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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

When To Say Something and When To Not Say Anything

            You probably raised an eyebrow to this post title and wonder what the heck I am talking about and that is cause of some things that has gone on behind the scenes with Power Rangers Collab which I will not say what exactly what is going on but you probably noticed posts disappearing or changed around that was me doing that. The lesson from that is I should wait till I am 150% sure that we are sure we are ready to announce anything. 

              I mean I announce things but then it backfires to a point there is problems behind the scenes so I am going to just keep quiet and not say anything to you guys till we are 100% sure we are ready to go. Anyways I almost ended up doing the same thing as I did before but stopped myself in my own tracks which is great and everything and I am proud of myself cause then it would of ended up signing another new one again. When the right time to announce anything is probably a week in advance or even as you guys know me well I like to surprise you guys. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow! 
