Chris is clearly not doing the end of the week updates as I do not know what is going on. Second I'm sorry I'm so late on this post by hours with so much going on here lately, dealing with our Founder/CEO. I've had no time to post up the end of the week updates neither last night or this morning. But here are the updates: Apparently he has removed his admin from the ChrisBOnTheWeb Media group on Facebook. He went off in the group and has been quiet lately. As you noticed on the social media, Entertainment Man Podcast is currently Audio ONLY at the moment and is staying Audio ONLY. Chris has refused to be on camera nor wants to and saying Entertainment Man Podcast is like a radio program now, Audio ONLY all the time.
The CBOTW Show is staying audio only for good and he has no plans on expanding to video at this moment. he feels like two podcasts will be too much in the studio. If his podcast, Entertainment Man Podcast was to end, then there is a big possibility he could jump there but there is no news on that as their only at 23 episodes at the moment and there is a new episode coming this week. I do know what it is and he is going to keep that quiet till the day it goes out to everyone. He is also been or trying to work on Power Rangers and this week he will be most definitely working on it this weekend and this week coming up. He won't be on the main computer as much minus The CBOTW Show episode mid week. So that is everything I needed to cover and hopefully Chris will be back on Monday for more posts but if not you will most definitely hear from me. It may just be me with his busy typing schedule for the upcoming podcast but please enjoy the rest of your weekend and any questions please feel free to reach out.
Kelsie, Community Director of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media