Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Plan and Schedule for our YouTube Channel

              Over the next 6 months, as I was saying on yesterday's blog, we will be uploading an array of things on the channel. Old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast & New Episodes of The CBOTW Show which will be premiered but here is what our content schedule will be over the next so many months:

Sundays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                 3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Mondays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                11 am EST: Daily Blog

                  1 pm EST: NEW Episode of Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube Audio ONLY/Audio ONLY Platforms] 

Tuesdays:    9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                    11 am EST: Daily Blog

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Wednesdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                       11 am EST: Daily Blog

                         1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

                         3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Thursdays: 9 am EST: Weekly Video on FB/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube

                   11 am EST: Daily Blog

                     3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Fridays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

             11 am EST: Daily Blog

               1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

               3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Saturdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                  11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                    1 pm EST: Weekly stream on FB/Instagram

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast  

                There is the entire reupload schedule and like I said I hope it is not too much and if it is please let us know I will slow down on the schedule but we try to keep to twice a day if possible and there is one day that is 3 but least you guys are staying up to date as we prepare for the next stage of our plan hopefully by Summer 2025. I will not be announcing posts for the old uploads on social media but for the regular new episodes and videos will be announced. Anyways that is the post for today and as always talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Collaborations Are Working For Us!

                      The history of our collaborations has gone back years since June 2018 when Larry and I introduced Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and recently we have actually started to collaborate with others for our blog which has been very good for our website analytics and views. We are in the right direction with content and we want to continue to collaborate with you guys moving and why we have the "Get Involved" tab onto our website and it proves it as I've been monitoring and it's in the middle of the pack but you guys have been checking it out. We appreciate you guys collaborating, it helps us out and plus we love to read you posts you create for us. 

               This is not the end neither, we are constantly working on the next part of the next little endeavor with The CBOTW Show especially. I know everything is upside down with that podcast but hopefully in due time we will be back up and running fully. I know I've not addressed the episodes going up and they are going to just on till approves the two feeds we have. However PATIENCE is a virtue. In  the meantime we continue to prepare and record till we can start posting it to all platforms so please do feel free to reach and I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special birthday post.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Starting to Make Good Progress but Work in Progress!

             I have been struggling with and I did it again. I call this unacceptable. For the longest time I have been on schedule for years now and I have fallen off the plateau so to speak but progress is being made. I am getting what is required done for the next upcoming episodes. I know The CBOTW Show is being recorded today or tomorrow at some point of time but there will be an episode this week. I am planning to get The CBOTW Show off hiatus. 

            However progress is being made with all of this and taking things one thing at a time. Tomorrow will be another turning point for me, I have two shows, one for Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show probably recorded in the morning prior to Entertainment Man Podcast. I already know I will be caught up and will be on a better roll with all of this. Anyways I am sorry this is late, I need to do better and I hope today is a wake up call for me but I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is Successful!

              After the last 2 years of grinding hard with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, I can say we have become successful. It has taken a very long time and our time in the limelight has started. We keep growing daily and getting a ton of views on our site and earning on our website which is great and I am very very proud of the strides that we have taken to ensure success. 

           Now success doesn't happen overnight. It certainly takes time for success to happen. Years of hard work and grinding if you are a content creator like we are. I know a lot of our haters or nay Sayers as I call em cannot doubt us for a minute. We have worked our butts off day in and day out and even sacrificed our days off to ensure projects, podcasts, blog, content, streams happen.  I'm proud of my team working hard through the up's and downs and I am excited to see what is next for us in the future. I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post. 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

End of The Week Updates [04-26-2024]

               This is the last end of the week updates for the month of April. I cannot believe next week, we are already in May. Soon we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in November which is very exciting. The updates Chris has already recorded and edited the interview with Jayson and is airing tomorrow at 1 pm EST.  He has been writing blog after blog for the entire week in May that he is away on holidays from May 15th - 19th, 2024 with him back on the weekend on the 19th. 

                 He has also worked on YouTube Shorts for one of those podcasts and the interview episode. He still has to work on the final episode this weekend and that is the plan for today before his 1 pm EST stream is to record that podcast and edit it. After that I believe he has some open time and I believe he will be working on The CBOTW Show episodes, The Simpsons and then after working on Entertainment Man new episodes for the future. Either way he is getting things done before he goes away in May. He sure deserves the time off. I will talk further what is going on for the week he is away for 5 days on May 11th but I will speak to you all next week.


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Blogs for 6 days this week and next week

          With me busy with local and events in Toronto, I have decided to expand the schedule to Saturday once again and I think this may end up being a permanent basis for the rest of the year as their has been endless amount of content. Because now, I am looking at two blog posts as of Friday which is insane to have so much content for the website it's unreal. You guys are so very lucky to have a ton of content really. 

           I think putting our blogs 6 days a week soon is going to be taking affect soon like really. I am now convinced we need to make this move NOW, not in January 2024, however I am holding onto the decision to make the switch. Because I want to see if it is needed this year or if it can wait till next year. We will see as I am already preparing for the end of the year. This blog may be a bit shorter but that is today's post and I will speak to you all tomorrow! 


Friday, July 7, 2023

End of The Week Updates [07-07-2023]

             Another week has gone by and time for another end of the week updates! Without further ado here are the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: As I said yesterday premieres are going to be put on hold while I am not available/away. Also interviews will be pausing but I will be talking more about this Sunday as I am still figuring a few details out while I am away. 

Blogs: Blogs for the most part are done minus Tuesday's blog and still working on the final details for that post and then I will not have to do anymore blogs till I get back after my trip. 

Power Rangers Podcast (The CBOTW Show): As you know at the end of this month, Larry and I will be due to record the Beast Morphers but I do not see this being a reality and I came to reality with myself that I am biting off more then I can chew so we are backing away and taking a break from it till the fall. This gives me more time to work on it when I get back.

              So that is the updates and as I said this is the final end of the week updates till the 28th of July which is quite some time from now 3 weeks to be exact, I will talk to you all Monday, have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you Monday.


Saturday, April 8, 2023

End of The Week Updates [04-08-2023]

             Another crazy, crazy week here at CBOTW Studios and it is time for the end of the week updates. The updates are all over the place but here they are:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Recorded and now editing the podcast for tomorrow and hopefully will be done today so I can post it tomorrow and I am going to push to finishing it today. Also possibility of it being premiered on the YouTube, I am going to make time for 30 mins to be there at the premiere. All episodes during the 2 weeks in May that I am busy is done edited and scheduled to post. Possibilities of a premiere but we'll see.

Power Rangers Collab:  Crisis adverted with the contract agreement gate issue for the second time in less than a year of me tearing it up for the 2nd time. Larry and I have resigned a new one and now back on track. Also this weekend, today and Monday will be working on Ninja Steel between the two days off I am allotted myself as I am always constantly working and Tuesday back to a more normal schedule.

            That is pretty much the updates for week not too much just recording, editing and now working on blogs for the 2 weeks I will be busy with family and what not. I hope you all have a Happy Easter and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

How Do I Differentiate Blogs and Podcasts?

            This is a tough subject cause trust me it isn't easy. Somethings I feel like saying on the podcasts that I am comfortable talking about and is TOS (Terms of Service) to YouTube especially. There is no limitations minus certain things when it comes to Audio ONLY but those are up to 15 minutes at the most. Blog I can basically do anything but still have to oblige to the rules of blogger, no inappropriate stuff which I would never ever do. I keep the blog positive at all times and yes I said some things about my team in the past but that has been removed as I wanna keep this clean and positive at all times.

              So basically whatever isn't on the podcast is here but mainly when there isn't a specific thing like events, topics that aren't covered on the blog is a lot of the updates you guys get as I try and not make the podcast about ChrisBOnTheWeb, I keep that for right here on the blog and probably why this blog has never slowed down over the years. 5 - 7 days a week now basically 5 days a week with the occasional Saturday post, it is amazing how the blog hasn't slowed the heck down lately. Anyways that is the post for today, Joe will be doing the "End of The Week Updates" and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 



Saturday, October 8, 2022

End of The Week Updates [10-07-2022]

               Another week has come to a close, however this weekend will be a crazy weekend in content but here are the updates:

Blogs: This weekend, for the first time in a very long time, I will be blogging on Sunday which is very, very rare and haven't done that in a very long time.  Saturday I will have a special post for you guys at 11 am EST then I will be at Halton on Saturday and will be blogging about it on Sunday. Then a normal post on Monday and so forth since South Simcoe is cancelled on Monday due to them being sold out and this is why we should book in advance! Lesson learned!

Website: Will be keeping the collab under the archives for now, yes we're not saying much for right now so the site will seem a bit lighter in weight right now and the reason is because things are being worked on. In the coming weeks, there will be an announcement coming to when we are back in production.   

           That is all I can really say at the moment. Not much to say in the way of updates. Been busy all week with personal life stuff, recording the podcast interviews and shows just keeping busy in general this week.  Either way that is the blog post for today, I will talk to you all on Saturday and Sunday for another blogs posts.


Friday, August 5, 2022

End of The Week Updates (Sort of!) [08-05-2022]

             It is time for another end of the week updates. Well sort of as this week has been a bit off then normal. I do have a few updates with the podcast. I know you guys are probably wondering what is the plan with it now and also an personal update on myself as you guys probably know but here are the updates:

Entertainment Man Podcast: I know the podcast was postponed, then back on again but I have officially have recorded two podcasts for the next two Sundays. When I get the chance to edit and I am not going to push myself too fast with recording and editing but there will be something and to make it up to you guys I will be premiering both episodes for you guys. I will have this weekend's episode up quite quickly and next weekend's up when I get home as right now I am planning to still be going away on vacation with my dad as long as he's tested negative for the virus we are still planning to go away on holidays. 

Personal Update: As you know, I haven't been well and actually was tested positive for COVID. However with this is now Friday, I am feeling a ton better. Still a tad weak but getting better. It is a day by day thing but I do hope to be ready to go Monday on my vacation. I know I will have to do a lot of cleaning before I leave or my mom will be when I'm gone to ensure the house is germ clean after this week of being stuck at home. I still wanna go on Monday weak or not, we just take our time with going out. I plan on bringing my water shoes for the Grotto so I can walk on the slippery rocks. 

Blogs: I will have an official announcement Monday morning on my Social Media's: Facebook: Twitter and Instagram to if I am going away and if the scheduled blogs go as planned. So stay tuned for updates, I will keep you guys up to date over the next 2 - 3 days to what my schedule is and if I am away or not.

              Those are the updates for the week, hope you have a great weekend, stay safe, wear a mask, cause I plan on wearing mine more inside then outside knowing and gone through this experience and I will talk to you Monday!


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! The Big Plan for 2022!

             First of all Happy New Year everyone, Happy 2022! Brand new year is here and big plans for 2022! I am not going to delay on this whatsoever so let's get into this:

Blog: Blogs are returning with weekend blog posts from time to time. With the return of events slowly but surely, I will be doing special weekend posts from time to time, not all the time. This remedies for the events side of things. Monday through Thursday will be a normal topic and Fridays the usual End of The Week Updates. Nothing I did previously is going to change just adding in the sporadic blogs on weekends and you never know this could be the return of blogs on weekends perhaps?

Entertainment Man Podcast: The podcast is back with a brand new season with interviews added into the podcast every 2nd week. Now as I said it will not always be every 2nd week, I am sure there will be quiet weeks with no interviews. I have 4 with 3 booked out of the 4. Either way excited to be back with a full 50 weeks of podcasts. Also the return of the YouTube especially for this podcast so it will be interesting how people will accept the podcast onto the platform as it was on there originally but stopped after a while.

Power Rangers Collab: Brand new year, new start. February will be new episodes covering the seasons but this month will be a special podcast talking about the return of Lord Zedd and also talk about Adam Park from Mighty Morphin being the next mentor. 

Collabs: This year I hope to put in two podcasts that has nothing to do with Power Rangers Collab Podcast. Meaning I thinking about Home Alone 1 & 2 Podcasts and excited to say I hope it will happen this year but we'll see.

             That is what is up for 2022 and excited for this year what is planned for the podcasts and content in general. I am not 100% sure on events fully returning to the website as part of the content but we will wait and see. Again, Happy New Year and let's make this the best year for ChrisBOnTheWeb &!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Blogs & Podcasts Ramble

                Noticed the quality of my posts have gone down and it's not great, however the fact I get noticed for my posts and most blogs are now 2 or 3 likes per tweet out and 1 - 3 via the group is good. However as you guys all know since I can't do events right now and I would like to as there is one event happening in Toronto aka the Christmas Market and I know I said I wasn't planning to cover the event but if I do go this could most definitely be a test for me to how I handle the market and make it an official first event back since December 2019 which I believe Tyrone Parade of Lights was the last but that could of definitely been the Toronto Christmas Market and also Tyrone Parade is happening but you have to drive around which is good but either way if we go to any of those, I will be sure to let you guys know and I will make sure to bring my camera with me if I go to any of those events. Maybe if I do those events again it'll bring up the views on my blog content and the site again as it was a staple here on

               Now podcasts is not a problem whatsoever, the views are great especially for Entertainment Man Podcast and proud of everything it has become but Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is slipping in listens and maybe we have been doing this too long to a point it's become irrelevant. Sorry to Larry and all of you if I offended you but starting to think our listeners are bored with the collab yet we have good conversation about episodes but I do not know if I wanna continue with this beyond RPM at this point. Feel like putting it back on hiatus and just focus on Entertainment Man Podcast for the time being? Perhaps and maybe it's that time I finally pull the plug on the collab or even better yet change things up in the notes for RPM which commences production Wednesday morning and this may be the last season I cover. Might be time to move on but I do not wanna disappoint Larry in the process.  Maybe this is something I need to do is talk to Larry about the views gone down on us and I think I will mention it. However for right now that is today's post, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Weekly Updates [09-06-2021]

             Another week is here and it is time for the first update in 4 - 5 months and I am happy to have this back in the rotation of posts and I know this don't make a lot of room for other topics and this kind of does spark posts 6 or 7 days a week but maybe something to consider for the future but here are the updates:

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Archive: As you know Everything About Reality TV has been off air over a year now and has not returned under that name and has been archived on the website and we overhauled the menu bar since then. As you all know we have an archives page where we have images from the Podcast that has happened in the past and by clicking on it takes you to the archives. Anyways I will cut to the chase Jim and I have to update the font color and size code so it is the same coding across the website entirely. We will be beginning this once I complete, Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury Notes and send them off to Larry in the mail.

Website: I think Jim and I are done with adding in new features to the website and have no plans to add anything else in the very nearby future but we are happy with the website's current configuration and it has proved to be successful which is good. 

Blogs: I know with the addition of this weekly post this doesn't leave much room for topics and maybe with the popularity of posts it is time to go back into more posts like talking Sundays through Fridays with Saturdays off or back to the 7 days a week again, that is hard decision to make right now but I am keeping to the 5 days a week for now up to the point of events getting back to maybe 6 posts a week on weeks events but something to talk about down the road. 

Power Rangers Collab: I am officially now working on typing up notes as I have completed watching Jungle Fury and I am moving into typing up the notes and hopefully can get it done in a week or two from now and I can get em shipped out to Larry so we can get recording episodes. I will let you guys know when I start RPM, it will not be for a little while.

                 Anyways that is my updates for the week and not much for updates and we will see what this week brings with content. I will be keeping you guys up to speed on things and excited for this week and what it brings for me. Until tomorrow, have a great rest of your day everyone!


Friday, May 28, 2021

Looking Into The Future of Everything ChrisBOnTheWeb!

                   As you know the studio has been locked down for over a year now and with everyone getting vaccinated including myself my family and I, starting to think about the future. No I'm not shutting down whatsoever as there has been some rumors but I can say I am going nowhere, I am on a very strong run right now and things are getting back on track especially with Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast getting it's foot back into the door. Anyways with that podcast and also Entertainment Man Podcast to be returning on June 20th, 2021 which I may as well thrown in a shameless plug of my personal podcast (LOL!) I have really started thinking about the future of my content, blogs, podcasts, videos and events. I am going to split this up into 4 sections today:

     1. Blogs: The 5 days a week blog posts will be continuing on as always, I have no plans really to move back into a daily blog post grind at this point and maybe when events eventually return which I will get into shortly about doing the odd Sunday post from time to time when I do events but I will talk more about this in a bit.

      2. Podcasts: Now the next part of this post is the podcasts. As most of you know I am vaccinated with one dose of the Vaccine and getting ready for dose # 2 in August and same with my parents as well and my Co-Host Larry has had his first dose thanks to my help getting setup with that as I helped him out on that. Once things open up again, we're all vaccinated and I am able to open the studio especially to Larry, Eric, Justin, etc for guest spots, interviews, Power Rangers Podcast, I am going to require their vaccinated is one, 2) Sanitize when you are enter the studio. However this is later when things are safer to having my friends over again but I am thinking futuristically. 

       3. Videos: I plan on more videos and I have one archives ready for the website this weekend as I forgot to upload this weekend at some point but next week I am going to be doing some behind the scenes on Anniversary Day for the collab so please stay tuned for that!

       4. Events: Right now, I am not EVEN thinking about events right now! No way Jose as Michelle Tanner from Full House would say. When I start going to events again it will only be locally here in my region that's it. No Toronto whatsoever, not taking the risk at all with that. Think it just better to remain safe at the start,

            There is the post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it and have a great weekend and remember a video is going up on the website tomorrow that I did well over a week ago, so enjoy that and talk to you all Monday!


Friday, January 29, 2021

The Recent Changes and What You Need to Know!

                 I know with the decision to end daily blogging a lot of questions why would I end something that has been a part of your daily lives for the past 3 - 4 years? 1) Views are not there as they use to at one point and the 2nd point I'd like to say, I am starting to run dry on ideas with topics for posts on a regular basis so that has become a common issue for the last 6 months. I still got ideas but the fact I only post 4 days a week Tuesday - Friday with weekends off, I think this will help my mental health especially and I think this is the right move. I know there will be upset people with the decision but you have to realize I have been doing this for 3 - 4 years non stop so I kind of knew this time would come where I would have to stop daily blogging. This means a change in my routine. So the Schedule you guys wanna know the Official Schedule as it hasn't become public but this weekend, we wrap up weekend posts and get to new timetable as of Monday. So today is the normal post and tomorrow will be my last Weight Loss Update on a Saturday and Sunday a reflection on Daily Blogging every single day. I know there are questions about events and on Tuesday, I will get into it at a later date when I start going back to posts. Anyways here is the schedule for moving forward:

Sundays: Weekly Updates from our Site Admin

Mondays - Thursdays: Normal Posts from me

Fridays: Weight Loss Updates

Every Other Fridays: Regular Post as I do not wanna make it on a weekly basis at this moment. 

             I am looking forward to this change and I know there will be upset people and this opens the door for other opportunities within the website community and you never know what is planned for the future! Expect the unexpected.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My Motivation Hasn't Been All There Lately....

                   The last while, I am noticed that I haven't been motivated to work whatsoever as I have been dealing with depression and mental health being stuck in Isolation nearly 8 months now and it has been a struggle. I have been really trying to get the workload done and finished and I managed to finish it. I have to realize this, I have to put my priorities in order and I have been good to do that. With not being as motivated has put both Larry and I behind schedule with the Collaboration Podcast and it is my fault. honestly. I wasn't prioritizing myself properly. Today for example I know what I have to do is get the podcast recorded this morning for the weekend, edit and I am sure while I edit I will end up start the next collab podcast while waiting for the recording of the current one to happen. Anyways I need to remember to know when to stop with the workload and I need to stop at like 3 or 4 pm EST or even take breaks to help me get refocused and keep on the right track.

                    I know I haven't been overly active on Social much and lost tons of followers but I need to remember to make posts from time to time.  In the end my Mental Health is the most important thing for me to get under control first and that is why some days you don't see much in making many posts at this moment and I promise you guys I need to get posting a ton more during the day. I made a video post yesterday which is very rare I do anymore as I am just busy with the work. I need to be more on the ball with being active on Social Medias and I know when I am depressed like I have been, I tend to not say anything.  I should be a bit more open with you guys to be honest to how I am feeling and the fact I have been working non stop doesn't help with my depression nor the motivation of bringing out content especially on time like today which is extremely late coming out but that's OK we have lives to live. In the end I really need to buck down on social media posts more and start making a ton of posts as recently lost a ton of followers.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We Do Get Views on Our Content & Website!

            So with the trolls telling us get better content and they wanna help to get us more views and we already get views like 200 - 300 or more a day which adds up and we got 100K pretty fast so the numbers does add up and we actually get quite a good amount of traffic and we rather not talk about analytics too much as we do not wanna bore you guys with the details but you kind of forced us to bring up our analytics. So do not say we do not get views when we do and clearly doing very well for ourselves to this day. We continue to grow on a regular basis and we triple over the last several months with views  as we use to get 2k at the most a month on our website which was little now we get about 6 - 7K a month and we are continuing to grow on a daily basis! To be honest, this month we just got over 7k and we're 8 days from finishing up the month of September. What's next? 8K in the month of October? You never know!

             We do get views so you can stop complaining we don't get views and we have been told that in the past too. However the facts are true and we can easily print screen the analytics if we wanted to but that is for our eyes only. We may have lost a few followers here and there but followers come and go. Also we're not lying about our views gone up either and haters will hate and let em. They are jealous of our success and we have had people like that in the past and we can let them get jealous and hate us for success we have made with ChrisBOnTheWeb. We will continue to grow as a website and with our content and what not and we are nowhere near done creating content as we have another podcast in the works which you guys know what it is anyways and this will help us continue to grow as a community. 

Jim, CBOTW Admin/Community Manager

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Head Is Going A Mile A Minute Right Now!

               Right now I got like 4 different things going on in my head and this is why I have been quiet overall on social media but I do update when I can and honestly this is what has been going on around the CBOTW Studios:

1) The first thing is the recent CBOTW Studio renovations I have been busy with helping my parents with the repairs to the studio which has honestly has become a full pledge reno to the space down here and we've been delaying things on and off so that is why we've been on hiatus on some of the things going on around the studio.

2) Everything About Reality TV- From recording Off Season and premiere of the upcoming new season of the podcast to editing episodes so this way you guys got episodes to listen to and today being an new episode coming out.

3) Power Rangers Podcast- The third thing on my list is Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as you know it's been on a very long hiatus and recently with completing watching a season it all comes down to typing up the notes, but also in the end it is not just not that but the studio as i said above ^ and yes I used the arrow on the keyboard for it but right now we are not currently setup for a dual mic setup and right now we will be finishing up the desk, sanding it and putting the clear coat that gives it nice shine look. Also the minor things to be done, carpet removed, baseboard back up and trim installed so all of that has to be done but once the trim and baseboards I will be definitely back to normal with tons more content but right now were limited what we can and cannot do so that is the reason why.

4) Blogs- Bringing out new posts to the website on a regular basis and it has been nothing but go, go go for me with new posts and I have ideas and updates that I can bring to you guy, studio wise, podcast wise and of course website wise.

                 There are the 4 things that have kept my mind that has been going a mile a minute and obviously there is a ton of stuff going on and there is something even in the works and let's just say the past is going to come back as this has been thought of for the past while and I think now is the best time for this to happen and excited to be doing this on a weekly basis. More details to come soon to this new exciting adventure on top of what is become a  huge success. 
