Showing posts with label new podcast schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new podcast schedule. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

How Am I Feeling Now With The Recent Changes

               So how am I feeling with the recent changes to our content schedule? Very good! I feel relieved that I will have extra time on my hands to work on things that are really important. I am sure I will still be busy with things regardless but more breathing room with the content. I am adding a video every Friday at 1 pm EST with hopefully a Behind The Scenes look or even a video with me sitting down with you talking. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with Shorts been taking up my time with it but with the changes to the schedule I have a lot more time on my hands. 

             I am still worried you guys won't be happy with the changes but I guess I cannot please everyone honestly.  However like I said I feel great with these necessary changes that is happening and we are currently in transition to the new schedule moving forward. Now it will take some time for us to get the hang of the new schedule and that's OK. That's why you readjust to new things, new schedule, new job whatever it is. But I was feeling apprehensive which yes is a big word but that feeling has now gone away and I've gotten into a bit of a routine even though things are getting hectic at the moment but end of the weekend everything should be all good and ready to tackle the new schedule. Anyways that is the post for today and have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday and stay tuned for Kelsie's end of the week updates tomorrow.


Friday, June 7, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-07-2024]

               Sorry and hey everyone for the late end of the week updates but here at the updates for this week. Chris is finishing up with all the loose ends with podcasts that need editing and scheduled to be posted up on the platforms. He's been trying to get to the other work that needs to be finished but he's been busy editing the podcast. He finds that the two episodes a week is a bit much but he's getting into a rhythm his schedule he has to get use to and this is where he is going to start scheduling things in for him and have an allotted time. 

               However he has been stressing out about this schedule changes and worried it will not work out. I promised him he will get into a good rhythm and he will have the podcasts scheduled to record on certain days and what not. We have talked about a change in schedule days Mondays and Wednesdays but now sticking to our current schedule at the moment.  So hopefully this weekend we will completely finish up things so come Monday we can move forward with the upcoming weeks as we ease into the new schedule. Those are the updates I have and I am once again sorry for being late and I will speak to you all next Friday. 
