Friday, October 29, 2021

End of The Week Updates! [10-29-2021]

                   Another week has gone by and we have come to a reset with CBOTW. No, no podcasts have been restarted I mean as a community as a whole. As I said yesterday it is now a reset except certain people that are not allowed back. Anyways here are the updates:

Website: Website is totally done, no plans to expand on the website at this time. I think there is nothing that Savannah and I could add to the website to be quite honest. I think we have added as much as we humanly can add to the website at this moment and I am quite happy with the state of the website. Now it is more about keeping the site updated with blogs and podcasts at this point. One thing we did add back is the chat and it is now under "Chat Lounge" which can be found on the sidebar of the website on the right side. We will not be removing it in the nearby future it is here to stay, whether it is used or not.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Starting Monday, I will be starting to work on 2022 episodes moving through the twists and turns of 2022 and the addition of 2 interview slots per month with extra episodes added into the mix in case of no interviews certain weeks so I am prepared to go either way.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Jungle Fury is not finished yet and I have made the decision as you guys know by my post on social media that I am going to be sending them next week when finished so he has it then I think I am going to get a start on RPM type em up on November 8th, 2021, then start working on Samurai and Super Samurai.  Then I will be on a break till April when I start the shift to Megaforce and Super Megaforce.

                         Those are the updates for the week, a few updates to say the lease and I am sure I will be getting more updates next week what is next for the projects and I will keep you guys informed with updates as things continue to progress. Another big week coming up for me and plenty of content to prep for the upcoming year. So have a good weekend and I will talk to you all Monday.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

I Need To Do Better With Problem Solving In This Community!

                     I know at times, I have hidden and not said anything on social media or moments I go entirely "radio silent" on most platforms, you know something is up. I tend to go quiet when I go into one of my moods or some drama went on, I do not take it on directly, I avoid the situation and not deal with it. I've noticed I have distanced myself more and more from this group and I should remain active but sometimes it is just hard for me to deal with so much going on. I need to stop distancing and problem solve. Also I find myself not listening to both sides of the story, I just overreact and drama ensues. So I have to start being more assertive and actually face the problem head on, rather then go ban happy and I have been going ban happy on the group especially. I counted at least 8 to 10 people have been banned but I have taken majority of the bans off minus 2 individuals. 

                 Trying to make it right especially in this community and starting now is a clean slate, I wanna start over as I have been too unfair with some of you and communication is key. I do not want to come over strict and that is how I feel I have been feeling like I have abused my power as Founder/Owner and losing too many followers and I gotta stop the bleeding to be honest. I mean I have to fix this community before it crumbles like The Video Projects Team once did which was one of the reasons that community crumbled which drama was  a factor as well in the last year of it's operation. That is the one thing I am scared of is when CBOTW hits 8.5 years it will all coming crumbling down once again and I do not want that to be a repeat but fair warning any issues gone forever. Consider this a fresh start as I banned so many people on the group and now only 2 are currently under a ban. This is a fresh start for all of us and this year has been hard for all of us and so many changes with podcasts and hopefully moving forward things will be better. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween 1 and 2 Movie Review!

                Today's blog is about the first 2 movies of Halloween and it is a movie review. Mind you I have only done 2 movies so far and I am sure I will be doing 3 and 4 next week. But here are the reviews for both the movies:

Halloween: The original movie that got this franchise going. I loved this movie, the music is freaky and when you heard the music you know something is going to happen. I like the backstory with Michael how it began how he became the main antagonist in the movies. It is always nice to know how it happened with the original backstory to the character. Also Jamie Lee Curtis was phenomenal in the movie and I really enjoyed this movie. These are the perfect Halloween movie for this time of the year. I know when I watched I always wonder what was going to happen in a future movie with characters being killed in the movie so it really made me wonder. Also I wanna add to this review, that no matter what they did Michael still kept on going took a few times before he collapsed. This movie gets a 10 out of 10 from me if I am to rate this movie out of 10.

Halloween II: This movie is a continuation what happened from the end of the movie where Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) was in the hospital and what happened to Michael which is a cool way to do the movie so you won't be questioning what happened at the end of the last movie throughout the entire movie. That's the correct way to do it and it answers a ton of questions. Also what I liked was how they continued on when the Dr. was shooting at him so it wraps up anything that happened from the first movie. I know this movie takes place in the hospital scenario. I was questioning why when Michael was on fire he was still alive till he moved a few extra feet. I loved this movie, love how they did the scene with Michael on fire. There wasn't a thing called Green Screen like there is now for 1980s. I know it wasn't as well know but I'm not sure when that became part of what is used to this day but this movie definitely gets a 10 out of 10 from me.

                  Those are my reviews and be sure to stay tuned as I am planning to do another review next week on Halloween III and Halloween IV. I know I have 12 movies to catch up on and please be patient with me as I watch 2 or 3 a week. Thanks to Jimi for the idea to do a review of these movies, plan on doing more of these in the nearby future. Till tomorrow's post, have a great rest of your Wednesday!


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Microsoft Word 2021 & Verbatim USB Reviews!

                 Today, I have two product reviews and I am going to start with Microsoft Word 2021. Now, I haven't had Microsoft Word for at least 5 - 7 Years now and with my Corel Word Perfect acting really weird as my printer isn't being recognized I am now done with that program at this point and actually the version of Word Perfect it's a very old program nearly 20 years old and it was time for an upgrade actually.  So I spent nearly 200 dollars on a Microsoft  Word 2021 and so far I love it 100% love it more then Corel. Now I know I have Corel editing software and I am not going to throw any of those away. I know, I know I am stalling but this program offers so much more and I like the fact you can actually have headers and footers in your document which the other program didn't offer and all programs are different and again the version of the program was an older program and we all know the newer versions have new features added. However I am quite satisfied and happy with this program and it gets 10 out of 10 rating even though I am still navigating around the program. Last little note is I just didn't get word but has other programs that came in the package and I will review it once I start using it.

                  Now the second purchase almost 55 dollars later so looking at me spending 250 dollars between but yesterday morning my old USB pretty much died, I couldn't delete or save files on there so I had to spend the money on a new one and I got the Verbatim USB which is amazing and I just started to use it this morning and it actually lets me password protect the USB so if it gets lost and someone puts in it they will not know the password to it and unable to open it which is great to have it password protected. This actually keeps the privacy of my documents and what is actually on there. It was worth the money to spend on the programs that I got and hopefully this is the end of my spending spree for a while so I can save up again as it has been spend, spend, spend recently. Anyways that is my post and I will talk to you all tomorrow for a movie review on the blog.


Monday, October 25, 2021

Differences Between The 2020 Graphics To The 2022 Graphics

           This is a good little break for Chris from blogging on the website as he's been so extremely busy with content, he can actually focus on things but I believe he is not in his studio today. Anyways, as you know Chris and myself have been extremely busy with getting ready for 2022. So as you all know, I have recently worked on the graphics for not just social media for What you see on the right side of my post is the 2020 version of the logo which now is outdated and time for an update. Don't get me wrong I love this logo and Chris did an amazing job on the graphics but he felt like it was time for an update in the logo after 2 years and I totally agreed with him on that point. Part of my job is the website side of things and the other half is the graphical end as I have studied both sides of things and he is in luck I happen to know both sides of it.

             The logo on the left side of this paragraph is the NEW 2022. Not much difference when it comes to the logo and the real only thing that has changed on the logo is the text and the read leaf and also the colour difference which is a ton darker then it was with the 2020 and Chris preferred it was darker to begin with. It was really tough to replicate his original logo to the exact and know the size of the text on all 3 levels but what matters is he is happy with the finished product. I can say it is the same size as the original and we tried and keep everything the same and colour of the text remains the complete same and unchanged along with the red leaf but the rest is different now. As he said, he will be making the changes on the 1st of January 2022 and I am excited for the changes and I have implemented the CBOTW Twitter logo to my own profile on Twitter to test and haven't removed it as he's given me the OK to leave it as it is. That is the difference and big thank-you to Chris for allowing me to make this post this morning and I will talk to you all around the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community.


Friday, October 22, 2021

End of The Week Updates [10-22-2021]

                It is that time of the week and I provided you some insight what has happened in the last week but I will reiterate it for you guys in this post. So much immense pressure when it comes to all the hard work I am putting into the content for the website alone, it's mentally exhausting! Anyways, here are my updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: As you all know, I have been working my tail off on recording episodes and got 4 of them done for the coming week, so in total 4 as I said, 3 regular (Last Sunday, This Sundays and next Sundays episodes are all recorded and done. Also the Bonus episode you heard yesterday went up that too was pre-recorded so I recorded a ton and everything is done for this podcast for least another week. It is a week by week basis pretty much. 

Power Rangers Collab Podcast: Now that Mystic Force is now behind us the podcast is ready to go and get posted up. So this is my OFFICIAL announcement that Power Rangers Mystic Force is going up tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm EST! Larry and I hope you guys really enjoy it!

ChrisBOnTheWeb Graphics: This is graphics across the website,, Facebook Group and Twitter.  Instagram doesn't allow banners so this is unaffected. This will be starting on January 1st, 2022 and we will be working on it after we're up on New Years Day and you will see across the board the changes. On top of the graphical end of the imaging the banner, logo, etc, the menu bar is getting a long overdue overhaul in colours. Savannah has tried it prior and was Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, she fiddled with the CSS Code of the Menu bar, the menu worked just fine just the colors might of gone off but she got it changed without a problem but had changed it back. The only thing that has changed is the icon at the top of the tab where it says Chris B On The Web the icon had the Maple Leaf and CBOTW on it but now it hasn't. 

                 So those are my updates what has gone on in the last week, hope you guys have a great weekend and I will be speaking to you all Tuesday as Savannah wants to explain the changes to the logo so I will be back on Tuesday with another blog post so enjoy your weekend and I will talk to you then.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Overcame A lot of Things This Week!

                   I have overcome a lot of things in the last week. I will kind of highlight things from the past week what I have overcome:

1) Finishing up a very long and tiring Operation Overdrive Notes which was the long process and Jungle Fury will be a long process too and time consuming but it'll be done.

2) Getting 4 episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast done for the coming weeks as I will be very busy person moving forward and still one more season to do after Jungle Fury to finish and you can guess right, RPM. 

3) Completed Power Rangers Mystic Force Podcast and that was a long journey but got it done one way another.

                 So the next phase is to get 10 - 15 episodes per day, print em off then I am taking a week off from the collab then moving straight into RPM even tho we're a month and a half away. However recently I have dominated the workload and it is unlike me to get so much done in a very short time, however this is good I am getting things done and we're getting close to finishing up things for 2021 and slowly preparing for 2022 and more details are coming tomorrow. In the end I am proud of myself getting things done and resting and getting the extra sleep when I need it and the end of the year is very close and tons of stuff to get done still regardless.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

All Eyes Are On The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Coming Out This Week!

                   I know it's been a month almost since Larry and I have recorded the Mystic Force and yes I have been holding onto the episode for weeks now and been promising to get it done. I have been working on it the last 2 - 3 days and moving quite quickly with the podcast and wanting to get it up this week. The criteria is not posting two episodes on the same day and I pre wrote this post so things could be different by the time this gets out, this could be done but again it will depend. I do not plan to sprung it today on you guys so if anything it will be up by Friday or Saturday and I will be announce this a day or so in advance depending how quickly I get it done and finished to upload. I promise it will not be on a Thursday as it is a bonus podcast day for me and I think 1 podcast a day is enough. 

                     I have ran scenarios in the back of my head that I could wait and I may have no other choice as if I post it Friday it's a day after the normal podcast goes up, if I post it Saturday it's so close to Sundays normal episode. You see my dilemma there, either way it cuts it so darn close and wish I had time Saturday, I would of edited it first and have it posted on Tuesday (yesterday) and it would of been 2 days apart but I am going to take the hit and if this means jeopardizing views on the other then so be it. All episodes gotta go up either way and if this affects the other shows I do then that's fine. However I do not think it will affect it whatsoever yet Sundays episode was a little slower in listens but still early and only mid week. It is hard to get listens on that podcast when it's twice a week. However all eyes on Mystic Force Collab Podcast right now and it has been all about the collab recently. That has been my main focus and shift to ensure we get to RPM and complete it by end of this year. We are close to caught right up with the podcast and we are very aware of our situation trying to be ready for February. I will have another update next week what Larry and I discussed in our meeting for right now I will talk to you all tomorrow and be on the lookout on social media for an announcement when the collab goes up!


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Halton County Radial Museum- Fall 2021

           I know I have been to Halton recently but we returned for Streetcar rides and it was a fun day and yes I know I have been on the road a ton lately. So we got there and we have to show proof we're vaccinated so if you visit anywhere in Ontario, know you have show proof of vaccination. Anyways we had 3 choices of streetcars and not any street but 3 Generations of Streetcars, Peter Witt, PCC (Presidents Conference Car) and the CLRV. It is pretty cool there is 3 generations of Streetcars on Sunday. So we started with PCC # 4600 which was originally an 4500 numbered which recently had been repainted. Then we went into the barn to look around and noticed they are painted the Hamilton Streetcar so their progressing well with the project.

        Then we got onto the 4039 CLRV which brought back a ton of memories growing up as when I was younger these were the go to Streetcars we road around Toronto when my Dad and I went into the Big T.O. Anyways we road right back around and we got off and we grabbed the Peter Witt # 2894 which was the last car of the day and our visit. After we took some pictures around, took a picture of 4010 which is being repaired as I found out from their Instagram and glad their always making repairs to the fleet of streetcars and also I took a picture next to the colorful # 4178 which you can see a picture of me next to it. So in all, we had a great day and I hope you enjoyed today's post and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Monday, October 18, 2021

Silent Lake- Fall Colors 2021!

               On Friday when the End of The Week went up on the site here I was up North for the day since I finished up Operation Overdrive. Now the leaves, well some of them or most of them were all down on the ground as we went up a little too late. We should of done that a week or so before but we know for next year. Anyways we started our adventure down at the Day Beach with Lunch which consisted of Kielbassa, Cheese and crackers and grapes and water. Then we went to our old stomping grounds where we actually camped aka Camp ground # 127 at Silent Lake which we booked every year for 5 years or more but always great memories from there. We drove around the loop took some pictures as we went around and we parked and walked down to the dock and looked out then we got hiking to our other old stompin grounds Pincer Bay Beach & the rock which we spent a ton of time swimming and when I was younger making sand castles. 

We then had our Gatorades and went back on our way to the car. We stopped at our little rocky place we spent time at when we were in Granite Ridge Campgrounds and we headed our way home. However we went through Haliburton on the way home and the colors were spectacular but the problem there with that the leaves were mostly down by then so it wasn't as great as we thought but we have to go a bit earlier then usual instead of what we did on this trip. However it was a fun trip either way and yes it was a trip down memory lane once again for me and I am so glad to see people camping there and goes to show that camping is indeed very safe especially during this pandemic there is nothing unsafe about it whatsoever. That is my post for today, hope you enjoyed it and tomorrow will be about Halton County Radial Museum. 


Friday, October 15, 2021

End of The Week Updates

                       Another week has ended and it is of course time for another end of the week. It has been a busy last week, working on the collab all week long and got some news on the home front on this but here are the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Things are going well with the podcast, the views continue to surprise me each and every episode. As you know the podcast is reaching new heights and with the end of the year coming fast and 2 months from today, I will be officially booking interviews for this podcast in 2 months from now on December 15th, 2021 which is 4 days prior to end of the season. As you know the podcast will have interviews every second week and in case there isn't an interview I have topics ready for back-up in case so I have something to talk about on the episode. Since I will be on a break from the collab, I have decided to pre-record episodes again so I can continue to strive and get the collab up to speed with episodes as that has been my primary focus recently. I haven't given this podcast much attention minus recording, editing and posting but will soon, don't worry. 

Website: On the website, we have updated the drop down menu under "About" with On-Going Projects and Previous Projects to Current Projects and Past Projects so the links have changed recently. However you can access it on any of the pages you are on under the "About" section of the website.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: This has been the talk recently and first thing I wanna talk about it yes i am currently holding onto Mystic Force which will be edited and released when I finish up Jungle Fury by end of the weekend a week Sunday from this Sunday as I am pushing the envelope even more. Hopefully by that week I'll be ready to start editing towards the final week of October and and have it up by the start of November. Now I have great news as you guys know, I have officially finished and printed off the notes for Operation Overdrive and now is put on the side till I finish Jungle Fury to send them off to Larry himself. 

                 That are my updates and I know it's quite a list  of updates but there are the updates and hope you have a great weekend and starting Monday, I have a few fun posts to make from Silent Lake to Halton County Radial Museum so it will be a busy first 2 days of the week but I will talk about it on Monday.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

I'm Sorry For No Blog This Morning!

                    I am sorry for no blog post this morning. As you know my sleep has been very screwy lately and it is because of this pandemic and being home 24-7 minus Mondays when I see Eric in person, I have been home majority of the time minus recently as tomorrow I will be up north for the day and not working and same with Sunday, so I will be all over the place and no work will be done for me and I have to try and get things done by Saturday including Entertainment Man Podcast which hasn't yet been recorded which tonight and tomorrow morning I need to get Operation Overdrive done so I can move on. I am struggling to get work down at times where I need a mental break from things and it really stinks to be honest but I am trying to get the notes done in a timely fashion.

                     I need to get the sleep back to normal and I do not feel it's going to happen anytime soon but I am trying each and everyday to fix the sleep but so far no luck whatsoever to get the sleep fixed and no end to it I think at this moment. and it is what it is. However it is inexcusable from doing a blog post and forgetting and I had the page up technically and could of written something. I think I just blanked on ideas and I have a bunch of ideas actually that I can use and I should of used it. It is what it is and sorry this is a short post but I wanted to do one to let you guys know I am OK, just sleeping at odd hours and that is today's post I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

We Went Round and Round on The Bus.... SMH! (EPIC FAIL)

                   Yesterday was a mess once we left the Lake all the good vibes went out the window... We didn't realize we would have to walk a block to the bus to get me home. Anyways we walked there and got to the bus stop. The bus came and we didn't realize it till we got to where my old work, the bookstore which is no longer around as they closed down prior to COVID-19 happening like 2 - 3 years after I left the position I was at due to certain reasons I will not disclose as that is now in the past. So we got off at the McDonald's where the former Bookstore where I worked at and we tried to figure out where the proper bus was. First we ended up on the wrong side of the bridge where there is a tunnel to go under the highway so we had to go back and on the other side as the road was too busy to cross and probably unsafe. 

                     At this point I was getting into one of my moods where I was kicked a light pole in anger blaming myself for this. Anyways we went on under the bridge and across a major road and across a bridge to get to the bus which it didn't really take that long as I used the app to ensure we know which stop to get on at. We got to the stop and the bus ran late as usual and by the time I got back to the stop I was already out of my moods and sometimes it is easy to come out of my moods and sometimes its the entire day or hours I am in a bad mood which depends on a day to day basis. What matters is I made it home despite an hour later after spending 30 - 45 mins diddly daddling around trying to get home.  The lesson from this is to pay attention to the bus signs which I didn't do so I will be sure to do that next time around. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Minecraft Updates [10-12-2021]

                  I have another update in the blog for you guys and today I wanna update you guys on my Minecraft Server. I have been putting some extra time with the server updating things so here are the updates:

- I had to reroute the railway around the house and one of the railways had to be disconnected from there and eventually I'll somehow get it back eventually. 

- The building that was there which was the horse building originally was, well that has been torn down and the bricks were used to re-build the horse palace on the main floor which now also has an area that the horse can hangout in with one another which I haven't yet put em out in the pastures as of yet. 

- The area where the original horse palace, I have started to build another building, I didn't waste time building something in it's place. So far I have put in the structural skeleton of the building with the lighting which works and works in conjuncture to the second building's 3rd floor where the villagers are. I have two rooms for room and board for these guys and soon they will be all running around the buildings very quickly. I am currently working on the second floor which is currently blocked off from them coming downstairs and I may have to kill off the villagers and start over when the rest of the building opens up publicly. 

- Note the Villagers cannot access the main building where my living quarters are and where I do all the cooking of food and smelting of items and this way I have a ton more room to maneuver around without villagers being in the way.

                     Those are my updates and I will keep you guys up to date on things as the next project is to re connect that one railway and I have a few ideas how to fix it but it will be involving me weaving the rail into that one area but update will come eventually. I hope you guys enjoyed this post and sorry for no pictures on here but go to my Instagram which I hyper linked for an updated pictures and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, October 11, 2021

The Long, Long Trailer Movie Review

                  I haven't done a movie review in a week almost so decided to do another one and you guys love these so why not, maybe I should pick a movie every week to review. Let me know in the comments any recommendations I may like. Anyways this movie is just plain crazy as I Love Lucy with the Shenigans they get into. I will name a few as I am writing this while watching the movie at the moment. First one them getting stuck in the mud and Ricky using the jack to try and even up the trailer. The next thing I'd like to point out is is her making eggs and the eggs kept on falling off the pan which was hilarious watching her time and time again trying to cook and everything fell off cause the trailer was sideways. The next point I wanna point out as well is trying to go to bed and she kept on falling off the bed. You can see its the same kind of scenes they would do on Lucy and it makes it for a hilarious movie. At the end she fell out of the trailer into the mud. Ha-ha! Actress Madge Blake I recognize because she player Mrs. Harriet Cooper in the 1966 TV Series of Batman.  I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when they were trying to park the trailer. 

                  Oh I am not even finished the start of her collecting rocks and unable to go up hills eventually which definitely got me laughing. Also the part where she said "You're going south and you gotta read the map upside down." This movie is crazy and my mom wasn't kidding when she told me it's hilarious and it is. It is amazing how cheap things were for 1953 and so different. One thing that gets me is I thought color TV wasn't invented till the late 1959's into the 1960s so I do not understand why it was in color for 1953 but anything is possible with the technology today. Another scene was quite hilarious was Lucy with prepping the salad in the trailer while it was moving. Anyways it was a great movie 10 out of 10 in my movie review and will have to check if there's other movies with her in it and maybe something for me to do in the very nearby future.


Friday, October 8, 2021

End of The Week Updates! [10-08-2021]

                Another week has gone by and it is time for another weekly update for you guys:

Facebook Community Group: There has been a ton of things going on, continuing drama in the community and myself and Savannah are trying our hardest to prevent the drama and problems within the community and it is hard without Moderator especially on the Facebook group and that is the choice her and I made to not have moderators as it has created problems in the past and it is best we keep it to the staff. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Got an answer from IHeartRadio and its a validation issue and at this point the podcast is no longer with IHeartRadio and is the second platform that I had to remove the podcast from due to technical issues and I am not one bit pleased whatsoever. 

Website: Savannah has tore the website right apart and fixed the archives so it is only the Podcasts under Archives and only archives moving forward as that is what we want is just the archives. Projects and Past Projects are now On-Going Projects and Previous Projects. 

Power Rangers Collab: Meeting in a week and a half to discuss a scheduling fix and I hope to have all the notes done by then hopefully and we will have to wait and see how far I can get by Monday with the notes.

                That is the updates I have for right now, it is not much to report but we're updating and getting things up to date for you guys and that is all we can really do is keep you guys up to date on things over the next week any progress updates that I may have. Anyways that is my post and hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends, family and fans!


Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth and Minecraft Updates!

               It is time for another update in the gaming world and I wanna start with The Binding of Isaac. Well the good news well sort of good news, I almost beat the level with the explosion shots challenge, however the bad news is I ended up dying so that didn't work out too well but getting there and every time I get close every time and there will be a point where I will get it and end up beating it entirely just gotta keep trying till I do if it takes me 1000 times to beat it then so be it, I will not stop till I 100% the entire game even if it takes me 30 more years I will continue on with the game as there is at least 100 + more things to unlock and in time I will get it and I think its more like 300 - 500 things to unlock but every victory has unlocked something at least and its a step in the right direction.

              Now to the Minecraft updates, I have been living on the road lately since I changed the house and added lighting into the two main buildings in the front which are now lit right up and are active. However since then I have been on the road a ton, I took to the rails and lived in the wooden house on an island that isn't actually home to find that I actually built a railway further it is just not powered currently and remains abandoned and not used at this time. I plan to use it down the road but when is the question to be honest. Now I went down the line where there is only one way route as there is 3 routes  you can go as there is no 4th route right now due to the fact the Office Building is currently in the way at this moment and no matter what I probably will not add a 4th. Anyways down the 3rd line out of the 3, I started to put covered tunnels in the snowy biomes area and this is still an ongoing project at this moment and I will get to it at some point as that is a very long line and I have to stop and go in areas and building takes a bit of time to do. Anyways those are my updates and enjoy the rest of your Thursday and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy Gilmore Movie Review

                Since this movie actually makes the top of my list it is time for a movie review here on the blog today. This is indeed still the top of my list favorite movies of all times and always will be at the top of my list and to be honest, I do not think it'll change anytime soon. The movie stars, Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald and pile of other amazing actors including the long time former host of The Price is Right, Bob Barker who is pretty much an idol to me as I have been watching him since I was younger thanks to my grandpa who introduced me to the show back growing up. I do not need to go into much detail but pretty much the movie is about Happy Gilmore who wanted to play hockey turned into a pro golfer. Now mind you there is a ton of cursing in it and you can imagine how many bleeps there would be if they'd had to bleep it out... LOL! 

                   Anyways, getting way off topic to be honest, the movie has its moments of Happy Gilmore cursing and even at the golf ball. To him fighting Bob Barker and the The Price is Wrong Bob (which has an explicit) I added Bob to keep this blog appropriate. Also to this day it is still an iconic scene from the movie and remains that for a 90's movie. Another point I would like to make is the scene with him and that stinkin clown scene where he wacks the clowns nose off at the end was another great scene. However the scene that beats em all is when he beats Shooter McGavin and the look on his face was absolutely priceless! Anyways this movie gets 20 out of 20 as it is such an amazing movie and if you haven't seen it, I'd recommend you guys to see it. I could watch it over and over again. That is my post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Entertainment Man Podcast-- Issues with Two Platforms

               As you guys know Entertainment Man Podcast is no longer with Stitcher Radio as recently there has been am looping issue right now and I have actually reached out to them and they haven't replied back so as of Midnight this morning, I have hidden the podcast on Stitcher and will not be promoting the podcast at this moment. Now another platform having some issues on is IHeartRadio as the feed on there isn't updating so a whole pile of issues going on right now and trying to tackle one issue at a time and hopefully it's fixed soon. Anyways the platforms you can find the podcast on are as follows:


ITunes: or Searching Entertainment Man Podcast on the Apple Podcasts App.

Android:  Or on Google Play

Player FM: 

My Tuner-Radio:  

Listen Notes: 




                 Those are the ones I know of that the podcast is on and there is a ton of places you can listen to my podcast on and still a ton of places to listen to so if I pull one or two that's OK, I have to do what I have to do. Also you will not be hearing the Stitcher Premium promo anymore as I have decided to move on and that will be starting as of Thursday's Bonus episode of the podcast. That is what I have to say and I'm sorry it's a very lengthy post so I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Monday, October 4, 2021

The Keg Food Review!

                    I guess you can say this was my first time at the Keg and I absolutely loved it, I mean I was very nervous to know how the food was going to taste but it was amazing! We shared a thing of garlic bread with cheese. It was very garlicky and cheesy and greasy but I didn't really care as long as it was good. Next thing I had was the Filet Mignon with Garlic Mash potatoes and Zucchini which I didn't eat the Zucchini as I'm not a fan of it. However the Filet Mignon was so tender and it came with a sauce, not sure if it was an Aaoli sauce but it was soooo good on the steak and maybe I need to try and make a nice sauce for my steak next time but whatever the sauce it was nice and it complimented the steak very well. The Garlic mash potatoes was good and It has actually the skin of the potatoes and it was really good and wasn't too garlicy whatsoever. For dessert we shared a big piece cake it was like a mocha cake with a chocolate layer with Carmel and it was really that good!  

                   I would give the appetizer a 10 out of 10 as it was so soft and tender when I bit into the garlic bread with cheese. The meal, the steak and garlic mash is also another 10 out of 10 all night long! Finally the dessert is a 10 out of 10, so a total of 30 out of 30. Now I wanna add 10 points more to the list to make it an even 40 out of 40 which is the service, it was supreme from us at the entrance being greeted and being checked if we have been vaccinated which we all are vaccinated now to being seated and given instructions we do not need a mask if we are at our table but getting up we have to wear a mask. Our waitress, was amazing and interacted with us a lot when we she came to check in with us. I will be going back and I plan on eating the Prime Rib next time around and every time I will change up what I have. Anyways that is my post for today, hope you enjoyed this and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, October 1, 2021

End of The Week Updates [10-01-2021]

                   What a wild week, full of drama once again, which I will not put up with anymore. Anyways there has been technical issues as well and I will get right into that and also how Power Rangers Collab sort of went on a brief hiatus earlier in the week and that is going to be all in this post today, so without further ado here are the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: There has been a bunch of technical issues with the podcast one of them the listens not showing up showing 0 to 3 listens which now has been rectified and is fine now and really impressed on the listens honestly. I've worked so hard on this. Other issue is Stitcher which has a looping issue and I already sent an email and have been ignored about it and if it is not fixed soon, I will be pulling the podcast from Stitcher as of Tuesday morning so they have till Monday and I will be sent a second email. 

Website: Despite all the technical issues this week with podcasts the website has continued to strive with the viewership and it continues to surprise me and all is well when it comes to

Power Rangers Collab: The collab has been wavering on and off all week long but I ensure you guys that I have gone back into working on episodes and aiming for October 21st, 2021 when the next recording date is for the Collab followed by November 4th, 2021. Also I will be working right off the bat on RPM when I finish Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury so I will be getting to work right off the bat so we can get moving into the next phase which is doing new episodes in 2022. 

                   So much is happening in such a short period of time with the collab and Entertainment Man Podcast and I got no time to rest or relax as there's work to be done and I am sure just before I start working on Samurai and Super Samurai I will take a brief break but also notes for 2022 for Entertainment Man Podcast as I have yet announced anything officially as I have once again gone "radio silent" on it since the problems and an original post for 2022 was indeed scrapped all together. There will be a time and place where I will talk about 2022 but right now I need to focus on wrapping up some of the loose ends with other projects this year before I can really deep dive into planning 2022 and there are things I know that you guys do not even know about yet.  However you guys will find out soon enough! Till Monday, have a great weekend everyone! 
