Thursday, September 29, 2022

Favorite All-Time Survivor Players!

                 Survivor is still one of my favourite shows to watch and still is for many of us. 43 seasons in and I thought I'd do an updated version of my favourite Survivors of all time. I have decided to split it top 10 women and top 10 men so here it is and I am not going to explain everything, it'd be a long post. I will explain a couple at the end:

Men:                                                           Women:

1. Rob Mariano                                               Sandra

2. Tyson                                                          Amber (Rob's wife)

3.  Ethan                                                         Parvati

4.  Rupert                                                        Cire      

5.  Colby                                                          Stephenie (Palau)

6. Russell Hantz                                               Sarah (Survivor Cagayan)

7. Ozzy                                                             Kim (Survivor One World)

8. Malcolm                                                        Michaela                                                  

9. Tony                                                              Kass    

10. Ethan                                                           Aubrey

                      There is my list and With Rob I didn't not know what to expect in the way of comments he made throughout the seasons. Still one of my favourites even his post Survivor and support him through his adventures and follow him on social media. Sandra cause Queen stays the queen and just overall loved her in the season. I had to add in Rupert to my list as he is still one of my favourite old school players. Anyways that is my list and please let me know below your favourite players in the comments below if you watch the show and I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

This Month Has Been Slow on

                 This month has been a bit on the slower side of things lately. The views are not as high as last month and I think it's cause everyone is back to a normal work schedule and with kids back in school their busy. It is totally understandable with the website slower then normal and this summer it's been so busy on the website and honestly things do have to slow down at some point. However the views are still there and I am constantly updating on a regular basis to ensure that it is still fully updated every week and if anything needs an update then I will update it. However the website hasn't needed any updates right now but with the addition of CBOTW Studios Channel that has been updated and listed to the website now. That is the small minor details that need to be updated.

                I have been looking at the views and the weekend the views have been better and I think it has done a bit better and trying to make up those views that have been lost and it is just beyond the half way through this month and anything is possible to have a good number perhaps. However I am not going to stress over it and like I said things will slow down and that is the case but again not stressing over this. I finally have where I want it and I do not want to change anything on here. I am not changing anything but if Larry and I for example do the Power Rangers Movies then a Movie Collab page will pop up and there is a Movie Collab page right now on the website but it's not published at this moment but there is a dedicated page and it is there just not public yet, got a lot to talk to Larry about on the 30th. Anyways that is my post for today, I will speak to you all tomorrow. 




Tuesday, September 27, 2022

I Messed Up on Stardew Valley!

               Yeah the title doesn't lie. I have spent way too much bloody gold or money on Stardew Valley. I mean between 20 - 40 grand each time something had repair something in the town, the old town hall now a warehouse for one mart on the game at the far end of the town, I don't remember the name of the mart, Joja Mart, I do not remember the actual name. Also fixing bridges around the entire town, rebuilding my greenhouse which actually good for the winter seasons as I really wanna keep growing and I have but I need to keep getting quartz and clay to make the plant boxes to fill the entire greenhouse so that is still work in progress. Also I got rid of this glimmer near the entrance of the first cave which I do not know the purpose of it honestly. However getting the bridge fixed opens up a new area with trees and rocks and got some neat gems from the rocks including iron as well. The other thing is fixing the bus that's been broken down since day 1. Now going to the desert I got some neat items and seeds I never get but there is a cost per travel tho.

                However now, they want 500k from me for an entertainment centre in the town so I'm thinking how in the world am I going to get 500,000 dollars, that is a ton of money and I need to actually keep earn money for the upkeep of the farm to buy seeds and add buildings. I do not even remotely know if I will unless I earn a million bucks then yeah maybe perhaps I will give the town some more excitement but after that I am done giving them the money but who knows I haven't gotten that far and I haven't reached past 52,000 bucks but I am now saving like no tomorrow and seems this game is at a no end at this moment. I'll keep trucking at this game and still got some challenges to finish and need to learn how to fish still on there. Anyways that is today's post I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, September 26, 2022

I Have Returned!

            Well aren't we a sight for sore eyes, it's been a while since I have spoken to you guys and a lot has gone on lately as you guys know I have been away from some of the social medias and this blog. I needed some time to digest the hiatus news of the collab. I was quite angry and upset at the entire situation and I just needed time away. I do not even want to remotely talk about it right now. I am just going to keep quiet at this moment. I feel bad that I took some time away but sometimes we need to do that. I know the website and this studio feels very hollow without the collab but we'll see how things go in the coming weeks but things are now looking up for us at this moment. Just making the wrong decisions especially with the now gone CBOTW Studios channel but it will be back eventually, just taking a step back for right now and it's more a computer thing more then anything.     

            I had one post that I dumped from last week that is now put onto this week's post on Wednesday so this brings me up to at least mid week with Thursday left on the list for the blog post and of course Friday's "End of The Week Updates" as well. Tomorrow's post I had an idea with the blog regards to one of the video games that I play on my computer. So that will be interesting post. However I am really happy to be back on the blog and all aspects of social media. Things are back to normal now and what is that anymore, not around this studio, normal is not in the vocabulary of this studio and not recently. As I said I am not going to talk about what happened and just going to continue on. I will have more information on the work load of the collab at the end of the week to keep you guys up to date on things. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you tomorrow!



Saturday, September 24, 2022

ChrisBOnTheWeb Content Schedule Updates

            Well Chris's external hard drive is dead. He got his neighbor to try it out and same results as the CBOTW Studios computer. Big shoutout to his neighbor for helping him out with this issue. Now Chris thought he lost a lot of the videos that he had but he actually has the behind the scenes from recent but no channel at this moment but that will be changing as he has made a decision officially what he wants to do. What he lost was the old videos from The Video Projects Team (thedirector015 YouTube Channel) is what was lost and with him and I, we could actually redownload all the videos eventually but he needs to get a new external hard drive and something he plans on asking for for his birthday.

              Now CBOTW Studios YouTube channel was put on hold but he is planning to launch it on October 1st, 2022 with behind the scenes look, live streams and what not.  Now he has give me a timeline for All Content updates to release for you guys: 

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (Entertainment Man Podcast YouTube & Audio ONLY)

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST- Daily Blogs

Tuesdays: 4 pm EST- Video (CBOTW Studios YouTube) Starting Tues. October 4th, 2022

Thursdays: (Every Second Thursday) Entertainment Man Podcast (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays:   11 am EST- Blog Post (Randomly)
                               2 pm EST- Live Stream (Just Chatting, Gaming, etc)  Starting Sat. Oct 1st, 2022

              Not a lot is changing and he has mentioned he has to change the board to update with the schedule so he remembers what has to go up and what not. He has made a promise to go through with this plan and grow this even bigger and better then it is. Excited to see the next step to ChrisBOnTheWeb, I give him a ton of credit he wants to grow this community and excited to see what is to come.  I will see you all around the community and thanks again Chris for this opportunity to take over the blog.


Friday, September 23, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-23-2022]

              Good Morning! This week has been full of problems and I am sure Chris is glad this week is finished. So here are the updates:

Website: Chris and I have been making some changes to the website and it has been unannounced the exact changes made to So CBOTW Studios Channel has been added to the On Demand section of his website as it is now part of this community and the go to place for updates, streams and behind the scenes look.

Power Rangers Collab: With the collab off air for a while, he will continue on to work on it and get seasons done at the same pace as before. Just the recording is currently on hold right now due to some creative differences which I know he will talk more about when he is good and ready but rest assure; the collab isn't going anywhere just on a bit of a hiatus for right now.  

              Chris has a bit extra time on his hands now with the collab on the side but it will be returning in the very nearby future but in the mean time he is focusing on the positive things coming for him the new channel and him growing the channel as he has been wanting to do streams since Facebook has muted the streams on him, he is moving over to YouTube. I want to thank Chris for this opportunity to taking over the blog, I may pop up for one more post tomorrow as I said Wednesday but we'll see but if not have a great weekend and I will see you guys around the community. 


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Will There Be Somewhere To Hang Out Eventually?

                 Good Morning!

            I know with the chatroom on now not happening will Chris being doing some kind of community where you can hang out and chat eventually however not at this moment. He is waiting till things grow especially on the YouTube side of things. He figured that is the best move at this moment is the actually waiting to add that into the mix of things for this community. We are realizing we need to take smaller steps and grow this slowly not fast. It is the best way to grow and especially him bouncing back from all the recent drama right now. 

           This is why he is taking time away from some social medias but this will definitely come in time just be patient with us. We advise you to keep up on social media at the moment up to date on things and we will eventually add in the Discord. We are working on blueprints and ideas for the server the channels we want to add to the list and some include the podcast, gamers corner, promotion of streams (including YouTube, Twitch and what not) those kind of channels on the Discord server, I can say that it'll be amazing I'm sure when we implement the server later. Thanks for reading talk tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

CBOTW Studios is on Hold!

                          Good Morning!

                   I wanted to let you all know that Chris has made a decision to hold back on the idea of CBOTW Studios. His computer is now 8 years old and it's slower then normal and usual life span he's had with a computer is about 10 - 11 years at the most. He will be keeping his  old computer at some point for just desk work nothing to do with recording a podcast or gaming but the desk work for typing up notes, social media posts and what not. However when he gets his new PC, he plans on streaming on a second channel at some point but whenever he gets that new PC.

                 He apologizes for the hype and now not going through with the channel. He will be serious when he wants to do streams and behind the scenes look in the studio but for right now he is focusing on the one YouTube Channel and when the time comes to expand his horizon he will. He will be doing weekly videos and he's got it on his board and will be leaving it up to Tuesdays and streams on Fridays and Saturdays. That schedule he will be leaving on his whiteboard in the studio.  Nothing wrong with him planning for the future of ChrisBOnTheWeb and he should just not worry about re-uploading old videos unless there is one he needs to re-upload. Yesterday his external hard drive possible died on him so big shoutout to his neighbor for trying to recover it and maybe I'll do a post Saturday if anything was recovered. I will talk to you tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your Wednesday. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Power Rangers Podcast is On Hiatus!

                Hey everyone,

           My name is Alexandra and I am Chris's personal assistant. As you may know, Chris is currently away from his regular duties on Changes are being made and you probably seen some removal of podcasts and podcasts moved around but I will cover that at the end of the week updates as he normally does and it will be a bit longer. Anyways he is no longer on speaking terms with his Senior Producer and Co-Host and has decided to walk away from Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast for now and put it on a long term hiatus till hopefully things settle down and the two of them are talking things out again. For now we've put Power Rangers Collab into the Archive Page of the website and will remain in the vault till a final decision is made with the collaboration podcast. 

             At the moment the content is void, he isn't tearing up the contract but has deemed it void for now and if necessary can work out a new contract if falling behind. At some point Chris may work on the seasons at his own pace, hoping that it will one day return back to a norm but all he can do at this point is just move on with the projects he is working on which is Entertainment Man Podcast. He will be putting nothing out about this collaboration on neither social media or Entertainment Man Podcast at this moment of time. Also the #PowerRangersCollab will not be monitored at this time and will do the best we can to answer any questions but he will not be answering anything pertaining what happened. He is keeping that a private matter and only reason I am bringing this up is I would like you guys to respect his wishes but anything else he is open to talking about just mention or private message on any of the socials which are found at the right hand corner. I will speak to you all in the next post tomorrow morning. 

Alexandra, Assistant to Chris

Monday, September 19, 2022

Entertainment Man Podcast-- YouTube Channel is Doing Well!

                 Recently I have seen the growth of the channel not subscriber wise but viewer wise it has done extremely well spanning between 20 and 50 views an episode or per video per week as it is a weekly thing.  To be honest I do not mind the weekly thing as you guys know another certain channel of mine is returning soon and sooner then you expect to be quite honest.  Anyways, ever since that 2.1k video the channel has sort of blown the heck up and it is quite interesting how one video gives you a boost in viewership. I also didn't think that you guys would be interested in hearing what I had to say about how The Video Projects Team, should of had a contract. I mean I never thought you guys still cared about the old team that has now been gone for almost 8 years and still gets love no matter what happened to the group.

                The fact I am sharing my stories from all the different series that I was on I really, really think you guys enjoy those and I have a ton of different stories to tell you guys, little details. However those years are very faded in my memory as I am now pushing 40 in the next couple of years, my memory is starting to fade of those days. Maybe I am just moved on fully from creating web series now perhaps. However I will never forget those days where I actually did the web series but now I am fully focused on the podcasts and blogs now and that is always a priority. I am so off topic now which is normal for me as there is so much to say on these posts and also on the podcast. I honestly wish I did Entertainment Man Podcast on YouTube from the get-go, meaning the beginning when I started it and I could have a ton more subs and views but cannot dwell that and to be honest, I am glad one of my guests I had on the show talk me into going back cause it feels like I never left the platform. However I wanna talk more about YouTube this week and I will be doing 2 more posts but will spread it out between today and Wednesday this way it will not be all clumped together. Anyways that is the post for today I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Friday, September 16, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-16-2022]

                  It is time for another end of the week updates as another crazy and busy week. Yeah it has been a very, very busy week and got a ton of work done. However here are the updates for this week:

Entertainment Man Podcast: I have finished interview prep, had a pre-interview meeting yesterday for next weeks interview podcast and so excited to be back to interviews and I got a ton of interviews spanning over the next few weeks so will be a busy next few weeks for me for sure.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Finished watching Power Rangers Super Megaforce and now typing up the notes today and hopefully by Tuesday to get things done in time  for 2 weeks from now Larry and I can actually record this and be ahead of schedule for once not behind. Next week at some point I will be starting to watch Power Rangers Dino Charge, followed by Power Rangers Super Dino Charge. Then it will be all about me typing up the notes. Larry going to be very, very surprised that we're recording on the 30th. I'm excited to tell him we are actually going to be doing 2 recording sessions, I will tell him to bring his headphones in case we record and he probably will not know till the day we meet up. ha ha! Ohhh I love my little plans without him knowing but Larry if you read this then the cats out of the bag obviously lol. 

              Anyways those are the updates on what is happening and finally got news for the collab to share with you all and the excitement with Entertainment Man Podcast and look forward to next week so until next week, have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday!


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Studio is Changing, AGAIN!

                  Things are changing here in the studio again. I am going to be receiving a second desk from my grandma and I have started to make the necessary room and plans that I need to fit it into the setup. There is some cleanup needed as we need to donate some of the kids toys to our neighbours as my niece and nephew rarely use it anymore and that will make the room for the desk. Also I have to figure out where the printer goes which may be on the shelf again but how sturdy is that shelf as it moves around so I may put the printer on the dresser it'll just be on the other side of the room perhaps and it uses WIFI anyways to print as there is no cable. Only wire is the power cord on it and there is a plug nearby where I am thinking of putting it. 

              Shelf will be quite empty as I do have drawers and will be able to put a lot of my stuff in there and it makes it so much easier. I plan on trying to unload the plastic containers a bit more. I will use it for the smaller things like inbox tray that has everything because later I will have a computer on there when I have the new computer for streaming and the podcasts so I will be having two computers and I am glad my parents talked me into keeping the old computer because I can use the old computer for just the paper work part of it and the new computer as I said for podcasting and streaming as you guys know I actually plan on streaming again on CBOTW Studios channel when I bring it back up and running in January. Anyways that is the changes and I will do an actual video in January of a tour of the new and improved studio and I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the end of the week updates.



Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Plans Updates [09-14-2022]

                The plans moving forward are as follows:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Continue to prep for next year, will still working on interviews and regular and bonus episodes of the show and I will continue on with that and things are progressing very well with the podcast.

Power Rangers Collab, Finish up Power Rangers Super Megaforce to hopefully draw a recording session on Sept 30th, 2022. Then I will be working on Dino Charge then will be working on Super Dino Charge so I got everything out of the way. I hope to actually get the podcast recorded on the 30th of this month but it will depend how quickly I type and I got 2 weeks to go and almost finished this season already. Then I am not sure what the plan is if I will go straight into Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel or take a break from seasons and prep the movies perhaps but who knows. I may just get it done so we're ready for February 2023.

Back to Entertainment Man Podcast: If I do not work on Ninja Steel right away and will but the back up plan is that I work future episodes of the podcast. I am planning for the future of the podcast so I have some kind of content ready for 2023, in it's 3rd year and 4th season.

            Anyways those are the updates for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this smaller post and gives you an idea where I am at right now with all the workload seemingly piling up stressing me right out to the point I am unsure what I wanna do first or what needs to be done first on my list. I will talk to you all tomorrow, have a great rest of you day.




Tuesday, September 13, 2022

CBOTW Studios YouTube Channel Is Returning?

                Yes there has been rumours CBOTW Studios is returning and I dispelled those rumours over the weekend with an Image which you can see to the right side of this post today and also this message: "Preparing for CBOTW Studios #YouTube Channel return on 01.01.2023" and I know I made a cryptic message hinting the return but not what exactly will be on this channel and what to really expect. This is why I am making this exact post to explain what the exact plan is with this new channel and to when you can see content and other amazing things on this channel. However I wanna say this I am super excited and stoked to be returning with this channel and it was long wait for it to return to this channel. I know my computer isn't the best computer in the world till I get the new computer in 2023 hopefully but I am making the best of the situation.

              Now what can you expect on this channel, well you can expect this:

- Live Streams (Which will be sporadic streams till I find the time to have regular schedule for the streams) Will be a variety of gaming streams and just chatting streams, it'll change from time to time.

- Past Streams (I have 2 past streams to post up on the channel that I have waiting in a folder here on my computer and will be the first of few things I do post.)

- Behind The Scenes Look (Behind the scenes look what goes on in the studio and I have some things to post up for you guys first before any new content so I will be posting those before I start anything else.)

- Minecraft: Aftermath (Video my niece and nephew did few months ago that I edited together and posted. Also I will be posted the bloopers that went on with the creation.)

             Streams will not be happening for a while, I have a ton of older content to post and I will let you guys know when the streams start in the New Year. Right now there is a ton of stuff to post up and get this channel growing and I will have more information as we reach towards the end of the year. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.



Monday, September 12, 2022

Recently Been Absent From The Facebook Page...

              Recently been absent from the Facebook Fan Page leaving Alexandra to run it for the weekend and that is because of stupid drama once again.... The last 2 years has been nothing but problems and it is time for some changes . Alexandra, Larry and I will not put up with the drama. I made a mistake allowing certain people back that has done me wrong and that is my own fault. I have been thinking a lot during my time away from the Facebook Community that I need to start doing things for myself and face it, ChrisBOnTheWeb is my brand, nobody else' brand. So yes CBOTW Gamers Podcast is no longer on the table for an option and yeah it could come back and I could just do it on my own. That is always an option for me in the future but for right now I have the projects that I am doing right now.

            So moving forward the changes are not really changes but I am focusing on Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast with Larry. That are the two big projects already in production right now and nothing else. Well also CBOTW Studios is on it's way back in the near future and I will talk more about it tomorrow on a post but the rumours are true it is on it's way back but that is tomorrow. Anyways that is the post for today, it isn't really a super, super long post but gives you guys where I have been lately and today I have returned and will post up more but she is there as my support system and has helped me with the emails. Anyways I will talk to you guys tomorrow on the next post.




Friday, September 9, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-09-2022]

              It is the end of another week and time for another end of the week updates. This is another week of not as many updates at the moment as it is just me working on content and adding in some things to the website which is probably boring to you guys but here is what is going on.

Team Wise: Alexandra has returned after a bit of a hiatus from the team for personal reasons and has taken over as Community Manager for the long run.

Website: Alexandra, my Community Manager does have access to the website blog in case I need to step away so this way we can keep the blog rolling regardless of me available or not things keep on rolling. Also Power Rangers Collab has been moved back to active drop down menu once again. So archives has been updated as well as the team page has been updated. Chat was removed as it is now not a permanent fixture to CBOTW and maybe one day CBOTW will have it's own Discord Server perhaps? Never know!

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: As you know the news sprung that Larry will be returning to the studio after uncertainty with after having COVID, but we are indeed returning to in studio and I continue to monitor the cases and if we feel uncomfortable we can always do Skype. I have his information on his envelopes in case as I cannot be too sure from a day to day basis.

                 Those are the minor changes and I will continue to work on content and improving the website on a regular basis. Anyways those are the updates for you guys, hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always, I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury (Season 30) Thoughts?

                    Now with the recently announcement with Season 30 of Power Rangers, I am actually excited for this season with it "suppose to be" the last season they are doing. Now they are actually using the same rangers from Dino Fury and this is the first time a season has had the same rangers since Mighty Morphin Power Rangers era, seasons 1, 2 & 3 back in 1993, 1994 and 1995. This is really awesome their doing this. What I have learned about season 30 is it is the same rangers but makes me wonder if it will be the next villain will be new and has to be as I am suspecting the previous villains were destroyed and this is coming from someone that has yet seen the 28th & 29th seasons in general I do not know a ton about the characters whatsoever. 

                  I am still wondering if there will be appearances from any of the old casts from previous seasons. What I mean former Rangers coming back. I know I've heard rumours of David Yost returning and Adam Park which is played by Johnny Yong Bosch as the mentor which would of definitely be really cool if they did that and brought him back but again just rumours I've heard both online and also my Senior Producer & Co-Host, Larry. So those are my sources but again like I mentioned, just rumours. I've heard they are heading into space and will be the first time since Lost Galaxy and  In Space seasons so that really changes things up for the series. Either way I am excited for this season and I'm almost near close to caught up with all 30 seasons of Power Rangers and maybe we will have visits from the Lost Galaxy or In Space Rangers as the rumours are they are in space. However who'd you guys like to see return, let me know in the comments and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Have I Thought of Making Larry, Executive Producer?

                 Have I ever thought about making Larry an Executive Producer of his and I's little collaboration podcasts? Yes I have but why haven't I as he's been with me for just over 4 years now with our current collab, Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast? Well I think he is very happy as Senior Producer/Co-Host role right now. I think he is very content with his position on the project especially now with it heading into 2023 in the coming months as this year is soon to wrap up and we've made some big headway with the project getting episodes out quickly. Also the fact he's not asked for a promotion of any kind means he is happy as a clam with where he's at and to be honest, he's come up to me with great ideas and the discussions with him that you guys do not even know that happens behind the scenes.It's quite interesting some of these convos that we both have on a regular basis. 

                 I know he deserves a lot of recognition for the work he puts into the episodes you guys hear and not only that coming up with ideas with Season 30 of Power Rangers supposedly being the last post and I will talk more about that tomorrow as it will be about the new season. What I am trying to say we have ideas going beyond Power Rangers that we wanna do from time to time.This is why he deserves the recognition as again he works hard even tho I do all the prep work, he makes sure I stay in line especially recently with threatening to stop working on the project but again "CONTRACT!" Sorry I had to say it, we're under contract at this moment, so there is no backing out.  Larry's been there through the thick and thin of things, the tech issues when COVID started and we had to move to Skype which I will be talking about end of the week as I am ready to make a decision that isn't easy for me or him. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Organizing Myself With My Work!

               I know the workload hasn't been all done or been completely done but something always comes up and that's really OK.  I know the collab has a high priority and I am now back at it between recording the weekly podcast and I am aiming to finish up watching hopefully by the time you guys see this, I am now typing the next collab notes up for the next one. I really gotta make a stride in those but this isn't a post about the collaboration podcast this is more about  myself organizing myself. However, prioritizing yourself to what actually comes first and having a list is very important, especially now for me on a very big grind on one of the projects that I have been working on and you all know which one I mean as I mentioned it on here. I know everything has to be done and it will be eventually. Just gotta take those small steps to completing it all. 

              It takes time to get it done and somethings take longer then normal and that is perfectly OK really. Sometimes you need to switch between your priority list perhaps and that's OK. One thing comes up you deal with that and then go back to your main project you are working on and exactly what I have been doing. I am really good at weaving between projects so I am most definitely use to the switch around on projects. I am a very organized person normally but right now my world is pretty much flipped upside down and inside out with all this collaboration podcast work that is going on here in the studio and on top of that working on episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast in the process. I should just hand the reigns and let Larry be the Executive Producer for once. He truly has earned that title honestly. However a post for tomorrow. I write everything down but not only that but I also add it to my sticky notes on my computer too so I can actually remember what I need to get done and in a timely fashion and trust me I do. Anyways that will do it for the blog today, I will talk to you guys tomorrow!




Monday, September 5, 2022

Changes To The "Schedule" Page

            If you guys have been recently on the "Schedule" page here on the website, you have probably noticed the merge of the collabs as I have now put the two seasons together as I am probably will expect Larry still wants to come over despite. I was a little out of line with him but I do not know what happened till he gets back online and it could be this week, it could be next week, who knows. So for right now I have just put the two seasons that co-aside with one another so I can considering the schedule isn't changing till I know further so I will be sure to let you all know on the changes with that project if anything changes this week or the coming weeks cause I am sure he's going to wonder why I was going off at him
sounding frantic. 

            Now also you will notice if you scroll all the way down that The Royal Winter Fair has been removed. Now I will be going to the Royal Winter Fair as far as I know but just for the fun of it if I decide to go as cases have gone up. You guys are probably wondering why it was removed and that is cause I was too late to booking my media and cases have gone up and worried it 'll be cancelled all together cause of the rise of cases but I am still planning on going to the Christmas Market as it is outside.                                       Anyways that is the post for today, I hope you all enjoyed this post as I am just really, really unsure if I wanna go to The Royal Winter Fair as cases have gone up and just worried cause I already been sick once and I just do not wanna get sick again. We'll see but I will keep you guys up to date on that as we continue to get closer to it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!   Chris

Friday, September 2, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-02-2022]

             Another week has gone by and there isn't much in updates this week. However just a couple of things that I will highlight what is going on:

Team Wise: I welcome back Jeff as my Community Manager to help with questions on the Facebook page as he will be mainly focused on the Facebook community as we continue on to grow in that community. Also with the departure of my Assistant and Website Admin, Arianna is now my Assistant and is more behind the scenes but from time to time you will see her in the chat on YouTube but mostly is behind the scenes.

Power Rangers Collab: Currently working on another season and I am not talking a ton about it still as it is up in the air what is going on after being sick with COVID and I'm currently staying on the down-low, meaning not saying much when it comes to the collab. I mean yeah I will occasionally post up pictures of the notes but that's all. It will keep you guys on wondering what on earth is going on with the collab and as I said we hope to know more information soon what is happening. Best to wait till I talk to my colleague about everything the last while.

             Anyways that is the post, it is a short post for this week and honestly feeling a bit frustrated right now not getting things done a but faster as that motivation has been lacklustre and I wanna talk about it next week as I need time to try and get the work done so I can continue to stride to recording day and getting this collab back on it's feet again. Anyways have a great weekend and talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Minecraft and Stardew Valley Updates!

              So I have been working on the Minecraft server on my own, no real help honestly but that's OK, I can surprise my niece and nephew and I have finished the hockey rink and tower 1 which you can see a partial part of it at the right side -> and yes I used an arrow to sort of point that direction.  Now the tower you see in-between tower 1 and the football stadium is the new Tower 2. Yes this was my nephew's idea to sort of replicate the towers in New York and it is only 12 storeys tall technically. I may add on later but what I care about is building the second tower up then continue to grow and I'm thinking 20 and 25 storeys tall that is the goal but you are limited how high you can build it but I am going to try my best.

                 Now Stardew Valley, I am like in Year 5 now and in the spring season. I have gotten a ton done and done some major farming and building. I have since the last update probably weeks ago but I have since added and doubled the amount of chickens and cows so the farm is very, very full right now and I need to actually think about expanding the wall and the winter season may be the best time to actually start the project since it is too cold but I'll try and see if there a way to put down a wall or not. Also the farming section of this game, I have done a ton of farming and made a ton of money that came with it. I have gotten far on this game but I had a bad habit of buying way too much right now. The goal now is to build two more barns for goats and I think ducks perhaps but I tried to get goats as now I have a 3rd barn with more animals in it but it costs 4 grand a goat now which is ridiculous honestly. So gotta grind and earn more mollah (Money). Anyways that is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates, have a great rest of your Thursday! 


