I have holding back with this blog post for a while now as I wasn't sure how to write this blog out or how to word this blog post but as most of you know YouTube has not been doing overly well since I left the platform at the end of June with the change of the TOS (Terms of Service) and their policies has changed drastically especially when it comes to the YouTuber's that earn revenue from their videos the terms are so much different since I departed from YouTube almost an year ago. One change if you very bad language then you will be demonetized, same with talking about very touchy subjects like issues going on in the world such as depression as an example of why YouTube will not allow it. Even with all these new terms of service a lot of big name YouTubers has lost revenue on their videos and it is a shame too because YouTubers like him put his time and a lot of effort into the videos yet they are getting demonetized? Even with cursing... Like come on! It was never like that when I was still part of the community, I never got demonetized cursing even if I added the bleep sound into it. It is truly sad to see how the platform has turned out. I understand the not ad friendly part of it but what happened to freedom of speech and content creators now gotta be careful what they say
Just recently the advertisers have pulled their ads from videos on YouTube which obviously means YouTubers will not be getting as much revenue from their videos as they were getting before which means a lot of YouTubers have moved to Twitch.tv to vlog or lifecast their lives now. I never had anything to back myself out on if YouTube continued these ways so you can see Twitch growing as a community very very quickly if YouTubers continue to move to Twitch.tv. It is sad to see such a great platform like YouTube go down the drain in the way of revenue and it hurts the great content creators out there and a lot of YouTubers are upset and I saw one vlogging group leave end of last year and I have noticed a lot of people have left the platform. All I know change has to happen if YouTube is to continue on the right path to success.
Have a great day!