Showing posts with label feeling frustrated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feeling frustrated. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Has Been Banned On Twitch!

              All I can say is wow... Just wow... We deactivate our Twitch because we weren't planning on going on the platform and decided to give it a shot anyways to find out if we can pull in the crowd to find out we have been banned from Twitch for no apparent reason and I guess deactivating your account Twitch is against the Terms of Service (TOS!)  It really ticks me the heck off that we put our blood, sweat and tears into preparing to move back to video to find out we were banned from the platform for no reason, no notice in email we were banned for such and such time which is crap honestly. Guess we are confining the podcast to YouTube ONLY now and if YouTube axes us then we are going back to our root for almost the last 4 years aka Audio ONLY platforms. I have started to even wonder why we are doing video again after we departed from YouTube in 2016 but the staff wanted this, YOU guys the most amazing fans in the world wanted this and we are going to give it our best shot to grow on YouTube again as we did once have fans and listeners of the podcast on YouTube before. 

              Also technically the podcast did start on there from the beginning and maybe this is where we have to go from here on out.  So what's the plan moving forward? As you know, we are in testing mode right now, testing the waters on YouTube and got a good clear idea how to run YouTube channel with the Live Shows we will be putting on. I have been working with my team and we are getting good progress with it and going to be testing one more time live. The channel isn't visible right now in search on YouTube but it is on the platform and has been a channel since the 13th of this month so 8 full days of it being. We  will be taking off on video soon but right now is not the right time. Guess Twitch doesn't want us I guess. We're not wanted on their platform. I wanted to multi stream and guess it wasn't meant to be. Thanks Twitch for banning us when we didn't even stream much minus innocent tests which we have to test and ensure there is 0 issues! Don't think we will message them about this. I'm just done with Twitch in general but going to message em to tell em we didn't even do anything wrong and what is wrong with their moderators or admins on the platform! Like seriously! Maybe Mixer is the better fit for the podcast or just YouTube but I think we are going to focus on YouTube and YouTube ONLY!


Monday, July 1, 2019

I Just Do Not Know Anymore...

               Friendships has been tested this year between 3 friendships which are now done, I am at a point, I just do not want to do Chris B On The Web for what I was doing before. I know I have become quite popular with Everything About Reality TV but honestly since the friendship I have made a decision maybe I need to step down from the Big Brother 21 and Amazing Race Canada 7 recaps for the summer, however I do not have anyone to replace me, so I am stuck with the recaps but I maybe I just need to get the heck away from here for 6 days and yes I am referring to the holiday I am taking. I just cannot be done with Everything About Reality TV like that, I have gained so many listeners over time and to quit now while I have a good momentum with viewership and now adding on to the list Twitch.TV as a video platform since I am refusing the heck out of YouTube as the platform is not like it use to honestly.  Right now it is hard for me to even think about the podcast even though I made a plan to continue on with the podcast but right now, I am starting to have second thoughts. I know this podcast has been running since September 2015 which this year marks the 4th year of it being on the air, I just do not wanna to let you guys down and I am made so many strides in the last year with being reached out by companies and of course network that reached out to me about covering Music City so there is reason why this podcast has stayed around such a long time.

               I honestly do not know what to do, I lost pretty much all my listeners on Twitch and have to start from scratch again, this is why I wanted to stay Audio ONLY and unsure if to go to YouTube or Twitch or where as my Twitch account is on it's last leg as it has been banned twice so I really have to be careful but I never really thought about doing video whatsoever with the podcast and even before getting more and more requests to do the podcast live, I just not sure if it is the right fit for it honestly but giving it a go indefinitely and I know I have people interested and maybe once I get the ball rolling with the podcast it will be a lot more busier in the chatroom but do not forget I am just started out. I should just try and go with the flow and maybe I am just over thinking things especially with going away this Friday and nervous for when I return home to catching back up with it. It will all work out in the end and I am sure I'll be just fine. I just gotta get through being down and depressed and being around a friend is what I just need tomorrow and I cannot wait to hangout with them.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Few Changes For Everything About Reality TV This Week....

       Well this week has been the week from hell.... Like literally the week from hell. It has been nothing but computer issues all week from computer running slow to internet issues to internet browser issues, I have seen em all this week. Unfortunately tonight the computer crashed which put the icing on the cake. The podcast that was on the desk top was lost, all the 45 - 50 minute podcast that was going to go up tonight, completely lost. So which brings me to this damn post and I didn't want to make this announcement but it has to come the heck out as things are not great right now and literally the studio got trashed in frustration.... 

              1)  Tuesday's episode is obviously scrapped and there is no Tuesday episode for this week. We just do not want to fall completely behind so what we are doing with Tuesday's notes is take that and add it into Friday's episode so adding in a bit more content like we use to have and put it into Friday's freakin episode. Yes he thought about my future with this podcast. Having other thoughts too but rather keep my comments to myself honestly. 

             2) The second part to this post is tomorrow's Survivor Edge of Extinction Episode will still be up at 9 pm EST as I want to make sure it goes up on time this time around and we hope by end of the week, we can take a breather and try and learn from this problems and know what to do in the nearby future.

               I am sorry this is happening but this is way beyond our control. We had to do damage control on this situation and try and salvage what is to happened and I speak for all of the team, we apologize for this situation and hope you will continue to tune in. I know this is sudden with it happening but we have to let you guys know what is going on one way or another. Hope you will all continue to listen and support CBOTW and will be making it up to you guys as we are spending all night fixing the issues we are currently experiencing at this moment.

- The CBOTW Team