Showing posts with label frustrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frustrations. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

We Hear Your Frustration!

                  We know! The Website is having issues  with stability of players on the website. Chris spent most of the night up and possibly even skipped out on the event online at his former college. He shows a lot of commitment to this company even as a former CEO. I told him to stop so he can attend this event as he's been excited for a week for this upcoming discussion and maybe he will do a podcast on it and he's even mentioned it. 

             Anyways, the website pages rebuild for the podcast will be put into three sections, Entertainment Man Podcast; The CBOTW Show- TV Shows & The CBOTW Show- Movies. Once each one are done, he will release it as they are completed. He would like have everything done with the reversal of the audio players done by end of the year. He really wants to start transferring Entertainment Man Podcast to too so he can no longer use Castbox as our primary source for the RSS Feed. I will be covering his blogs for the foreseeable future. Not sure when he will be back but excited to take over the blog so I will chat with you tomorrow. I have a very special blog to talk about. 

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Monday, July 29, 2024

3 DAYS without Boss Man has started!

            Since Chris is now away for 3 days getting the rest he needs to keep powering through the episodes that he needs to work on, I know he will be home raring to go when he gets back Thursday and getting things done. He mentioned to keeping a schedule when it comes to content and streams and we are working on that. This week already has started a bit wonky with changes in our team but it happens.   

        One thing I know is the server is finished... FINALLY, lol! Took him a while but I'm proud of him finishing this project off. It's a massive server and we have a lot of things prepared for our future together as a community. I am thrilled what is next for the channel down the road. I will talk further tomorrow on this. 


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Not Letting My Frustrations Get The Better of Me.

           I know ChrisBOnTheWeb Media has been a very frustrating thing for us and I will talk about two specific things today. First is AdSense, as you may know our income comes from the website and what is most frustrating is we've earned a penny here and there but after the month they should move it to the earn column. They tell us to not click ads and I don't, I don't actually see the ads I can't click on anything so it makes no sense. However the second part is the internet in the studio as our internet went in and out along with out TV too so it's been frustrating for us. 

         However I need to remember to not let the frustrations get the better of me. This is something that I cannot control, which I meaning the internet issues. I don't even think we can have a wire from the computer to the printer but the printer relies on us using the net but sometimes it's beyond our control. Now as for the AdSense issue, well that can be fixed actually. I could find a way to contact them about it and ask em why they've removed my pennies I've earned. I could also just let it go and keep grinding away. I think that is the plan moving forward but that is the blog post for today have a great weekend as Mark will be doing the "End of The Week Updates" and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sick Of Being Isolated and Stuck At Home!

             I am just tired of this pandemic. It has affected me physically and also mentally but mostly mentally. It has been an mental game for me in the last year and I am just tired 24-7, my sleep is so screwed up to be honest. I am up most of the night then sleeping till the afternoon at times which really screwed up for my sleep to be honest. There is nights that I am up all night and sleep and I've ended up banned 3 times since the lockdown and honestly I am done with Facebook and about to delete my account entirely as a whole and just stick to Twitter and Instagram. However back to being stuck at home, really got nothing to do either then work itself for this website or video games or card or board games but to be honest, it gets boring after a little while and the same routine day in and day out. Yeah I can go for walks and once and a blue moon make a trip to Walmart but I do not do it too often and some other days I find myself stuck at home and bored out of my mind. I also find myself napping for 3 - 4 hours at a time which really does mess up my entire sleep schedule.

              I need to get it fixed and fast and I probably be a lot happier person to be honest. This pandemic has made me fat again and I've gained weight and I haven't been overly active and I try to walk but no matter what I do I seem I am just a fat loser now at this point. I really am just sick and tired of this pandemic and wish it'd get back to a new normal at this moment. It has been frustration after frustration and I ready to be able to go back out and see friends and have Larry and Eric back here again but that isn't happening as the damn cases in Ontario have gone up once again it just grrrrrrrr so frustration to be honest. That is my little rant blog for today and I will talk to you all on tomorrow's blog post.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Plans After This Pandemic?

              The plans moving forward after this pandemic well I am not planning too far ahead as right now, we are in currently in lockdown and I am not even thinking about this and this has been requested yet this is why I am making my post. I'm sorry, I just cannot think clearly right now, processing things right now and I know I sound annoyed and I assure you I am not, just frustrated with the fact that I am stuck in this damn lockdown in the house not able to go far minus the corner store here and there and this pandemic has really taken a toll on me mentally especially sleep wise. Anyways I am off topic right now the one big thing I look forward is seeing my friends and family again and able to see them physically in person again and this is why I have started to show my frustration on here and I just cannot bottle it in and I know it isn't easy to write this post. Anyways, off topic once again, the next thing I am looking forward to is being able to record with Larry and my alum in this studio again as it has been awful quiet around here not being able to have them in the studio to actually record and maybe it's one of the reasons for the Collaboration Podcast going on hiatus? Yes I put a question mark as I am not sure really but I am trying to be optimistic to having him back in studio physically soon but we will see how things go with this vaccine this upcoming year.


                So really I have 2 big plans to see friends and have my Co-Host over but again like I have been rambling on in this posts I am not thinking too far ahead right now till we are out of  this lockdown and down to Red or even the yellow level once again but that will come in time right now I am focusing on now and what is happening but I plan on not rushing myself after this pandemic is over because we do not know how much longer this pandemic will be lasting and we do not know know how long it will take for the vaccine to be distributed.  So I just do not wanna promise or make plans because soon as things hopefully get back to normal, first thing I have to figure out is my bus situation as right now, I got no regular bus service but more about that in the New Year as that is a post alone itself but I am planning on actually taking my time with going out once this is over.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Ramble...

            I am not being negative but I am trying the hardest I can to get the notes written then  type em and I don't care if I have to go to bed early and up during the nights and up the entire day I will fight to the tooth to get these notes done. Why you think this podcast is going on hiatus? We are so behind schedule right now, it's not even funny anymore and I have had thoughts of just ending this collab but I made a promise for one more year of the collab and I meant it and even if this means putting it off till June or July and yes I say that like I have a plan moving forward and I do have a plan. So am I feeling frustrated with this collab? Well I am frustrated the fact that one thing after another seems to be a problem from editing the current collab to fixing the website with issues with in the last week and haven't been up to watching Ninja Storm which isn't a lot of work really. I am sitting back enjoying watching a Television show. There should be not a single problem and as of this morning writing this post, I am at EP 10 of 38 so I am making good tracks and if I can get up to 20 or 25 episodes then I will be good. 

                I know I am whining a little bit  and I am just merely felt frustrated with this collab and ready to tell Larry I am seriously contemplating quitting the collab as it has become too much but I know he would get me to reverse my decision very quickly as I know when I tell him the butt kissing begins. To be very honest, we are now going on 2.5 years of this podcast and I see us continuing on to our goal which is Super Ninja Steel which you guys did not know that piece of information and yes I am exposing everything that is going on with the Podcast and I am fine with it because you guys deserve to know how I am feeling and the fact I am feeling frustrated with this podcast. I know in the end it will be all fine when the podcast is on hiatus and I start pumping out season notes for the entire year of 2021 while we are on this hiatus and hopefully this corrects any of the issues. Don't forget we do this 3 times a year and takes time to prep for each and every one. I know I have mentioned the fact it will be down to 38 episodes a season then eventually 32 episodes a season so it will be becoming easier eventually just gotta be a little more patient then I have been recently. 


Thursday, March 21, 2019

We Will Prevail! Nothing Will Stop Us!

           I am writing this ahead of time to last night's craziness before one of my members of Staff wrote the post to inform you of the changes for this week and this week only. My computer has been acting like a fruit loop dingus this week and I kind of went down the deep end tonight and taking the day to try and collect myself together. Do not worry the podcast is going up tonight and making sure it goes up one way or another tonight. Like the title of today's blog is we will prevail and will work through the on going problems with the technical side of things. This week there is only going to be 2 podcasts obviously and next week fingers crossed, we will be back on a regular scheduled programming even if this PC needs  a swift kick of a clean up. I plan on the weekend taking some time to run the anti virus again and other programs to ensure the computer is running smoothly but I think it had to do with the recent update my computer had and it needed to be rebooted. It takes a while for the darn thing to reboot too and get back up and running again. My computer is getting older and I have had it about 3 years now at the most or around that and it is aging. But I would like to build my next PC super fast and really good too. I have officially cleaned up some of the programs on my computer and games I honestly do not play anymore so I think that honestly helped the computer issues.

            We have been working non stop getting ready for things to get back to recording this morning and hope there is no issues. I really couldn't care less if I slept as I am stressed and right now wide awake but a nap this afternoon will be nice if I can make the time. We are praying that there is no problems today but over the next couple of days will be a test to see where the computer is at. We will get through all of this, just give me a few days to sort things out and I am glad I got a team behind me through all the technical mumbo jumbo that has gone on in the last 12 + hours of very stress. I definitely think I have grown a couple more of grey hairs on the top of my head honestly.... lol... In all seriousness, I need to learn to handle my stress but I am starting to get better each and everyday but last night, I honestly snapped my twig, like literally.... But we took it to Twitter to inform you guys something had happened and there would be no podcast whatsoever due me losing the entire recording. I have learned from this, I am from here on out will be saving my work constantly which they taught me this in school to always save your work on the computer. Why you think I have a USB Stick and also external hard drive with all the podcasts save to that. However if I save it before it gets exported then it would help me out but we live and learn from our mistakes.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Few Changes For Everything About Reality TV This Week....

       Well this week has been the week from hell.... Like literally the week from hell. It has been nothing but computer issues all week from computer running slow to internet issues to internet browser issues, I have seen em all this week. Unfortunately tonight the computer crashed which put the icing on the cake. The podcast that was on the desk top was lost, all the 45 - 50 minute podcast that was going to go up tonight, completely lost. So which brings me to this damn post and I didn't want to make this announcement but it has to come the heck out as things are not great right now and literally the studio got trashed in frustration.... 

              1)  Tuesday's episode is obviously scrapped and there is no Tuesday episode for this week. We just do not want to fall completely behind so what we are doing with Tuesday's notes is take that and add it into Friday's episode so adding in a bit more content like we use to have and put it into Friday's freakin episode. Yes he thought about my future with this podcast. Having other thoughts too but rather keep my comments to myself honestly. 

             2) The second part to this post is tomorrow's Survivor Edge of Extinction Episode will still be up at 9 pm EST as I want to make sure it goes up on time this time around and we hope by end of the week, we can take a breather and try and learn from this problems and know what to do in the nearby future.

               I am sorry this is happening but this is way beyond our control. We had to do damage control on this situation and try and salvage what is to happened and I speak for all of the team, we apologize for this situation and hope you will continue to tune in. I know this is sudden with it happening but we have to let you guys know what is going on one way or another. Hope you will all continue to listen and support CBOTW and will be making it up to you guys as we are spending all night fixing the issues we are currently experiencing at this moment.

- The CBOTW Team

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Website Ramble....

             You guys know I like a smooth running website, but yesterday was the complete opposite as I couldn't load the web builder and honestly I am starting to get sick and tired of being on this service if it is going to be always down for me and not able to edit the website. Mind you, the site itself isn't down it is still running, it is just frustrating to not be able to edit the site and get that new content out to you guys on time but majority of the time it goes down or something goes wrong with the web builder so I end up making that announcement if it seems to not work anytime soon, then I have to go to that plan B as a lot of you guys saw yesterday and had to remove the website link related and go with the other 4 Audio ONLY platforms.

               What drives me nuts though, it seems like every time a podcast comes out, something goes wrong with the website or the website builder and it sucks to not always have all 5 platforms promoted for you guys but today, I finally got a chance to edit and add the Big Brother Canada 6 Preview to the website as most of you probably seen my update Post/Tweet this morning. This is why I really wanna get the heck away from 000webhost and move to my new provider. however in order to do this I need to 1 have the domain expire so I can move it over to the other provider, yes I could go with the .ca but the .com seems to be more and more popular right now.

                Even with the malfunctions on my website, I still manage to bring out content regardless of the on going problems going on, nothing will stop me from giving you guys the content you guys want to see but like come on! Enough is enough with the problems, honestly it has to stop with the problems and yes I know there will be problems here and there but patience is truly a virtue and I have to show that and I know you guys are very patient during the times the website problems occur and I truly appreciate the patience.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Had A Dufus Moment Last Week! | Frustration Like Crazy Last Week!

Well last week was a major dufus moment and one hell of a week for me as I thought it was 000webhost servers that was giving issues, well at first it was their crummy server, then I reset the site entirely hoping it would come back online, but it was a minor step I missed that was the cause of the root of the problem this entire time! Now blaming my domain provider wasn't the right answer and I've already manned up to the mistake. Honestly 000webhost is making it so hard for use the website owners to operate the website. I am still vouching to what I said on Twitter back on the weekend which is I am still planning to get a full on package with the domain whether it is with HostGator when I renew or GoDaddy or some other domain provider website. I got a year and a half to decide where I am heading with the future of But this brings me into my next point which is you can imagine over the course of the last year and a half how much frustration I have been through within the website, trying to maintain it and also keep it online for more then a freaking week! Now since my site is back the views are not as good grinding around 22 views per day, however it is starting to get the viewership back, my more biggest concern at this point of time is the lack of communication within my team, my staff who volunteer their time to help me with the success of running ChrisBOnTheWeb. Just yesterday, I ended up letting go of one of the 4 staff I had. At this point I am cleaning house and as April 1st of this year, one more will go if this chat doesn't move anywhere which at this point it hasn't and has been at a full stand still for almost an entire year. I waited a whole freaking year plus for this chat to be done and has it? Nooo always excuses made or arguments made over it. Yes I understand it takes time but they said it wouldn't take more then a year and all I have seen is the login main screen of the chat that's it. So as of April 1st like I said I will be letting them go as their was no communication made since January and the dream of bringing my podcasts back live will not be happening anytime soon.  I feel for you guys and the frustrating levels of a site that isn't working half the time, however I appreciate the patience and positive feedback you guys have given me when the site has been online. That always put a smile on my face and right now as I am typing this I got a bit of a grin on my face as I am very very happy with the positive feedback and pep talks you guys give me on Twitter. I am very grateful to have you guys as a fan base and grown so much since the move to podcasts last summer. I have almost doubled from the 1500 I had last summer and hopefully I will hit 3k by the summer and I sure think I will. 

Have a great Tuesday!
