It is no secret, that I put Power Rangers Wild Force Podcast to the side and the reason was because I have been busy with Time Force editing and been busy getting this out to you guys. I know I said on Facebook Page and Instagram that this is a really tough last episode as it was a disaster and still feel like I want to redo it but that means getting a schedule recording day, scrapping the current one. I was talking about using the wrong mic in the second half and the tech issues in the first but no, I am going to make it work. Like I said it's not the best episode in the entire world but it is doable really. Anyways with watching the season, I am going to be resuming this very soon and when I say soon, I had other priorities that I had to deal with the website and the fact I was typing up notes every notes when it came to Larry and I recording a week and a half ago that became another priority to me to be honest it is about priority at this point.
I mean Monday things will be back to normal and we will be back or I mean I will be back watching it. I will get it done before September and I am excited to get back to it to be honest. It has been sitting in my tray for the last few weeks but won't be for long. I had to do this and I know you understand and Larry understands I did this so I can at least get Time Force out for you at least this summer and moving forward I am going to try and do things a little differently and I will address that in another post next week here on the website what we are going to do moving forward and that is hopefully next week but excited to tell you guys what I am doing to make some changes to improve things and hopefully this works out but time will tell I guess to what I have in mind.
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