Now I know I have said I will do a blog once and a while and this happens to fit the category of this has to come out today, not tomorrow. As you probably noticed my site admin is no longer listed on the team page and probably still following this blog post but I could care less anyways. So with their departure suddenly leaves a gap in my team and I can say this, I am not replacing her whatsoever. I've tried time and time again to have someone on to help me maintain this website and it hasn't worked out whatsoever for me in the end. So moving forward the two main people behind the ChrisBOnTheWeb content is myself and Larry for podcasts and you will hear my Moderators on the podcast moving forward as their both going to be on the show eventually and Amy being sooner then you expect this upcoming week I will be speaking to her about The Video Projects Team. So Moderators I have a list of mods which can be found on or here is the list:
ChrisBOnTheWeb Founder/Owner:
ChrisBOnTheWeb Moderators:
Larry, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator & Senior Producer/Co-Host of Power Rangers Collab
Amy, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator
Jeff, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator
There is the list moving forward and there is so many changes it is hard to say in one post but I am just tired in general of the crap as I feel like it is The Video Projects Team all over again and sorry to say this to my Alum, Amy, Larry, Justin, Eric and Jeff and yes I do consider Jeff an Alumni as he volunteered when there was a chatroom back in the day. I am taking control before this gets way out of control and I do not want it out of control and only I can take control, remember I'm the boss. Anyways that is this special blog post for today, I will talk to you all Monday!