Showing posts with label Audio ONLY Podcasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Audio ONLY Podcasts. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mixer Ordered! Not Sure How Long I Will Be Off Air For!

                      I have officially ordered a brand new Behringer Mixer which I will more then likely do a review on at some point of time. So with the new Mixer coming in, this means there is no ETA as of right now of it's arrival which means with 20 days left of this month, this means it could come within the next 2 - 2.5 Weeks from now. and I know a week and a half from today is the premiere of Season 3 of Entertainment Man Podcast. I know this reaches a lot of alarm bells going off is the 3rd season going to be on schedule? I'm afraid the answer with what I know of right now, the answer is no. I do not know when it comes in. You also have to remember I have to set it up, I have to figure out what is what and how the mix minus on the new board works what the buttons do as there are buttons that I have no dang clue what is what according to what I studied on the image of the mixer on the music store website. So by the time I am ready to record, I will be totally prepared for the return of podcasts. 

                  So with what I said, I am putting Podcasts on Hiatus until further notice. I probably said that before but what I can tell you that I didn't tell you guys is that I am aiming to return in July for Podcasts meaning both "Entertainment Man Podcast" and "Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast." However, I had to update this post and a gentleman from the music store Long and McQuade call me on my cell and spoke to him for a few minutes and let him know I've ordered it but not sure when its going to arrive so they told me it should be here by end of the week at the start of the weekend. So it is not 100% if it will be here by the weekend so this is why I am just not able to give you an date right now so stay tuned to Social Media and this blog for updates. I will be sure to give you guys updates when I have some updates on the situation. Until tomorrow have a great rest of your afternoon!


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Why Did I End Entertainment Man Podcast?

                Now that we are days after the Finale of Entertainment Man Podcast, the question is why? Why did it end? There is a ton of reasons why I have made the decision to end it after an year of it running and here are the reasons why, I have decided to end the Podcast and Move on:

1) The CBOTW Show needed my attention as the podcast alone has grown so fast within the past month with addition of more shows to the list and I am just busy as Executive Producer of that series. 

2) It Become too Much: It just was hard to handle both Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show Podcast together. Honestly, I can easily pick up shows if I wish but right now plan on focusing on Big Brother, Big Brother Canada and Power Rangers Podcast at this moment and Executive Producing the Podcast. 

3) 3 Podcasts a week + Power Rangers Podcast: Had no time for all the projects at once so I have decided to actually end one of the major podcasts to actually focus on this and TV Shows in General. 

4) Maybe Was Meant To Be An  Filler?: Entertainment Man Podcast was maybe just meant to be an filler Podcast when Everything About Reality TV Podcast ended and maybe something to do between podcasts before The CBOTW Show Re-launched January 1st, 2021 of this year. 

                   Now ruling it out it will come back but more then likely no, The CBOTW Show will and is going to be the main Podcast on the website so we are just going to focus on this but I can say Entertainment Man Podcast was a great filler in the meantime and now I have a bigger and better project to focus on with this podcast moving forward with Chris S, Larry, Jasmine and Billy. We've got some amazing stuff coming up and all I can say is stay tuned and I will talk to you guys tomorrow!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why Did I Pre-Record 2 Episodes of Entertainment Man Podcast?

               There is a really easy explanation and I will not talk a lot about it and maybe no second paragraph but anyways as you guys know, I have been trying to work on Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and that is why back on Sunday I did a double recording session and edited within an entire fill 2 days to ensure it is ready to go for the next 2 Sundays. This also is good so I can focus on the Collaboration Podcast and I have made some progress with it and an update is coming soon as I said on my social media. I will have updates hopefully very soon. I think pre-recording is a great idea so I can finally focus on the project with Larry and I and finally get the next collaboration Podcast off the ground as it has been sitting on my inbox for weeks now and finally getting to it and it will probably take me a week and a half little more so to finish and like I said announcement is coming! 

               So that is the main reason why it will not sound as fresh as it normally does but the enthusiasm and excitement in my voice and you will see when it goes up over the next 2 weekends. I am excited for you guys to hear it and I cannot wait to record the collaboration podcast. A lot of great things are coming for me and it is all slowly coming together very slowly. I am not one to give up and I am going to remain positive and put my effort in getting caught up with the workload and work on the next project and what not. So that is the reason behind the podcast being pre-recorded ahead of time and it is really nice to get ahead of schedule a bit and be ready for the next step.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

More Changes but Change is Good!

                 Again with the changes! I am really just sick and tired of the changes just because it is happening way to fast for me but sometimes I gotta just deal with things at a faster face that is definitely the working world. For those who don't know Gamers Podcast is back on the shelf for the 1,000,000th time and for the last time. I am just honestly done playing games with a podcast now.... Having communication issues with the host that we had behind the scenes and it wasn't working out. So now CBOTW has 2 podcasts running at this point, "Entertainment Man Podcast" & "Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast" I still got Tiala, Larry and Jim onboard to help out and they are going nowhere. I know this is a lot to digest and I think I made a mistake adding on too much, too soon. I have to honestly slow things down a bit and if it happens to add on another podcast down the road then so be it we will add on another one. I think what we need to do as a team is take small steps. You have to walk before you can run as the saying goes and we are moving at such a fast pace and I think it is not the right move at this moment. 

                 We will get to expanding soon enough and maybe eventually that we will be at the right point to expand but right now we need to slow down our role. I definitely think we are going at a very fast pace at the moment and need to slow the heck down a tad, just a tad. However the website stream page is still there and it will remain empty till we feel we are ready to go to actually stream our podcasts and if we decide it's not worth it then we will just continue to record Audio ONLY but that can be decided at a later date to be honest. Either way it sits on the website waiting for it's future fate of the website. We may use it, we may not that is up to the podcast team in the end. However change is definitely good for the good reasons not the bad and if we are to expand it will be at a more of slower pace then we have been going. 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [09-13-2020]

              As I said in yesterday's post, I hinted a ton of different things and the most exciting part is getting our Founder & Owner back this week after a very rough week. I know he's gone missing quite a lot lately but all cause of drama, drama, drama and to be honest it's enough to drive him insane and he lost it and really just couldn't deal with it hence he disappeared for a little while. Anyways onto the major updates that we have for you guys this week:

- Website: We have updated as you know we updated numerous things on the website as well as add in new pages. First of all we added onto our website a "Staff" page which has been indeed long requested as people want to know who is on our team and who is involved with ChrisBOnTheWeb. It has been since then updated staff removed, and myself and Larry have been added to that actual list.  Finally with this updates for the website portion of our weekly updates is this Live page. You all are probably wondering what the heck is going on with it and for now he has put that on the back shelf for now as we recently cancelled a podcast and the feature renders useless right now due to the fact only time it would be used at this moment is Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as we do not know with the other podcast which I will get into soon so right now the Live page remains hidden and unused but it is ready to go one way or another when the time is right.

- Sports Podcast: Due to some things that happened behind the scenes and I will not get into the entire details. This podcast is no longer in production within CBOTW Network, it has been removed off our menu bar and off our network at this point.  Any graphics also have been removed off our social media. 

CBOTW Gamers Podcast: A new podcast is now in the works however our host for that Podcast, Jeff needs time to his computer back, setting up on our website video feed that we have here on so it goes back to that feed not being used at this moment but this podcast has a logo and still gotta work on the Podcast feed but plenty of time for Chris to work on this.

                 There is the updates for this week and we had a ton to talk about this week and I hope you guys enjoyed it and I am pretty sure I covered everything and I know that Chris will tell me if I indeed forget something but I am 99.999% sure that I haven't forgotten anything on the list. Anyways I will speak to you guys next week and hope you all have a great week and I will see you around the CBOTW Social Media accounts throughout the week.

Jim, Community Manager

Thursday, August 13, 2020

No Secret I Put Power Rangers Wild Force To The Side!

              It is no secret, that I put Power Rangers Wild Force Podcast to the side and the reason was because I have been busy with Time Force editing and been busy getting this out to you guys. I know I said on Facebook Page and Instagram that this is a really tough last episode as it was a disaster and still feel like I want to redo it but that means getting a schedule recording day, scrapping the current one. I was talking about using the wrong mic in the second half and the tech issues in the first but no, I am going to make it work. Like I said it's not the best episode in the entire world but it is doable really. Anyways with watching the season, I am going to be resuming this very soon and when I say soon, I had other priorities that I had to deal with the website and the fact I was typing up notes every notes when it came to Larry and I recording a week and a half ago that became another priority to me to be honest it is about priority at this point.

               I mean Monday things will be back to normal and we will be back or I mean I will be back watching it. I will get it done before September and I am excited to get back to it to be honest. It has been sitting in my tray for the last few weeks but won't be for long. I had to do this and I know you understand and Larry understands I did this so I can at least get Time Force out for you at least this summer and moving forward I am going to try and do things a little differently and I will address that in another post next week here on the website what we are going to do moving forward  and that is hopefully next week but excited to tell you guys what I am doing to make some changes to improve things and hopefully this works out but time will tell I guess to what I have in mind. 


Friday, August 7, 2020

Our Former YouTube Channel Updates and Deletion...

               As you know one of our former Staff hijacked the account that I am in actually and uploaded inappropriate videos to our YouTube and gave us a warning and then a strike since that person kept on doing it so now only Chris and I have access and only the two of us have access to the account which we currently do not have a YouTube channel and our focus on the website and our social media platforms as well. We've established our community very well on here and we wanna continue it. The biggest goal is to get those likes back up on our Facebook Page is the upmost important thing. However back to what I was saying with that YouTube channel we have officially dismantled it and scheduled it for deletion as it is a brand account and will take some time for it to actually be deleted. The damage has been done and it cannot be fixed at this point. I believe we are on the right track and focusing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is probably the best move for us.

               Chris obviously has to get the OK and green light from the rest of the team on this and I am fine with whatever the team decides, I'm just the Community Manager of this website and ChrisBOnTheWeb so I am cool with anything. Hopefully Sunday, we will know what the status of podcasts in general are and I will have an answer for you guys on what we have planned. As for YouTube we're more then likely done with YouTube but again you never know what the team has planned with us but we're always looking into new things and honestly we're doing what's best for us in the end. So YouTube is not in the very near future for us, Chris is sticking to what he said about being retired from YouTube, he's meant every word of it.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Re-Scheduled Till Tomorrow

               So I got the word that Chris and Larry has re-scheduled till tomorrow night due to some technical issues on Larry's side with his Tablet or IPad having to do with his charger which is why they dropped the feed the other night on Monday. He was at a point didn't say a word to Larry till later in the afternoon when the two of them spoke and he wanted to get this finished yet Chris said he was done with the podcasts but hey they want to make it right and get it done. Like I've said and if he decides to end it then they would having to finish it but the two of them wanna make it right and Thursday evening the two of them will be back on Skype around 630 pm EST. We know they were live and they have decided to not go live for the rest of the recording due to it may throw people off. Also Chris and Larry have to re do the intro for the podcast as Chris isn't happy with it and they wanna add in that he is honoring the memory of his friend Kevin that passed away recently and he forgot to add it into the podcast. Then the two of them will jump all the way into where they left off with the podcast and go for it.

              Now hopefully the new charger will help as it does look like they will be doing it by remote till at least January as the Social Circle is still going to be at 10 till at least January 2021 so they will be doing it remotely not in the same studio as one another. Chris will be in the main studio and Larry will be in his. He decided to to throw away the video version and don't worry they have the Audio ONLY saved as they converted the video into Audio and we're working on the edit the podcast and hopefully we will get it edited and an announcement will come probably Sunday or Monday and I have no clue when he's returning to blogging, he's been MIA for a very long time now going on about 2 weeks now that he's not been there but you guys know the reason behind it now is this podcast but that is what is going on and the two guys are recording and I'm excited to see the final product. I give em credit they are working tirelessly on fixing and they will get it down and they always prevail no matter how much they fight and argue they still get the job and this is why this team is so amazing we work so hard on the website.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Addessing Last Night...

               Last night, Chris doesn't want to remember. Actually this morning he's been very quiet and stayed his distance away from Social Media and avoiding everything right now. I think it has to do with last night's live podcast which went great up to the technical issues and him yelling and screaming live which to a point he cut the feed and more arguing happened and the two of them are not on speaking terms now. Let's leave it at that as that is between the two of them but I hate seeing friends fight like this and honestly. Anyways Chris is feeling down today and I think he's just going to remain offline today for the day and take a personal day or two off for himself. Maybe this will clear things and maybe the decision to continue will be a thing. All we know they have a 3/4 of a podcast recorded and not sure if it will be kept or not for editing that I couldn't tell you but hopefully Sunday I will have something for you guys on the weekly update blog.

                Chris does feel bad on what happened and hopefully he'll make it up to you guys when the time is right. Right now he just needs to cool down, take time for himself. I understand why he's so fired up right now. He worked 3 weeks to months to a point he's just not happy after the long hours he puts into this, not sleeping during the night or no sleep at all to just get this finished and done for this to happen on the most important night of their lives. Now the thing I can say Facebook Page views were really good too and to end it after it was going really good and was overwhelming to look at the analytics for it.  Anyways I am not sure what is going on or what he has planned now with that and if it will be finished up at a later date or if he's just done with it in it's entirety that I cannot really tell you right now. So he is sorry about last night ending the cast early but there was issues and I wish I had more information but Chris ain't speaking to anyone. He needs to have his space right now.

Sophie, Community Manager

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Podcasts-- Fall 2020-- What's New and What's Returning?

              This post was suppose to be up the other day but due to the issues of the interface with the blog this got delayed. There is a new podcast coming and there is projects that are going to be returning to the lineup and this is to announce what Chris and the rest of the team has in stored for 2020 - 2021 season.

Entertainment Man Podcast: It is finally returning after almost a 5 month Hiatus, Chris's personal podcast which will be recorded and posted up each and every week on the Audio ONLY Platforms. He already did an episode or mini episode since it was only 14 mins long not the full 20 - 30 min episode he usually produces and puts up. He has already confirmed that Sunday, September 6th, 2020 @ 1 pm EST the first episode will be put up.

Sports Talk With Bulldog: A New Podcast that is joining the lineup of the 3 podcasts and will be also starting towards the middle of September. What I know of it will be both Video (YouTube) and Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris will also be active as Senior Advisor for Billy's podcast and if Billy cannot make it one week then Chris has been willing to step in if worse comes to worse but you will see Chris behind the scenes for the most part.

Power Rangers Collab Podcast: The Podcast you all know and Love will be returning this fall with a bit of a make up schedule for the podcasts. At the end of September he will be making up the Wild Force season then they two guys will be back in December for Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder as well then the two of them will decide what the next timetable is for the next set of podcasts that are gonna be done if Chris decides to continue as he's already put no interest in continuing but we will see how he feels in December.

                 There is our amazing lineup. Not all schedules are confirmed as we are just in the month of August but in time we will be announcing schedule wise soon hopefully. Some platforms still need to be created and put together and soon as Chris is finished with Time Force, it is on his priority list while he watches Wild Force and gets ready to record in September for his next collab and that also goes for the Video side of some of the projects but not all of them.

Sophie, Community Manager

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Chris B On The Web Weekly Updates [07-12-2020

    It is time for that weekly update for Chris B On The Web. It has been a crazy week and Chris and I have been busy with updating things site wise and podcast wise. I can say we have been busy and there was one day last week where we couldn't do a post for the day as we were just swamped on getting things done. Anyways here are the updates for the week:

The CBOTW Show: As you know we have moved providers due to their site being down for about 4 to 5 days so we are now moved to entirely and so far we love it there thus far. We've also added to the list all the Reality TV Shows and also Power Rangers Podcast and The Simpsons Recaps to the list so we have a bunch on the list for the very nearby future.
An episode will be up today at 8 pm for the Tough As Nails to catch up for you guys as we're currently behind schedule at this moment and this will mark EP # 275 which he will talk about on tomorrow's post! Already working on getting all of the audition process for more hosts to help expand our team officially.

Website: We tweaked the website podcast tabs to add all the shows currently being added to the list which the length of the drop down automatically updated when we added on all the shows apparently and we're not sure why this is. Also the schedule has been updated with The CBOTW Show and Entertainment Man Podcast so we have things up to date at this point.

Entertainment Man Podcast:  Entertainment Man Podcast has been delayed a week as we do not have an Audio ONLY feed right now and he has to create it and that is the actual plan this week is to get that up and running for the following week and it will be on Tuesdays at 1 pm EST.

              There are the updates for the week and we will let you all know if we have to wait one extra week for Entertainment Man Podcast to be up but it is recorded, well both are currently recorded and going to be posted., He will probably let you guys by Friday when he will start up his other then that I will be talking to you guys next Sunday on our regular weekly updates.

- CBOTW Community Manager

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Answering Your Questions About The CBOTW Show

Since I am the Founder/Executive Producer/Host of The CBOTW Show, I have been asked a so many questions by you guys and I am going to address some of them in this post as it cannot be answered in tomorrow's post as it is an update post and it wouldn't fit into one post. Anyways here we go:

1) Is The CBOTW Show going to be going to video as well? Now that hasn't really be determined but we would be changing over the former Everything About Reality TV YouTube Page and change the name, logo and description etc. Now we do have a Twitch channel setup in case we go this route and I do go on a few Twitch Streams, Dan, Boogie2988. I'm only following 3 or 4 channels at this moment. 

2) What is airing right now on The CBOTW Show? We are about to post up some point this weekend the first Tough As Nails Recap Podcast on Audio ONLY as I stated we're currently on Audio ONLY both & the other Audio ONLY platforms as well. 

3) Any news on Big Brother 22 and will you be covering it? This has been answered so many times that Reality Teas (Also named Chris) has come with us during this Merger and will be covering when and if. Now there has been rumors and speculations that we will be seeing an August start but all rumors and speculations at this point. 

4) Do you have a back-up plan in case there isn't many shows in the fall as Survivor may or will be filmed in the fall? So far with this plan nothing is in the plans at this time. It is too early to start planning ahead, however right now the only show on our schedule is Amazing Race 32 at this current moment unless CBS changes the schedule again but we hope not. 

5) What other shows besides Reality TV are currently on our List? Well, currently besides all the Reality TV Shows that we have on there, we have The Simpsons and Power Rangers Podcast so not as much as of yet but in time if shows end then I'm sure we will add another one but we do not want to over do it as of yet. 

6) What happens if not many shows are being recorded? Well you always have posts to read and Entertainment Man Podcast will currently so either way you will get a podcast to listen to one way or another. 

             There is the answers I can give you guys. There was 6 of them that was on the list and if you guys got anymore questions to please contact us through Social Media or if you got any questions that you may have moving forward and we will try and answer them as best as we can.


Saturday, July 4, 2020

The CBOTW Show & Entertainment Man Podcast Tentative Dates

                     As I said in a post yesterday, I got some information about the two podcasts that is going to be happening on and all other platforms out there. Now this isn't happening till this fall and we have to change the calendar here on but that will be fixed in due time, we got enough on our plate with current projects going on. Here are the dates for Podcasts:

The CBOTW Show:

September 8th, 2020: Power Rangers Time Force Podcast- As long as the recording goes according to schedule, we will definitely see it on this date. This date for right now is tentative at this moment but again a date we hope to make a confirmation that this is the actual date that we wanna do in the very near future.

September 15th, 2020: Power Rangers Wild Force- Again this depends if he is ready to go but we hope as heck to be aiming for this dates for release. Remember he will have had these episodes on hand for about a month by the time it goes up.

Entertainment Man Podcast:

September 7th, 2020: He wants to re-launch his personal podcast and excited to bring it back into the lineup of podcasts each and every week for you guys on top of Chris and Larry's The CBOTW Show which the two of them created in 2018, 2 years ago.

                     Now I specifically did not say what shows but as I said on the CBOTW Social, he's so excited to announce what shows he will be covering this fall and he has ideas in the back of his mind. This may sound confusing at the start, but you guys will see in time what is in stored. He is even planning to cover older shows between the regular seasons but that is all I am going to say for now. He will be behind the mic twice this summer then off the rest of the summer and preparing for the next huge project as we role out our 3rd Season for The CBOTW Show and continue on with his 1st season with Entertainment Man Podcast.

-CBOTW Staff

Thursday, July 2, 2020

We Made Some Crucial Changes!

                Once again, Chris is off today due to more drama and people annoying him. Honestly it is getting very annoying for me to have to cover him but that is what having a team is all about honestly.  I believe it is for just today as he's now changed the menu bar and website around and it's getting real now! We have some new cool stuff coming up and I think Chris may ask a fellow podcaster to come on his new podcast for an interview. You never know with him. Anyways here are the changes that have been made:

1) Everything About Reality TV Podcast: For the most part, Chris wasn't happy with the outcome of the podcast so what he has done is ended it at his Amazing Race Back to basics season and that is it. Larry doesn't know about the changes till tonight when Chris sits down with him and discusses all the changes that he is actually making to the podcast.

2) The CBOTW Show: It is a real deal now and will be a seasonal podcast and if there aren't shows he wants to cover during the summer then the podcast will be off for the Summer time. He has started to think about covering Last Man Standing to start things off and is currently on his list at this current time. Yes Power Rangers Podcast will be on the 3 times a year schedule and Chris is working on the show all weekend long starting today so he will be very, very busy person.

3) Entertainment Man Podcast: Finally after a long debate, Chris has decided to do Entertainment Man Podcast after all since he has time between his seasonal Podcast, The CBOTW Show so he will keep himself busy but once a week is enough for him to get his dose of a podcast and he has some cool ideas in the back of his mind.

4) Blog posts: One last thing I want to add into this post is there could be a possibility to Reality Teas joining the blog team and talking about Big Brother every week when it is on the air but that is up to him to decide.

                   Any who that is what is going on and this unnecessary drama has to stop before Chris does something he regrets like shutting down the website all together which hes been threatening since yesterday to shut it down or not renew the domain again after the 4 year term is up but we will make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Well what is left of our team not which is Larry, myself and Boss Man Chris as we do not know what Reality Teas status now that Everything About Reality TV kicked the bucket again for the 3rd and final time. However, Chris, Larry and Reality Teas should be proud, 4.5 years, 13 seasons, 265 episodes is a major milestone indeed. There is nothing to be sad about but be more proud of the accomplishments they made.

- CBOTW Team


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chris B On The Web Updates (06-21-2020)

              It is time for another weekly update for Chris B On The Web. Another crazy week and we have made some changes to the website. I will explain in this update.  We were messing around with the website and have the ability to shut this blog off if we just get plain tired of blogging but it is your news source for updates around our community. 

1) Website-- We have added chats as you know but we have started to consider to remove it as it has yet to be active so we have done that and the chat menu drop down menu has been removed from the website for the time being. No plans to bring it back at this current time. 

2) Everything About Reality TV-- Chris worked on the podcast with some new podcast content and decided to 3 podcasts 2 more off season podcast and the preview podcast but you never know with him to be honest what he is thinking. He has been working on the notes all weekend long which is good. He hopes tomorrow to start recording all 3 and the editing process for them all. I cannot give you much information as I do not even know what he has planned.

3) The CBOTW Show-- He's been working on intros again and re doing every episode intro for the Power Rangers Podcast and is done at this point. The feed remains quiet for right now as he isn't planning anything till he is done with Wild Force and has the notes typed up and ready to go. 

4) CBOTW Gamers Podcast-- It is currently unknown if it will actually return right now and we're waiting on our potential host whether they are going to be doing it and this stems back to not announcing things till we are sure it will be happening. So we have made numerous changes to the website recently. 

                That is all I have for updates for this week. Not much to update except all the work we have put into the website and constantly bringing out content for you all. We continue on a daily basis to improve things on Chris B On The Web and any suggestions or ideas please do feel free to shoot us a private message on our social medias and we will take you suggestion for the very nearby future. 


Friday, June 19, 2020

Still Deciding On If I Will Post Up A New Podcast Next Week

            Since I did post up the new podcast that was waiting I am pending a decision whether I am going to plan on recording next week and right now no announcement with Big Brother 22 so this means if all goes well, I will be definitely going to be doing at least one more podcast before the preview podcast for Tough As Nails. I am hearing mid July or late July for Big Brother so a definite shorter season and All-Stars. So this opens a bit more open time and able to one or two more one off podcasts and I am excited to do that honestly. If I had it my way I'd do actually 2 more but right now I think at least one more on the list is what I wanna do but yet again you guys never know with me to be honest as I can surprise the heck out of you. I have another one in the back of my mind I'd like to do that would of been had to do with a show that was suppose to air this summer that's Canadian, Amazing Race Canada so stay tuned for that. This weekend and next week will be busy in the way of podcasts. 

            This weekend while I work on the Wild Force Seasons, I am going to be preparing notes for the next 3 podcasts. This will really get the numbers up as we inch closer to the 300th episode which has kind of haulted back in the spring with the lack of episodes since Big Brother Canada ended early in the spring which I know I do not have to remind you of that but what I am trying to say is we would of been closer to the 300th episode but right now that is not the case and we will get there one day and even if it is this fall then that is totally fine with me to be honest. Right now I focusing on these 2 podcasts but there is content on it's way and it all starts today with me working on notes to get them ready to go. So that is the plan moving forward but I will not push the issue with 3 if I get 2 then that's fine too but I will work on it and really wanna get back to recording and bring out more podcast content for you guys. More then likely I will record the 2. 


Monday, June 15, 2020

Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show News!

            I have been thinking about this and it's definitely an idea to work with but it will take some time and work.  I have been thinking about handing a few shows down to others and this will bring down the amount of shows that I do as a host for Everything About Reality TV. I am more then willing to do that and willing to do that. However I am planning to not give up every single show as I wanna do shows with this podcast and still wanna be involved host wise. Now I do not plan on giving up on all the shows just at least one more at the most.  Now the plan is the follow:

- Survivor: Me
-Big Brother: Reality Teas (Chris)
-Big Brother Canada: Audition Process for 2021
- Amazing Race: Me
- Amazing Race Canada: Me

                 Now Tough As Nails is just a filler show for this Summer and I do not think I will or would do another season right now but also it depends on the amount of listeners I get and if you guys do enjoy this. Either way we have a show for the summer to fill in the spots in case they decide to not air Big Brother and Amazing Race Canada but Big Brother is sounding like it's happening this summer which is good but we're waiting for OFFICIAL confirmation. 

                  Now onto The CBOTW Show which has been around on and off for the Past 2 Years and honestly I have been thinking about it deeply and yes I wanna bring it back even if it is just on two or three different platforms to start with that is totally fine with me to be honest. I am not gonna push this podcast much to start with. I wanna slowly grow it as that is what I did with Everything About Reality TV Podcast so do not expect a ton of podcast posts with The CBOTW Show at first but we will add more in the very near future. 


Saturday, May 30, 2020

Plans For Everything About Reality TV 5th Anniversary

                   I know this has been an on going question since we hit the New Year what the plan is with the Podcast's 5th Anniversary on September 24th, 2020 of this year? Yes we are planning something and with the podcast between seasons, we just haven't thought about anything really. If I cannot get the entire Everything About Reality TV Team on, then it would be just Larry and I that record. However the reason I have kept a lot of information from you guys is not because I don't wanna give you guys information I do but right now it comes down to if the video platform will be launched and if Survivor comes back it comes down if we are going to be on YouTube in the fall and the shows is the main reason but we are talking about it behind the scenes it's just a waiting game on shows due to the shows may be held off till next year so we are waiting. However I will be inviting the other hosts on and it is first come and I do not want to over do the podcast guests and probably limit to 3 of us on the podcast but there is still time honestly to go and to decide things.

                   I know 4 months is not a very long time to be honest with you guys and I haven't stopped thinking about this big momentous occasion and I promise you guys we will do something even if video doesn't go through right away but again it depends when to launching the channel, if Big Brother happens in a few weeks from now, Survivor this fall, it comes down to all of that. If we do not launch video for quite sometime from now, then we will be definitely Audio ONLY but we will try and figure it out in the upcoming weeks from now. I got one idea in the back of my mind which I will explain in the upcoming weeks and I think it is a great idea I have. You will see but again if I do this idea then we will be doing the 5th Anniversary Live for sure! More details to come next week in a blog post.

- Chris

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Taking Chris B On The Web More Seriously...

                 I have been thinking about things lately and really taking CBOTW seriously. I want to do things right as the last few months has been really busy for us getting things sorted out since the return of Everything About Reality TV and having three Staff departed on us. Honestly I want staff who are going to commit to our content and that is what we are doing. I know I am all over the place making decisions and deciding what is what right now and like Chris (Reality Teas) told me were trying things out and working around the issues together as a team.  I know things are confusing and you guys got ton of questions with things but in time you guys will know what is going on with the content. As you know Entertainment Man Podcast is put on the wayside right now I know you guys were wondering about that but don't worry you can find it under the archives page if you want to catch it up. With taking things a bit more seriously and making sure we fit every bit and pieces properly. It is a day to day thing and really I know you guys want information and we will give it to you guys. We can say tho we are bringing out content for you guys starting June 3rd, 2020 @ 8 pm EST and yes I am referring to Everything About Reality TV. 

                  Either way I am taking things a bit more seriously and been making changes with the website and added one more member of the team. However you will know more on this weekend's update post. Either way I wanna make sure things run smoothly and with things slowly shifting as we are exploring video platforms again, we have to change schedules around and constantly readjusting the scheduling and I think we got it figured out at this moment I think, no guarantees its is all up to what is going to happen with those two shows. Also I have started a Discord Community which isn't released publicly yet but will make it public soon! Going to get the team on there first before we make things public!


Monday, May 25, 2020

Podcast Schedule- OFFICIAL PRESS Release

                 This is the Official release of the schedule for Podcasts as of June 1st, 2020. I am excited to be bring back podcast content and we are raring to go! Right now Everything About Reality TV Podcast has 2 Off Season Podcasts already pre-recorded and ready to go. Anyways also Entertainment Man Podcast is scheduled to return to the lineup too in June along with Power Rangers Podcast in July. What a great lineup here is the regular line-up schedule for most of June up to a potential season:

Wednesdays: Everything About Reality TV (New Episode goes up every week, we just have to post up the episode the next 2 weeks that we have) 

                   There is the schedule for the podcasts and speaking of Everything About Reality TV Podcast, we have a guest coming on the podcast and you know them very very well as they are known for their yearly appearance on the podcast and if you know who I am talking about then that's great. Them and I had a couple of hours chat on Skype about this and we started to plan it out and it's going to be an amazing podcast as usual and this is the ultimate podcast and trust me it was quite difficult to produce to be honest.  However it will work. Now we are waiting on if we will do this on video or not as we do not know if we can launch the YouTube channel as you guys know we are awaiting if Big Brother 22 is a go or not so that is what we are waiting on at the moment. We will let you guys know if we do the podcast live or just on the Audio ONLY.
