Showing posts with label Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2023

End of The Week Updates [06-02-2023]

            Another week has come to a close and time for some updates:

Sad News: This week we got some sad news that Sophie has passed away. CBOTW Team hasn't been really around since the news broke and we are sorry but we are all affected by this news. I made a Past Team page of the former team members in her memory and she will be up on there. Will talk about that shortly.

Team Page:  I have updated the team page, still had Sophie on there listed and it will be some time till I am ready to update it as I am still struggling with this news but I am on leave from the day to day operations of ChrisBOnTheWeb so I haven't been too active in the day to day.

Past Team Page: As I said before, there is an Past Team page and was worked on this morning and is officially now up here on the website. I couldn't add everyone and there has been people who have done me wrong in the past has not been listed on there. It is my decision in the end. 

Power Rangers Collab ends tomorrow: Tomorrow ends the 5 year run of Power Rangers Collab, this week has been me wrapping up that and as I have said before, the page will remain up till June 30th then will be archived under the Podcast Archives page. 

The CBOTW Show:  The transition to The CBOTW Show has begun and as I am working on the podcast under the name, I am excited for the future of these podcasts. 

         Those are the updates, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and remember that the 5th anniversary is going up on both Power Rangers Collab (for the final time) and The CBOTW Show (for the first time) at 1 pm EDT. I will be away all day but be sure to be on the lookout for it! I will talk to you all Monday!


Friday, May 19, 2023

End of The Week Updates Return Next Week!

             I decided against the end of the week updates cause honestly, I don't think I was very active with content that much. I am mostly been upstairs lately. Been working on the collab but starting this weekend I am getting back into the studio to type up the notes if it isn't done. I am gearing up to work on Beast Morphers pretty quick as time is ticking and need to get it done by mid June so we can record at the end of June to be one step further to the finish line. 

            That is what's just on my mind right now, I have the end game in my mind. Once we are finished, excuse me I have to say we as Larry is as much of a part of the podcast as I am but right now a lot of my focus is on the collab and getting done all 29 seasons in preparation for Season 30 as well. That is pretty much all I have to say right now but be prepared for all content to go back to normal next week and back to the grind. I am sure I will be energized and ready to go. That is the post for this week and little side note there will be a premiere this weekend of the next episode of Entertainment Man Podcast, I will be available so have a great weekend and see you all Sunday for the premiere of the podcast and I will be back on the blog on Monday!     




Friday, April 7, 2023

Power Rangers Collab (Revised Schedule)

             After speaking to my Co-Executive Producer, Larry, we have come up with a brand new schedule that will be fitting for to finish up the collab but here is the schedule:

Recording: Apr 20th, 2023: Power Rangers Forever and Always, 30th Anniversary  Release:  May 1st, 2023

Recording:  May 4th, 2023: PR Collab 5th Anniversary Release: June 3rd, 2023

Recording: June 1st, 2023: PR Ninja Steel & Super Ninja Steel; Release: June 10th, 2023

Recording: June 29th, 2023: PR Beast Morphers, Seasons 1 & 2 Released: July 13th, 2023 & July 27th, 2023

Recording: July 27th, 2023: PR Dino Fury Seasons 1 & 2; Release: August 10th, 2023 & August 17th, 2023

              There is the schedule and it is easy to follow and yes I know we've shunted Ninja Steel till June for a release but this gives me time to work on it and may work on it strictly this weekend when the studio is open on this long weekend. But that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

What Is The Plan Tomorrow?

           You guys know, Larry and I are suppose to record tomorrow but we have cancelled recording due to my Mental Health being bad once again. However we are meeting for lunch which we haven't done since well before the pandemic hit us. Then we are doing a Skype Meeting for now what I have revealed to him another pop up podcast as well.

          As you know I have spoke about it on social media but below is what needs to be completed before March when we record the next set to get it up:

- Power Rangers Dino Super Charge

- Power Rangers Collab- What We Know For The 30th Anniversary. 

            So that is the plan and we promise to be ready to go in 2 week tomorrow, we continue to strive forward and soon as I am finished, I am working I will talk to you all tomorrow as always, have a great rest of your day!


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What Will Happen After July With Power Rangers Collab [Contract Discussion]

               I know with Power Rangers Collab you guys know there is a contract involved with this podcast as this is a very massive project and endeavour for the last almost 5 years it's been an on going project for both Larry and I. As you know him and I are planning to finish all 29 seasons by end of July this year to prepare for Cosmic Fury this August/September. So I know there is a ton of questions regarding the contract and beyond July of this year:

              So beyond July, like I mentioned him and I still have Cosmic Fury and hope by end of the year to be in the studio to record it sometime in December. However beyond that we have no idea what comes next for the beloved collab you guys have loved and known for the longest time. Probably end up a one off podcast here and there till we know further and we have to do the movies but that is on the other podcast. I know we could do a different podcast and start that and that would be the other podcast. I know we agreed to the end of 2024 and extended it beyond end of this year and we probably made a mistake on our part but we did that as we were really unsure of the future of the collab beyond season 30 and still unsure what is going to happen beyond Season 30 and it will be definitely a waiting game. That is the post for today and any further development we will be sure to let you know on here but I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Saturday, January 21, 2023

End of The Week Updates [01-20-2023]

              It is time for another end of the week updates. Again writing this way ahead or partially written as this week I have updates of all updates! Anyways to the updates!

Entertainment Man Podcast: Recording it's 149th and 150th episode milestone this week which is crazy to think I have come this far in the podcast for a podcast that hasn't reached 3 years being on the air. Not for another month and a week or two but still an amazing milestone to be at. 

The CBOTW Show: As you know The CBOTW Show is on the horizon and with the failure of finding two hosts for Survivor 44 and Big Brother Canada 11, I am now having second thoughts and just doing normal TV Shows and movies due to the fact I did Reality TV Podcasts from 2015 - 2020 and was ready to move on and doesn't fit  the plans I am looking at a May 2023 start with two movies to get it up and going. Official days will be announced later.

              Those are the updates for the week, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always I will speak to you on Monday as it is a big week for us here at the studio!


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast 2023!

              Now that I've spoken a bit about the other two podcasts; Entertainment Man Podcast & The CBOTW Show, today I want to talk about Power Rangers Collab or most known as Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. This year we're hitting on all cylinders and hopefully by the end of next week I am going to be finished with Dino Charge and Super Dino Charge so I can move forward with Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel. Here is a few things we are looking forward to getting completed in the first half of the year:

New Format: Get adjusted to a new format in a new ERA of Power Rangers Collab with some talk about the episodes but a lot more questions and interaction between each other. As you guys know we have been slowly introducing it with Megaforce and Super Megaforce and now it is going into full swing this year. 

Dino Charge, Super Dino Charge; Ninja Steel & Super Ninja Steel: Hoping by March to be done all 4 of these seasons and with this new format which I spoke about above. We hope to record by end of the month. Also sometime in March we will be together for the next set of two. 

5th Anniversary: We hope to do something special for our 5th anniversary as a podcast. It's a feat that hasn't happened since The Entertainment Man Talk Show in 2013 which was a web series. It hasn't happened podcast wise as of yet, close but not close enough. 

Beast Morphers Seasons 1 & 2: We hope end of June we can get together and record these seasons which will be the second last of he group of seasons before the Dino Fury and we move onto Cosmic Fury in 2024. 

           Anyways that is the first half of this year and the updated goals for the podcast and I wanna make sure I stick to this goals for 2023.  I will talk to you all tomorrow for the first end of the week updates for 2023!


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Podcast Schedules December 2022 - June 2023

         With a lot happening, Jason David Frank passing away, Larry and I have decided to postpone Dino Charge and Super Dino Charge till January. We want to do a tribute to him. So the schedule is changing once again and I am going to be putting in the schedule for the next 7 months so it gives you an idea how we plan on catching up and when things are coming out:

December 3rd, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Megaforce

December 10th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Tribute To Jason David Frank (JDF)

December 18th, 2022: Entertainment Man Podcast final episode of Season 3.

December 25th, 2022: Entertainment Man Podcast 2nd Annual Christmas Special (PREMIERED ON YOUTUBE) 

January 8th, 2023: Entertainment Man Podcast Season 4 Premieres on ALL Platforms

TBA (January sometimes): Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Super Dino Charge

March 2023: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

May 2023: The CBOTW Show- Power Rangers The Movie (1995) & Turbo a Power Rangers Movie (1997)

June 2023: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 1 & Season 2

           That is the schedule moving forward and going to print this off for Larry and will be adding in the rest of the year for ChrisBOnTheWeb in general in podcast schedule but I will be giving you guys the schedule in Mid 2023 for the rest of the year as this blog has gone on long enough so I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, November 21, 2022

Podcast Schedule Moving Forward!

            This is a very special blog post today as you know post production of the collaboration podcast and both Larry and I have discussed this and we have a plan moving forward so here is our schedule moving forward and small note Entertainment Man Podcast remains unchanged in it's schedule this is other things ChrisBOnTheWeb:

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Megaforce Podcast release at 1 pm EST

Wednesday, November 30th, 2022:  Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Megaforce Podcast release at 1 pm EST

Thursday, December 1st, 2022: Larry and I will be hanging out and decorating the studio for Christmas this year, hanging up the snowflakes, put up the lights etc, fun and what not and celebrating our birthdays together. 

Thursday, December 15th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge & Super Dino Charge Recording

Wednesday, December 21st, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Dino Charge Release at 1 pm EST

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022: Power Rangers Collab- Power Rangers Super Dino Charge release at 1 pm EST

            That is the production schedule and stay tuned for my Chris Timeline blog post which give you an idea what I will be up to between December and March/April 2023 and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 



Friday, November 18, 2022

End of The Week Updates [11-18-2022]

              Another week has concluded and it is time once again for the end of the week updates. Been a busy and hectic week this week here at the studio and still mass chaos is pursuing especially today but here is the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Recorded another interview and today I am primarily focusing on editing done both video and audio that to get it done and ready for this Sunday. 

Power Rangers Collab: With Larry and I now in post production, this weekend will be primarily focused heavily on the collab and getting it edited and ready to be posted up which a post is coming up Monday on that but sounds like either Tuesday or Thursday next week for it being released perhaps. 

Website: The website has once again changed again, On Demand is now Podcasts and YouTube Channel has moved to the renamed "Archives" Tab that is now called On Demand and will remain there for the duration.

             Those are the updates for this week, just the usual, I will talk to you guys on Monday, have a wonderful weekend and as always I will talk to you all Monday morning!


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Plans for Power Rangers Collab

            Even tho the collab is going to be unsure whether we will be in studio or not but that depends on what is going on if I am available to record in person and if we don't Skype is always our best friend... sometimes... Unless technology screws up on us and it's happened before LOL... The stories I can say and I think that'd be a great episode to record on my normal weekly podcast and written it down as I am typing this. As I said publicly on the social media with the announcement of the return of the Mighty Morphin Cast there is a podcast circulating around right now that we would love to do. 

            Now scheduling it in is the question and I am writing this right now and we have to someway, somehow slip it in in the next 2 weeks of him being present in the studio. I do not think there will be time today as we will be busy with Megaforce & Super Megaforce so I will let you guys know by tomorrow the story behind that so stay tuned but that is the post for today, I will speak with you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Things Are Changing Temporarily in November/December!

               With my mom getting surgery on her knee, I am going to be at home a lot more but have come up with a schedule that would work, every 2nd week with Eric at the most unless things change every other week with Terry. Now Larry right now we see each other on a monthly basis for right now and I know it was cause I am leary of having friends here right now especially after getting sick in August and it wasn't any of my friends that got me sick, was my own stupidity but I just wanna be cautious seeing friends again. 

            What about the collab you may ask? Well Larry and I are going to try and record in studio. Even if we have to we can record via Skype if I am just not able to see him in person and have him over. Skype is always an option for us if worse comes to worse when it comes to taking care of my mom. She has the number 1 priority first before anything else. This also goes for local events both here and in Toronto, I am leaving it up in the air for right now the calendar will remain as it is right now. If I get to go, I get to go and that is all there is to it.  It is the best decision for ChrisBOnTheWeb and any announcements will be made on social media. Now I will not be covering Royal Winter Fair this year as I was a little late to the game for a Media Pass but maybe next year for sure. Anyways those are the changes, thanks for reading today's post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Tuesday, October 11, 2022

What Is The Plan With Power Rangers Collab?

                      The plan with Power Rangers Collab is now with everything that has happened behind the scenes, this is the plans moving forward:

November 2022: Power Rangers Megaforce

                             Power Rangers Super Megaforce

December 2022: Power Rangers Dino Charge

                             Power Rangers Super Dino Charge

February 2023:   Power Rangers Ninja Steel

                             Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

May 2023:           Power Rangers The Movie

                            Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

June 2023:          Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 1

                             Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 2

October 2023:    Power Rangers Dino Fury, Season 1
                            Power Rangers Dino Fury, Season 2

                    That is the plan and I have decided to actually  throw in the movies in there which is in Italic on here. This brings us to the end of next year and the plans will be made moving forward 2023 and beyond sometime fall 2023. In the meantime this is what the next year looks like and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Power Rangers Podcast is On Hiatus!

                Hey everyone,

           My name is Alexandra and I am Chris's personal assistant. As you may know, Chris is currently away from his regular duties on Changes are being made and you probably seen some removal of podcasts and podcasts moved around but I will cover that at the end of the week updates as he normally does and it will be a bit longer. Anyways he is no longer on speaking terms with his Senior Producer and Co-Host and has decided to walk away from Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast for now and put it on a long term hiatus till hopefully things settle down and the two of them are talking things out again. For now we've put Power Rangers Collab into the Archive Page of the website and will remain in the vault till a final decision is made with the collaboration podcast. 

             At the moment the content is void, he isn't tearing up the contract but has deemed it void for now and if necessary can work out a new contract if falling behind. At some point Chris may work on the seasons at his own pace, hoping that it will one day return back to a norm but all he can do at this point is just move on with the projects he is working on which is Entertainment Man Podcast. He will be putting nothing out about this collaboration on neither social media or Entertainment Man Podcast at this moment of time. Also the #PowerRangersCollab will not be monitored at this time and will do the best we can to answer any questions but he will not be answering anything pertaining what happened. He is keeping that a private matter and only reason I am bringing this up is I would like you guys to respect his wishes but anything else he is open to talking about just mention or private message on any of the socials which are found at the right hand corner. I will speak to you all in the next post tomorrow morning. 

Alexandra, Assistant to Chris

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Have I Thought of Making Larry, Executive Producer?

                 Have I ever thought about making Larry an Executive Producer of his and I's little collaboration podcasts? Yes I have but why haven't I as he's been with me for just over 4 years now with our current collab, Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast? Well I think he is very happy as Senior Producer/Co-Host role right now. I think he is very content with his position on the project especially now with it heading into 2023 in the coming months as this year is soon to wrap up and we've made some big headway with the project getting episodes out quickly. Also the fact he's not asked for a promotion of any kind means he is happy as a clam with where he's at and to be honest, he's come up to me with great ideas and the discussions with him that you guys do not even know that happens behind the scenes.It's quite interesting some of these convos that we both have on a regular basis. 

                 I know he deserves a lot of recognition for the work he puts into the episodes you guys hear and not only that coming up with ideas with Season 30 of Power Rangers supposedly being the last post and I will talk more about that tomorrow as it will be about the new season. What I am trying to say we have ideas going beyond Power Rangers that we wanna do from time to time.This is why he deserves the recognition as again he works hard even tho I do all the prep work, he makes sure I stay in line especially recently with threatening to stop working on the project but again "CONTRACT!" Sorry I had to say it, we're under contract at this moment, so there is no backing out.  Larry's been there through the thick and thin of things, the tech issues when COVID started and we had to move to Skype which I will be talking about end of the week as I am ready to make a decision that isn't easy for me or him. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Friday, September 2, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-02-2022]

             Another week has gone by and there isn't much in updates this week. However just a couple of things that I will highlight what is going on:

Team Wise: I welcome back Jeff as my Community Manager to help with questions on the Facebook page as he will be mainly focused on the Facebook community as we continue on to grow in that community. Also with the departure of my Assistant and Website Admin, Arianna is now my Assistant and is more behind the scenes but from time to time you will see her in the chat on YouTube but mostly is behind the scenes.

Power Rangers Collab: Currently working on another season and I am not talking a ton about it still as it is up in the air what is going on after being sick with COVID and I'm currently staying on the down-low, meaning not saying much when it comes to the collab. I mean yeah I will occasionally post up pictures of the notes but that's all. It will keep you guys on wondering what on earth is going on with the collab and as I said we hope to know more information soon what is happening. Best to wait till I talk to my colleague about everything the last while.

             Anyways that is the post, it is a short post for this week and honestly feeling a bit frustrated right now not getting things done a but faster as that motivation has been lacklustre and I wanna talk about it next week as I need time to try and get the work done so I can continue to stride to recording day and getting this collab back on it's feet again. Anyways have a great weekend and talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Updates!

             As you know with the recent events that has happened with me. Larry may not feel comfortable enough to be back in studio which means we may end up having to record via Skype for a while. I may not even feel comfortable having him in the studio right away. However don't forget it is a few months away from us actually recording and we will see how things are by then. However that will not change us from getting recordings done right now. Right now, I am not sure what he will say and honestly as right now I sort of had him on messenger block and afraid to even say anything to him. I just do not know how to go about telling him I was sick and days after I saw him. I'm afraid he will hate me but I wasn't sick when I saw him, I was healthy. So he could of been fine but I will find out.

            So there may have been some adjustments to our schedule the way we record the collab and if we are better off recording out of studio through online again then I am open to it again. I  have to remember with this pandemic, I have to be ready if we need to shift around then I will certainly done that. I will know more in September or at the end of September and will know more what the plan of attack is for the collab. Right now we do not know what the plan is and if he got sick too cause of my stupidity of not wearing a mask but I will let you guys know what the plan is and I will talk to you all tomorrow for the last post of the week. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Accepting If I Am Not Done On Time!

                 I truly accept if I am not done the notes on time by tomorrow. I got so close as of me writing this post for the day, I am at Ep # 9 of 22 at this moment. If we don't record tomorrow, that's OK with me. I need to remember, this month was very chaotic for me, had family visiting, my trips to Toronto, lunch with my dad. I have to remember to balacing out my work life and personal life too. Regardless, I will be still hanging out with Larry. We will be playing video games and enjoying each others company. That is what friends do. It cannot just be work, work work. There has to be some balace in life too. Tomorrow can be just be a fun day if worst comes to worst but this morning I am working on it as much as possible see how close in I get to finishing this crazy podcast.

                If it is not done, I will not be mentioning it the rest of the week and probably rest of the summer with the progress till I know it is done and finished with. If there is no recording tomorrow, Larry and I will do a statement for Social Media that Power Rangers Collab is on Hiatus till October of this year and will return with all 4 episodes this fall. Now I have to remember to be done on time and finish on time or it will defintely not good. I just gotta take it one step at a time to finish it and have it ready for the fall. I got 2.5 months - 3 months to prepare so I cannot waste it that's for sure. If I am not done, I am not done, that is perfectly ok. No pressure right now, just get it done by end of the week and start working on the next one. This is why I have the best Senior Producer & Co-Host of this podcast, he always has a solution to the problem. So again, if you hear nothing at all then you know it wasn't finished on time. I had to throw that out there. Anyways that is the post, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Updates

               I know this is the talk of the community right now and I do not know what is going to happen. The next 2 weeks is crucial and there has to be 0 issues moving forward. I didn't work on the collab for 2 straight days and Sunday or Monday I started working on it again. So it all depends. However this is how I am doing things for right now:

Megaforce: Finishing up Megaforce then will be typing up the notes as if it is indeed the way I am thinking about it in the back of my mind right now, we will just record Megaforce with the next season recorded in the fall when we both come off vacation. There is so much going on right now at this moment. However I will get into that shortly but I hope to have it typed up by Thursday. I don't care if I lose sleep over this.

Super Megaforce: Now I hope to watch Super Megaforce, will be next weekend hopefully  and I can start typing this up and get it done and we are able to record both but it depends how hard I work I am sure I can get both done but I have two weeks to get it done and finished. It is a dire need to finish it up now.

               Now worst case scenerio and we just record the one episode, once it is finished and done and we do not record the second one, then what we will do is hold onto Megaforce and release it once Super Megaforce is done. I know it's ridiculous but that could change and let's see what Larry says on the 25th of the month as I should know more by then. Anyways that is the post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it, I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Monday, July 4, 2022

Goals For This Week?

                    This week I got some goals in mind when it comes to ChrisBOnTheWeb which I will most definitely share today. This week is about me finishing up Megaforce and Super Megaforce, then the next goal is typing up the notes up for the 28th as that is when I am going next. But first is watching both seasons and at the rate I was going this morning I was going to get it done in no time and hopefully by tomorrow I will be done with this season to move on to Super Megaforce and to start it all over again. This is the # 1 priority this week, as the deadline is getting closer for me and if I keep going straight on I should get it done and finished so Larry and I can record.

                    Also this week, I do need to work on some more topics for the podcast as I need to finish up the topic side of things so I am going through each of them while I working on the seasons as I said above. So I am multi tasking to get this all finished and ready to go for the next phase of the plan. However today I worked a partial day today as I am with Eric today and I am not currently in the studio. Also I was suppose to do an interview but sort of a miscommunication so I am preparing a topic and I'm sorry there isn't an interview but promise to make it up to you in a few weeks as I have rescheduled that. However, I will have a topic ready to go for you guys for this weekend. Anyways those are the goals for this week and I will talk to you guys tomorrow for another post and also Happy Independance Day (4th of July) to my American Fans out there!
