Showing posts with label ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Discord is FINALLY Done?!

         All I gotta say to start with my infamous... SMH towards Chris as it has been weeks and he finished it. Finally and we can move on to other projects and things that need to be done with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media and I do know the next step he's working on too! I will be covering Chris on these blogs for the week and possibly next week as he continues to knock things off as he has a collaboration coming up in 12 days from now.

         Anyways back to Discord, I have actually made a birthday plans to celebrate Chris's birthday and anyone that is on our server and anyone that has a Discord Server is certainly welcomed. Look forward to it and will be in the lounge. So those who joined and to those who want to can by hitting the Discord button on the left hand side or and will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Friday, May 31, 2024

Busy Editing Podcasts and updates!

             With all the episodes recorded, we are busy editing things getting all the episodes out. As for the missing clips I am going to forgo those for the week and will start back with shorts on Monday and will make sure it goes out to you guys and I apologize for lack of content. We've been swamped with things but now that things have settled down, I can start catching up with those. I feel bad enough missing the Wednesday episode which I will be making up next Wednesday at 3 pm EST. Next week the schedule will be jammed packed with episodes but I promise it will be entertaining. Once I finishing editing by the end of this weekend, I will be working on all the interviews that I have coming up. Anyways that is the post for today, I will as always talk to you all on Monday, have a great weekend!


Friday, April 12, 2024

Content Schedule [Updated]

                   The Content Schedule is always changing or being adjusted for us and we've come up with a plan that will work for us and here is our schedule that is permanent:

Sundays @ 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Monday - Saturdays @ 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Monday - Fridays @ 3 pm EST: YouTube Shorts, week # 1 is Monday - Fridays; Week 2 is Monday - Wednesday

Wednesdays @ 1 pm EST- Week 1: Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

                                               Week 2: The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY]

Saturdays @ 1 pm EST: Weekly Schedule [Facebook Fan Page/YouTube

Sporadically: Gaming [YouTube ONLY]

                There is the schedule and what we're looking at in a more of a permanent schedule moving forward. However as for the Sporadic gaming schedule, it could be on a Sunday, it could be on a weekday, it will vary on my schedule and if I am busy. However that is the post for today, have  a great weekend and as always Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Holiday Schedule Was Odd...

                     I know our schedule during the holiday was odd and we didn't really plan it out properly especially with this blog taking Friday and Monday off due to Easter and originally we were planning to do a blog Monday but I wanted to give the team a day off as we've been working non stop especially getting ready for a certain podcast today that is supposedly on series finale wrap after 5 and a half years of working on it constantly. 

              So the team may have been off on Friday, Sunday and Monday but I worked Friday, Sunday and Monday to just get caught up on work, I finally got taken some time off Sunday to be with the family for Easter so either way our scheduling was way off and we promise in the future to do better planning weeks ahead when it comes to a holiday around the world and this country. We should of been more aware it was coming up and made the plans well in advance and we normally do but we've been swamped with work. Anyways that is the post for today, I will as always talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, March 25, 2024

What's My Role as COO (Chief Operating Officer?)

                  My job as Chief Operating Officer is the day to day operations online which means answering the emails, social media messages. I am also in charge of setting up the online events for the community whether it is on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube. I am in charge of the Discord server community so this way Chris doesn't have to stress out about running the Discord server on a day to day basis. 

          These are the basic jobs that I do as the first COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media but I also forgot to mention is that I will continue to do weekly end of the week updates as normally. Which I'd like to mention is moving to Saturdays according to our CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media and he told me to mention that he will talk about it tomorrow on the blog but this change is effective immediately. I will talk to you guys on Saturday for the "End of The Week Updates" and thank you to Chris for the promotion and elevating me to COO, I love this community and being involved with such a wonderful community.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Monday, March 18, 2024

We Broke The Website Yesterday!

          Yesterday, I wanted to change up the website so the girls and I (Kelsie and Haylie) decided to explore the idea that I had and we ran into an issue with the menu bar as it didn't work whatsoever no matter what layout we went with. So the entire layout and the menu code and layout we had stayed the same but it moved about with the changes in the layout so it was there but was moved around. So the website for about an hour looked a hot mess and the three of us find it hilarious that we broke the website and we had a laugh for the day. 

          However once we got fixing the website, we found the website now looks a ton better and I am not sure what we did but it is now fixed and looks a ton better. Proud of the changes and big thanks to the two ladies being up all hours helping me through the fixes. Haylie was so patient and helped me out with the fixes and patches to the website and Kelsie was on the duty of testing the page out. We also removed the wall of fame as we do not have the images and feel it wasn't benefitting the website. Anyways we are online and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post!


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Started To Post More on The Main Channel

           As you've probably noticed, I have been posting to the main channel not just streaming wise but video wise. I know I have one more video and I will talk about that soon. However I have at least got 3 videos as of today out and one more coming next week with the tour of the studio itself. I haven't done a tour in a while back on social media so it is long over do especially since the last time I did it on Social Media but I do not remember when that was the last time that was done. 

            So I plan on doing more side videos at the moment. Not several but at least one video with the streams on the side. So there will be a variety of content for you guys and plan on plenty more to come for you guys on both channels and here on the website. However the more I post the more views we get and I have enjoyed the conversations on streams with you all and it is my pride and joy each weekend to sit back and chat with you all. That is the post for today, Kelsie will be back for the end of the week updates and I will be back Monday for another blog so enjoy them, have a great weekend and see you all on the streams this weekend and I will be back Monday for another blog post!


Thursday, November 23, 2023

CBOTW Media Studios is preparing for Christmas!

            Decided to try a different font today, exploring the blog feature on So far I love it. As you know tomorrow is the last Friday of the month of November, which means ChrisBOnTheWeb Studios is getting prepared for Christmas and to prepare Chris has already got the wiring setup for the lights with the clicker to turn everything on and what not. 

            Now he isn't planning to setup the lights till December 7th, 2023 with Larry as I said before he is planning to record Happy Gilmore. He definitely has a plan ahead which is great that he thinks outside the box and very quickly. CBOTW Media is a fast moving company/group as things change and we have to be ready and on our feet for the necessary changes to be made. We have had a lot changes recently with the schedules for podcasts and content. I will be back tomorrow for the "End of the Week Updates."

Mark, Community Director/Website Admin 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Blogs for 6 days this week and next week

          With me busy with local and events in Toronto, I have decided to expand the schedule to Saturday once again and I think this may end up being a permanent basis for the rest of the year as their has been endless amount of content. Because now, I am looking at two blog posts as of Friday which is insane to have so much content for the website it's unreal. You guys are so very lucky to have a ton of content really. 

           I think putting our blogs 6 days a week soon is going to be taking affect soon like really. I am now convinced we need to make this move NOW, not in January 2024, however I am holding onto the decision to make the switch. Because I want to see if it is needed this year or if it can wait till next year. We will see as I am already preparing for the end of the year. This blog may be a bit shorter but that is today's post and I will speak to you all tomorrow! 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Content Schedule Is Being Adjusted in 2024!

        With 2024 slowly coming to an end... We have changed the schedule for 2024 and please note changes are in bold and italics:      

Sundays: 1 pm ET: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. 

Monday - Fridays: 11 am ET: Daily Blog Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. Only change is Saturdays being added to the lineup.

WednesdaysEntertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY, Posted ONLY) Only change on this podcast it is being added to YouTube so the podcast is fully on YouTube 

Friday's (Every second week), 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- TV or Movie w/ Chris or both Larry and I. (Audio ONLY) This will be a rotation between my solo episodes on this podcasts and Larry and myself 

Saturdays:   11 am ET: Blog post Been tested throughout the last year or two and has become popular enough that people want it back. 

                    Time TBA: (Sporadically): Facebook Stream

The CBOTW Show will be sticking to one schedule and rotate with Power Rangers/Movies and other TV Shows with Larry. This is a better schedule. I wish we could put this schedule into affect immediately but we have a lot riding on us this year first of all so the schedule right now is SPORADIC. This is a better and more solid schedule moving forward and it is important to have a more solid foundation moving forward and everything was clumped too close together. Excited for the necessary changes we need to continue to be a successful Media group in 2024 and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Monday, September 4, 2023

We Continue to Grow!

         ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is now starting it's transition stage. What does that mean? Is anything changing? CBOTW will continue to blog Monday - Fridays with the occasional Saturdays, Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show continue to produce and put out episodes. Events will continue to happen as always. The team isn't changing, nothing is changing really when it comes to ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. 

          This just means we are expanding the brand and team as with Jeff being the most addition to the team, he will be doing a podcast and a name you guys are familiar
with that I haven't  mentioned in a very long time. Content and activities with CBOTW Media isn't changing but our team has now expanded and a new era of ChrisBOnTheWeb has started. As it should after almost 9 years of operations it is time for some more growth. Trust me we've been growing and we continue to grow this empire! Anyways that is the post, I wanted to share the amazing news and thank you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 




Monday, June 26, 2023

We're Pretty Sastified With!

            My team and I are pretty sastified with with it's current configuration. I mean we have a ton of things on here to keep you busy as we have from blogs to podcasts to 2 YouTube Channel to just keep you all busy all around. There has been a ton of changes with the website and there has been moments where I wasn't happy with the website to a point I kept changing things around with the website constantly where I would reconstruct pages. 

            Now with the website is where I want it to, I do now plan on changing anything off the website right now. Only thing that would change is if a podcast went off the air it'd be moved to the Archives on the website all together which I have already done that way ahead of time for example the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast which is now in it's own thing now, The CBOTW Show which is a ton better. Either way I have the way I want things and not planning to change anything in the future unless it's an update but other then that is the post for today, I'm sorry it's a tad late but as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, June 19, 2023

Explaning Differences between ChrisBOnTheWeb Media & ChrisBOnTheWeb

              What is the difference between ChrisBOnTheWeb & ChrisBOnTheWeb Media? No realy difference but the name CBOTW Media came first before the concept for ChrisBOnTheWeb and the .com website was formed. I guess CBOTW is a subsidy of CBOTW Media in a way I guess. Media group that runs a entertainment website. Which is like the production company that runs BBCAN is under an Entertainment Company for example. 

                I founded CBOTW Media November 1st, 2014, 13 days prior to ChrisBOnTheWeb starting with content. So I guess in a way ChrisBOnTheWeb is under the CBOTW Media name, the CBOTW Media brand. I know CBOTW Media doesn't have a website really and never really did at any point actually. However I am working on another website but that is for another day and time actually. However in the end there is no difference between the two same thing thats why at times I said ChrisBOnTheWeb & ChrisBOnTheWeb Media. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!
