It is the end of another week and time for another end of the week updates. This is another week of not as many updates at the moment as it is just me working on content and adding in some things to the website which is probably boring to you guys but here is what is going on.
Team Wise: Alexandra has returned after a bit of a hiatus from the team for personal reasons and has taken over as Community Manager for the long run.
Website: Alexandra, my Community Manager does have access to the website blog in case I need to step away so this way we can keep the blog rolling regardless of me available or not things keep on rolling. Also Power Rangers Collab has been moved back to active drop down menu once again. So archives has been updated as well as the team page has been updated. Chat was removed as it is now not a permanent fixture to CBOTW and maybe one day CBOTW will have it's own Discord Server perhaps? Never know!
Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: As you know the news sprung that Larry will be returning to the studio after uncertainty with after having COVID, but we are indeed returning to in studio and I continue to monitor the cases and if we feel uncomfortable we can always do Skype. I have his information on his envelopes in case as I cannot be too sure from a day to day basis.
Those are the minor changes and I will continue to work on content and improving the website on a regular basis. Anyways those are the updates for you guys, hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always, I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post.