I have held onto this news for 2 days now and even my Management Team, Alexandra has started to speculate the return is near and this is true she started to speculate back on the weekend with the notes sent to Larry and since Monday have arrived to Larry's doorstep. I can officially say, IT IS true, Power Rangers Collab is resuming production tomorrow with Mystic Force season which is the 14th Season in the series and is the halfway marker to the 28 seasons that is out now. It is exciting to be back in the saddle again and really we're not on a solid schedule as we're still working out on notes and trying to get things done and hopefully by late October we move onto Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury into November and RPM probably end of November.
So tomorrow starts what will be long next many weeks of recording and getting caught up on the podcast and I will remind you that Mystic Force will be held onto till Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury Notes are finished up. I will let you guys know on Social Media when it is coming out but one step at a time, baby steps, we will get caught up on things and it will happen in time. Once I send off the next 2 we can record back to back but here is a look at what you can expect:
Thurs. Sept 23rd, 2021: Power Rangers Mystic Force
This puts the Podcast a little ahead of schedule which is good which means we can be ahead of schedule and we can get it done a little sooner. Here is the next set in the schedule:
Thurs. Oct 21st, 2021: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Thurs. Nov 4th, 2021: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Thurs. Nov 18th, 2021/Tues. Nov 30th/Thurs. Dec 16th, 2021: Power Rangers RPM (Tentative dates, we could record sooner and we will let you guys know one way or another.)
I know I may have been a bit quiet on it this time around but I didn't know whatsoever if we were recording this week and he wants to do it and we're ahead of schedule at this point which is unusual for us and the last set of dates are possible dates and is tentative as we have not reached that point yet. However despite everything that happened Monday this puts a smile on my face and I honestly cannot wait to record to be honest! The fun is about to begin! Till tomorrow, have a great rest of your day!