Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2024

3 DAYS without Boss Man has started!

            Since Chris is now away for 3 days getting the rest he needs to keep powering through the episodes that he needs to work on, I know he will be home raring to go when he gets back Thursday and getting things done. He mentioned to keeping a schedule when it comes to content and streams and we are working on that. This week already has started a bit wonky with changes in our team but it happens.   

        One thing I know is the server is finished... FINALLY, lol! Took him a while but I'm proud of him finishing this project off. It's a massive server and we have a lot of things prepared for our future together as a community. I am thrilled what is next for the channel down the road. I will talk further tomorrow on this. 


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Now What's The Plan?

                 Literally our world has been turned upside with both Kelsie and I's account was compromised and we are unable to get into our accounts, so with that we have decided to downsize everything we had. There was nothing but drama in Discord and YouTube to listeners and fans turning on us. We will NOT tolerate drama whatsoever and you will be removed out of community all together. Consider this a warning. 

                However you are wondering what's next for us. Will we ever stream again? Yes once the Fan Page gets up to 100 followers I can start streaming and there is always Instagram but as for YouTube the answer is no. We continue to strive to focus on "Entertainment Man Podcast" on YouTube and The CBOTW Show on Audio ONLY Platforms. Anyways that is where we are at the moment and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

How Am I Feeling Now With The Recent Changes

               So how am I feeling with the recent changes to our content schedule? Very good! I feel relieved that I will have extra time on my hands to work on things that are really important. I am sure I will still be busy with things regardless but more breathing room with the content. I am adding a video every Friday at 1 pm EST with hopefully a Behind The Scenes look or even a video with me sitting down with you talking. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with Shorts been taking up my time with it but with the changes to the schedule I have a lot more time on my hands. 

             I am still worried you guys won't be happy with the changes but I guess I cannot please everyone honestly.  However like I said I feel great with these necessary changes that is happening and we are currently in transition to the new schedule moving forward. Now it will take some time for us to get the hang of the new schedule and that's OK. That's why you readjust to new things, new schedule, new job whatever it is. But I was feeling apprehensive which yes is a big word but that feeling has now gone away and I've gotten into a bit of a routine even though things are getting hectic at the moment but end of the weekend everything should be all good and ready to tackle the new schedule. Anyways that is the post for today and have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday and stay tuned for Kelsie's end of the week updates tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Made a bunch of changes recently

           As you may have noticed this website has been changed around quite a lot and that is why it was a very busy weekend with updates to you guys and as you know the 10th anniversary has been moved over to the about section and the schedule has been moved over to the main bar so it's been moved about. Also 10th anniversary has a main page for both pages with interactive clickable images on there by clicking on it. 

         Also the schedule, due to some privacy issues with the calendar, appointments I have booked has started to show up so what Jim suggested to me is to put a table with the schedule for events and the content schedule and that is what I did and was done actually done live on a stream so you guys got to see how the page looks and its not HTML it's a table and I'm getting better with the tables so I don't care what my naysayers say! Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, July 24, 2023

A lot of Changes With ChrisBOnTheWeb!

           Changes continue to be made with ChrisBOnTheWeb. I have spoken about it on stream yesterday on Facebook. As you know I have announced yesterday that I am leaving Twitter after 3 days and now it is 2 days to go and I am officially leaving as of 6 pm EDT Wednesday this week. This means you can only find me on several platforms: Facebook Fan Page, Instagram, Linkedin & of course the Discord Server which I am going to be really super active on there moving forward. 

            I think it is just for the best for me and my brand to leave the platform all together, just not finding the platform to what it use to be and plus the changes on how much we can Tweet throughout the day and now sending DM's is going to have a restriction too? Nah uh, no thank you. Also for the OG's who have been following me a long time, since the beginning, you may remember I was closing in on 4k in followers but that fell apart and lost just over 1000 followers the the span of the last 7 years. The platform is just going downhill and I feel like the growth is there and Facebook and Instagram has grown a lot so I rather focus on my time and energy on that platforms that is growing. A lot of you have supported my endeavour on this change and I will talk to you tomorrow and will be talking about my trip away with my parents. 


Monday, September 5, 2022

Changes To The "Schedule" Page

            If you guys have been recently on the "Schedule" page here on the website, you have probably noticed the merge of the collabs as I have now put the two seasons together as I am probably will expect Larry still wants to come over despite. I was a little out of line with him but I do not know what happened till he gets back online and it could be this week, it could be next week, who knows. So for right now I have just put the two seasons that co-aside with one another so I can considering the schedule isn't changing till I know further so I will be sure to let you all know on the changes with that project if anything changes this week or the coming weeks cause I am sure he's going to wonder why I was going off at him
sounding frantic. 

            Now also you will notice if you scroll all the way down that The Royal Winter Fair has been removed. Now I will be going to the Royal Winter Fair as far as I know but just for the fun of it if I decide to go as cases have gone up. You guys are probably wondering why it was removed and that is cause I was too late to booking my media and cases have gone up and worried it 'll be cancelled all together cause of the rise of cases but I am still planning on going to the Christmas Market as it is outside.                                       Anyways that is the post for today, I hope you all enjoyed this post as I am just really, really unsure if I wanna go to The Royal Winter Fair as cases have gone up and just worried cause I already been sick once and I just do not wanna get sick again. We'll see but I will keep you guys up to date on that as we continue to get closer to it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!   Chris

Monday, August 15, 2022

No End of The Week Updates This Week!

                As you guys know, I'm currently on vacation right now. Which means the studio is currently gone dark till Friday when I return from holidays and when I am back. I wanted to still do blogs but I have pre-written 5 posts for the week. The occasional time you guys will get an update from me to what I am up to and where I am, what I am doing but do not expect me on social media while I take a mental break from social media and creating content because this is something I truly need. I will have my books with me in case I get another brillant idea for a podcast for Entertainment Man Podcast but other than that I am offline for most of the week. 

            So with that being said this week will be a bit different, the same blog posts you guys get Monday - Friday will there but the Friday which is normally the end of the week updates, well there will be no updates this week. With me away from home, this means no updates whatsoever will be given to you guys. Nothing will be worked on probably not till the Monday as Saturday and Sunday, I want to get back into the jiff of things and wannaget back to work. As I said at the end of last month, I am on complete and utter silence till the fall on the collab and will be working on it at my own pace and will not be giving progress   reports whatsoever but I know somewhere along the line, I probably slip up and say something but we'll see. Anyways getting off topic aren't I? So in place of the end of the week updates, I will be doing a normal post instead to keep the schedule with the blog posts. I hope you guys have a wonderful week and enjoy the blogs throughout the week,


Monday, August 1, 2022

Changes To

                 So over the weekend, I made some changes to the website. Just minor changes, nothing that affects the website. Anyways, ChrisBOnTheWeb & is now under a separate email and run under that account. It has been separated from my personal life which has  nothing to do with ChrisBOnTheWeb. So now it is split up, it makes things a ton easier to work with moving forward. Also there is another page that has been updated that I wanna talk about is the Contact Page. That has now been updated with the new emails, both inquiries and Entertainment Man Podcast. First the Inquires is for any questions pertaining to the blog, website or the contents within the website itself. This is also includes Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as well. Because the collab is only exclusively on, I have merged the old Power Rangers Collab email with the general inquires. Entertainment Man Podcast is for that podcast and podcast only.

              Please when contacting me or my team, to use the proper email. I have found that the emails have been not used properly. I didn't use the word abuse but I mean it hasn't been used properly recently hasn't been used the right way, with the use of the wrong email. I am sure I did label it properly but it is important to use  it correctly not incorrectly and please remember that. I will touch base on Thursday with my next blog post. Those are the two basic things that has changed here on the website and it is the correct move for me to go down to two work emails and a personal email. Was too much to handle with 4 or 5 different emails and this way it is a little less then overwhelming. Still gotta put the email on my computer mail system I use to read all your delightful emails and also on both of my devices, IPhone and IPad. There is some emails I need to change around but all in due time I'm sure. Anyways that is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow. 



Saturday, January 8, 2022

Updates & Changes To My Team

 Now I know I have said I will do a blog once and a while and this happens to fit the category of this has to come out today, not tomorrow. As you probably noticed my site admin is no longer listed on the team page and probably still following this blog post but I could care less anyways. So with their departure suddenly leaves a gap in my team and I can say this, I am not replacing her whatsoever. I've tried time and time again to have someone on to help me maintain this website and it hasn't worked out whatsoever for me in the end. So moving forward the two main people behind the ChrisBOnTheWeb content is myself and Larry for podcasts and you will hear my Moderators on the podcast moving forward as their both going to be on the show eventually and Amy being sooner then you expect this upcoming week I will be speaking to her about The Video Projects Team. So Moderators I have a list of mods which can be found on or here is the list:

ChrisBOnTheWeb Founder/Owner:


ChrisBOnTheWeb Moderators:

Larry, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator & Senior Producer/Co-Host of Power Rangers Collab

Amy, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator 

Jeff, FB Group & YouTube Channel Moderator 

                   There is the list moving forward and there is so many changes it is hard to say in one post but I am just tired in general of the crap as I feel like it is The Video Projects Team all over again and sorry to say this to my Alum, Amy, Larry, Justin, Eric and Jeff and yes I do consider Jeff an Alumni as he volunteered when there was a chatroom back in the day. I am taking control before this gets way out of control and I do not want it out of control and only I can take control, remember I'm the boss. Anyways that is this special blog post for today, I will talk to you all Monday!


Monday, May 31, 2021

Changes With My Management Team

                      As you guys know, I have a Management Team and it was bigger but has shrunken in half from 4 to 2 as one quit and the other one was let go but it is business as usual. The Management Team I have left is:

Matt, Site Admin

Jasmine, Senior Advisor

                      Now you wanna know who is going to answer what on my Social Media and here is the list:

Facebook- You can message 3 of us on the group:

Me (Chris) Admin

Matt Moderator

Jasmine Moderator

Twitter- 2 have access to my Twitter and that is 2 of us:

Me (Chris)

Matt Via Twitter Teams as Matt has his own Twitter Account

Instagram- 1 have access to my Instagram:

Me (Chris)

Email- 2 Have Access to the E-Mail of mine:

Me (Chris) 


Blog- Finally 2 of us have access to the blog here on

Me (Chris) 


Have a great rest of your day and sorry for the lengthy post! 


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Studio Has Been Tweaked a Bit Again!


            The ChrisBOnTheWeb Studios has once again been tweaked and I will explain what I mean. First of all the boom arm I was using for the microphone that is in front of me well that boom arm broke and I had to replace it with Larry's which Larry's is now totally replaced with a newer one that is shorter then what it was and really he don't need overly a long boom arm as I showed on the right hand side it's not a big boom arm but hey he has a boom arm. Yes he still has the old Audio Technica PRO 31 hand held that hasn't changed whatsoever. Reason you haven't seen it in my Facebook and Instagram Stories before it was brought back out is because I had it stored away at the time and it is now back in the studio awaiting his return to the studio whenever that may be as we really do not know. That is change # 1 that I made to the studio and I will get into the next change in a moment but I wouldn't have any other way to actually have Larry's mic and if this boom arm breaks I may just end up getting a microphone stand but I really think boom arms are just better to have as you do not have to move it around that much. 

The second update to the studio and yes you can see Minecraft in the back drop which I will have an update eventually but I am talking about the headphones, yes there are now mounts on the desk unit and now we can hang up the headphones properly and there was actually room for two headphones actually so I could of just got the one but that's OK! They have their own set of mounts for both headphones and the one nearest to where I sit I also use for the Red Headphones which is used on a everyday use. So either way they both are used regardless and look way cooler then it being piled up on the desk and I consider these mounts a definite space saver and I got these on Amazon $2.72 Canadian which is not bad whatsoever and very, very cheap. Don't worry they are very strong in the way of strength as their heavy duty metal but definitely a space saver for the headphones and I got more room to do other things on the desk. Anyways that is my post for today and I am sorry if I am a bit late then the normal scheduled post but I got distracted this morning recording the podcast and tweeting about BBCAN9. I will talk to you all on tomorrow's post!


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Made A Few Tweaks To My Re-Brand!

               As you can noticed, I have changed the banners to suit myself a bit so I am an array of different things from Blogs to Podcasts to Photography, I have it all. I wanna make sure I continue on getting more followers and fans within my community. Why you may be wondering why the change in the motto and year and adding 15th Anniversary? Well, I first of all I explained the motto part and the reason was cause of what I just said here on the blog. The 15th Anniversary, I decided to incorporate the fact I have been creating content for nearly 15 Years now both The Video Projects Team & now under the Chris B On The Web Brands over the year. Yes CBOTW was still founded on November 14th, 2014 nearly 6 Years ago and I will mention when it hits the 10 year mark but I am more focused on the years that I have been creating content all together as a whole. It has been a very long time now and grateful for the time I have spent being a content creator.

               I promise you guys this is the final changes that I am making on top of some of the other changes I have made. I've noticed with some of the changes I have gotten some new followers over Twitter and Instagram, despite I have lost some on Instagram but still seem to maintain at this time. Just want to make sure I am perfect for this rebrand and I end up getting growing the fan base and it will in time especially in Facebook which has been a bit of a problem but I am not panicking whatsoever. I had help from my Management Team, Billy and Tiala and also fellow Podcaster Jimi from The Record Machine Show Podcast which you see me promote the link from time to time on my social media. So Thank-you all 3 of them for the help in the last couple of days. This is just the start and I am excited for what is to come and especially the fact I will be celebrating 15 years soon and will be making a post about it on December 9th of this year.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Instagram Changed Some Settings!

              Instagram finally did something about the unwanted private messages that you get from people sending you inappropriate links or messages which I have been getting a lot lately. Twitter hasn't been bad at all really and I did open up DM's to everyone but I recently closed it as I wanna take things a little differently with business side of what I do and anything to do with guest appearances on podcasts or sponsorship opportunities I want done through the email most of the time. However for Instagram to make these changes which I never saw about a week ago, so it really must of been the update recently on my IPhone7 and why I am now seeing this very setting. So soon as I saw this immediately I turned off messages from anyone that doesn't follow me. If anyone outside need to get in touch they can follow me or use the email within my website if it is really important and related to my content but enough was enough with the random people adding me to random groups for no apparent reason and the inappropriate links and what not and trolls. I am so happy with this change and it will bring down the amount of spam I get on Instagram especially.

               So, Instagram you definitely did the right thing adding this feature to the website or the app depends how you use it and I actually use both. I use the App when I am away from the computer and studio most of the time.  When I am here in the studio it's the Instagram on the computer via the website. Anyways this was a long time coming for them to make the changes and I am really happy they did it. So that is my post and you can tell I am excited because I am, I am very much excited that they have made these adjustments and I wish I could of mentioned this idea to them but it is hard to get in touch with them, yet it is tough to get in touch as Facebook now owns and operates Instagram as well. Wish there was a way to recommend that feature. 


Thursday, October 8, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Changes!

              I know it's not Sunday nor it's not my manager doing an update post. There is changes to the system we use to have. As you know by now with that announcement that I have gone solo on my own but still have Tiala and also Billy to help out as Moderator and Manager for me but most part no podcasts from other individuals, the projects is mainly me. So with what I have said here are the additional changes that I have made to the website since the changes with the social media:

Website Chat: Since it will hard to continually be active on the website chat on a regular basis and Jim no longer part of the team anymore the desire to have a chat on our website is a lot lower then I wanted it. 

Staff Page: Since there is hardly a team anymore, I've also done away with the staff page but if you wanna know Tiala is a Moderator for my Fan Page and Billy is a Manager for me. You will see him make posts from time to time if I need him too but like I said I am on my own but have help to make sure the trolls are at bay at all times.

Menu Bar and Pages: The menu bar has been tweaked again and pages have been removed from the website, community chat, staff have been removed, CBOTW Gamers Podcast has been removed as well as the RSS feed for that podcast. 

                   So those are the updates and there are a lot of updates to my website and also social and that one RSS feed is now no longer existing. I feel good to still have a Moderator and a Manager and I do not wanna make anymore changes and just go with the flow of things. I am sticking to my word with this and not going to turn back to the old method of having a team at one point. I am keeping it and nobody can change as it is my decision and my decision only and at least it is a ton less stress on my hands and happy in the end. I think it was long coming to these changes and it was definitely time. 


Friday, February 28, 2020

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Changes and Announcements!

               As all you Big Brother Canada Fans know cast release is today which means, Everything About Reality TV is going into full swing on the weekend. Over the next day and a half, Jasmine will be working on the preview podcast notes, then will be recording the podcast and editing towards the end of the week and submitting it to me over the weekend. So when is it going up exactly? It will be up on Sunday @ 4 pm EST. I will explain why the 4 pm EST post up below why we are doing this. We are again adding 3 podcasts this season, 2 Big Brother Canada Recaps split between Jasmine and I and also I will be covering Survivor as well. Now scheduling for the rest of the season and moving forward will be as follows:

Tuesdays: Big Brother Canada 8 Recap @ 4 pm EST (Jasmine)

Thursdays: Survivor: Winner At War Recap @ 4 pm EST (Me, Chris)

Saturdays: Big Brother Canada 8 Recap @ 4 pm EST (To be determined)

                 There is the scheduling moving forward and I will explain why I am changing the schedule around is because I want to make sure our listeners in Europe and the UK to hear the podcast but I know and realize the episodes do not go anywhere once they go up on the feeds so it is there. I am trying to continue to boost the listenership so it is the decision that I wanted to do. Actually I made these changes without even my team know at all of these changes as it was a split decision and a quick decision mind you. However, change is good and we want to make the changes in order to continue with the success of the podcast. Either way another wild season of Everything About Reality TV Podcast is about to begin. I cannot wait to really dive into this and the most part excited to have Jasmine on board as they are gearing up in the coming days to actually record the Preview. Any questions or concerns you can contact Jasmine or myself @ and we will be happy to answer em. This includes if you would like to come on Survivor or Big Brother Canada Recaps please so reach out to us. 


Friday, January 3, 2020

Plans & Changes For CBOTW...

            With 2020 here, I am making changes to CBOTW that will impact the future of the website. Not easy to say this but since I pre-written the content post but there has been more to it all and here is my thought process:

1) CBOTW Gamers Podcast: It was talked about and honestly with the way we are going through hosts so much recently, I think at this time it is best for myself and the CBOTW Staff to just move on and continue on with the 3 podcasts that we have going on Everything About Reality TV, Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and The Sports Hour W/ Billy. Honestly we have been through the thick and thin and I think it is just time we put this podcast on the shelf once and for all as I just feel like it is not going to work and we have tried too many times to revive after the first host so I think this is just not going to work out honestly and it has been tried too many times and failed time and time again and it has been a turning endless wheel for this podcast and I can be honest, I have given up with trying on this podcast and honestly it is just time to give up on it and work with what is working for us which is the 3 I mentioned.

2) Everything About Reality TV: With the additional host, Jasmine added on we here in the Main Studio or CBOTW HQ have been working on a side projects where you will once again have the ability to listen to the podcast also on the website as well. This goes for any other podcasts that is currently on the rotation here on the website. This will take us some time to get done but it will be all done in due time and were excited to be bringing this feature back to the website after about a year of it not being physically on the website and only the links that you seen for the last almost year.

              There is what is on my mind right now and a ton of new stuff coming and I told you guys 2020 was going to be crazy with new stuff and features to the website even old features that have made it's return to and this is only the start for us and I cannot wait for you what is in-stored. Also as you can tell Steven has finally started with the blog and will be covering the Gordon Ramsey shows from Masterchef, Masterchef Junior to Gordon Ramsey 24 Hours To Hell and Back to Hell's Kitchen. It is very exciting news to be adding him to the blogging team.That is a few bits of what is coming but I will explain more as the year goes on and announcements as they see to fit. Cannot wait to keep telling you guys what is going as there is a couple of things still yet to be announced but in time you guys will know. You know a bit but not all the details but like I said you will know more very, very soon! Hope you all had a wonderful New Year!


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Some Changes and Additions Have Been Made!

            Due to some things that has happened in the past few days to a few weeks now, I am going to be a bit more serious on what I bring onto CBOTW as you know CBOTW Gamers Podcast is no more and it is what it is. I guess it wasn't really meant to be and I shouldn't try to revive something that failed in the past. As you know I made some changes to the site, removed the team page as It just did not work out too well with the coding nor not all the staff want to be listed or will be ok with having a bio on there. Anyways the next addition to the website is the chatroom. It has been asked to bring it back and it will help bring in more views to the website and honestly I can see things being different and we have my support staff which are around the site on mostly night when I am in bed early but I am mostly on and they will explain everyone that is around on the Staff however there is the 2 main things I want and I am just frustrated and I am happy with the current team I have.
             I know I haven't revealed it at all but Jasmine has joined the team and will be covering Big Brother Canada 8 and hopefully Big Brother 22 as well if she wishes. However details are coming in the New Year and I promise I will be giving you all a ton of details. Bringing someone new has made me so excited for what is to come in 2020 and excited for the 13th season of EAR TV & Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast to return in 2020 with 3 recording dates in the year. I am entirely happy with Billy, Larry and Jasmine and this is the team I want to have moving forward with all these amazing changes, the chatroom returning which you can find on the right hand side of the chat. There is a ton of stuff coming for Chris B On The Web and you find out Sunday @ Noon EST as one of my members of Staff will be writing  a post tomorrow in place of me writing to give me a day off so I can try and focus on Power Rangers Podcast as I am aiming to finish this weekend so between Christmas and New Years I can type and get it finished before Jan 1st, so I may be working around the holidays possibly. 


Monday, December 16, 2019

Things I Want To Work On In 2020 With Chris B On The Web...

           There is a bunch of things I would like to work on when it comes to the blog posts and not only that but also the podcasts there is changes I need to change. This year I notice things were getting better but still a lot of room for improvement honestly. 2020 is going to be definitely different for me and you will all see on January 1st & 2nd as I have a back to back day in Announcements coming to you guys. So what needs to change? This is what I would like to try and change in the year 2020:

1) Blog posts-  I have been doing daily posts on a daily basis and honestly it is getting quite exhausting but the more I post the better but for right now I am sticking to the daily posts as I have really enjoyed them and want to continue on for as long as I can but if anything does change I will be definitely will be letting you guys know that I am making the transition to 5 times a week and take the weekends off or rotate every second day but that is later on to make that decision.

2) Podcasts: Everything About Reality TV- As much as I Love this podcast, this year the scheduling has been off kilter and I need to make the changes to make sure that I do indeed post it up on time and not go off schedule and that has been an issue all year long and in general to sticking to a schedule and be more of a consistent podcaster hence that is how you get and keep the viewers on the podcast. That is one of my biggest goals for 2020 as of right now.

3) Podcasts: The Power Rangers Collaboration- I know we went AWAL as crap has hit the fan for us at the end of this year and there has been nothing in the way for a second podcast so come so I hope and praying to get at least 3 out next year, January or February; June and October 2020 so that is where I am aiming and it goes back to what I said above the scheduling issue that I have had this entire year, well this has to change and change fast or I will be losing listeners on either podcast and I have stress this with my team that schedule is key. 

            So there is what is needed to be worked on in 2020 and this is a lot to honestly take in and it will not happen overnight as it will be tough challenge and I honestly consider this a part of my New Years Resolution for CBOTW as this year has been tough and not easy to deal with the scheduling being really off kilter and honestly I have done a lot better but when it came to the vacation out East and all heck broke loose and on top of that YouTube issues as I have touched in the past, I just lost my touch but when it came to this season which is all coming to an end this week I have actually been on track minus the last week or so I have been on schedule one way or another so I am keeping up on schedule and with the changes coming which I will address in January, but for now I want to make some necessary change so this way we can make this work out one way or another.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Everything About Reality TV & Power Rangers Podcast Updates!

              This is a massive update for you guys. There is a lot to say on today's post since I did not post up yesterday. This is me catching up on things. So the first thing I would like to talk about is this week. As you know I lost 9 subscribers on one of the platforms which is no big deal but it is cause of the inconsistency of posting up on time so this week is me keeping up and with saying that there is some changes for this week. I have to change one of the two days for the podcast so the schedule for the podcast this week as follows:

Wednesday: 9 pm EDT- Amazing Race Canada 7 Recap

Saturday: 9 pm EDT- Big Brother 21 Recap (Temporary for this week only, will be back to normal schedule next week due to already scheduled family outing for the day, not making the same mistake to lose more listeners.)

                   The Next update is this fall, I am taking some time off from both Everything About Reality TV Podcast and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. However with Everything About Reality TV, my good High school friend, Billy will be taking over for Survivor: Island of The Idols for me so the podcast isn't going anywhere and he will be responsible for recording the podcast each week which is only on a weekly basis on the Thursday which I will be giving you guys the official finale week schedule when we get closer into the finale of Big Brother 21 and premiere of Survivor: Island of The Idols which includes the preview podcast for Survivor which he will be doing prior to the season starting. 

                   Now the next part of this post is the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. So now I found out that the renovations for the studio will be happening very soon which ties into all of this post with both the regular and collab podcast. This break came in at the right time so I can help fix up this studio and make the changes to the new studio to what I would like to do for the changes. The position the desk is in now will be changed which you guys will see the changes through Twitter and Instagram as the progress moves on. I think I will have only one mic hooked up which more then likely will not be the condenser it will be the old handheld microphone when I pop onto Punk Rock Cheeseburger with Rocky I have that one that I can use but the setup will not all setup at the time, I will be taking some of my setup down while we renovation and fix up the walls in the studio. So this comes at the very right time to take a break from the podcasts and I have to talk to Larry about this and that we will have to hold off on our collab as I am planning right now to be recording 3 times next year, January, June and October 2020 to catch up on things but this studio reno is the upmost importance as I am sick of the mess in here. This is the updates on what to expect for CBOTW and the podcasts over the course of the next 4 - 4.5 months with work being done in here and with me taking a break from things.  


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Change Can Be Hard!

              I admit in the past it wasn't easy for me and still isn't from time to time and that is how I have honestly been feeling since once again leaving YouTube. Recently with the change of not doing the podcast on video once again. As you know in the last week it hasn't been good since I got home a few weeks ago from holidays. Ever since it has been hell trying to catch up and get back on a routine. Routine right now isn't too good but with the podcast from last week today at Noon EDT, it will be good to try and get things out on time tomorrow and Friday. I just gotta keep a positive attitude through these rough times. Just gotta make sure I make the time. My problem was I had no time but the bigger issue was I have not been myself honestly, down depressed cause I kind of felt like I let you guys down with the lack of being on a schedule. I know I have tried to promise to stay on the right track for you guys but recently found it extremely hard to stay on the right track. I kind of blame myself for it as I never recovered after the trip and wish I made time as I had that one day all to myself to get caught up on things and there was also a morning that I was up early but other nights I was up half the night unable to sleep and what not so that did not help whatsoever but finally was able to sleep at night and ready to continue to make up for what I have fallen behind on and on schedule again as of tomorrow night.

               Change can be hard and as I stated above, I have not had the easiest time with adjusting to the change honestly. You just have to try and adjust and if you have to adjust scheduling like I have done over time but sometimes it doesn't seem to work so you just gotta figure it out. I know it is not easy but you have to keep on trucking and never give up. I never really did that but yea I really thought about it honestly. There was a point the other day I was ready to say the heck with Everything About Reality TV but then again you guys reminded me why the heck I am doing this podcast and I have had one heck of a run so far and it's nowhere near finished yet and plenty of more episodes and seasons to come. I just gotta keep it up and hoping and saying a prayer for guidance as the last few weeks haven't been the easiest thing for me honestly but it just gives me more oomph to keep on going with the podcast. Yes there will be a day when my podcast will stop all together but I have said this many times in the past that I do have a plan and in time you will know. Last point I would like to make in this post one of the most hardest changes I had to make was the departure and retired from YouTube back in 2016. It took me about 1.5 years to get the hang of things honestly and still hard even to this day. Change can be dealt with but you have to be able to adjust and let the change happen slowly but surely. Trust me it doesn't happen overnight, it will just take some time. Patience is indeed a virtue and you just gotta be patient through the change.
