Showing posts with label Entertainment Man Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment Man Podcast. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Weekly Updates [02-14-2025]

        I thought we had Entertainment Man Podcast recorded but apparently not yet but this morning he was planning on recording something. No real updates, just a few website tweaks I mentioned during the week. We have been working on the content aspect of things and preparing for the upcoming week.

        I have mentioned, boss man will be back to the blog on Monday and I believe the plan this weekend is for him to work on some shows for the other podcast. Other then that spending time with the family and he had plans with friends and that could change  but I think he's going to focus on his health next week and stay home. It is family day and it's to spend time with the family and I know he will be doing that. As for streams, there is no mention of him streaming again but maybe this weekend he will pop up for even just an hour of gaming to hang with you guys. Please keep an eye out on the social media for updates when he goes live and I will chat with everyone at the end of next week, enjoy your weekend.



Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Chris is recording today!

            It is very excited to say Chris, our Executive Producer/Host of both of our podcasts is back to recording something new for tomorrow. He's feeling a ton better today and been up in his chair a bit more. Anyways tomorrow's make up show, he is going to be talking about always having an episode ready to go and I definitely agreed to always have an episode or so handy especially if you get sick like Chris did. 

         I am excited to hear this episode and Chris and I have spoken about this idea while he was ill and I co-heartily agreed and he admitted he doesn't know why he never thought of this idea. so once he's strong enough he will but that is a bit of a preview for you guys and he has a video announcement later.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Weekly Updates [01-31-2025]

             Chris and I have been busy making sure everything is running smoothly. I know he's been promising Matilda Podcast and he will be getting to it eventually. Right now he has other priorities at the moment but what he's told me next week it is going to be going up on the Friday so a week from now. It is something he is working on this weekend as a priority. Also next week we are going to be start uploading OLDER episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast to the channel with this new schedule:

Sundays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Mondays: 10 am; Tuesdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Wednesdays: 10 am EST; Thursdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST; Fridays: 10 am EST & Saturdays: 10 am & 3 pm EST. Days with new episodes we will only post up an old episode once, that's it. We are trying to make sure to upload just once a week if possible. The sooner the better so Entertainment Man Podcast can return back onto video in the very nearby future. The last update I have is Chris is indeed back as the CEO. He missed it so much and I was willing to step down and take over. He made my COO (Chief Operating Officer) to run the day to day operations of the company. We both agreed this will make us stronger with the operations of the team plus we have brought Billy back on as our new Community Director. So we've been making a bit of moves to strengthen us as a team.. Enjoy your weekend and I will chat with you next week.

Sara, Chief Operating Officer

Friday, January 24, 2025

Weekly Updates [01-24-2025]

            I have changed over the name of the end of the week updates to Weekly Updates. Anyways, first thing I want to mention is Chris will NOT have Matilda up today on time but he hopes to get some of the videos he recorded for social media and YouTube up today. He will get it out next Friday as a bonus and promises to do better with the upload schedule for The CBOTW Show. Right now he's in the midst of editing Ghostwriter Podcasts they recorded yesterday in studio, 5 episodes to be exact that they did. Also Chris has been editing Entertainment Man Podcast for Monday so he has been working on lately. 

       I know we haven't been posting up the old episodes as we mentioned on our YouTube channel and it is next on our list things to do. First editing episodes that are recorded, then watching Matilda, recording the podcast and editing it. Also he has to prepare for an interview a week from now. Those are the updates, Chris may pop up this weekend on Twitch, basically some work casts and maybe a gaming stream but depends how far he is into recording the one podcast and editing but he would like to do a gaming stream to relax for once. I wish he would take some time off especially on Sundays but I have that funny feeling Chris will be casting for a good 6 hours tomorrow, working and chatting. We will see what he has planned out. I will chat with you all next week.

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

We're Back on Track With Podcasts!

               I think we are officially back on the right track for the podcasts. I know two days of new episodes plus the older episodes. I realize it is a bit chaotic but seems like you guys are enjoying older episodes and newer episodes which is great. I know there is confusion with the YouTube Channel but promise to be done re-uploading. If I do a premiere with older episodes it's by accident. I need to watch what I'm doing when scheduling the posts. 

              I made a tweak in the schedule for the re-upload schedule and on actual show days we are not uploading the older episodes as we want to make sure it is the main focus on those days for the new episodes nothing else. It is more than fair for us however we are on track and getting things done when they need to be done and look forward to the coming weeks with shows we have planned out for you all. Anyways I wanted to give a bit of an update that we are certainly doing a ton better and back on the right track for shows for the time being and that is the post for today, enjoy your weekend and as always I will talk to you all on Monday!


Monday, January 20, 2025

Weaving Around Everything!

               With all this podcast craze going on in our network re-uploading the old episodes, recording current episodes, we are busy. I am trying to get everything uploaded and scheduled so I can focus on the current stuff and currently in 2022 for episodes. Please note there are episodes that were live that are no longer available and it's beyond my own stupidity but we will post what I have stored in my Drive that I plug into the computer to grab episodes from 2022 - 2024.

               So weaving around the podcast and running this blog 5 - 6 days a week, we're swamped but a good type of swamp actually. We're keeping busy. Today's episode may be a tad late and there is a reason is I needed to catch up on a few hours of sleep but I will get it out today and remember it is only Audio at this moment and I have mentioned this time and time again. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Friday, January 17, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-17-2025]

           Now that things are settled down, first update is Chris is recording this morning both episodes for Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show so be on the lookout this weekend for the episode to drop! Excited stuff. Monday is as scheduled. I want to thank you guys for the love and support you have given us, especially with Chris we have started to blow up with the YouTube Channel and I think a lot of it has to do with the Channel being listed right here on the website on the right hand side and also embedded on both Entertainment Man Podcast (Soon) and The CBOTW Show (Currently.) 

          Website has been worked on a bit more and we're working on a new page so you guys can get involved with The CBOTW Show moving forward! Yes, he's still going that route and he is working on the page and is work in progress at the moment. However knowing the boss man of podcasting will have it done pretty quickly. Right now we are playing catch up since the issues with The CBOTW Show, we have to catch up and get the podcasts out tomorrow or Sunday and Entertainment Man Podcast on Monday. Those are the updates I have and hopefully next week we will be a lot more smoother then it has been. Have a great weekend and talk next week. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Plan and Schedule for our YouTube Channel

              Over the next 6 months, as I was saying on yesterday's blog, we will be uploading an array of things on the channel. Old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast & New Episodes of The CBOTW Show which will be premiered but here is what our content schedule will be over the next so many months:

Sundays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                 3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Mondays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                11 am EST: Daily Blog

                  1 pm EST: NEW Episode of Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube Audio ONLY/Audio ONLY Platforms] 

Tuesdays:    9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                    11 am EST: Daily Blog

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Wednesdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                       11 am EST: Daily Blog

                         1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

                         3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Thursdays: 9 am EST: Weekly Video on FB/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube

                   11 am EST: Daily Blog

                     3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Fridays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

             11 am EST: Daily Blog

               1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

               3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Saturdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                  11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                    1 pm EST: Weekly stream on FB/Instagram

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast  

                There is the entire reupload schedule and like I said I hope it is not too much and if it is please let us know I will slow down on the schedule but we try to keep to twice a day if possible and there is one day that is 3 but least you guys are staying up to date as we prepare for the next stage of our plan hopefully by Summer 2025. I will not be announcing posts for the old uploads on social media but for the regular new episodes and videos will be announced. Anyways that is the post for today and as always talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Big Week This Week!

           This week is a big week for us here at ChrisBOnTheWeb Media! This week started out with an amazing from Kevin O. We thank him for his continuing contributions to our website and we look forward to your continuing posts in the future as well. Now this week we will be bringing out 2 episodes of The CBOTW Show. One tomorrow and one on Friday. Will be recording the Matilda movie podcast tomorrow when I get up. Also the next episode of Entertainment Man Podcast will be recorded tomorrow as well for Monday. I keep forgetting we switched to Mondays. 

          Also there is some videos I want to record and post, hence some days if you are subscribed to our NEW YouTube channel, you will see old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast posted up between 2022 and 2024. Hopefully I can get everything updated by the Summer so we can bring Entertainment Man Podcast Back to video by the summer so we can move forward to our next plans. But I will talk about tomorrow have yourself a good day and talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Addressing The Spotify/Other Audio ONLY Platforms Issues...

              So addressing the elephant in the room with the issues with the Entertainment Man Podcast and I know I sounded quite angry and was a very angry person. You know I am a perfectionist and I shouldn't be a perfectionist but I am who I am and that is OK honestly. However, the problem and issue that we experienced was because when we redirected the Spotify Feed it wasn't updating on other platforms. I checked the RSS Feed with iTunes and it still was on Castbox so sounds like the redirect didn't work. 

              So now I have scrapped Spotify all together but I will use it as a 3rd party website which it will be posted via Castbox.  So we are back with Castbox and one of the reasons I kept Castbox in tact as I wouldn't be able to reupload as their a paid service now. Anyways everything is working and only platform I am waiting on deleting the original feed is Spotify. Anyways I have another blog post waiting in the wing and it will be up at 1 pm EST so I will talk to you all then.


Friday, January 3, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-03-2025]

          The start of 2025 has been amazing.The CBOTW Show is back up and running on all Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris hasn't updated us on it yet and we noticed we lost a follower and we try and continue to update you guys on things as they go but it's a start. Entertainment Man Podcast is written and ready for recording. The CBOTW Show is also being recorded and edited for next week. Exciting stuff and excited for his return on the podcasts,

          YouTube is back and I roll my eyes at this because of all the drama but all of our regulars like Jimi, Josh, Gordie, Angela, our staff and anyone always supported us but we are planning to be cautious when modding people and he hasn't exactly announce the channel but it is work in progress getting it verified for longer videos and podcasts. I'm sure he will announce it very soon. Enjoy your weekend and will talk to you at the end of the week as Chris will be back on Monday with new blog posts.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Final End of The Week Update for 2024

          This is the final end of the week update for 2024 as we will be rolling into 2025 next week. First the announcement for the blog. Chris will be off the blog till a week Monday. He is taking some well deserved time away from the blog. But this doesn't mean he will not be active in the studio. Starting tomorrow he is back till December 30 then off for December 31st, 2024 & January 1st, 2025. So this means I will be covering for him on Thursday next week as well as my regular post., This is a great chance to get to know me a little more. I plan on doing a post for you all to kind of get to know me further. 

        Anyways, The final episode of The CBOTW Show went up this morning which means Chris and I have been trying to get it all done earlier in the week but been working on Christmas Eve to finish it all hence we are taking till today off and back to it tomorrow. I'm sure we will be busy regardless of what is on our schedule. I know Chris is planning to do a pop up stream on Facebook. He wants to interact more with the fans so be on the lookout for that today at some point. So that is everything I needed to cover for the week, I will chat with you all on Monday.


Friday, December 20, 2024

End of The Week Updates [12-20-2024]

          This week has been go, go and Chris has been busy editing shows and today he is going to be recording the Christmas Special he is going to be recording and he will be trying out Spotify Video and he's not talked a ton about it but he is going to start testing it on this special episode and also further testing in 2025 when Entertainment Man Podcast returns to air in January. 

         The CBOTW Show will be stopping episodes for the holidays & normally Chris would have stuff already ready to air but with Christmas and New Years on their Wednesday slot, Chris has decided to take two weeks off but he is possibly going to be posting up a show for The CBOTW Show on January 1st, 2025. He's not 100% Sure as of yet and if he has the time to post. He's CONFIRMED that he will be covering the TV series Monk. I will have a completely different post for that at 1 pm EST but that is everything he's told me and he continues to get things done for before the Christmas break Dec 24th, 25th and 26th. I will chat with you all later at 1 pm ET. 


Monday, December 16, 2024

Updates on a Monday from the Former CEO?

              Updates on a Monday?! Yes! We are moving quickly and with Entertainment Man Podcast, I will be trying out the Beta test of Spotify Video which means no more YouTube for that podcast. It might be the same thing with The CBOTW Show down the road when we get the audio only figured out officially. Work in progress over the holidays to getting it all figured out. Anyways, Sara is working on a Discord Server so there will be a ton of ways to support us. We will NOT be getting rid of the server this time around, any disrespect, drama you are gone. Sara is tough as nails and I know from experience.

               Other than that I am finishing up stuff with both podcasts editing wise and also working on notes, recording the Christmas Special and editing it to post and it will be on Spotify video for the first time and see if I like it. Once all podcasts are recorded and edited, I will prepare notes for the new year and the podcasts so we have some shows we can put out there every week and I already know the schedule for Bob and I and how it will work. Slowly winding down the year and excited for some rest as well. Anyways that is the post for today, As always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, December 13, 2024

End of The Week Updates [12-13-2024]

               Another crazy week once again but interesting and busy one for us 4. First of all, we want to welcome back Kevin to our team and he will be back as the Community Director role. Entertainment Man Podcast is getting those final 2 episodes of the regular season recorded and I think he's mentioned recording the Christmas Special as well so he can do all the editing by end of the weekend and he will have a ton more time to preparing new shows. 

           As you know Chris & Larry have been busy in the studio and the reason they forgo the entire recording session they had planned to take down the shelving and move the desks as his work desk is on the other side of the screens and the green screen as you can see and it is massive! We thought it would be enough for his chair but enough for both Chris and the guest/Larry's Chair.  Last thing The CBOTW Show is moving to YouTube, back to the drama but we will be hiding accounts that cause any issues whatsoever. That will be the only account we will own moving forward. No other channel will be created whatsoever. So those are the updates, I realize it is long post and I apologize. I will talk to you all next week! 



Friday, December 6, 2024

End of The Week Updates [12-06-2024]

                First of all I am sorry for no post this morning. Had to deal with staff stuff as always. So this has been an interesting week for us. First the addition of the website was the Lounge. Now it hasn't been used much but we the staff hangout in there all the time and it's there if you guys want to chat but no pressure whatsoever. Also Chris has taped a bunch of episodes and the problem that's been festering with The CBOTW Show and Chris is really considering a hiatus of the podcast till February at this point. He's really frustrated by these issues and not sure where to go to after all of this. 

      needs to reply to his emails and he has been emailing them once a week to find out when the two feeds will be back and that has been the issue and why we are now backlogged in episodes 2 with Larry and Chris which sounds like he will be slowing down for the year perhaps and the studio is in disarray too. Too much going on but he will be posting what's left for The CBOTW Show then he will be doing a hiatus till end of January, hopefully this issue is fixed. I will be reaching out personally to assure they reply back to his emails. Chris is fully booked up for the rest of the year for Entertainment Man Podcast and will be looking at interviews after Christmas to record. Website has been overhauled, 10th anniversary removed, schedule under about, and the addition to getting involved as a guest on The CBOTW Show.Those are the major updates, I will chat with you guys next week.




Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Future of Both Podcasts!

                 I have been thinking about things on the weekend while getting work done. Here is what I am thinking:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Being the lead podcast on the network, I as the Executive Producer/Host of the podcast feel like it is more a radio show or radio program every week. So I have decided to keep Entertainment Man Podcast on Audio ONLY for the foreseeable future.

The CBOTW Show: I want to this to be the primary focus for the company as it is something we want to continue to grow in the future and even if Entertainment Man Podcast goes off air at any point of time in the future this will be back fall back moving forward. But I am not counting my podcast out yet, not yet... So much amazing things to come in the future! 

              So this is the future of both podcasts and there is a lot of things I am not saying publicly yet. But Sara and Larry know the plans and also I have talked about it on The CBOTW Show once but not the entire plan. This will be starting in 2025 and if it is requested, I will definitely put Entertainment Man Podcast. But that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, November 22, 2024

End of The Week Updates [11-22-2024]

                 This week was a big win in our books, our website is pretty much 95% finished now.  With the exception of the Movie page which he has to work on. Now he didn't do graphics for every episode but more recent, same with Entertainment Man Podcast but will be adding it in the future episodes like this weekend's and moving forward. We are planning on video again but elsewhere rather then YouTube as it seems to be a troll issue as he's stated in the past.  

                   So almost all the pages are completed and he will be ready to work on other projects like collaborations as he has a pile that he wants to do plus recording the upcoming episodes with Larry for Home Alone 3 & 4; Christmas Vacation and one other I do not know what is planned at the moment but once I know I will let you guys know. Other then that he's been busy with podcasts and with the pages now dwindling down to almost done, I believe he will be back on the blog on Monday or Tuesday. I hope you all have a great weekend and will chat with you next week! 



Wednesday, November 20, 2024

We Hear Your Frustration!

                  We know! The Website is having issues  with stability of players on the website. Chris spent most of the night up and possibly even skipped out on the event online at his former college. He shows a lot of commitment to this company even as a former CEO. I told him to stop so he can attend this event as he's been excited for a week for this upcoming discussion and maybe he will do a podcast on it and he's even mentioned it. 

             Anyways, the website pages rebuild for the podcast will be put into three sections, Entertainment Man Podcast; The CBOTW Show- TV Shows & The CBOTW Show- Movies. Once each one are done, he will release it as they are completed. He would like have everything done with the reversal of the audio players done by end of the year. He really wants to start transferring Entertainment Man Podcast to too so he can no longer use Castbox as our primary source for the RSS Feed. I will be covering his blogs for the foreseeable future. Not sure when he will be back but excited to take over the blog so I will chat with you tomorrow. I have a very special blog to talk about. 

Sara, CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media