Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 Year In Review!

                   This year has been the worse year ever in the history of all years! Evidently the last 2 years has been horrible, from the pandemic and shutdown of this studio to my Senior Producer and Co-Host of Power Rangers Collab Podcast to stupid drama and accusations against me and hosts or co-hosts not pulling their weight. It hasn't been the greatest year and I wish I did Entertainment Man Podcast right from January 2021 to now. that is how things should of been none of this back and forth garbage. I know my plan for 2022 moving forward and I will talk about it tomorrow or on New Years Day what the big plans for the blog, website and podcasts are. I need to learn to not give 100 chances and keep letting people back. Trust me in 2022, I am going to be a different person all together.  One thing that was also tough for me is getting back on the right track for Power Rangers Collab and pretty much defeated that feat this year and overcame a  lot of obstacles this year Larry and I.

                  Another thing this year has proven for me is how successful Entertainment Man Podcast has become in a very short time and proven to be a ton better then The CBOTW Show is or ever was as a show as most of the shows in that podcast the feed was either lost or deleted due to accusations against me and didn't want the individual on the website no more so I erased everything The CBOTW Show and all trace of what was recorded this year is now gone and never will see it back. What I am looking forward to this upcoming year is no more drama anymore, continuing on with both of the podcasts which again I will get into tomorrow on New Years to what is planned. Anyways please be safe tonight and ring in the New Year safely and I will talk to you all tomorrow on a special bonus blog on a Saturday.




Thursday, December 30, 2021

Interesting and Dramatic Week For Me!

                 This post was completely scrapped and changed around this post as this week has been very dramatic and with me second guessing myself with the YouTube situation. Now mind you, those who have seen my posts about the YouTube drama as you know I was shadow banned, which is where you get banned without notice nothing. It said channel doesn't exist when it was clearly there as it was listed on my list of channels. You can imagine the stress of getting it ready to go for January 9th and preparing for the podcast to return to Video as it was on video for a while.  Mind you I didn't break any terms of service but I can say I can put this behind me and move forward with all the plans. Myself and my team continue to prep and we have a bit of extra help with ideas and getting things set. I still have to record a trailer for 2022 and get a new editing software if I need to do some editing for the podcast the start and finish cuts as there will or be some dead air at the start as I wanna  make sure it is quality. 

                   This week I also have struggled to get going on the next collab and maybe I need to wait till Monday to start working on it and take the rest of this week to finish up the smaller projects at hand. Plus recording my first video for which can be only found and that I want to release January 1st, yes Saturday but I need to put up the other snowflakes up so it could be another week for me say the lease as I also have to get editing software as I said and I got Best Buy gift card so I can get one and the upcoming New Year, I'll make the effort to get one for myself.  Also got myself a Tripod and pop filter for my mic so makes production wise even better for the podcasts and also behind the scenes looks. I can say this tripod also has a piece for the IPhone so I can do streams on Facebook group, Twitter and Instagram pages easier without using my PC and not bogging down the CPU on this soon to be 8 year old computer. However you know I will use my PC from time to time for special occasions and streams. So this week has indeed been interesting with ups and downs but all worth it in the end and excited for what's coming up next! Thanks for reading todays post and I will talk to you guys tomorrow! 


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Gaming Updates [12-29-2021]

                  I have some gaming updates for you all and will be the last one for this year. So I will start with The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. I have beaten Sheold and gotten blood rights achievement unlocked which is awesome to have but that is not all I also unlocked unscarred womb with the alt stage to the womb. Also I unlocked Angel a few weeks back so things are goimg very well for me and this game. I have tried it with Cain and no real luck. I am still working on one of the challenges with Ipecac but again no luck whatsoever but getting closer as I am getting better and I have improved on the game.

              Next up is Minecraft, I got rid of the other world I started after clearing out the entire island, my niece and nephew talked me into bringing back the old server and building  a city around the stuff that we had already. Before we build a city around the stuff we already had, we have already made some adjustments to the world. We rebuilt my nieces house which looks a ton better, redid the entire rail hub which is accessible from the villager area via a ladder. We also have added in villagers door where they can go in and out of the building but cannot wander around beyond one point as that is my property. Also there is a door now from the garden centre to make it more accessible to the farming and animals when we need to. Finally the big project that I have been hinting on Social Media and the brick office building is no more! I have put glass around the building and looks very modern building now and so much better. only walls inside the offices is the middle brick wall between the offices and rest of the walls around are pure tinted dark glass. That is my updates for now, I will talk to you guys tomorrow on another post!


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Keeping Saturday's Open For Special Blog Posts!

                   I know with cases back on the rise 9000 new cases or higher and with me putting events back on the backburner, I am not ruling out Saturday blog posts at all. If something interesting is happening then I can and will do a blog post on Saturday. Schedule for the most part stays the same:

Monday - Thursdays: Normal Topic

Fridays: End of the week updates

Saturdays: Extra blog post 

             Now I am not going to do it every weekend. There is other things I need to do with the other podcasts which does need my attention with other things are around the studio and has more importance. Also I forgot to say this; I have fixed the blog post commenting as it always seems to have ended up in approval but all posts are now approved but myself and my site admin will and can remove posts if it's inappropriate. So keep in mind the Terms of Use which is at the bottom of the blog. So that is the news I have for now that there could be popup blog posts on Saturdays but it depends on what I am doing and if anything interesting to report on the blog here. Until tomorrow's blog post, have a great rest of your Tuesday!


Monday, December 27, 2021

Entertainment Man Podcast and Yours Truly Are Coming Back To YouTube!

  This is the announcement you all been waiting for since Friday afternoon/evening when I did that mysterious Facebook Live/Videos on Twitter and Instagram. The title doesn't lie, I am indeed returning to YouTube. I know there is questions about this and I will answer them. 

1) Promotion of the Facebook group: I will not be promoting the Facebook group publicly on YouTube as I do not want trolls on the group whatsoever. Now the Facebook logo will always be there and anyone that comes on the website itself can still join but I will not be making it public on YouTube due to fear of trolls in the group. I could do a fan page but then I'd have to move everyone back over to there technically. 

2) Podcast Schedule:  Schedule as follows: 

Sundays, 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast  (Regular Podcast Episode, on YouTube & Audio ONLY) 

Every 2nd Thursday, 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast  (Bonus Podcast Episode, on Audio ONLY) 

3) When is the channel going to be started? January 3rd, 2022. Dedicating my time to creation of the channel and setting it up officially. 

4) What Videos will be made at the start of the creation of the channel? Just the channel trailer to start with 

5) When will the channel link be public to everyone? Hopefully Janaury 3rd, 2022 or Janaury 4th, 2022 at the latest! Also will be under On Demand on the website. 

6) Will there be live streams or premiere's?  No live streaming at the moment and more then likely will not happen anytime soon! Premieres will come later when the channel does grow.

                   There is the basic questions and I will be updating the Q & A section under contact so it reflects what is happening in the coming days as we make this transition to video for the first time in 5.5 years of no YouTube. Anymore questions please ask and I can do another post about it in the near future. I will talk to you all on tomorrow's blog post.


Friday, December 24, 2021

End of The Week Updates [12-24-2021]

  Surprise! Special "End of The Week Update" is here!  First of all Merry Christmas to you all! I am typing up this post yesterday so this does not affect my time off with the family and me spending time with family throughout this weekend. So you can say I am taking a long weekend off for the next 2 weekends cause of holidays. Anyways, I am rambling so here are the posts:

Website: Alexandra and I have been preparing the website for the On Demand Drop down feature which has 3 different pages on the website, Studio Updates, Entertainment Man Podcast BTS (Behind The Scenes) & Power Rangers Collab BTA (Behind The Scenes.) I will be recording on December 30th an Studio Update to what has changed around in the studio.

Entertainment Man Podcast: I got one bonus episode coming out tomorrow for Christmas as it was requested by the most amazing Fans and you guys know I will do anything for you guys. This will be the last episode for you guys till the 9th of January when a new season/new year begins.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: There are still 2 episodes now pending for release and been working on Jungle Fury. Which brings me to this point that it will be an end of the week release of the collaboration podcast which gives me time to edit. RPM is the next one to work on. Following that I start working on the special bonus episode of this collab and Samurai will started on next. It'll be all ironed out and ready for February, I promise you guys this will be all out on schedule. I will have more details moving into the New Year on the schedule for that. 

                  That is the updates for the week and the last update for 2021 and I promise you guys that is the last update blog I do not think there will be an update till New Years for right now but you never know what to expect by then and again it will truly depend on what is what during the week. Again Merry Christmas to you all, have a safe and wonderful holiday and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Thursday, December 23, 2021

2022 Will Be A Better Year!

                 After feeling like I have been talked into doing Reality TV podcasts again and it totally fell apart, the drama this year, I can officially say 2022 is going to be totally different. I am not going to put up with any drama or insults anymore.  2022 is all about me and the 2 podcasts that have done extremely well this year since the change over and I am not about to roll over and go back to that, uh, uh, no way! Also the fact I am now in a better place now and a lot happier and 2022 there will be no 3rd, 4th, 5th chances etc. I am putting my foot down on this as I want to keep the community, clean, positive enviroment for everyone.  Alexandra, Larry and myself continue to make this a positive community and we will not tolerate such behavior like insults to myself and my team.

                I haven't been the best boss in the last 2 years letting things get out of control and I am stepping in as of now. I am not letting this community down. I already let my previous community and team down before, I'm not letting it happen again. I am so close to 10 years I can feel it! I am getting closer and closer by everyday that goes by. Keeping my eye on the goals ahead and excited for the 10 year Anniversary coming up. This is something I never saw with The Video Projects Team, only reached the 8.5 years mark then I ended up walking away from that team but this time I want to see the 10 year mark and beyond that as well. I  have said this before and I'll say it again, I'm excited for 2022. That is my post for today, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I will talk to you guys on Monday!


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What Am I Looking Forward To With Christmas & New Years?

               There is a bunch of things I am looking forward to with Christmas this year. The one thing is spending time with the family. Something that didn't happen last year due to the lockdown in this pandemic. This will be the first time in 2 years being with family during the Christmas Holidays. It is one thing I truly missed last year and ready for some time with the family. This year has been a rough year for me and being with family really helps me cope with the things I have gone through this year. I love spending time family and it doesn't specifically has to be a holiday, it can be any time of the year regardless.

                I think I am also looking forward to some well deserved time off as the last 6 - 7 months has been busy for me and even now I am still working away on content and preparing it to post as you all know I am backed up in content right now. Either way I am looking forward to a break from content and just spending time away from working and as you know I am off on the Dec 24th - 26th then Dec 31st, 2021 - Jan 2nd, 2022 so I have some time off and I know I will catch up with TV Shows as I am behind on and I will catch up in time on the shows I watch. Mind you I stopped watching The Price Is Right, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and maybe 2 I will get back into eventually. However that is what I am looking forward to with Christmas and New Years. I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the final post of the week before the Christmas 3 day break from content. 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

New Schedule Coming In January!

             With New Years looming closer the schedule for January has been completed.  What I mean I have tweaked the scheduling for 2022 once again in the way of content and even streaming. Here is my Content Schedule:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast, 1 pm EST (Regular Episode)

Monday - Fridays: Daily Blog Post

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast. 1 pm EST (Bonus Episode)

Here is then Stream schedule and now mind you I was going to stream on Twitter but I do not get many listeners so to start I am going to focus on the Facebook and Instagram Social Media for right now. Here is the timetable:

Wednesdays: Instagram Stream, 3 pm EST(Subject To Change If I am busy with family)

Saturdays: Facebook Group Stream, 1 pm EST

              Originally with the content schedule I had the Saturday blogs saved for Saturdays but due to the recent increase in cases, I am putting that on hold at this moment. Also small note that Power Rangers Collaboration posting is a sporadic schedule and why there are times for us being quiet and not saying anything. Anyways those are the updates and they are subject to change at anytime. I will talk to you guys tomorrow!


Monday, December 20, 2021

Updates & The Show Must Go On!

        Hearing the news of the cases rising here in Ontario, I have decided to postpone any plans of having guests or my team here in the studio for now. I was working on getting things ready but those plans are now definitely on hold at this moment. However all podcasts or all shows must go on. Both myself and Larry will continue to record our Collaboration Podcast through the power of Skype and we know we are doing a fine job recording through online and one day soon we will be getting back together eventually. We just gotta continue to be patient with this pandemic and that day will happen eventually but when is the question so either way The Show Must Go On! We continue to pump out shows no matter what whether we're in studio with one another or Skype we continue to work on new podcasts on both.

                As you know Entertainment Man Podcast has wrapped for 2021 for the most part but I will be releasing a new episode this weekend on Christmas Day at 1 pm EST. Not going to mention the missing collabs as I wrote this post yesterday and still working on editing at this moment. However it's coming out this week and hopefully I'll be at  a once a week basis for you guys. Now back to what I was saying about the pandemic, events was suppose to be back next year but with things rising again, I am putting that back on hold for right now. We have changed the schedule to reflect now and will update it as things and I'm sure my site admin, she's already on the job to updating it for you guys. So those are the updates I have and stay tuned for ongoing updates and news on social media and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, December 17, 2021

End of The Week Updates [12-17-2021]

                  Another week has gone by and time for another update for you guys. A lot has transpired and with Power Rangers RPM now taped, I can provide you guys with some updates on everything. However here are the updates:

Blog on Dec 24th/Dec 31st, 2021 & January 1st, 2021: So December 24th is Christmas Eve which unfortunately there will be no blog post on December 24th, 2021 and there will be no end of the week updates and same with December 31st, 2021. So technically this is the last end of the week update. Over the holiday I will provide updates when I see fits but this will be returning On January 7th,2022 @ 11 am EST. Don't worry for Dec 31st I have a special New Years Eve post already written and ready to go. Also a special New Years Day post is coming as well.

Entertainment Man Podcast: The podcast is now officially wrapped for recording any episodes in 2021, however I plan on doing a little bonus episode I will be doing it a bit longer then a regular bonus episode and it will be going up on Christmas Day @ 1 pm EST. I just want to have 70 episodes under the belt for this podcast and it's been asked as well lol.

Power Rangers Collab: With Power Rangers RPM Collab Podcast now post production it is all eyes on me with getting the editing done and that is what I have been doing the last few days. More then likely next week Operation Overdrive is going up on Thurs. Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 1 pm EST, then Thurs. Dec 30th, 2021 will be Jungle Fury & Thurs. Jan 6th, 2022 will be RPM and that should wrap up all podcasts behind. Trust me when I say it's going to be a wild next 3 weeks with podcasts going up. 

                 Those are my updates for this week and I'm going to miss these updates over the next 3 weeks but excited to come back on January 7th, 2021 and like I stated before, I will provide any updates as I see fits or if I have some updates to give you guys at the time. I hope you all have a great weekend and I will speak to you guys on Monday!


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Showing a Bit of Bitterness Right Now...

                First and foremost, I am not calling anyone out on this-- This is more leaning towards the podcast and the podcast only. To be quite honest, it was an honest mistake bringing it back. I shouldn't let anyone talk me into anything if I do not feeling. In the end it is my decision in the end and the fact I wanted out of Reality TV Podcasts at the end of 2019, I should of just just left it and if I did, The CBOTW Show wouldn't had come back and Entertainment Man Podcast which you guys know and love dearly would have more then 69 episodes under the belt. Yeah I am bitter towards The CBOTW Show coming back. Just putting more stress on myself then I need. Power Rangers Collab Podcast wasn't suppose to be a part of that podcast, it's a stand alone podcast for Yeah I am defending the collab as I should be. It's Larry's and I project, nobody elses.

                 Now camera man wise from The Video Projects Team, I regret having the camera man I had in 2009. I had one of my other staff in mind for the camera position. A lot of regrets with The Video Projects Team and I think I am going to open up about that on the podcast in the very nearby future with this actual topic. I think have it listed on the podcast next year as camera man roulette.  I have a bit of bitterness to the past but yet again the past is the past and I cannot really change that now. All I can do at this point is move forward with what I am doing and just remember the good times. The other day I was watching clips from my old series and laughing my head off especially with my stupidity at times. Good times! That is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Power Rangers RPM Collab is A Go!

                 After a struggling last week, Power Rangers RPM Collab is a go. Larry has recieved the podcast notes after I sent them out late on Monday afternoon on my day out with Eric I am happy that we are recording and we are still on schedule for the catch up schedule and we will be ready for January/February recording and we remain on track for 2022 and to keep up on our schedule moving as right now we are not planning for him to return to the studio to start recording the podcast in person as of yet. I know there was a lot of doubt it was going to happen and this kind of was a last minute finish and I cannot do that moving forward with future collaboration podcasts, I have to be done just little less then a week before to send to my Senior Producer & Co-Host.

                  As for when it will be up, I am working on editing the other collab podcasts right now, like I said there is a backlog of episodes right now which isn't good to be quite honest. However the future is bright and I am sure I will catch up with editing and getting it thrown up on the website eventually. When I say I am going to deliver on something, I do it not like when The CBOTW Show was still around and yes I am throwing a little shade to the former podcast cause you guys know and I know that was a mistake and a half bringing it back but that is irrelevant to this post. I am happy that RPM is a go tomorrow and one step closer to Samurai and Super Samurai in February and that special episode in January. There will be more information on the special episode in January. Anyways that is my post today, I will talk to you all tomorrow on a post and I have already changed the topic for it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Gaming Updates [12-14-2021]

                   Another gaming update is here as I have made some progress with the video game world and I am sure there will be more with me having a little more time on my hands and I plan on finish up working on things but here are the gaming updates:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth/After-Birth: Recently I did a run with Maggie or Magleglene and I fought the Angel to get the key and I believe I fought two of them at once and won on both of them and got a key. I went and won against Mom and Mom's heart on the game going into Sheold and of course I won against Sheold and was an epic win. I unlocked some things and it was a great finish to a run with Maggie. Now I need to work on other characters and I plan on that moving forward. I may do Cain run next, we'll see!

Minecraft: I do not have pictures but I got the Village rebuilt in some of the areas and it looks quite epic and I have evened out the dirt pile and the openings of the end of the pathways for the village have been blocked off so the villagers do not wander about which I have had already thanks to a creeper blew up the window and was a castrophe of villagers wandering around and I had to dirt up or cover up the window and kill the villagers that escaped so I had a couple of em wonder around and luckily I got wall put in or it would of been me chasing em. 

Fornite: I played Fornite Solos and I actually got 6th place in Solos. That is the furthest I have gotten on the game. When I first played it originally I stunk, I did so bad and I ended up just quitting all together and my original name ChrisBOnTheWeb, I do not know if it still exists or not but I tried to login but no luck so I have my other account. 

              Anyways that is the post for today and I hope you enjoyed it and been holding on to all this news and development and have done a lot in the way of gaming. Now tomorrow's post and Thursdays post, I do not know what the plan is for tomorrow and Thursday. Everything is up in the air, got topics but not sure what day is what with the 2 posts so it is a surprise for you guys and a surprise for me too! I will talk to you all tomorrow morning.


Broken Promises and What Should I've Done...

          The last year has been very tough on me both personally and professionally. Now as you know The CBOTW Show did not finish the season cause of the podcast not getting edited when asked to and to be honest, I am better on my own. This is why website and even friend and fellow podcaster pointed out this this website has my name on, it is my brand and their right about it. I have to remember that too. And to be honest I am tired of broken promises not getting things done when it comes to podcasts and I am just ready to get things done on my own pace and I just have to worry about myself in the end, Larry and Alexandra which they know what they need to do on a daily basis. 

                 The other part of keeping breaking promises is my recent site admin quitting on me. Yeah, I wasn't happy about this as things were flowing very well with the two of us and they get up and quit after being promised they would stay on for a long time and now been doubting things but I shouldn't doubt. I should of ended Everything About Reality TV Podcast at the end of 2019 with a final recap episode then taken a year off but I will get into that in the next 2 episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast. However I wish promises weren't broken and I was disappointed but I think I made a few mistakes that I cannot change but more coming. I am going to focus on the two podcasts for now and not add any other collaboration podcasts for right now. That is my post for this morning, I will talk to you all this afternoon at 1 pm EST for a second post to make up for yesterday of having no blog post whatsoever.


Friday, December 10, 2021

End of The Week Updates [12-10-2021]

                  It is the end of the week and really not too many updates to report on which is an first as we usually have a ton to update you guys on and I think it is only two updates that Alexandra and I talked about but here are the updates:

Website: If and that is a big if Larry and I do record we will be doing some behind the scenes video for the On Demand feature on the website and activate it sooner then we expected. If we don't we plan to do we still will do a video explaining why we didn't do the podcast and the replacement schedule for the new year to how we are going to be recording the next 3 before we're off for a few months while we anticipate the next one.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: I continue to work on RPM and working on this podcast and I already told you guys there is no guarantee on the podcast next week as we are not going to promise something that cannot be made but again we will see how things go. I know I made a timetable but that could change. However if I do get it done by Monday then I will be sending the notes out to Larry Monday and hopefully either before Eric or see if he don't mind popping by the mail place so I can mail it out but I will try to have it done before I meet up with him. Also you guys are asking where's the collab? Where's the collab? I'm talking about the 2 other collabs still awaiting editing and posting up and that is coming up soon, I promise!

            Anyways that is all we have for the updates and we're sorry for lack of updates. Been a very stressful and depressing week for me and I am still trying to keep in good spirits and yesterday night I was in a bit of a better mood last night as I worked on the collab late and getting farther in the notes. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and small note to add to this post is I left Wednesday's blog schedule on my board for next week empty as that will be the announcement day whether I finished it or not or that could also be a day for the weight loss. I may be switching things around but till Monday, have a great weekend!


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Changes Made To The Studio!

                 I Have made some changes to my studio but before I get into the blog for today, I was suppose to have gotten into a weight loss but I have lost what I gained back but next week I plan on doing an update. But for today, I am going to talk about the changes to the studio that has been made. 

Walls of the Studio: I have swamped things around on the walls I swamped the clock from where it was originally to just above where whiteboard sits to make way for the huge Minecraft poster that is now sitting on the wall which to be honest looks very cool. I really love it as most of you know I play the game quite often enough to know that I have done updates from time to time and this week there was no actual updates as of right now I haven't done an update not right now at the most.

Now as you know my old chair broke to a point it was a wobbly chair and leaned so far back so I asked for a new chair for my birthday and just yesterday with putting it together with the chair and boy it wasn't easy to do either way. I was getting mad at getting it setup but what can you do to be honest and this one seems a ton more sturdier then the other one. It is bonded leather and leather is always nice and it is quite comfortable. That is my post for today, hope you guys enjoyed this and I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the end of the week updates which will more then likely a shorter version of the updates as there isn't much in the way of updates for this week at the most as I've been trying but talk to you guys tomorrow about that.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Unsure if Power Rangers RPM Podcast Will Be Done In Time.....

                Title says it all, I am not 100% sure we will be ready for Power Rangers RPM. We may end up having to postponing till the new year and I can and probably could give em to him at the movies possibly. However as yesterday I struggled to actually get stuff done and today I really need to get it finished and fast. Today is going to be the day I try and burn some tracks on this collab and really dig into it. It is not like it's that hard to do and if I have to delay Samurai and Super Samurai then so be it, I will. Just gotta keep digging at it and this is why plan b is now in affect to have it done by Sunday so I can send it officially to Larry and there is still hope as long as today I work hard and work super hard on this. Just gotta keep the faith, I gotta remain positive through it all that I am do it. Like the Arisa, host of Big Brother Canada would say: "You Can and You Will!" I use that to get myself motivated all the time and it helps. 

                So what if we record January and February twice? We're red hot right now and the fire is definitely lit under us to get us back up to speed. I can say this we shall be ready for June for a hopeful return of Larry in the studio to record Megaforce and Super Megaforce that's for sure. I've said it so many times that we are hopeful for a return to the studio but by March we should be all caught up and on more a steady timetable. January/February is still scheduled as it is but if we have to slip in RPM into January so be we will but for right now it's all hands on deck and Alexandra will be watching over social media in case questions pop in. I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Some Changes and Holiday Schedule

                 Good Morning everyone! I have made a decision with some changes regarding to this blog. Now I have actually 2 accounts that is associated with this my staff account and the main Admin account. Now the Monday to Thursdays, it will be through this account. The Friday's will be the Admin account. So this means moving forward you will be hardly seeing that account but once a week on Fridays from the admin account. Now I know your going to ask about near the holidays and I will have an full update on that but I can tell you there will be some time off from the blog coming. I will get into the schedule right now and here is what is happening for the week of Christmas and New Years:

Dec 20 - 23rd, 2021: Regular blog posts from this account my Chris-CBOTW name here on the blog.

Dec 24th, 2021: No blog post due to Christmas Eve

Dec 27 - Dec 30th: Regular blog posts from this account my Chris-CBOTW name here on the blog.

Dec 31st, 2021: Special end of the year blog from this account my Chris-CBOTW name here on the blog. No End of The Week Blog this week, will return on Fri. Jan 7th, 2022 @ 11 am EST.

Jan 1st, 2022: First Blog of 2022 from this account my Chris-CBOTW name here on the blog.

                 Now the Office/Studio Hours for Christmas/New Years. It will vary but here it is:

Dec 19th - Dec 23rd, 2021: Studio will be open and business as usual

Dec 24 - Dec 26th, 2021: Studio Closed for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Dec 27th - 30th, 2021: Studio will be open and business as usual

Dec 31st, 2021: Half a Day, studio shuts down at 12 pm EST.

Jan 1st and January 2nd, 2022: Studio Closed for New Years Holidays

Monday, January 3rd, 2022: Studio will be open and business as usual


Monday, December 6, 2021

Changes To The Collab Are Coming!

                 Come January/February 2022, this upcoming year, there are going to be changes to the collab. Now not too many changes just a bit of a change is coming. Anyways this podcast that I am working on, Power Rangers RPM, well this is the final season with 32 episodes in a season. Both Larry and I will be moving into 22 episodes a season which makes things 100 times easier for recording and also this means Power Rangers Collab seasons will more then likely be from 45 mins to an hour total per episode so it will be a shortened podcast and there will be not be hour and a half, 2 hour podcasts no more which is unfortunate but we knew that these would of been shortened up eventually but you never know. When Larry and I get talking about the seasons we go on and on quite a lot so that's one of the reasons why the podcasts are so long per episode.

               Like I said not major changes, just minor changes are being made to the beloved series of ours and excited what 2022 is going to bring for this podcast as we are doing one of our first one off's to our list and that I am actually looking forward to doing that one especially. However the format of the shows we put together 3 times a year 2 per session which equals a total of 6 episodes a year, 7 if you count this year and next year in total. So lots to look forward to and I wanted to be more upfront and honest with you guys on this that there will be a length change but nothing else is being changed. Yes sometime next year, hopefully Larry will be returning to the studio hopefully but nothing is guaranteed at this moment as we've got this new variant in the country so we're not holding our breath on this and just taking it one day at a time at this moment. That is today's post, hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


P.S. Thank you to all who wished me a Happy Birthday!

Friday, December 3, 2021

End of The Week Updates [12-03-2021]

                  Well another week has come to an end and time for another end of the week, weekly update of what has transpired this week. As you guys know, Alexandra has taken over the role of website admin since someone decided to walk out after blocking me all over social media. That is besides the point but we've both been busy adding some more amazing things to the list. Anyways here are the updates:

Website & Social Media Christmas Banners: No ETA on that as of yet and hopefully by end of the week on the end of the week updates. Hopefully we can get them up soon for the Christmas holidays soon. Alexandra is working on designs. Give her the next week on that.

Website: Alexandra has put the On Demand Feature back in the last few days. This will not be active with the drop down till sometime in January 2022 once we determine what you guys want and there has been a poll circulating all over the internet thanks to my site admin and I said that in a sarcastic way and she knows that, haha.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Just finished off the Bonus episode which was released yesterday afternoon hence our busy social media post but late last night I was up late working which I haven't done in weeks now as I have been sleeping like a normal person but now revert up to being back up late but this Sunday's episode is now edited and ready to go. An announcement is going to be happening soon, maybe next week about this podcast with the return to a platform this podcast was on.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Working on Power Rangers RPM like my life depended on it. I wanna get it done before Friday of next week and get it sent out to him. It is do or die right now for both of us to stay on the right track. After that then I take a tiny break from watching then will start Samurai and Super Samurai. Between probably edit a bit on episodes and prepare that special podcast for January. We are remaining silent what it is till we actually sit down and record it through Skype.

Studio Update: Studio remains shut as cases gone up a bit but there is a surprise coming to you guys on December 19th, 2021. However Larry and I are committed to this podcast even if we have to record through Skype for another full year till we are clear to have him back in studio then so be it but we are still aiming for April at this point but no guarantees. 

                  That is the updates for the end of the week, a lot went on or transpired as I said.  A lot of moving parts to actually get stuff done and rolled out in content. I know there is a mess with the collab especially being backlogged and two episodes need to be edited too. Might end up with a entire new schedule and just scrap the original schedule cause I messed up with priorities. Anyways that is my post, have a good weekend and I will talk to you all Monday.


Thursday, December 2, 2021

I'm Pushing It!

             I am really pushing RPM to be done in 2 weeks from now. Time is ticking and hoping Larry gets the notes in time or we may be putting it on hold till January. However I am not going to role over and die that easily. Everyday I fight the good fight and going to continue to keep on fighting to the bitter end. I do not want to end up waiting till January as right now we have a podcast set for January. So we do not need a backed up schedule like this year has been. Been going forward and we are so close to the end game too! I mean not the end game for the collaboration podcast, that is nowhere near finished we are schedule to the end of 2023 right now and I can confirm it and not sure how we'll be by 2023. But the focus is on RPM right now and editing the collab as well. So much going on right now but I'm going to keep pushing and hopefully can get a collab down by end of the week so I can release it next week for you guys. I am ready for things to settle down but between Christmas and New Years, I'm sure I'll be working throughout the holidays and looks like I'll be working on Samurai and Super Samurai which has to be all done by end of January and I know it will plus editing and this special episode of the collab. Larry puts all of this on me but he motivates me to keep going with it. Least by end of February, I will be resting from recording for a few months on the collab. I just gotta keep pushing forward with all podcasts. I am taking Sunday off since it's my birthday but it will be pushing it. Here is my plan:

December 10th, 2021: RPM done and sent to Larry.

December 10th, 2021 - ????: Edit Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury

December 15th, 2021 - January 31st, 2022: Samurai and Super Samurai, watch and take notes; type up notes.

To Be Decided" Finish up Entertainment Man Podcast 2022 at some point.

            There is my timeline and not staying optimistic with this but all I can do is keep pushing forward and get one thing done. One step at a time pretty much.  That is my post for today and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's post. 


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Gaming Updates [12-01-2021]

                    Alright gaming updates and it has been a week or so since I've done one of these updates and maybe once a month is good enough for me but again it depends how much gaming I get in and there isn't I just do not bother.

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth: I went all the way and beat this blue Isaac guy, not 100% what he or it was called but I beat it and unlocked a bunch of things and one of them being Challenge # 31. That challenge has this big guy and it looks like Sheol which he has the brimstone shots and I hate it! It is a pain in my butt to be honest. However, I'll continue to try it and beat it and I think its a long fight but there will be a time and place I actually beat it.

Minecraft: I know I haven't spoken much about Minecraft but behind the scenes I have been working on a new world. As you can see on the right side is part of what I had when I across the island a decided to even out the land mass so it was all even. You can see I've added homes and buildings along with a garden centre as well. Looks really awesome. I hope to eventually end up adding more villagers at some point. I think I will be keeping the walls up and just add in gates to get into the area so this way the Villagers cannot go everywhere. I can imagine the mass chaos of that. I could also build a bridge into certain areas too! Anything is quite possible. 

                  That is my updates and hopefully by end of 2021 I will have the final updates for video games and I hope you guys enjoyed these updates for the blog. I got excited that I actually was able to give you guys an update on the gaming side of things and reason for a few weeks away was I have been busy with the collab non stop. Anyways, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.
