Showing posts with label Chief Operating Officer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chief Operating Officer. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

Quick updates on Victoria Day

                      Hello everyone, Chris is taking one last day off before he gets back into work and I believe late in the afternoon today he will be doing a gaming stream probably around 4 pm till 7 pm EST. He will be spending time with the family  but he will pop up around then and look forward to watching his streams today. 

              We feel bad that we didn't do a lot of updates but the one good thing is Chris announced the renewal of both podcasts for 2025 which is fantastic to hear he's bringing em all back for next year. A lot surprising announcements that has been given out while away is astonishing! It was so obvious with his schedule changes for 2025 both podcasts were coming back for a respected 6th & 3rd season of the podcast and excited with what he's planning to bring to the podcasts. I know Larry is moving what the team and I have talked about, especially Chris who has actually started to prepare for podcasts online in 2025 as Larry is moving north. Chris mentioned to me to actually he will be recording Sunday's & Wednesday's episodes mid week and excited to what he has planned out.  Anyways that is where we are at, I will be back Saturday for an end of the week updates on the normal day and time.


Monday, May 13, 2024

What is going to happen when I'm away?

            As you know I will be away from May 15th - 19th, 2024 this week starting Wednesday. So what I am planning to do is get all the blogs for the week written between those days minus Sunday is a day of rest for all of us and we are committed to taking at least one day off during the week. So mainly it will be all topic blogs from today right through to Saturday, 

            What about the end of the week updates? With me only in the studio the last two days, there is not enough updates for Kelsie to give so she gets the week off and she will be returning the following week. Also she will be solely in charge of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media while I am out in Quebec for 5 days. Any emails, messages will be answered by her as I will not be available Anyways that is the plan for this week, I hope you enjoy tomorrow's and the rest of the week's blog and I will talk to you on the next one tomorrow!


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Adding an additional blog to the schedule!

             My team and I have been trying to figure out what to do about Saturdays as there isn't anything really going on and everyday we have some kind of updates and discussions going on social media and Saturday is the day nothing is really happening and made me wonder if we should actually put the end of the week on Saturday and it really makes a lot of sense as Saturday is technically end of the week. We've had this conversation since the end of last year and we are finally pulling the trigger on this. 

            I know this means one extra post per week and that's OK, but the question is how is this going to affect events as that is starting up in almost a month from now and I will be out and about so I still have to work out on that part of the blogs and this means 24 blogs per month and more content for you guys. I will even try and get Kels involved more in the blogs from time to time especially now that she's the COO of this company she can definitely post whenever she wants. We need to get a few events going this year. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Monday, March 25, 2024

What's My Role as COO (Chief Operating Officer?)

                  My job as Chief Operating Officer is the day to day operations online which means answering the emails, social media messages. I am also in charge of setting up the online events for the community whether it is on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube. I am in charge of the Discord server community so this way Chris doesn't have to stress out about running the Discord server on a day to day basis. 

          These are the basic jobs that I do as the first COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media but I also forgot to mention is that I will continue to do weekly end of the week updates as normally. Which I'd like to mention is moving to Saturdays according to our CEO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media and he told me to mention that he will talk about it tomorrow on the blog but this change is effective immediately. I will talk to you guys on Saturday for the "End of The Week Updates" and thank you to Chris for the promotion and elevating me to COO, I love this community and being involved with such a wonderful community.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media