouTube Channel and I think a lot of it has to do with the Channel being listed right here on the website on the right hand side and also embedded on both Entertainment Man Podcast (Soon) and The CBOTW Show (Currently.) 

          Website has been worked on a bit more and we're working on a new page so you guys can get involved with The CBOTW Show moving forward! Yes, he's still going that route and he is working on the page and is work in progress at the moment. However knowing the boss man of podcasting will have it done pretty quickly. Right now we are playing catch up since the issues with The CBOTW Show, we have to catch up and get the podcasts out tomorrow or Sunday and Entertainment Man Podcast on Monday. Those are the updates I have and hopefully next week we will be a lot more smoother then it has been. Have a great weekend and talk next week. 


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Proud of The Team.

         After a long battle with, we are no longer using the platform whatsoever. We are officially with Spotify for Audio ONLY. So far it's been smooth transition and now we wait for the other episode to post. I know he's talked about this weekend to the team and that's fine and I know he will catch right back up. I feel he's very stressed out with the situation but I am proud of him for problem solving. 

         I am proud of him! He has shown so much growth as a content creator and always thinking outside the box or coming up with a quick solution for the problem and glad we are back up and running again! We can now move forward and work to get uploading the old Entertainment Man Podcast episodes and also the current ones too. That is everything I wanted to talk about, chat tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Plan and Schedule for our YouTube Channel

              Over the next 6 months, as I was saying on yesterday's blog, we will be uploading an array of things on the channel. Old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast & New Episodes of The CBOTW Show which will be premiered but here is what our content schedule will be over the next so many months:

Sundays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                 3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Mondays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                11 am EST: Daily Blog

                  1 pm EST: NEW Episode of Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube Audio ONLY/Audio ONLY Platforms] 

Tuesdays:    9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                    11 am EST: Daily Blog

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Wednesdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                       11 am EST: Daily Blog

                         1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

                         3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Thursdays: 9 am EST: Weekly Video on FB/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube

                   11 am EST: Daily Blog

                     3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Fridays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

             11 am EST: Daily Blog

               1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

               3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Saturdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                  11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                    1 pm EST: Weekly stream on FB/Instagram

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast  

                There is the entire reupload schedule and like I said I hope it is not too much and if it is please let us know I will slow down on the schedule but we try to keep to twice a day if possible and there is one day that is 3 but least you guys are staying up to date as we prepare for the next stage of our plan hopefully by Summer 2025. I will not be announcing posts for the old uploads on social media but for the regular new episodes and videos will be announced. Anyways that is the post for today and as always talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Big Week This Week!

           This week is a big week for us here at ChrisBOnTheWeb Media! This week started out with an amazing from Kevin O. We thank him for his continuing contributions to our website and we look forward to your continuing posts in the future as well. Now this week we will be bringing out 2 episodes of The CBOTW Show. One tomorrow and one on Friday. Will be recording the Matilda movie podcast tomorrow when I get up. Also the next episode of Entertainment Man Podcast will be recorded tomorrow as well for Monday. I keep forgetting we switched to Mondays. 

          Also there is some videos I want to record and post, hence some days if you are subscribed to our NEW YouTube channel, you will see old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast posted up between 2022 and 2024. Hopefully I can get everything updated by the Summer so we can bring Entertainment Man Podcast Back to video by the summer so we can move forward to our next plans. But I will talk about tomorrow have yourself a good day and talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Peaceful Pathways: Crafting Your Personal Stress Relief Plan

Image via Pexels

Managing stress effectively is essential, not just for personal well-being but as a critical component in navigating our high-speed society. To foster a healthier and more balanced existence, it's vital to identify and tackle the underlying factors of your stress, which involves a deep understanding of your emotional reactions, physical condition, and the environments you frequent. By honing your awareness of these aspects, you can set the stage for significant improvements in your overall health and life quality.
Pinpointing the Catalysts of Stress

To effectively manage stress, you must first identify its sources. Stress can arise from a myriad of scenarios – be it a challenging work environment, tumultuous personal relationships, or financial worries. Recognizing these triggers is paramount. Start by monitoring when your mood changes, what circumstances are present, and how you react in various situations. This self-awareness will empower you to make changes or develop coping strategies.
Harnessing the Power of Relaxation

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are pivotal in the battle against stress. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can enhance your resilience to stress and improve your overall mental health. Each method offers a unique way to decompress and reconnect with your inner peace, helping to keep stress at bay.
Journaling Your Stress Away

Keeping a stress journal can be incredibly insightful. Document the instances when you feel stressed, noting down the specific people, environments, or situations involved. Over time, you’ll begin to see patterns and common themes. This journal acts as a mirror, reflecting back your stressors and helping you tackle them more strategically.
Exploring Alternative Therapies

Consider broadening your stress management strategies with alternative therapies that offer distinct advantages and novel relaxation techniques. Dive into the benefits of acupuncture for energy balance, aromatherapy for emotional well-being, reflexology for restoring bodily harmony, and THCA for its calming properties akin to CBD. Each therapy is designed to cater to your specific needs, helping you find effective ways to manage stress. For a deeper exploration of these alternative options and to learn how they can be tailored to your lifestyle, learn more here.
Emotional Alarms of Stress

When you frequently experience feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, or irritability, it’s a clear indicator of underlying emotional stress. Recognizing these emotions as they arise is crucial to addressing them effectively. Delve into the causes of these feelings to identify what specifically triggers your stress. With this knowledge, you can proactively develop and apply strategies that prevent these emotions from escalating and dominating your well-being.
Heeding the Signs of Stress
Your body communicates stress in many ways, including headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue. Recognize these physical symptoms as your body’s plea for attention. Addressing these signs early by taking appropriate steps to relax and recharge is crucial. It not only prevents stress from escalating but also helps maintain your physical well-being.
Analyzing Your Environment

Your surroundings have a profound impact on your stress levels, where clutter, incessant noise, and a lack of privacy can escalate your tension. Critically examine the setup of your living or working spaces to pinpoint what adjustments are needed. Simple modifications such as decluttering your environment or designating periods for quiet can markedly decrease your stress. Take charge of your space to cultivate a sanctuary that supports tranquility and focus.
Balancing Work and Life

Consider the alignment of your commitments with your core values and available time. It's essential to assess whether you're stretching yourself too thin between professional obligations and personal life. Establishing firm boundaries or delegating tasks can be transformative, ensuring both areas of your life flourish equally. Take proactive steps to manage your responsibilities so that neither your work nor your personal life suffers.

Effective stress management demands a comprehensive approach that encompasses understanding the root causes of your stress. By combining traditional techniques with alternative therapies, you cultivate a lifestyle that supports mental, physical, and emotional health. Each action you take in addressing your stress is a step towards achieving a more balanced and rewarding life. Stay committed to this journey, and you'll discover a greater sense of fulfillment and well-being as you progress.

Explore engaging content and stay connected with Chris B On The Web Media today!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-11-2025]

            Another week has gone by and apologies for a very late, post as I'm posting this in the morning instead but I've been dealing with some stuff behind the scenes. Anyways the website is updated. We have a brand new background in house which is a brick wall. This May be only temporary as Chris is trying to create our own wall paper. He has some ideas. Also we removed the be a guest on The CBOTW Show and it is now replaced with a booking page for podcasts which is basically Chris embedding the Calendly link. Also he has another booking page for a 30 minute call. What I gather, Chris is taking 30 minutes of his time to chat with you whether it is about help with content, including blogging, podcasting, YouTube or just advice in general. I do not know exactly the purpose but he wants to be more active in the community. 

            As for podcasts we are full throttle with episodes, the explanation of a delayed return of The CBOTW Show is Chris is recording one more of the podcasts including an episode of Entertainment Man Podcast as well in case he doesn't edit the episode in time for tomorrow but I am sure he will have the podcast with Ken recorded and edited and what I gather he maybe making an exception for video for this time around he might not this time around but either or there will be a podcast tomorrow and on schedule. Also Wednesday and Friday The CBOTW Show is being posting up both Video and Audio ONLY. I believe the upcoming week he will start uploading older episodes 2 a day at the most till everything is re-uploaded then the podcast will be going back to video that is what he's actually told me but he's played around with the idea of recording video as it's with Kentarou and he's excited to have him back on the show but we will find out tomorrow what he's decided and excited to hear it either way. 

             Now the actual Feed on Spotify for Entertainment Man Podcast hasn't been resolved and the podcast isn't on Spotify as of yet but Chris is planning to today at some point resubmit the podcast on his long list of things to complete. It will take a couple of hours for it to re-appear on Spotify but he's made it a priority prior to get Entertainment Man Podcast back up on there! Chris during the night or this morning during the wee bit of the morning he has updated The CBOTW Show page on here with the YouTube Player for 2 of the episodes but other then that it is work in progress for right now. That is the post and before I forget to post this up again I will talk to you guys later in the upcoming week. 


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Semi-Retired from Streaming

               It is official! I am retired from streaming on streaming platforms minus Facebook & Instagram. I will get to why. I just do not have anytime to stream anymore. I am very busy with content and running ChrisBOnTheWeb's YouTube Channel which is will be full of content at some time. So the Twitch channel is gone, it has been removed from the platform... Well deactivated at the moment. I have no reason to stream right now. I want to focus on the content. As for gaming I will still game on my days off. I will play with my friends, especially Sheldon. 

             So the schedule wise, as I said will be a lot less and it looks like it's empty and it's not. We will be posting a ton of stuff on the platforms we have, Facebook/X aka Twitter/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube, plenty of platforms out there. I promise YouTube isn't being deleted, it is here to stay for the foreseeable future and if I need a break I will but not the right moment to mention it. Anyways you will see me on social media streaming weekly so stay tuned and follow us on Social Media to when we go live. I will talk to you next week, have a great weekend.


The CBOTW Show is Back in The Saddle!

                 Today is a special day, The CBOTW Show is back in session! Larry and I are recording a sleuth of episodes including these:

- Power Rangers Reboot talk

- Ghostwriter, Ep # 1 - 5, Ghost Story, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

                What an amazing start and I am holding off on Matilda till later like later on after Larry leaves but I will have notes ready for recording.  This will keep The CBOTW Show up and running over the next 6 weeks. I will work on Corner Gas and more Ghostwriter Episodes and will be mostly the big focus for us. I am open to collaborations and have to find room in the schedule to post it. I may have to wait, I may not. If it is series, I am going to say not right now as I have two going on one with Bob and one with Larry. Anyways that is the post for now, I will be back @ 11 am EST for the usual blog time for another post. 


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What's Happening With Our YouTube Channel?

                So, what is going on with our YouTube Channel that just popped up which has been around for just over a month now and slowly getting back online. So as you know and remember Entertainment Man Podcast & The CBOTW Show was on YouTube and now is part of one channel. Similar to one of my favorite podcasts, RHAP. So right now I am posting videos till I can verify the channel just videos on there for right now. I plan on having a video out today at some point on FB/Instagram/TikTok & YouTube. 

           Once we get things up and running we will add the RSS Feed and all episodes each week will be posted through that. While we are doing that we will be posting up old episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show as there is episodes from both podcast and shorts we want to post up. There will be a lot of posting and community fun and I'm sure I may do the occasional premieres with old episodes. It will be fun to remember all the great interviews and shows I did. 

           Entertainment Man Podcast will be back on video as of end of the year if all goes well with posting up the old shows and what not. However The CBOTW Show will have all NEW content Video/Audio ONLY in the meantime, with both Larry, myself, Bob and myself and other amazing collaborations will keep you guys busy and the Audio ONLY for Entertainment Man Podcast. Anyways sorry for the lengthy post and that is the plan moving forward and I will place the last two paragraphs edited to the channel's community tab and as always talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Addressing The Spotify/Other Audio ONLY Platforms Issues...

              So addressing the elephant in the room with the issues with the Entertainment Man Podcast and I know I sounded quite angry and was a very angry person. You know I am a perfectionist and I shouldn't be a perfectionist but I am who I am and that is OK honestly. However, the problem and issue that we experienced was because when we redirected the Spotify Feed it wasn't updating on other platforms. I checked the RSS Feed with iTunes and it still was on Castbox so sounds like the redirect didn't work. 

              So now I have scrapped Spotify all together but I will use it as a 3rd party website which it will be posted via Castbox.  So we are back with Castbox and one of the reasons I kept Castbox in tact as I wouldn't be able to reupload as their a paid service now. Anyways everything is working and only platform I am waiting on deleting the original feed is Spotify. Anyways I have another blog post waiting in the wing and it will be up at 1 pm EST so I will talk to you all then.


Monday, January 6, 2025

The CBOTW Show 2025!

             First blog of 2025 for me and we are right into the meats and cheeses of things with 2025 here means another crazy year for us in the way. But first... lol I pulled a Julie Chen Moonves. Anyways 2025 is going to be busy not just for this podcast but Entertainment Man Podcast in the guests on the show and interviews done. As you know last year we made the announcement that a Canadian Show would be recapped and talked about and this year we are proud to say we are covering the following shows:

Monk- The Detective series that has become very popular. This will be on my own probably Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST.

Corner Gas- The long awaited RECAP of Corner Gas with Bob and myself is happening at the end of the month of January and episodes posted weekly. 

Ghostwriter- The long and anticipated wait since the announcement at the start of last year Larry and I will be working on the Ghostwriter series which we've had enough time off from it so we hope to start that in February as well.

               Those are the 3 series I want to focus on this year and don't worry I plan on movies here and there, Halloween month and Christmas Season episodes will be back in 2025 don't worry about that. However that is the post for today and I will talk to you all Monday as we start our first full week here at CBOTW Media Studios.


Friday, January 3, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-03-2025]

          The start of 2025 has been amazing.The CBOTW Show is back up and running on all Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris hasn't updated us on it yet and we noticed we lost a follower and we try and continue to update you guys on things as they go but it's a start. Entertainment Man Podcast is written and ready for recording. The CBOTW Show is also being recorded and edited for next week. Exciting stuff and excited for his return on the podcasts,

          YouTube is back and I roll my eyes at this because of all the drama but all of our regulars like Jimi, Josh, Gordie, Angela, our staff and anyone always supported us but we are planning to be cautious when modding people and he hasn't exactly announce the channel but it is work in progress getting it verified for longer videos and podcasts. I'm sure he will announce it very soon. Enjoy your weekend and will talk to you at the end of the week as Chris will be back on Monday with new blog posts.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Little More About Me.

           You know who I am, my name is Sara, I am the CEO of the company. I have a bit of a extensive background in media like Chris has. I haven't been in media as long as him. I started at the age of 25, 5 years less then him. I was the COO of a company for 5 years, prior to this, I have worked in a radio office department as the Program Director, programming the music. I never was behind the mic much, maybe a few times. 

            Outside of of work, I like to game and I talked about it at the start of the week. I have two nieces and spend a lot of time with them when I am not at the helm of running this fantastic company. I love going for walks. Also Chris and I see each other quite often at the mall, we walk around have lunch monthly just to get an update on the podcasts as he's been working ever so hard on finishing. I love to read, watch TV Shows. Chris got me into Elsbeth, Matlock and The High Potential so him and I often jump on a call and watch together through Skype. Not much more I can tell you about me, except I use to live North of him and now one town over that takes 15 minutes to meet with him which is better. I will chat with you all tomorrow for the end of the week Updates.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! [2025 is OFFICIALLY Here!]

            Happy New Year! 

We are officially in a brand new year! We're excited to what is coming next. Chris has some big announcement coming out tomorrow. I really do not know what the announcement but sounds like really huge news that is coming our way! This year, what I have been told by Chris is The CBOTW Show will have 2 shows per week sometimes and he's hinted in recording a ton more of those as Entertainment Man Podcast is a weekly radio podcast so I am excited to hear new episodes and hopefully things are a but smoother and I know it will be now that he has a full-proof plan with the podcasts. 

       Also we will be launching something here on the website in regards to The CBOTW Show so I am looking forward to it. We look forward to hitting the 1 million view mark on our website. Not sure what other things we are planning but I can say Chris is going to be streaming on Twitch more as he's started to grow our channel Twitch which is great. So once again Happy New Year, let's make this year a great year, I am so proud of my team and look forward to serving as the Companies CEO and I will talk to you on Friday for our first end of the week updates.

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb