Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Big things are on the horizon for us!

            I can feel big things on the horizon for us! We have so much positive things going on for us, our 10th anniversary in November, collaborations. I cannot be more proud to be a part of an amazing team. We have really grown since a year ago tomorrow when I joined up and obviously the rest is history. 

           I cannot believe a year with an amazing group has already passed by. Times flown by for us and we’ve become such a cohesive team and things have worked so well for us. I look forward to the future and plan on sticking around with this team for a very long time.


Monday, July 29, 2024

3 DAYS without Boss Man has started!

            Since Chris is now away for 3 days getting the rest he needs to keep powering through the episodes that he needs to work on, I know he will be home raring to go when he gets back Thursday and getting things done. He mentioned to keeping a schedule when it comes to content and streams and we are working on that. This week already has started a bit wonky with changes in our team but it happens.   

        One thing I know is the server is finished... FINALLY, lol! Took him a while but I'm proud of him finishing this project off. It's a massive server and we have a lot of things prepared for our future together as a community. I am thrilled what is next for the channel down the road. I will talk further tomorrow on this. 


This Week Will be a bit different!

                This week will be different for us! I will be away as of tomorrow till Thursday... Well Kels is planning to do blogs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. So it's a short week for me in the way of blogs and I could do Tuesday (tomorrow) but I have decided to take tomorrow off and she's made it clear that I need to take 3 days so I am. Now the studio itself will be closed down Tuesday to Thursday, I am working in the studio today then off and back on Friday. 

                 I know the podcast has been upside with scheduled to post. I feel bad for not showing up but today I am working on Wednesdays episode editing it so it's up for Wednesday while I am away on holidays. I will be working on a ton of episodes for both podcasts. I will try and wrap up things so when I get back I can continue to write new episodes. Still need to work on Witchbucket's interview but I may wait till Tuesday for it. So this week is a bit different and more then likely I will be streaming Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday depends. Anyways that is my post for today and this week I will talk to you all next Monday and I will be updating the community as the week goes on but mostly Kelsie is in charge for the week.


Friday, July 26, 2024

End of the Week Update [07-26-2024]

         Things will be slowing down here next week as boss man has left the building for the week and will not be online as much as he would like. He will have everything edited for the following weekend by end of Sunday. It will be a very quiet community without him but he needs rest and time off but if you want him on then you have to ask him personally to go on but he will not be available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as he will be away out of town. 

                  With the new found success, he's told me he will not let this amount of subscribers get to his head. I truly hope he means it too. So he's been writing non stop for podcasts as he is recording 4 podcasts which will be this afternoon at 330 pm EST. Plus working on his interviews for Sonal and Witchbucket Films which are scheduled for pre-record. Next two The CBOTW Show episodes will be just Chris on his own due to some technical issues yesterday with the software or the studio mixer. We're still figuring out the issues so we can continue to record. Chris has interviews to August 25th. Pretty much he is booked up for the next month with interviews. He is working hard to get things done before he leaves on Tuesday. Anyways on last thing I will be covering for him while he is away so I will talk to you on Monday.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is Successful!

              After the last 2 years of grinding hard with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, I can say we have become successful. It has taken a very long time and our time in the limelight has started. We keep growing daily and getting a ton of views on our site and earning on our website which is great and I am very very proud of the strides that we have taken to ensure success. 

           Now success doesn't happen overnight. It certainly takes time for success to happen. Years of hard work and grinding if you are a content creator like we are. I know a lot of our haters or nay Sayers as I call em cannot doubt us for a minute. We have worked our butts off day in and day out and even sacrificed our days off to ensure projects, podcasts, blog, content, streams happen.  I'm proud of my team working hard through the up's and downs and I am excited to see what is next for us in the future. I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The CBOTW Show Next Series w/ Larry!

              The CBOTW Show's next big series we will be covering is "Ghostwriter" from the 1990's. It will not be a long series to cover but it is truly something different from what Larry and I have been doing for the past 6 years with Power Rangers Podcast. Been a long 6 years and we have had our time to process with the end of Power Rangers and ready to go on the next big project. Even if this isn't a very long series it fills in the weeks moving forward and we are ready for the next phase of the podcast. 

             We do not know how long it will run for that depends how much we record and talk about each and every episode  but it will be by a week by week schedule. Not just only that the move with Larry as you know he's going to be moving north next year so there will be some time when he's not going to be available so always, always open to collaborations and I'm sure the Corner Gas Podcasts will span at least 3 episodes, the pre seasons talk, seasons 1 - 3 then seasons 4 - 6 as there are 6 seasons. However that is the post for today as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Upcoming Collaborations (The CBOTW Show)

                   August and September will be a busy time for us, for me mostly. I will be collaborating a bunch with guests I've had on "Entertainment Man Podcast" and now making an appearance on The CBOTW Show, which is awesome but here are some of the collabs coming up:

- Larry, Executive Producer/Co-Host of The CBOTW Show 

- Mary from Mac and Cheese Podcast, Guardians of the Galaxy 1, 2 & 3

- Bob from Static Radio, Corner Gas, getting down the basic outline of Corner Gas. Will be probably two or three parts so that is very exciting stuff. 

- Izac from Fun Football Podcast: Top 5 or 10 Bill Murray Movies!

              There is the list and look forward to working on that this week and the coming week or so as we prepare some amazing collaborations towards the end of the summer as we start heading into the fall. Tomorrow I will talk about the next big series that will be covered on The CBOTW Show but I will talk to you then.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Slowly Catching Up!

            I know there was a blog missing today and we're late as ever can be but that doesn't mean I am not going to get things done... I will don't worry. I plan on dedicating tonight to a very late night work session and work my butt off getting notes done and now I have to do a topic episode as we have had to rearrange the interview to two weeks from now due to his wisdom teeth removed and it is totally understandable. 

           This does give us the chance to complete everything that is on our schedule and we have a pile of stuff lined up for podcasts that needs our attention. So I am going to focus on those this week plus the episode Larry and I are going to record at the end of July Thursday this week. Plus the collaborations with Bob, Mary and Izaac are all on the list and needing our attention but slowly getting things completed and done. Anyways that is the post, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post on time!


Friday, July 19, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-19-2024]

                 Sighs.... I hate to be sounding like a broken record but this drama with Chris has to STOP!  He's not doing anything to anyone and minding his own business in a YouTube channels to be brought down as a person saying publicly if their going to his stream and saying maybe when their NOT welcome whatsoever.  Banned for bringing in drama and causing all kinds of problems will get you banned for good. Not just him that had enough but myself, Larry, Kevin and Brooke HAD ENOUGH! 

                      Chris doesn't want to be involved with this community anymore.  He's going to be less involved and work on the work that needs to be done for content despite his empty threats that he's made about discontinuing The CBOTW Show and taking Entertainment Man Podcast and being on it's own. I don't think he's serious about that. But this has to stop or he will stop streaming and stop interacting which he loves to do. At this point our network is now 18 + not changing the rules now, if we find out you're under 18 cya, cya. 

                    As for updates not much, Chris has to reschedule one podcast but has an interview Monday and a week Sunday so he's preparing for both interviews coming up. A new episode The CBOTW Show will be recorded next Thursday and excited to hear this one. Chris and Larry both continue to surprise us with new episodes when their not even scheduled to record. Also Chris is working on promoting a few channels here on both Sonal's Channel & Witchbucket Films have been  promoted on here on our website. Going to test it out see it helps them out with views and I'm sure it will with the amount of views we've gotten on this website each and everyday but check it out on the video page. Chris will be away for a few days next week and not around as he will be gone for a few days. Anyways this was rather a very long update and I had to vent briefly and give you updates but I will talk to you guys next week for more end of the week updates.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Thursday, July 18, 2024

My role with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

                 Hello, my name is Brooke and I am ChrisBOnTheWeb Media's resident website admin. I know it's been a very difficult past week for us and we've had struggles with the community but my best friend Kelsie of 25 + years now already covered that. I am hear to talk about which you all know Chris and I have been working on developing a new menu bar to suit The CBOTW Show especially and getting some progress but getting stumped along the way. I am currently working on the development side of things. I will get into details in a moment but if you remember me from the past, I was once part of the staff and was seen on the now defunct Discord server.

              So the new menu will have a sub menu for all the current shows and movies we are currently covering on The CBOTW Show Podcast which Kels has talked about that already that it is part of the main YouTube Channel. Hopefully we can complete and have it functional by the end of the summer as we start a whole new era of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media this fall as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. I want to thank Chris and Kelsie for allowing me to talk briefly the plans with a revamped schedule and I will stay in touch with you all on updates on this project.

Brooke, Website Admin

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Finalized Content Schedule!

                 So Chris, Larry, Kevin, Brooke and myself have come up with a schedule that is going to work for us and this completes the revising of our schedule for content and here is our schedule:

Sundays, 1 pm EST:  @EntertainmentManPod  (YouTube/Audio Only)

                 2 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Monday - Fridays, 11 am EST: Daily blog ( 

Wednesdays, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY & is accessible here on YouTube)

Fridays, 1 pm EST: Weekly video ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia )

               6 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Saturdays, 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia , Kick & FB eventually)

                  I will talk to you everyone on Friday for the end of the week updates as our Site Admin Brooke wants to introduce herself. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The CBOTW Show is on YouTube??

              So The CBOTW Show is on YouTube? Yes in a way it is on YouTube. However it is Audio ONLY at this moment. I am sure I can convince Chris to do video, it'd blow up the main channel in views honestly! However for now he is audio only at this moment. Just baby steps. This is a step in the right direction with the podcast and honestly I think The CBOTW Show is better off Audio ONLY for now. Maybe once the channel grows Chris will maybe make the decision to make the video move.

            But, I am proud that he is expanding podcasts and growing but he has to remember to focus on the content. That is always going to be the upmost importance to us is the good quality content. That is why we have ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is for the content. However we have to remember to grow slowly. I think sometimes we go a little too fast so Chris is going at a slower pace with things and I am happy he's taking a slower pace. I will talk to everyone tomorrow at the normal time I promise and sorry for the late post.    


Monday, July 15, 2024

Wish All These Problems Would Stop...

                Drama, drama, drama, that seems to be the issue the past week to Chris's quitting the streams, then going back live after he cools down, rinse and repeat & blocking and unblocking users which he hasn't reblocked since but to be unsubbed doesn't show support to our group or media company has Chris thinking just making ChrisBOnTheWeb Media 18 + moving forward. He is thinking about it long and hard for now at the moment.

            Chris has gone quiet and apparently the stream tonight is now cancelled as he erased his live stream unless he's only on Kick but never know with him. I know he's actually spending time with his niece and nephew and good for him he needs a day away. I'm around if there questions or problems and Brooke has put some more time into ChrisBOnTheWeb Media yesterday working on the website stuff. Discord Server was dismantled and deleted. Chris has had enough of all of this. He's stated he's done with all of this crap, he's taking a stand right now in this community and I wish he'd come out and say it himself, but if he needs the break, I definitely can be a voice for him. Technically day to day operations of the chats and group is part of my duties. So this week, I guess I am covering the blogs for him this week and it is a great honor and I believe Brooke is going to come on Thursday and I will do tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday so I will talk to you tomorrow.


Friday, July 12, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-12-2024]

           So as you know now, I am on a partial leave for the next 9 months and is only around Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays while Brooke is covering the other days, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays. Updates, all shorts are done for now with Chris working on more today as he has an interview with Alan from Next Level University. But yesterday he was working on newer episodes, interview questions for today, next week and upcoming weeks for interviews. 

         He has a ton on the list to get done and he has Sonal a YouTuber and Moderator for our community which will be live on Sunday, July 28th, 2024 @ 2 pm EST sharp! Now He has finished up editing The CBOTW Show plus other interview prep for future episodes and one interview on Sunday at 2  pm we are constantly busy with content regardless. One last update, Chris has resurrected the ChrisBOnTheWeb Media YouTube  channel and will be streaming to it like he use to back then. That is the update today and I am sorry for a late post, being a first time mom has the priority for work and Chris knows that but I promise to stay on track for next week and I will speak to you all then, enjoy your weekend.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

We're Happy With The CBOTW Show on Audio ONLY

            Larry and I had a wonderful hangout day, watched Obi Wan Kenobi series which we are going to be covering in 2 weeks from now as an additional episode and love how invested he is into The CBOTW Show. Anyways, we got talking about YouTube as a whole and we have had no plans to expand The CBOTW Show outside of Audio ONLY. Larry and I are happy where we are at with the Audio ONLY. 

             Anyways we do not want to change anything right now. Maybe in the future but not right now at this moment. We are very happy where things are at this moment but do not rule out we could make a move to YouTube for this podcast but just not right at this moment. We do not want to run 3 YouTube Channels, the main one, Entertainment Man & The CBOTW Show. However that is the post for today, have a great weekend and talk to you all on Monday!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Made a Plan for the Future of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

              Now that you know we've filled in the shoes for our COO as she's now on a 3 day a week schedule and I've discussed this with Kels at length and haven't yet done with Larry but I am going to talk to the team about this in the next week and a half from now. However, the future plans for right now look like this:


- Kick & (Maybe FB Fan Page if I reach 100 followers on there) Saturday (Just Chatting; Facebook (If we reach 100 followers soon), Kick & YouTube) and Sundays (Gaming Stream; Kick)

- Sundays, 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube & Audio ONLY) & The CBOTW Show on Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST (Audio ONLY)


- Kick & (Maybe FB Fan Page if I reach 100 followers on there) Saturday (Just Chatting; Facebook, Kick & YouTube) and Sundays (Gaming Stream; YouTube & Kick)

- Sundays, 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube & Audio ONLY) & The CBOTW Show on Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST (Audio ONLY)

                This is kind of what I am thinking for the future and we will continue to grow in our media company and continue success. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

We're Taking a Step Back!

                So as you probably realize the ChrisBOnTheWeb Media Channel disappeared again and I promise you we will be rebooting it in January all together. We will be on our way back in January but for right now we are taking a step back from streaming. This doesn't mean I am deleting Prism Studio and what not, I am leaving it as it is and probably will have it ready for January 2025 and I plan on adding the games I want to play onto there but for the meantime we have the one channel for right now that is active!

               When the time is right we will reintroduce the channel to you guys and I already have 3 managing moderators, Kelsie, Sonal and Brooke. But for now, we continue to focus on Entertainment Man Podcasts Channel which is now at 87 sub at this moment which is amazing and awesome and proud how far I have come on that channel and continue to grow each and everyday. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special announcement blog.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Menu bar is getting an overhaul!

   is getting a Menu bar overhaul. What does that mean? As you know we've had that menu for quite some time now and we want to have a sub menu off of The CBOTW Show with the shows that we are currently offering on that podcast for example The Simpsons it will be listed or just movies in general that don't have more then one movie is another example. However I have to learn how to work with the different code. 

             Sub menus I do not remember how they work and currently re-learning it at the moment. It will take me some time for me to get the hang of it so it be some time while we are in the development stages of the new menu bar. Right now there is no eta on when it will be released to our website but we will be working on our development site we have to test and get all the bugs out of the system. We've been working on it on the side and boy their have been a whole pile of bugs and issues. Anyways we will keep you updated on the development of this new menu that we are creating and hopefully have an ETA to when it is done and ready to go and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, July 5, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-05-2024]

            Another week is in the books and it is time for another end of the week updates. We've been so swamped and this is why the blog is a bit late by 2 hours but we've been hectic for all of us. Discord is back up and running. May I say it is going to be a ton better. No drama and no nonsense this time around and we will not tolerate drama this time around. Chris still has to prepare notes for this weekends podcast and prerecord the episode, edit and schedule it to post. I know he's a little overwhelmed having to work on the server a bit but he realizes it is priority # 1 to get the episode recorded then move on to the next one. 

             The first week has been interesting with a bit of a chaotic mess but we are actually getting into that routine and finally understanding what needs to be done first then followed the next and so forth. Once he finishes the server then he will be working on recording the episode for the weekend. We do have a few more episodes for The CBOTW Show, 3 actually that will be going up week after week that Chris and Larry recorded together in the studio and from there we will a solo episode from Chris eventually. Those are my updates for the week have a great weekend and talk next week. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Starting to Get Use to a Routine!

               Getting into this new schedule has been rough go from the get go and we are 4 days into July and already feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed which is sort of trigger my anxiety a but the pill seems to help counter act it but it gets late in the day and I work very late it seems like an empty bottomless pit for me honestly. I need to realize the schedule is to get smaller along with the workload that I have it will eventually wind down on the load and I can take it more easier and I will get easier days but it will take some time. 

               However I do feel at ease knowing the schedule is more simpler and easy to follow and actually makes sense compare the crazy schedule we use to have we are getting use to this schedule but may take a few weeks to really get a grip into the schedule and we will in time. However I feel a lot happier with the schedule and not mad scrambling. That is the post for today, Happy 4th of July to all our American Fans, have a great weekend everyone and Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates tomorrow and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Now What's The Plan?

                 Literally our world has been turned upside with both Kelsie and I's account was compromised and we are unable to get into our accounts, so with that we have decided to downsize everything we had. There was nothing but drama in Discord and YouTube to listeners and fans turning on us. We will NOT tolerate drama whatsoever and you will be removed out of community all together. Consider this a warning. 

                However you are wondering what's next for us. Will we ever stream again? Yes once the Fan Page gets up to 100 followers I can start streaming and there is always Instagram but as for YouTube the answer is no. We continue to strive to focus on "Entertainment Man Podcast" on YouTube and The CBOTW Show on Audio ONLY Platforms. Anyways that is where we are at the moment and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Bunch of Changes and Adjustments!

             As you know there was a ton of drama on the main Channel for ChrisBOnTheWeb Media on YouTube to me erasing the channel all together. The strategy has been switched up to us only using YouTube for the podcasts. As most of you know with the rumors of The CBOTW Show is indeed returning to YouTube for good. However we are finishing up the loose ends of things before we start up on there but we've got the channel and ready to go. Now the schedule has changed a tad bit starting today:

Sundays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)
Monday - Fridays: Daily Blog
Monday - Wednesdays: Entertainment Man Podcast (Shorts on it's platform)
Wednesdays: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY, for NOW)
Fridays: Reel on Social Media
Saturdays: 1 pm EST: Live Stream on Facebook and Instagram (Facebook coming soon!)

                     3 pm EST: Preview reel for the most upcoming episode of the podcast.

           There is the schedule, There is still a bit of a void but perhaps I could add reels and videos in between and keep up with the updates so starting today the schedule is final and will not be changed in the nearby future. Anyways that is the post and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.
