Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 on The Move Again....

              Yes! is back on the move yet again. We have been maneuvering everything around on the website and some of the pages have made no sense and the drop down menus have been changed and I am still not happy with the amount of items and it really cannot be helped honestly but it is there. We also maneuvered enough room for a chatroom here on our website. Yeah it's a bit hard to cram a lot into the one website but I wanted to level up the website a bit more and add it as a feature. 

             We are always tweaking things on the website and I believe we are in a good place now. Especially now that both our (TOU) Terms of Use & (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions has been updated we are more then ready for the next step and that's getting old and new content out. I know we've not uploaded old stuff and we're sitting on a studio update. Too much happening all at once. But that is the blog post for today and I will talk to you all at 11 am EST for a second blog post as I'm making up for yesterday but talk to you all then!


Friday, November 15, 2024

End of The Week Updates [11-15-2024]

           What a crazy week especially with our 120th anniversary now have wrapped up. The first update I'd like to give is the 10th anniversary schedule has been removed and posted to archives as we are now transitioning out of tenth anniversary and now moving forward with the next phase of which is the slow removal of the 10th anniversary tab which will be down by January 1st, 2025. 

          Chris had Larry on Entertainment Man Podcast and that will be up on audio only. Chris wants to get Entertainment Man Podcast page back up and running by the end of this weekend. Also by the end of the week the podcast with Bob going to be up by end of the week as he wants to get the feeds active once again and running so we can get back to some normalcy around here. Last update I have is Chris has once again been messing around with the new schedule in 2025 so I do not know when he will announce it but it is coming soon. I am sure in the coming week or so I'm sure he will give us the update soon. Those are the updates for the week. If I have anything further I will let you guys know. I will chat next with you all.


P.S. He will be announcing the` schedule next week at some time.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

End of The Week Updates [11-09-2024]

             As we are getting closer to the end of the year, Chris wants to finish up as much as the website work as he can. He has decided to keep the pictures up and is planning in December to update it with recent photos from the past year before it's put into archives at the end of the year and the 10th anniversary tab will be gone in 2025. Entertainment Man Podcast continues to be posted on Audio as you guys know YouTube is not an option for us anymore due to Chris being harassed. I mean he works long hours, even not as CEO anymore. I give him credit when credit is due and that is now. Back to "Entertainment Man" right now it is on other platforms, iTunes, he has to work on bringing it back to Spotify as they removed it for some strange reason. 

             I think hes gonna check both podcasts and see and maybe switch out the accounts perhaps for it but we'll see. Website and podcasts updates are coming next week possibly Tuesday could be Wednesday depends if Castbox helps him fix the issues but next week is supposedly the last week for no The CBOTW Show. I've been made aware of a schedule changes for the podcast for 2025 which is a bit a wacky schedule and he's figuring it out. He's still messing with the scheduling and I do not know what he is thinking. Once we know exactly what he's thinking we will announce it to you guys and I think he will keep it as it is with the expansion of Entertainment Man Podcast once again. Anyways if we need to expand the schedule we can but enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk at the end of next week.


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Website/YouTube Castrophe!

             From leaving YouTube cause someone decided to troll me and insult me when I was minding my own business to the podcast pages and RSS Feeds so screwed up not posting. I can say it has been a catastrophe and as for The CBOTW Show not going up was cause something got all screwed up in the back end. So all feeds... Gone! I have already contacted Castbox to see if they can fix something so I can make another feed as there is nothing on that account whatsoever if they can reset it. 

             So the website looks a tad bare bones but I hope Entertainment Man Podcast page to be back by this weekend at the most and active and running again. I am waiting till the Castbox RSS Feed can happen again. However it will be back soon don't worry. I am on it all. Made a mistake splitting the CBOTW Show feeds into two so it is better off as it is for now. I hope within the next week, we can get back on track. I will have an announcement this afternoon about The CBOTW Show and where we stand with it returning. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special Friday post from me and Sara will be doing the end of the week updates on Saturday. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Website Updates!

               We have been so busy with this very website, updating it, getting things back online due to some issues with one of our providers. However is back online so we have now lowered our amount of work that needs to be done on our website. Real only thing that needs to be done is something on the get involved. There hasn't been an update on our list of our phases as we have gone off our actual schedule but I can officially say we are back on track. Here is what is left to complete on the schedule:

Phase 4: Entertainment Man Page- Switch the audio only players to the ones from Podbean. Timeline: End of November

Phase 5: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025.

Phase 6: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: May 2025

               We kind of got of sidetracked with changing players but it is for the better good of the project. Coming along slowly but surely and half to the full completion of the overhaul of the company's website. Anyways that is the blog for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, October 21, 2024

Starting More Work Tomorrow on!

                I know I have talked about it last week but tomorrow I will be starting to work on some more. I know the phases sort of stopped for now but I will be getting back into it in November as we will be shifting things around on our website after 10th Anniversary events. I know we are busy 24-7 and we never seem to stop to have fun. I want to stream but haven't had the time to lately. Kind of why the schedule is currently random at times.

                 However this is all good news because I have struggled with having Entertainment Man and The CBOTW Show pages down for what now feels like a week and it has been a week now since the on going issues with So tomorrow I am going to spend some time on Entertainment Man Podcast page done tomorrow. Then back to watching movies for The CBOTW Show next week as it's our final week for Halloween as we will be off for 2 weeks and considered just taking a break for the month of November from The CBOTW Show as it's really starting to become an unscheduled show. For The CBOTW Show's podcast we will be working on it sometime in the first week in November. Still pending if we are indeed merging the Reality TV but we might just do it and we may end up just bringing The CBOTW Show over to and just wait out the wait on it. We'll see but anyways I will talk more about that tomorrow on another post when I return home from my mini vaca or overnight trip.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media Phases Updated!

                Hey everyone! We've Updated Once again and major development updates on our website:

Phase 1: We release the get involved tab with doing blog post articles as you know we have collaborated with other companies and websites in the past and want to keep this going and it's been clear in my mind this is something that is working for us! Timeline: The next day or so. - COMPLETED

Phase 2: We are adding the embed of the video to for "Entertainment Man Podcast" as "The CBOTW Show" hasn't reached "video status as of yet. Timeline: Couple of weeks to a month of work on the page adding the embed. - COMPLETED


Phases changed:

Phase 3: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025. - COMPLETED Was Phase 4

Phase 4: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025. - COMPLETED Was Phase 5


Phases to complete:

Phase 5: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025. Was Phase 3

Phase 6: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: May 2025 (Might Change or be updated)

We had to readjust our phases as things got completed sooner then we thought! We are about 80 - 85% done with these changes and readjustments and we thought it'd take months to do but should be done by June next year regardless.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Website/Podcast Phases [Updated]

           Hello again, I have some updates from what I was told by boss man that the plans has been updated a bit as he's mentioned to me last night:

Phase 1: We release the get involved tab with doing blog post articles as you know we have collaborated with other companies and websites in the past and want to keep this going and it's been clear in my mind this is something that is working for us! Timeline: The next day or so. - COMPLETED
Phase 2: We are adding the embed of the video to for "Entertainment Man Podcast" as "The CBOTW Show" hasn't reached "video status as of yet. Timeline: Couple of weeks to a month of work on the page adding the embed. 
Phase 3: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025.
Phase 4: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025.
Phase 5: Add in The CBOTW Show to
Timeline:  February/March 2025
Phase 6: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: May 2025
          I am sorry these posts are late and I have been busy filling in for Chris here and there and hopefully tomorrow everything is back to normal and I will be doing the end of the week updates then he should be back on Monday.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Progress Updates

        HI everyone! My name is Savannah and I am Chris's Administrative Assistant around ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. I do not know why there was no blog this morning, this is why I am writing this post. Anyways I am excited for the 10th anniversary festivities. I look forward to seeing the finalized which is coming along very nicely. I can report every since boss man has placed it, the response to this has been amazing! We are very pleased and know we are heading in the correct direction.

        We've talked post anniversa1ry what the website is going to look like and how we want to lay it out post anniversary. We're waiting till January to switch out banners, logos and what not plus archiving 10th Anniversary pages which will always be accessible on our website. I look forward to getting to know you guys and being part of an amazing community, I've heard a lot of great things and I'm sure you will hear from me again maybe sooner then I expect. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in the comments below or through our email.

Savannah, Administrative Assistant

Monday, September 16, 2024

Already in Phase 2 with this Website!

          We are already in phase 2 of the website plans. I know there are certain phases that have been changed due to the continuing changing dynamics of this community. So here are the remaining phases changed:

Phase 2: We are adding the embed of the video to for "Entertainment Man Podcast" as "The CBOTW Show" hasn't reached "video status as of yet. Timeline: Couple of weeks to a month of work on the page adding the embed. Haven't checked if the videos are embeddable yet.

Phase 3: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025.

Phase 4: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025.

Phase 5: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: Mid January 2025

           However with Phase 2 which is now underway now, we can actually see some progress as people have really started to love our new layout. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, September 9, 2024

Website and tech issues continue...

               It's the start of a brand new week and already problems are occurring. As you guys know I was suppose to have Entertainment Man Podcast out today but once again, both OBS (Open Broadcast Software) & Audacity for the Audio ONLY has become a problematic issue. However I had to shutdown and reload the programs a few times before it started to pick up my voice. Very, very strange honestly. Technology hasn't been on my side and the constant back and forth to switching programs for the video end has made me think maybe Prism Studio will be used for the podcast instead and OBS for gaming as OBS is more the way to go for it. However it is so confusing between the two programs. 

               Now is another story. Since all the drama which is gone, I've had to tweak a lot of things on the website, one being the partner page has been completely removed and deleted from our website. There is no need for it anymore. The team page has been redone just like our Discord server but another story for another time. I am considering this a reset and the main core 3, myself, Kevin and Larry are still going strong and we will continue on to be. Anyways that is the post for today, tomorrow I will have the Orono Fair Blog followed by a two in one Food Review but will talk to you tomorrow.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

My role with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

                 Hello, my name is Brooke and I am ChrisBOnTheWeb Media's resident website admin. I know it's been a very difficult past week for us and we've had struggles with the community but my best friend Kelsie of 25 + years now already covered that. I am hear to talk about which you all know Chris and I have been working on developing a new menu bar to suit The CBOTW Show especially and getting some progress but getting stumped along the way. I am currently working on the development side of things. I will get into details in a moment but if you remember me from the past, I was once part of the staff and was seen on the now defunct Discord server.

              So the new menu will have a sub menu for all the current shows and movies we are currently covering on The CBOTW Show Podcast which Kels has talked about that already that it is part of the main YouTube Channel. Hopefully we can complete and have it functional by the end of the summer as we start a whole new era of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media this fall as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. I want to thank Chris and Kelsie for allowing me to talk briefly the plans with a revamped schedule and I will stay in touch with you all on updates on this project.

Brooke, Website Admin

Friday, April 12, 2024

Content Schedule [Updated]

                   The Content Schedule is always changing or being adjusted for us and we've come up with a plan that will work for us and here is our schedule that is permanent:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Monday - Saturdays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Monday - Fridays @ 3 pm EST: YouTube Shorts, week # 1 is Monday - Fridays; Week 2 is Monday - Wednesday

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST- Week 1: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

                                               Week 2: The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Schedule [Facebook Fan Page/YouTube

Sporadically: Gaming [YouTube ONLY]

                There is the schedule and what we're looking at in a more of a permanent schedule moving forward. However as for the Sporadic gaming schedule, it could be on a Sunday, it could be on a weekday, it will vary on my schedule and if I am busy. However that is the post for today, have  a great weekend and as always Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Monday, March 18, 2024

We Broke The Website Yesterday!

          Yesterday, I wanted to change up the website so the girls and I (Kelsie and Haylie) decided to explore the idea that I had and we ran into an issue with the menu bar as it didn't work whatsoever no matter what layout we went with. So the entire layout and the menu code and layout we had stayed the same but it moved about with the changes in the layout so it was there but was moved around. So the website for about an hour looked a hot mess and the three of us find it hilarious that we broke the website and we had a laugh for the day. 

          However once we got fixing the website, we found the website now looks a ton better and I am not sure what we did but it is now fixed and looks a ton better. Proud of the changes and big thanks to the two ladies being up all hours helping me through the fixes. Haylie was so patient and helped me out with the fixes and patches to the website and Kelsie was on the duty of testing the page out. We also removed the wall of fame as we do not have the images and feel it wasn't benefitting the website. Anyways we are online and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post!


Friday, January 26, 2024

End of The Week Updates [01-26-2024]

            It has been a wild week around the studio from Chris finishing up the first half of Power Rangers Beast Morphers to becoming sick it's been a turn of events for us but he continues to work on the notes. Once he's done the notes he will be shifting over to Entertainment Man Podcast for a bit and he hopes to be starting on that by Saturday to be completely done with The CBOTW Show so he can shift over to Entertainment Man Podcast so he has ideas for the next many weeks so he can record without a problem. Also he will be re-shifting back to The CBOTW Show by Monday to work on The Simpsons Podcast as he revealed on a video yesterday morning that he will be doing 2 The Simpsons episode. 

             In other news, Chris has hired my brother Jim back as an advisor. I know it is a shocking he hired my brother back after he turned his back on the team 2 months ago. I hope Jim sticks around for a while and I sure think he will. Jim will not be on any social media of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, more behind the scenes and advising Chris more on this website in case he runs into a problem which there has been a few technical issues but Jim and Chris have since then resolved the https:// issue with this website. That's everything that has gone on and he will be back blogging Monday and I will talk to you all at the end of next week.

Kelsie, Community Director

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Chaos Ensued! [Has been resolved!]

            Yeah things have been rocky for us for about 14 - 15 hours Tuesday until Wednesday morning. However I have actually got control of things. I will get into it more. As you know I lost my USB Key which was found under the mixer on the desk and this stems to it being missing for 15 hours maybe more. It was crazy because I had already typed Power Rangers Podcast on there. Which mind you I had a lot done and why I was so upset and peeved off at myself for losing it. Not only that but I feel like I let Larry down, I let Kels down. I was so hyped up for recording again and now I have something to look forward to now since the issue has been resolved. The lesson from this is to look under things in case it has been moved under it. I was looking in the drawers and moved my stuff guy that I can punch when I am frustrated to find a stick like thing under it and I'm thinking oh for crying out loud it's the USB Key. So yeah I found it.... I felt really, really small from this experience. This is truly a lesson learned. Notes are back underway and hope to have em done by Monday at the latest.

             Now the website, as you know it was down for almost 3 days and finally found the issue. It was propagated and everything it had to do with the certificate https:// that you see in the address on your address bar. Which shows our website is a secure and safe website which is important. We do not want to show that we are a deceptive website cause we aren't. However with that being the cause of the problems the site is so far up and running smoothly. We will continue to monitor it for the recent of the week to ensure there is no more problems. That is the post for today but I will talk to you all Monday as Kels is talking over the blog for the next two days!


Friday, December 15, 2023

End of The Week Updates [12-15-2023]

             Another week has ended and time for another end of the week updates:

Christmas: Christmas Day there will be no blog whatsoever. We are planning to take the time off. Speaking of that we are planning to close the studio from Dec 23rd - 26th for a break so the emails will not be answered till Dec 27th so if it is an emergency but put it as part of your subject and myself or one of the team will be sure to answer it as soon as possible.

The CBOTW Show: Well, that has been a struggle as everything else seems to come up at the moment. This weekend I hope to be switching to the old PC to get working on that. Eyes was on me recording a bunch yesterday which I did in order to stay on schedule. 

Website: Big thanks to Kelsie, we now are recognizing some of the people who contributed to ChrisBOnTheWeb Media & over the years. Won't be recognizing people who I ended on bad terms obviously but got at least 4 people on there to start with. Will update it when we need to update it. Right now it is not a priority at this moment. I can say this feature has been very loved by the community and thank you for the positive feedback you guys have given us since this addition.

           Those are the updates for this week, have a fantastic weekend and as always I will talk to you guys on Monday for another week of blogging!


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

More Change?! Whaaat!

             I know I am getting wackier with the blog titles these days and it's proven to people clicking on the link to find out what I said. I think I have crafted the art of click-baiting like a lot of YouTubers do but I try and not to do that too so often.  Yes changes have been made to the site our team has been shifted but as you remember I had someone else do the "End of the Week Updates," however I am going to be returning to it unless I need time away or I am extremely busy my assistant, she can handle it as she knows the entire in's and out's of this company as much as Larry does too. I tell em everything that goes on around the studio in updates and what not. 

             So this change will be effective immediately as of the start of this week so two days from this post going live, I will be back from my very short hiatus of doing em. Really should be the CEO of the company to mention all the updates that we have done to the company. I will make sure to update you guys this week as it's a big week for us here at the studio as this studio is getting light up to the nine with lights. However that is the changes and it isn't much of an update, but I wanted to make you guys aware and not be surprised to hear from me on Friday which I really should of done that to just throw you guys off for the heck of it... LOL. Anyways I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Monday, December 4, 2023

The Next Day or So Will Be Chaotic!

             This weekend was an testament to the crazy chaos this studio has endured. As you know my mission has to be get all The CBOTW Show episodes done so I can work on that other podcast Larry and I have been trying to get back up and running pretty much 6 months at the end of the year since it went off the air suddenly and I need to start rectifying all of this especially with 2024 around the corner. But first the podcasts that I need to record and edit comes first and what I am doing most of today for editing wise I will be active recording. At least 2 - 3 recorded maybe the full 4 actually. 

               It is very chaotic right now for all 3  of us, plus I need to finish up the one page that was left unfinished which was the schedule but that will be done at a later day for right now. It's not that hard to put a table in HTML.  There is one page missing and you can see on the 10th anniversary drop down there is a spot that's blanked out which will be on the schedule for 2024 and I do not currently know as there is some things I want to make sure it is what we want to do what is on our schedule but more coming by the end of the year when we released an idea of the schedule and events but I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post.


Friday, November 24, 2023

End of The Week Updates [11-24-2023]

              So a lot has happened this week and I do not know where to begin what Chris and the rest of the staff but here we go:

Website: It was time to finally release the 10th anniversary pages and we're sorry we've been slow on releasing it and not the other Staff's fault it is all on me for leaving the Trip down memory lane as I was stumped on something but it is done and happy it's done and released. The schedule for 2024 anniversary will not be released till January 1st, 2024. I will be redoing that page in the month of December and this will be an easier project as I plan on doing table like page as it can be a lot of moving parts to our 10th anniversary.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Chris will be recording and starting to edit the podcast for Sunday to assure it is done for Sunday. Also Chris is deciding whether to close interview requests for the year as he has only 1 spot but he's holding off on that request for right now.

The CBOTW Show: Chris and Larry have recorded Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Podcasts and Chris is currently editing it and will have it ready for a week from now. He will have 2 weeks of content to fullfill him and big shoutout to him and Larry for giving us these episodes. Chris hopes to finish up the Power Rangers starting on Monday and getting it done by the following weekend at the most so he can work on Dino Fury. 

          That is what's gone on this week and I will be back a week from now on the first end of the week updates on Friday, December 1st, 2023 so have a great weekend and talk to you next Friday.

Mark, Community Director/Site Admin