Showing posts with label Entertainment Man Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment Man Podcast. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

End of the Week Update [07-26-2024]

         Things will be slowing down here next week as boss man has left the building for the week and will not be online as much as he would like. He will have everything edited for the following weekend by end of Sunday. It will be a very quiet community without him but he needs rest and time off but if you want him on then you have to ask him personally to go on but he will not be available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as he will be away out of town. 

                  With the new found success, he's told me he will not let this amount of subscribers get to his head. I truly hope he means it too. So he's been writing non stop for podcasts as he is recording 4 podcasts which will be this afternoon at 330 pm EST. Plus working on his interviews for Sonal and Witchbucket Films which are scheduled for pre-record. Next two The CBOTW Show episodes will be just Chris on his own due to some technical issues yesterday with the software or the studio mixer. We're still figuring out the issues so we can continue to record. Chris has interviews to August 25th. Pretty much he is booked up for the next month with interviews. He is working hard to get things done before he leaves on Tuesday. Anyways on last thing I will be covering for him while he is away so I will talk to you on Monday.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Slowly Catching Up!

            I know there was a blog missing today and we're late as ever can be but that doesn't mean I am not going to get things done... I will don't worry. I plan on dedicating tonight to a very late night work session and work my butt off getting notes done and now I have to do a topic episode as we have had to rearrange the interview to two weeks from now due to his wisdom teeth removed and it is totally understandable. 

           This does give us the chance to complete everything that is on our schedule and we have a pile of stuff lined up for podcasts that needs our attention. So I am going to focus on those this week plus the episode Larry and I are going to record at the end of July Thursday this week. Plus the collaborations with Bob, Mary and Izaac are all on the list and needing our attention but slowly getting things completed and done. Anyways that is the post, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post on time!


Friday, July 12, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-12-2024]

           So as you know now, I am on a partial leave for the next 9 months and is only around Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays while Brooke is covering the other days, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays. Updates, all shorts are done for now with Chris working on more today as he has an interview with Alan from Next Level University. But yesterday he was working on newer episodes, interview questions for today, next week and upcoming weeks for interviews. 

         He has a ton on the list to get done and he has Sonal a YouTuber and Moderator for our community which will be live on Sunday, July 28th, 2024 @ 2 pm EST sharp! Now He has finished up editing The CBOTW Show plus other interview prep for future episodes and one interview on Sunday at 2  pm we are constantly busy with content regardless. One last update, Chris has resurrected the ChrisBOnTheWeb Media YouTube  channel and will be streaming to it like he use to back then. That is the update today and I am sorry for a late post, being a first time mom has the priority for work and Chris knows that but I promise to stay on track for next week and I will speak to you all then, enjoy your weekend.


Friday, July 5, 2024

End of The Week Updates [07-05-2024]

            Another week is in the books and it is time for another end of the week updates. We've been so swamped and this is why the blog is a bit late by 2 hours but we've been hectic for all of us. Discord is back up and running. May I say it is going to be a ton better. No drama and no nonsense this time around and we will not tolerate drama this time around. Chris still has to prepare notes for this weekends podcast and prerecord the episode, edit and schedule it to post. I know he's a little overwhelmed having to work on the server a bit but he realizes it is priority # 1 to get the episode recorded then move on to the next one. 

             The first week has been interesting with a bit of a chaotic mess but we are actually getting into that routine and finally understanding what needs to be done first then followed the next and so forth. Once he finishes the server then he will be working on recording the episode for the weekend. We do have a few more episodes for The CBOTW Show, 3 actually that will be going up week after week that Chris and Larry recorded together in the studio and from there we will a solo episode from Chris eventually. Those are my updates for the week have a great weekend and talk next week. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Starting to Get Use to a Routine!

               Getting into this new schedule has been rough go from the get go and we are 4 days into July and already feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed which is sort of trigger my anxiety a but the pill seems to help counter act it but it gets late in the day and I work very late it seems like an empty bottomless pit for me honestly. I need to realize the schedule is to get smaller along with the workload that I have it will eventually wind down on the load and I can take it more easier and I will get easier days but it will take some time. 

               However I do feel at ease knowing the schedule is more simpler and easy to follow and actually makes sense compare the crazy schedule we use to have we are getting use to this schedule but may take a few weeks to really get a grip into the schedule and we will in time. However I feel a lot happier with the schedule and not mad scrambling. That is the post for today, Happy 4th of July to all our American Fans, have a great weekend everyone and Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates tomorrow and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Friday, June 28, 2024

End of The Week Updates [June 28th, 2024]

                So something broke on the website to the point my end of the week updates was erased totally. This website is having some issues right now that Chris cannot figure out what the heck is going on. Anyways the updates for the week. It has been a hectic and chaotic week for us here and Chris has considered some work casts during the day but decided against it. So by tomorrow Chris hopes to have everything done in regards to content tomorrow as he's planning to take off Sunday and Monday. 

               What he has to edit is The CBOTW Show episodes and Entertainment Man Podcast. We've been working with our staff Kevin as he recently joined our team to help us out with the Facebook Group and Discord server as the rest of the team are busy with finishing up content to release as we have been swamped. Those are our updates for this week, have a great weekend/long weekend for our fans out there and Happy Canada Day and blogs will return Tuesday and I will talk to everyone next Friday.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

How Am I Feeling Now With The Recent Changes

               So how am I feeling with the recent changes to our content schedule? Very good! I feel relieved that I will have extra time on my hands to work on things that are really important. I am sure I will still be busy with things regardless but more breathing room with the content. I am adding a video every Friday at 1 pm EST with hopefully a Behind The Scenes look or even a video with me sitting down with you talking. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with Shorts been taking up my time with it but with the changes to the schedule I have a lot more time on my hands. 

             I am still worried you guys won't be happy with the changes but I guess I cannot please everyone honestly.  However like I said I feel great with these necessary changes that is happening and we are currently in transition to the new schedule moving forward. Now it will take some time for us to get the hang of the new schedule and that's OK. That's why you readjust to new things, new schedule, new job whatever it is. But I was feeling apprehensive which yes is a big word but that feeling has now gone away and I've gotten into a bit of a routine even though things are getting hectic at the moment but end of the weekend everything should be all good and ready to tackle the new schedule. Anyways that is the post for today and have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday and stay tuned for Kelsie's end of the week updates tomorrow.


Friday, June 21, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-21-2024]

            Another end of the week has come to a close and here are the updates for this week: Chris has finished all the necessary editing that has to be done to make room for editing this weekend's episode of the podcast. Today what I gather he is recording Wednesday's podcast for Entertainment Man Podcast which starting next week the Wednesdays start on a more permanent schedule. However as you know The CBOTW Show heads to Fridays every other week. 

                     Also this weekend Chris is aiming to finish up Entertainment Man Podcast notes for future episodes of the podcast. The move will be shifting over to The CBOTW Show and working on episodes for the future weeks during the summer, including working on Corner Gas which is another project he is working on. Be sure to check out the podcast tonight as Chris will be interviewing Mary from Mac N Cheese Podcast & Life With Mary Podcast Live on YouTube at 9 pm EST, so don't miss out on an amazing episode! I will be back next week for more updates.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Content Schedule Readjusted for July 1st/24)

             We have finalized the content schedule for July 1st, 2024 when we switch to a new schedule so here is the new permanent schedule:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) 

                @ 215 pm EST: Gaming (Main Channel/Twitch)

Monday - Fridays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Fridays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Video (Main Channel) In preliminary planning right now 

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream (Main Channel/Twitch/Eventually Facebook as well)

             There is our new schedule moving forward with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. I look forward to the new schedule. It's simple and easy to follow. I can also put more time into streaming too and maybe even streaming during the week as well if I don't have much going on. However that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Friday, June 14, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-14-2024]

              This week has been tough for us. Getting all the content done so Chris can move forward but alas he is closing into finishing all this editing. Streams will be back this weekend, not sure the times as he is actually has something going on at 11 am and will not be in the studio but soon as he gets home he will be most definitely live for you guys. 

              He hopes to start working on new content as of Monday as he wants to have everything done and finished by then. There is no further updates and this post is going to be rather shorter then usual but I have to say thank you to everyone for the new follows on social media, new group members, new Discord Members. We continue to grow and evolve this community on a regular basis. We have some big plans coming in the nearby future including a special event for our 10th anniversary both Discord and Streamyards but stay tuned for more details to come! That is the updates, sorry it was a little short today but I will speak to you all next week.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Friday, June 7, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-07-2024]

               Sorry and hey everyone for the late end of the week updates but here at the updates for this week. Chris is finishing up with all the loose ends with podcasts that need editing and scheduled to be posted up on the platforms. He's been trying to get to the other work that needs to be finished but he's been busy editing the podcast. He finds that the two episodes a week is a bit much but he's getting into a rhythm his schedule he has to get use to and this is where he is going to start scheduling things in for him and have an allotted time. 

               However he has been stressing out about this schedule changes and worried it will not work out. I promised him he will get into a good rhythm and he will have the podcasts scheduled to record on certain days and what not. We have talked about a change in schedule days Mondays and Wednesdays but now sticking to our current schedule at the moment.  So hopefully this weekend we will completely finish up things so come Monday we can move forward with the upcoming weeks as we ease into the new schedule. Those are the updates I have and I am once again sorry for being late and I will speak to you all next Friday. 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Let's Talk Entertainment Man Podcast Shorts!

                Entertainment Man Podcast has been firing on all cylinders with the Shorts game. I think I have gotten into a good rhythm with editing shorts and the podcast itself and this is a good start for me when it comes to podcasting. I am amazed how hard I've worked on the shorts and the views have been up and good that I am getting some views but still  got a lot of work to do with the channel and that's why I am only focusing on the two channels for now. 

              I love to highlight the upcoming episode which I will be doing a few days prior and after. It was suggested to me in a meeting I had this week and I am so excited for a new era of the podcast. YouTube Shorts has helped improve the numbers on the channel and gain a whole pile of subscribers so the haters can doubt the podcast all they want cause this is the most subscribers I have gotten ever. Very proud of that but anyways that is today's post for today and reminder we are back to Five days a week so Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates so I will be talking to you on Monday and I have a pile of content for the first 2 days of the week but I will talk to you all then. 


Friday, May 31, 2024

Busy Editing Podcasts and updates!

             With all the episodes recorded, we are busy editing things getting all the episodes out. As for the missing clips I am going to forgo those for the week and will start back with shorts on Monday and will make sure it goes out to you guys and I apologize for lack of content. We've been swamped with things but now that things have settled down, I can start catching up with those. I feel bad enough missing the Wednesday episode which I will be making up next Wednesday at 3 pm EST. Next week the schedule will be jammed packed with episodes but I promise it will be entertaining. Once I finishing editing by the end of this weekend, I will be working on all the interviews that I have coming up. Anyways that is the post for today, I will as always talk to you all on Monday, have a great weekend!


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Everything Has Gotten Crazy for us.

           So much is happening at once and got some many things to still get done:

- Work on recording the bonus episode of the podcast

- Finishing up interviews prep for the podcast

- Edit the entire 3 podcasts Larry and I recorded  

- Work on future episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast   

- Edit the bonus episode for next week

             So there is a ton of stuff that I need to finish so I am not sure if I will be able to get streams in this weekend but certainly will try my best to get those in too. One step at a time though that's all I can do really anyways that is the post for today as always I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Podcast Updates-- Entertainment Man & The CBOTW Show

             Now that the schedule has been released I want to talk more what you can expect with this schedule and how much more freedom both podcasts have together. Meaning I could potentially start doing interviews live more often and the opportunity for growth of Entertainment Man Podcast. I've been thinking about this recently and these plans make total sense to me now. I was regretting the decision but now that I think about it all, it totally makes a ton of sense. 

            With The CBOTW Show, I am planning to post to Audio ONLY for the foreseeable future but I am planning to expand to YouTube eventually, not right at this present but down the road in the very nearby future. I want to take baby steps with all these changes and I do not want to expand too fast and I think that is the biggest problem we have had in the past was rushing into things too fast. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

End of The Week Updates [05-25-2024]

                There is really big updates as Chris has been trying his hardest to get episodes done and I am sorry we've ghosted you in updates today but Chris has even mentioned he has recorded the episode for tomorrow and all it needs is editing now. He will have that done tonight. Also when he gets back he will be getting back into finishing up Wednesday episode to writing out notes and getting it recorded and edited. Also next week he's mentioned a recording sessions with Larry but not sure what it is technically. 

              I know Chris will have a ton of episodes coming up for interviews and you never know if they will be LIVE but excited for them all. He's hinted two are on the docket are to be live on the air one next week and the other few weeks later with Shane but either way excited to listen to both of the podcasts coming up. Chris will be appearing on several podcasts as a guest and excited to hear them. That is the updates, I will talk to you all next Saturday.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Made Changes (Full Explanation)

              The website was in dire need of updates once again as it was becoming a bit of a thorn in my side. Content Schedule got an overhaul, Videos page got an overhaul, I even updated Entertainment Man Podcast which wasn't updated as I was out of the province on holidays. The CBOTW Show decision on YouTube has been decided to be put on hold and we are focusing on Audio ONLY for The CBOTW Show. Basically I am focusing on the Twitch, Main YouTube account and Entertainment Man.

             Taking smaller steps when it comes to ALL our Shows. First step is in 2025 with the new podcasting, blogs and streaming schedules moving forward and both podcasts on a weekly schedule each which makes things so much easier to deal with. I wish I did this sooner and I will talk about that more on tomorrow's post as a continuation of what of talking about taking smaller steps but this is just the start of some major changes to our schedules and that it will make complete sense now compare what we have right now. Anyways I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Quick updates on Victoria Day

                      Hello everyone, Chris is taking one last day off before he gets back into work and I believe late in the afternoon today he will be doing a gaming stream probably around 4 pm till 7 pm EST. He will be spending time with the family  but he will pop up around then and look forward to watching his streams today. 

              We feel bad that we didn't do a lot of updates but the one good thing is Chris announced the renewal of both podcasts for 2025 which is fantastic to hear he's bringing em all back for next year. A lot surprising announcements that has been given out while away is astonishing! It was so obvious with his schedule changes for 2025 both podcasts were coming back for a respected 6th & 3rd season of the podcast and excited with what he's planning to bring to the podcasts. I know Larry is moving what the team and I have talked about, especially Chris who has actually started to prepare for podcasts online in 2025 as Larry is moving north. Chris mentioned to me to actually he will be recording Sunday's & Wednesday's episodes mid week and excited to what he has planned out.  Anyways that is where we are at, I will be back Saturday for an end of the week updates on the normal day and time.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Goals For ChrisBOnTheWeb Media?

             Since we are halfway through the year, some of our goals weren't reachable like the YouTube Channel for The CBOTW Show but there are goals I'd like to share with you guys professionally:

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media: I'd love to reach 1 million views on and we're closing in to 700K at this moment and it may take a few more years but that is totally OK with that and we continue to grow and learn each and every day we continue this journey together. 

            Also I would love to see 20 years and even a 25th anniversary for ChrisBOnTheWeb but baby steps as we are only on our 10th anniversary at the moment and we will get there eventually but again it is a long way off from our 20th and 25th anniversary and we will get there some day, just gotta keep truckin'. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Now Entertainment Man, I can say I want to reach 300 episodes with eventually hitting the 500th episode down the road. Also I would love to hit 500 subscribers which is a very high goal and that will happen eventually. Small goals to start obviously.

The CBOTW Show: With The CBOTW Show of YouTube now my only goal is the 100th episode of the podcast and getting up there in episodes and probably get close to 50 by this year. 

            Anyways that is my post for today, it is nice to redefine my goals and as you noticed, I didn't give us any timeline, when it happens it happens right. Just keep producing the content out there but I will talk to you all tomorroW.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Feeling Nervous About The Schedule Changes...

               I feel very nervous when it comes to these changes that I am making to the podcasts and I know I asked you guys first if you were OK with these changes and most of you said yes so that means you guys were ok with the changes that were being made. I even reached out on all the platforms if this was ok with you guys and you guys said that is fine. So I do not know why I am feeling these nerves 

            And I know it will be a big success going with weekly shows. It'll take you guys some time to get use to the new schedule and how it works but this way we can produce both shows and air both shows during the week which is the reason behind the changes that we made. Trust me there is a reason for all these changes and it is so we can produce and post up both on a weekly basis. So in conclusion there should be no reason honestly to be nervous I am sure you guys will receive these changes with a positive feedback and you guys have asked The CBOTW Show isn't weekly and something I will get into on tomorrow's Podcast but I will talk to you then. 
