Showing posts with label podcast updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast updates. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2024

End of The Week Updates [12-06-2024]

                First of all I am sorry for no post this morning. Had to deal with staff stuff as always. So this has been an interesting week for us. First the addition of the website was the Lounge. Now it hasn't been used much but we the staff hangout in there all the time and it's there if you guys want to chat but no pressure whatsoever. Also Chris has taped a bunch of episodes and the problem that's been festering with The CBOTW Show and Chris is really considering a hiatus of the podcast till February at this point. He's really frustrated by these issues and not sure where to go to after all of this. 

      needs to reply to his emails and he has been emailing them once a week to find out when the two feeds will be back and that has been the issue and why we are now backlogged in episodes 2 with Larry and Chris which sounds like he will be slowing down for the year perhaps and the studio is in disarray too. Too much going on but he will be posting what's left for The CBOTW Show then he will be doing a hiatus till end of January, hopefully this issue is fixed. I will be reaching out personally to assure they reply back to his emails. Chris is fully booked up for the rest of the year for Entertainment Man Podcast and will be looking at interviews after Christmas to record. Website has been overhauled, 10th anniversary removed, schedule under about, and the addition to getting involved as a guest on The CBOTW Show.Those are the major updates, I will chat with you guys next week.




Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Podcast Updates-- Entertainment Man & The CBOTW Show

             Now that the schedule has been released I want to talk more what you can expect with this schedule and how much more freedom both podcasts have together. Meaning I could potentially start doing interviews live more often and the opportunity for growth of Entertainment Man Podcast. I've been thinking about this recently and these plans make total sense to me now. I was regretting the decision but now that I think about it all, it totally makes a ton of sense. 

            With The CBOTW Show, I am planning to post to Audio ONLY for the foreseeable future but I am planning to expand to YouTube eventually, not right at this present but down the road in the very nearby future. I want to take baby steps with all these changes and I do not want to expand too fast and I think that is the biggest problem we have had in the past was rushing into things too fast. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

No Power Rangers Collab Podcast News Yet!

              As you guys know, I've been very, very quiet with Power Rangers Collab and maybe I have been too quiet. Once and a while I need to update you guys what is going on but I cannot right now as I haven't nor yet spoken to Larry about the end of July and my fear of him getting COVID cause of my not so smart move of not wearing a mask. Kind of why I haven't said much minus the photo I posted of the actual notes finished for Megaforce which I am now on Super Megaforce at this moment. Soon as those are done I move onto the next two season and so forth. I hope to get a little ahead so all him and I need to do is record. So we're locked for from 2021 (last year) to January 1st, 2025. I have been very topsy turvey with the collab whether it'll continue on and been worried and stressing myself out whether the collab will continue or will end up the same fate as The Entertainment Man Talk Show was but I know it will continue and it doesn't help my mental health and to be honest, I worry way too much these days. Life is too short to be worried 24-7.

                Anyways, I am rambling, what matters, I am staying committed to the project and taking things one day at a time and really have been totally into the collab and really working hard and fast on the project while we wait as Larry and I have some things to discuss when he gets back onto social media, especially the fact I was sick 2 days later after seeing him and I know it wasn't him that gave it to me, it was elsewhere. So that is the reason why we've been very quiet and to be honest this is the only updates you guys will get is when I complete a season, I just like to brag how hard I've worked and I know by the time he's back, we can discuss whether we are going to move forward to him being in studio or if we are going back to Skype temporarily till we feel comfortable with him back but more news is coming by the end of sometimes in October to what the plan is moving forward with this collab. Reason the collab is now hiding in the Podcasts Archives right now is cause of the uncertainty of the collab, whether we will continue in studio or go back to Skype till January. That is the update on this as I have been asked a ton about the collab and why it's been silent lately and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Unsure if Power Rangers RPM Podcast Will Be Done In Time.....

                Title says it all, I am not 100% sure we will be ready for Power Rangers RPM. We may end up having to postponing till the new year and I can and probably could give em to him at the movies possibly. However as yesterday I struggled to actually get stuff done and today I really need to get it finished and fast. Today is going to be the day I try and burn some tracks on this collab and really dig into it. It is not like it's that hard to do and if I have to delay Samurai and Super Samurai then so be it, I will. Just gotta keep digging at it and this is why plan b is now in affect to have it done by Sunday so I can send it officially to Larry and there is still hope as long as today I work hard and work super hard on this. Just gotta keep the faith, I gotta remain positive through it all that I am do it. Like the Arisa, host of Big Brother Canada would say: "You Can and You Will!" I use that to get myself motivated all the time and it helps. 

                So what if we record January and February twice? We're red hot right now and the fire is definitely lit under us to get us back up to speed. I can say this we shall be ready for June for a hopeful return of Larry in the studio to record Megaforce and Super Megaforce that's for sure. I've said it so many times that we are hopeful for a return to the studio but by March we should be all caught up and on more a steady timetable. January/February is still scheduled as it is but if we have to slip in RPM into January so be we will but for right now it's all hands on deck and Alexandra will be watching over social media in case questions pop in. I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

All Eyes Are On The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Coming Out This Week!

                   I know it's been a month almost since Larry and I have recorded the Mystic Force and yes I have been holding onto the episode for weeks now and been promising to get it done. I have been working on it the last 2 - 3 days and moving quite quickly with the podcast and wanting to get it up this week. The criteria is not posting two episodes on the same day and I pre wrote this post so things could be different by the time this gets out, this could be done but again it will depend. I do not plan to sprung it today on you guys so if anything it will be up by Friday or Saturday and I will be announce this a day or so in advance depending how quickly I get it done and finished to upload. I promise it will not be on a Thursday as it is a bonus podcast day for me and I think 1 podcast a day is enough. 

                     I have ran scenarios in the back of my head that I could wait and I may have no other choice as if I post it Friday it's a day after the normal podcast goes up, if I post it Saturday it's so close to Sundays normal episode. You see my dilemma there, either way it cuts it so darn close and wish I had time Saturday, I would of edited it first and have it posted on Tuesday (yesterday) and it would of been 2 days apart but I am going to take the hit and if this means jeopardizing views on the other then so be it. All episodes gotta go up either way and if this affects the other shows I do then that's fine. However I do not think it will affect it whatsoever yet Sundays episode was a little slower in listens but still early and only mid week. It is hard to get listens on that podcast when it's twice a week. However all eyes on Mystic Force Collab Podcast right now and it has been all about the collab recently. That has been my main focus and shift to ensure we get to RPM and complete it by end of this year. We are close to caught right up with the podcast and we are very aware of our situation trying to be ready for February. I will have another update next week what Larry and I discussed in our meeting for right now I will talk to you all tomorrow and be on the lookout on social media for an announcement when the collab goes up!


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Updates!

                I want to give you guys an update on things. By the time this comes out, I will have completed Jungle Fury and onto typing Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury notes and getting geared up for RPM which will be the last one for 2021 and I probably start working on it after so it is done and then I can take a break and start working on Entertainment Man Podcast's 2022 schedule. However this update is about the Collab not the other podcast. I am going to provide you a recording schedule that is tentative right now but here it is:

Thursday, September 30th, 2021: Power Rangers: Mystic Force

Thursday, October 14th, 2021: Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive

Thursday, October 28th, 2021: Power Rangers: Jungle Fury

Thursday, November 11th, 2021: Power Rangers RPM

Thursday, December 9th, 2021: Future Plans for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. 

                  Soon as I finish notes for Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury I'll be mailing them out to Larry as you guys see September 30th we will be back to recording the podcast again and trust me, I am very, very excited to be returning to recording this series and it has been almost a month but by the time we get back to the collab, it'll be officially 2 months since we recorded last. I am aiming for Friday to release the SPD episode finally but Tuesday at the latest but stay tuned to social media for more details! That is my update on the collab, I will talk to you all tomorrow morning at 11 am EST. 


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Podcast Updates and Made A Decision!

                As I said on my Social Media, I have my reasons why an episode was removed off the feed but now that has happened, you probably wondering what's the plan to make up the episode. I actually have a bonus episode but I have to listen to it back to make sure the mic doesn't cut out on me at any point as you know I have had some mixer issues with the power supply unit but I will listen to it before I decide to release it. However now with the Mixer issues, I may be sitting on this bonus episode till I get the problem resolved and ready. What do you expect, I've used this mixer non stop especially with a former "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast and current Power Rangers Podcast and Entertainment Man Podcast, you can imagine shes getting tired and these things do not last forever. There will be a parts that breaks right down and right now if that bonus podcast is in good quality then I will be sitting on it till I know what the music store says back to me, hopefully by the time this is out or before or close I will know what's next.

               So with the missing episode I have, I am sitting on a bonus episode till further and when the premiere day is determined as of right now, what I am trying to say is, Entertainment Man Podcast and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast are on hold for a little bit.  Why do I say this well   I heard back from the customer service and they are sending it to my local store and they will put it on Order for me.  Still maybe a be delayed but we will see how things go when I get the item. I can say I am still aiming for July 15th and July 29th, 2021 for Power Rangers Collab returning for more amazing episodes! It is just Entertainment Man Podcast that is pending the start, once I know I can do a week prior release of this bonus but more details is coming soon! I apologize for this inconvenience but these things happen!


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Update...

                      You are probably wanting an update huh on Ninja Storm. I think on my Facebook/Instagram Stories, I did spill the beans on this but for those who haven't seen it well you are indeed in the right place. I know, I know get to the chase. I am now half way through this podcast prep as I am finished watching Ninja Storm and I am now on working on notes well after I finish editing this weekends podcast. I can say this I really, really enjoyed it and I had a lot of doubt on this season that I wouldn't like this season at all and that is not the case this time around. I very much enjoyed this season and was totally hooked into this season. Anyways to the next point I wanna make, once I am done editing the weekly podcast I will be typing up notes and also I will be working on Dino Thunder. So I am doubling down on the podcast and getting two done at once. I know I said on the FB/Instagram Stories I would like to get both done this year but that could be not possible but it all depends on how quickly I can get them done and if I can get 10 episodes or more done a day but that is besides the point I gave you guys a small set schedule but one step at a time.

                      We will get there at some point where we actually get these caught up and running again. So many different projects going on right now but so much I can do right now to be honest but I can definitely manage everything and one baby steps at a time. Either way not next week but the week after there will be a recording session and it will be a good episode and I already know that even tho the notes are not even remotely typed yet at this point. However this weekend I will be getting started on it and I will start watching Dino Thunder and doubling up but no guarantees whatsoever on recording this year but we will see how I do in the next week but you never know but first we have to start with what we have right now. Anyways I will talk to you guys on tomorrow's blog post.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates [09-05-2020]

              Here we are with another week which has been busy for all of us here at ChrisBOnTheWeb. We have a few updates on projects and on our website that Chris has made to our website to improve things. Anyways here is the updates:

- Website: The website has been once again tweaked as Chris added to the CSS code so the banner you see on the top is now centered. Also you can notice the banner is a lot bigger then it was and honestly it looks good. 

- Chris: He is returning to blogs tomorrow, it has been long coming for him to spend 30 minutes to actually write a post on a regular basis. He shouldn't stop writing posts if he don't have to but he had to due to Power Rangers Podcast and it takes 30 - 40 mins to write a post tops. 

- Entertainment Man Podcast: Today is the big day and 2 hours or less from the time you are seeing this and he has been excited for you guys to see what he recorded which he was a little picky on the length but he is going to fix that for next week's podcast to the normal length that he wants but we hope you enjoy the episode. 

- Power Rangers Podcast: We are finally getting back into the podcast and typing up notes for the podcast and working countless hours to get it done and to actually have it sent to Larry hopefully before the end of this month.

                 There are the updates that I have for this week and I hope you all have wonderful week and I will be speaking to you guys next weekend with another weekly update on what is going on with ChrisBOnTheWeb.

- CBOTW Team

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Changes (June 4th, 2019)

              I know that I did renew the podcast for 2 more seasons officially with a more then likely chance to be back for a 13th season.... However I decided to only renew the 2 seasons due to the fact that Amazing Race 31 may end up crossing schedules of Big Brother 21 and Amazing Race Canada so which means, the 10th season may be extended and I did the math and it would be end of the season 70 - 71 episodes which is insane honestly. So today's blog I am making it clear that it is renewed for 2 more seasons with a greater chance of it being renewed for a 13th in 2020. I have listed below two scenarios what could happen:

Scenario 1:

Summer 2019 (May continue Season 10 right into the start of the 10th season):

Big Brother 21
The Amazing Race Canada 7 

Fall 2019 (Season 11... ?):

Survivor: Island of The Idols (Season 39)

Winter 2020 (Season 12... ?):

Survivor 40

Big Brother Canada 8

Scenario 2:

Summer 2019 (Season 11):

Big Brother 21
The Amazing Race Canada 7 

Fall 2019 (Season 12):

Survivor: Island of The Idols (Season 39)

Winter 2020 (Season 13.... Will Be Renewed Definitely):

Survivor 40

Big Brother Canada 8

          I think honestly that second scenario is not going to happen as I think I will be going with the 1st one as it seems the most logical as it doesn't seem like it will be done before the start of Big Brother 21 but an official schedule is coming once I do know when the finale for The Amazing Race 31.but I do have a schedule put together with the ideas so I will officially announce it when the time is right but I wasn't think straight so I am sorry if I announced things too quickly and have removed or changed those articles I wrote. I need to think and it was kind of spur the moment where I kind of figured it would end up crossing paths but it is what it is and we just gotta deal with it but now you guys got an update to what is up with the podcast.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Updates...

         I know I have been very radio silent and haven't been recording as often as you guys wish but we are now on a 1 episode a week and things are quieter then it was 2 weeks ago. As you know I did something with the YouTube channel you guys didn't think I'd do and delete it all together. I think it is best to stick to the Audio ONLY.  Anyways with the podcasts 10th Season coming slowly to an end as this week we will be half way through Amazing Race's 31st season, yes I have been thinking about in between the seasons as I now do have confirmation for the 11th season but I am waiting on one of the shows for confirmation for the summer but already have been writing the post for sometime in June. Anyways this post is about the off season podcasts and will there be off season podcasts? I really do not know as we have 6 weeks left but do not know if Amazing Race will have double episodes down the road but I am sure if we go single episode with 1 or 2 more doubles we would be done before Big Brother 21 starts so it could a no off season podcasts situation but that's OK with me if it ends up this way with a no off season Podcast. I will just move into the 11th season and transition into the very next season. 

           Now as for the 11th season, I am planning only 2 podcasts a week, one being Amazing Race Canada an one being Big Brother 21 as I have ton of family things happening this summer plus I am planning to travel out east to Boston with family so I do need to go once a week for both recaps so it will be a bit more difficult then I expected but I am planning to hopefully just before I go out east to actually so I wanna try recording on the road while I am out but rather not if that is the case and what real time will I have to record a podcast while I am out honestly but it could work for me but we will see what the heck happens and if I can pan out a schedule that works for me but it would depend how long of a trip it would be so I probably end up getting a laptop for the trip this way I can record while on the road and yet still enjoy the trip one way or another but I will let you guys know once U decide what the plan is.

           Right now it is hard to decide on the summer schedule and if it is truly worth to get a laptop and it really does depend how long I will be away but that is the only thing that is really stopping me right now is holidays but definitely deserve a holiday here and there so it is a tough decision to make. Really with family, I am not sure when we will and if we will have the time to go away with both my aunt from Alberta and aunt and uncle from British Columbia are coming, it is hard to say right now if we will be going but will definitely will be trying to get away even for a week, week and a half at the most. I could just double up on podcasts for the 2 weeks if worse came to worse but I will be talking to my parents today at some point to find out more and next week I will do an update next week on Sunday to let you guys know what is what but yet again, I haven't got a complete summer schedule yet so it will be the waiting game till I know the release date for The Amazing Race Canada comes out and again I will let you know.
