Friday, December 24, 2021

End of The Week Updates [12-24-2021]

  Surprise! Special "End of The Week Update" is here!  First of all Merry Christmas to you all! I am typing up this post yesterday so this does not affect my time off with the family and me spending time with family throughout this weekend. So you can say I am taking a long weekend off for the next 2 weekends cause of holidays. Anyways, I am rambling so here are the posts:

Website: Alexandra and I have been preparing the website for the On Demand Drop down feature which has 3 different pages on the website, Studio Updates, Entertainment Man Podcast BTS (Behind The Scenes) & Power Rangers Collab BTA (Behind The Scenes.) I will be recording on December 30th an Studio Update to what has changed around in the studio.

Entertainment Man Podcast: I got one bonus episode coming out tomorrow for Christmas as it was requested by the most amazing Fans and you guys know I will do anything for you guys. This will be the last episode for you guys till the 9th of January when a new season/new year begins.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: There are still 2 episodes now pending for release and been working on Jungle Fury. Which brings me to this point that it will be an end of the week release of the collaboration podcast which gives me time to edit. RPM is the next one to work on. Following that I start working on the special bonus episode of this collab and Samurai will started on next. It'll be all ironed out and ready for February, I promise you guys this will be all out on schedule. I will have more details moving into the New Year on the schedule for that. 

                  That is the updates for the week and the last update for 2021 and I promise you guys that is the last update blog I do not think there will be an update till New Years for right now but you never know what to expect by then and again it will truly depend on what is what during the week. Again Merry Christmas to you all, have a safe and wonderful holiday and I will talk to you all on Monday!


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