Showing posts with label Audio ONLY Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Audio ONLY Podcast. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The CBOTW Show-- What Is Happening With It?

               Chris has been very vague I know and he's been pretty stressed out with ChrisBOnTheWeb lately and his nephew has had to calm him down. Just late Thursday afternoon he made the announcement that The CBOTW Show is on hiatus as he feels the time isn't right to bring back the project and with Power Rangers Collab still active and running he wants to focus on finishing up the seasons first before anything else. By the way he is talking the timeline is different now, he plans on Power Rangers Movies in May, but after that, I do not know what. 

                 Cause now he is looking for hosts but if it doesn't happen then it doesn't happen. Yes he still watches Survivor, Big Brother, Big Brother Canada, Amazing Race, Amazing Race Canada, Tough as Nails, etc but he's made it clear on his stories he is done with Reality TV Podcasts but has more interest in behind the scenes for those with him doing the odd regular movie and TV Show from time to time. Exciting stuff and I cannot wait for the podcast to start even if we have to indeed wait 5 months for the release of the first podcast. Any updates him or I will be sure to let you know. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and will see you around the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community. 

CBOTW Management

Friday, July 16, 2021

Larry's Not Going Anywhere!

                After last night, I can say this, Larry isn't going anywhere anytime soon! As you know I did some research to find out there is a possibility that Power Rangers could be cancelled after 28 Seasons which we hope it isn't. Larry and I reviewed our schedule and we are timetabled till February 2023 at this point with Power Rangers Dino Fury being the most recent season. I am not going to say it's over, I am just going to wait it out. The reason we met on Skype which you guys didn't know this was an actual thing going down last night. We spent a good 2.5 hours on a call coming up with some of the ideas. We came up with 21 Power Rangers One Off Podcast ideas which will keep you guys happy for a little while. Also we have 2 new series ideas that could be a great idea down the road and one of them is indeed Ghostwriter TV Series that I have actually mentioned before in the past and it is no rumor, it is totally true.

              One last thing I wanna address is whenever Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast does end and it will happen I'm sure one day down the road but what matters right now is the podcast is here for now and when that days comes, Larry and I are going to be taking a break from TV Series for up to 6 months, maybe up to an entire year. It depends how long we need to take a break from longer series. However we will probably from time to time do some of our movies and other collaborations I am sure we will do one here and there but what really does matter is Larry isn't going anywhere, he is continuing to be a part of the CBOTW Content Team and excited to collaborate with him on other amazing podcasts. I am not going to tell you guys exactly the topics yet but I will be sure to tell you guys soon as we reach that point. I wanted to let you guys know, we got a plan moving forward. Till Monday, have a great weekend!


Thursday, August 13, 2020

No Secret I Put Power Rangers Wild Force To The Side!

              It is no secret, that I put Power Rangers Wild Force Podcast to the side and the reason was because I have been busy with Time Force editing and been busy getting this out to you guys. I know I said on Facebook Page and Instagram that this is a really tough last episode as it was a disaster and still feel like I want to redo it but that means getting a schedule recording day, scrapping the current one. I was talking about using the wrong mic in the second half and the tech issues in the first but no, I am going to make it work. Like I said it's not the best episode in the entire world but it is doable really. Anyways with watching the season, I am going to be resuming this very soon and when I say soon, I had other priorities that I had to deal with the website and the fact I was typing up notes every notes when it came to Larry and I recording a week and a half ago that became another priority to me to be honest it is about priority at this point.

               I mean Monday things will be back to normal and we will be back or I mean I will be back watching it. I will get it done before September and I am excited to get back to it to be honest. It has been sitting in my tray for the last few weeks but won't be for long. I had to do this and I know you understand and Larry understands I did this so I can at least get Time Force out for you at least this summer and moving forward I am going to try and do things a little differently and I will address that in another post next week here on the website what we are going to do moving forward  and that is hopefully next week but excited to tell you guys what I am doing to make some changes to improve things and hopefully this works out but time will tell I guess to what I have in mind. 


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Podcasts-- Fall 2020-- What's New and What's Returning?

              This post was suppose to be up the other day but due to the issues of the interface with the blog this got delayed. There is a new podcast coming and there is projects that are going to be returning to the lineup and this is to announce what Chris and the rest of the team has in stored for 2020 - 2021 season.

Entertainment Man Podcast: It is finally returning after almost a 5 month Hiatus, Chris's personal podcast which will be recorded and posted up each and every week on the Audio ONLY Platforms. He already did an episode or mini episode since it was only 14 mins long not the full 20 - 30 min episode he usually produces and puts up. He has already confirmed that Sunday, September 6th, 2020 @ 1 pm EST the first episode will be put up.

Sports Talk With Bulldog: A New Podcast that is joining the lineup of the 3 podcasts and will be also starting towards the middle of September. What I know of it will be both Video (YouTube) and Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris will also be active as Senior Advisor for Billy's podcast and if Billy cannot make it one week then Chris has been willing to step in if worse comes to worse but you will see Chris behind the scenes for the most part.

Power Rangers Collab Podcast: The Podcast you all know and Love will be returning this fall with a bit of a make up schedule for the podcasts. At the end of September he will be making up the Wild Force season then they two guys will be back in December for Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder as well then the two of them will decide what the next timetable is for the next set of podcasts that are gonna be done if Chris decides to continue as he's already put no interest in continuing but we will see how he feels in December.

                 There is our amazing lineup. Not all schedules are confirmed as we are just in the month of August but in time we will be announcing schedule wise soon hopefully. Some platforms still need to be created and put together and soon as Chris is finished with Time Force, it is on his priority list while he watches Wild Force and gets ready to record in September for his next collab and that also goes for the Video side of some of the projects but not all of them.

Sophie, Community Manager

Monday, May 25, 2020

Podcast Schedule- OFFICIAL PRESS Release

                 This is the Official release of the schedule for Podcasts as of June 1st, 2020. I am excited to be bring back podcast content and we are raring to go! Right now Everything About Reality TV Podcast has 2 Off Season Podcasts already pre-recorded and ready to go. Anyways also Entertainment Man Podcast is scheduled to return to the lineup too in June along with Power Rangers Podcast in July. What a great lineup here is the regular line-up schedule for most of June up to a potential season:

Wednesdays: Everything About Reality TV (New Episode goes up every week, we just have to post up the episode the next 2 weeks that we have) 

                   There is the schedule for the podcasts and speaking of Everything About Reality TV Podcast, we have a guest coming on the podcast and you know them very very well as they are known for their yearly appearance on the podcast and if you know who I am talking about then that's great. Them and I had a couple of hours chat on Skype about this and we started to plan it out and it's going to be an amazing podcast as usual and this is the ultimate podcast and trust me it was quite difficult to produce to be honest.  However it will work. Now we are waiting on if we will do this on video or not as we do not know if we can launch the YouTube channel as you guys know we are awaiting if Big Brother 22 is a go or not so that is what we are waiting on at the moment. We will let you guys know if we do the podcast live or just on the Audio ONLY.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

What Will I Do After Everything About Reality TV Podcast Finishes This Season?

                        First of all getting use to the new version of blogger as they changed the layout and honestly liked the older version but what can you do? Anyways that is besides the point but I was asked what am I going to do between the seasons. First thing I want to say is this is just a hiatus, it is not cancelled. We will be between seasons and until we know the status of shows, we're on a break. I wouldn't even call it a hiatus but more like a break from things really. Well as you know, Larry and I are scheduled for July to record and I have to continue to watch the series and more then likely what I will be doing while I am working on the website today but besides the point.  Watch the series will take a few weeks to watch and finish but even after that start working on Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder for the Fall so I can make sure were on track and even beyond that! What do I mean by this? I also wanna make sure January's podcast is ready and I want to get a bit ahead of myself so I can keep the schedule as it is. I have to also finish the website up and it may take a few weeks more to complete the entire project. So that is another thing is I will be working on the site and watching Power Rangers so I will be multi tasking to get it done. There is a lot of different things I can do but Power Rangers and Website has the priority right now to be finished and I know I will get it done. Also I have to remember it takes a lot of time to watch the show and episodes and I am actually now at Episode # 8 so I am making progress but sure I will make a ton of progress today and so on. Also I can say this as well that I will be once the website is done and working, I will be working on Off Season Podcasts in case I want to do some before the next season starts but again we do not know when shows will be airing again right now but always good to be prepared ahead of time and I know there is episodes that I did I could do on an off Season again but I have to locate it in my archives box where I keep past notes so there's another task for me to do is locate the notes and I already put it on my list of many things to do. There is plenty of different longer tasks and shorter tasks that I can do honestly and keep me busy over the time we're off from the main podcast series.

                           Yes, I will miss podcasting but don't forget that in July, we will be recording the next Power Rangers Podcast and we're 2 short months away honestly and excited to be sitting down but we do not know if he's going to be coming to the studio as we're still in lockdown and we honestly do not know the outcome yet and they hope to start opening things up but they will not be lifting the social distancing and I think it will be the last thing they do but is OK with me. I got things I can do and plus like I said in an update I have been playing games with my parents on and off, watching TV shows and so forth so I am busy and will continue to be busy. Also now that I have figured out the issues, I think the pages will be done even quicker as we know how to fix the website and will continue to work on it. Work is still being done and with the extra time with Amazing Race now postponed till later this year we have extra time on our hands and we get more time to actually plan and get things rolling with new content and excited for what is next for the podcast. So in my final words is to stay tuned for more content, keep following us on social media for more information and I think this is the best decision to put the podcast on hold after Survivor till we know what is next and we will get through this together.

-  Chris

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Updates! [11-19-2019]

           I wanted to take the time to make this announcement post and to give you guys heads up you will now hear a 15 - 30 spot before the intro roles as it normal does and the reason is the podcast is an affiliate and that is all I really want to say but this is a great opportunity and I am sure it will take some time before things pick up. However I can say on the Stitcher side of the platforms that the podcast is with well the views are up which is great and means it is starting to pick up. That isn't the only good thing as you probably noticed Castbox is back and yes I got it back up and it's gaining subscribers pretty quick which is incredible. Also I noticed this a few weeks back but Everything About Reality TV Podcast is also on IHeartRadio which a friend of mine said it is very hard to get on which is true but hey Everything About Reality TV got picked and I am forever grateful for this opportunity. Now back to the 15 - 30 spot, it is hard to explain but you will hear it 2 days from tonight what it is sounds like and I can say it is awesome to add a 15 - 30 second spot promoting Stitcher Premium that I can say. Hopefully that does help explain but like I said you will hear it 2 days from this evening as I will be add it in before the intro.

          I am excited to be an affiliate with Stitcher and have the opportunity to promote their product. Going to Stitcher was the best thing I ever did for the podcast 3 years ago and I was there even when they were still growing as a platform and having issues but I stuck by them even when I took a break I still came back and their platform and staff have been nothing but great to me. This also includes TuneIn, ITunes, Player FM, Castbox and all the platforms my podcast as they have been amazing especially when I had a question or concern with my feed they would help me out with the problem so I am forever grateful for the help when I struggle with things.  Either way it has been a very productive journey and it is now no secret as I said in the post 2 days ago that I have decided to continue or move forward with future seasons of the podcast. I cannot wait for you guys to hear this week's episode as I am changing things around and it will sound different for sure and a lot better this week then it has in the past! 


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Updates AGAIN and More!

                I know, so many updates!  So much has happened for Chris B On The Web! From the additions to Everything About Reality TV to stuff pulled out for now or has been cancelled as it is just unknown what the status is one some of em. This is why I am making this post to confirm the plans for the rest of this year and 2020 as stuff has indeed gotten crazy for me but not just for me but Steven as well as he's now agreed to 2 shows on the line-up so the line-up for "Everything About Reality TV Podcast" looks like this:

Current Shows Covered:

  • Survivor (Currently Covering The Current Season of Survivor with Yours Truly, Chris)
  • Big Brother (Will be returning in 2020 for Season 22 with a New Host Hopefully)
  • Big Brother Canada (Will be returning in 2020 for Season 8 with a New Host Hopefully)
  • Amazing Race (With Yours Truly, Chris)
  • Amazing Race Canada (With Yours Truly, Chris)
On Hold:

  • Celebrity Big Brother- Not sure if a season 3 is in the works or not right now so it is under the "On Hold" Category but if it came back then the new host would take over. 
  • Music City CMT- No confirmation on this as well as we do not know if it is coming back for a 3rd season as well but keep on hoping and I would take the reigns of this series again.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hard To Predict But Not Thinking About Everything About Reality TV's 300th Episode

            It is really hard to tell when the 300th episode will be as right now we're at the 220th episode so it hard to predict as it could be sometime next year as usual, it could be sooner. I think I did the calculations, that's right I did the math and as much as I want it to happen right now I need to focus on the podcast with this season as right now things have not been as easy as I thought lately. I want to get threw this season first before things settle down with 1 podcast a week in the fall. I need to take it one season at a time and I think I am just thinking far ahead of myself so I need to slow down right now and with vacation coming up quite quickly as I am heading south east of the border for 6 days so I just gotta take things one day at a time. To think about 300 episodes right now, it is not the time right now. Also I have been thinking about Everything About Reality TV's Podcast 5th year on the air as of next year that has always been on my mind as well but right now I need to focus on this season first before anything else. 

               300 episodes is a lot to think about, however right now I shouldn't worry about it and honestly I know already that I will again not do anything special for the 300th episode or have guests on as I rather wait till the 500th episode and I honestly got a funny feeling it will happen down the road especially. 300 is a lot but I really rather stay focused right now and when the time comes closer then I can give you guys a schedule to when it happens but right now it is all about covering Big Brother 21 and The Amazing Race Canada 7 at the time and should be the only focus right now as I need to keep on the right track as I haven't been watching Big Brother 21 nor caught up with it recently but will work on it today before both episodes tonight. Anyways that is besides the point right now as EP # 300 will approach fast but I am just not thinking about it, as I am thinking about getting through the next week and a half and what not.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Might Start Working On Power Rangers Podcast!

          Hoping this weekend to start working on the next Power Rangers Podcast, however was thinking about waiting till I get back actually. I will have a ton more time with it honestly when I am back from holidays. I think right now I am definitely in vacation/holiday mode right now but I can get the episodes knocked out within a week or two so I could be done so either way I will be done before even September starts or even at the start of September which I plan to transition into the next one right away as I am trying to see if I am able to schedule a January session as right now the question is open with a 3rd season of Celebrity Big Brother and a good friend of mine say its not going to happen. However I am still also waiting for the renewal of Music City, however I will be ready one way or another be ready for the next Collaboration podcast recording one way or another so it is good I want to be ahead of the game. Also if it is isn't in the New Year, it can be just after the Finale of Big Brother Canada 8 and maybe even a July recording but I cannot Jump too fast and expect 3 but only way 3 could happen if we do indeed be a 3 episode recording but I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet as it is still early and we still have to get through the October recording first.

          Either way I am excited to be working on the next Power Rangers Podcast and getting the ball rolling with the next one and I know Larry who is my Co-Host of this collaboration is eager for the next one. It is a long wait between the episodes but it is worth the wait with the episodes and Larry knows the schedule with "Everything About Reality TV" can be busy at times, especially when there is 3 podcasts a week which is very crazy at times especially this year was an experience and a half honestly and was a very stressful but interesting experiment honestly as you all know I did Big Brother Canada podcasts twice a week plus Survivor and adding on The Amazing Race that is why I was really tight for time when it came to the June 2nd recording with Larry but I got it done and ready for the next step on things and i have 3 months from now to get it done and done on time for once or even ahead a tad bit. Announcement for the recording session will be announced once it is booked and once the recording is done then I will also announce the release schedule as well.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Summer 2019 Schedule

              I've decided I am going to try and make this work.... Obviously I am currently on the 10th season like I said in a previous post and that I am thinking about the fact of actually continuing on with this season as it seems it will now cross paths with the summer so without further ado here is the timetable.

Schedule 1- (Up To The Big Brother Premiere):

Thursdays: Amazing Race 31 Recap, 9 pm EST

Pre-Season- Schedule 1B:

June 23rd, 2019: Big Brother 21 Cast Preview Podcast, 9 pm EST

Schedule 2- June - Early July:

Thursdays: Amazing Race 31 Recap, 9 pm EST

Fridays: Big Brother 21 Recap, 9 pm EST

June 30th, 2019: Amazing Race Canada 7 Preview Podcast, 9 pm EST

Schedule 3- July - Early September:

Wednesdays: Amazing Race Canada 7 Recap, 9 pm EST

Fridays: Big Brother 21 Recap, 9 pm EST

Schedule 3B- Holiday Schedule:

TBA When I Know The Schedule When I am Away in the states! 

Looking at Friday for Amazing Race Canada 7- 2 Legs  in one Podcast Recap 

Sunday: Big Brother 21: 2 Weeks of Big Brother in One Podcast. (May be a bit of a back log being gone for a week, week and a half)

Schedule 4- Into Late September, end of the season:

Wednesdays: Amazing Race Canada 7 Recap, 9 pm EST

                I know this seems all confusing and originally I was planning to not to cover Big Brother US, however I never covered the show last year so I am trying to do both this year. Originally if the show wasn't gonna be renewed then I would of been covering Amazing Race Canada 7 on it's own but I will work on it and the 3B Schedule is tentative right now and soon as I know when I am away on holidays, I will do a post to the schedule but were looking at a week to week and a half away so I will let you guys know very soon! 


Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Thoughts On My Podcasts Next 2 Seasons of Everything About Reality TV

              It is scary to think my podcast will be around for another 3 seasons but exciting to be back for another 2 seasons, Big Brother 21, The Amazing Race Canada 7 this summer for the 11th season, then Survivor: Island of The Idols in the fall, then the New Year, another announcement for Season 12 and on announcement as well. Now we currently do not know the future of Celebrity Big Brother nor the summer time for next year but that is a long way from now to see what will happen. Also I know I haven't heard anything about Music City CMT and don't think I haven't been thinking about doing recaps on that show cause you guys know me too well, I'd do it in a heartbeat and you guys have enjoyed the recaps in the past 2 seasons so it is on my radar. So pretty much Music City CMT, Celebrity Big Brother are on my radar if both of those are to return again in the New Year, however like I said it is too soon to know but in time we will know what is going to happen and of course like usual, I will always keep you guys up to date on things and to what is what. Right Now, you guy kind of know the Summer and Fall shows I will be covering but nothing beyond that at the point but yes I said it was renewed for 3 more seasons.  

           The reason the podcast has been continuing on is because of you guys who keep it going with listening each and every week and the fact I keep on having shows to cover each and every season so I say thank you for the continuous support of the podcast as we're not going anywhere anytime soon as we are heading into the podcast's 11th season in a few weeks and I am so stoked to be recapping Big Brother 21 and The Amazing Race Canada 7. Now I may as well say this I knew since the day the renewal of The Amazing Race Canada that I would be active but the truth is Big Brother renewal what was holding me up to the renewal status of the podcast and why I went very quiet on the podcast. Now like I said on social media, I am holding off the schedule due to the fact I am still active on the 10th season so I am waiting till it finishes which we are on the 8th leg as of next week.  Soon as the finale week comes then I will start making announcement of the schedule for the summer. All I know I do not think there will be time off nor off season podcasts at this time as we'll be jumping right into the 11th season right away as there may be an announcement regarding the summer soon in changes but will see very soon!. I am feeling rejuvenated since finishing up Big Brother Canada and Survivor Edge of Extinction as I have taken time off for myself but excited for the rest of this season and the summer as well. 


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Has Been Renewed for 2 More Seasons

            Over the last while I have been hiding the future of the podcast as I only announced the 1 season but I already knew since the announcement of Survivor Island of the Idols, that I would be returning for 2 more seasons to the podcast as Producer and Host. I'm sorry I kept this from you guys longer but I now want to make it clear it will be returning for a 11th & 12th season which is a heck of a run for a podcast, Reality TV podcast that is. I never thought in the 3.5 years this podcast has been around it would of lasted this long and it has had a very healthy run for a podcast. Started small but growing each and everyday as new episodes are posted up weekly, to 2 or 3 times a week. Now what is the format for the summer and I will again relay this summer's timetable again plus the fall as well:

Summer 2019 (May continue Season 10 right into the start of the 10th season):

Big Brother 21
The Amazing Race Canada 7 

Fall 2019 (Season 11... ?):

Survivor: Island of The Idols (Season 39)

Winter 2020 (Season 12... ?):

Survivor 40

Big Brother Canada 8

               Now the scheduling as I said in my announcement about the summer schedule is coming just waiting till the right moment to make the announcement as  am still on the 10th season which has now become the longest running season in the history of the Podcast in 10 seasons now. But it is very exciting to have the podcast back for 2 more seasons and look forward to recapping Reality TV once again for you guys this summer and this fall. Get ready because there is plenty of Reality TV to cover for the next two seasons! We're not done yet nor close to being finished with the recaps. Plenty more to come honestly! I feel dumb to not of announced this sooner when I made the announcement for Season 11 but I should of mentioned Season 12 as well but I didn't and it was stupid move by me and I'm sorry but I wasn't thinking clearly honestly to realize that I was also returning in the fall too so that is my honest mistake but I came clean and now you guys know it is not only renewed for a 11th season, but also a 12th season which will take us to the end of the year and the rest will be decided later once I know more for the 13th season which will be coming out at the end of the year as usual as I make the announcement. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Updates...

         I know I have been very radio silent and haven't been recording as often as you guys wish but we are now on a 1 episode a week and things are quieter then it was 2 weeks ago. As you know I did something with the YouTube channel you guys didn't think I'd do and delete it all together. I think it is best to stick to the Audio ONLY.  Anyways with the podcasts 10th Season coming slowly to an end as this week we will be half way through Amazing Race's 31st season, yes I have been thinking about in between the seasons as I now do have confirmation for the 11th season but I am waiting on one of the shows for confirmation for the summer but already have been writing the post for sometime in June. Anyways this post is about the off season podcasts and will there be off season podcasts? I really do not know as we have 6 weeks left but do not know if Amazing Race will have double episodes down the road but I am sure if we go single episode with 1 or 2 more doubles we would be done before Big Brother 21 starts so it could a no off season podcasts situation but that's OK with me if it ends up this way with a no off season Podcast. I will just move into the 11th season and transition into the very next season. 

           Now as for the 11th season, I am planning only 2 podcasts a week, one being Amazing Race Canada an one being Big Brother 21 as I have ton of family things happening this summer plus I am planning to travel out east to Boston with family so I do need to go once a week for both recaps so it will be a bit more difficult then I expected but I am planning to hopefully just before I go out east to actually so I wanna try recording on the road while I am out but rather not if that is the case and what real time will I have to record a podcast while I am out honestly but it could work for me but we will see what the heck happens and if I can pan out a schedule that works for me but it would depend how long of a trip it would be so I probably end up getting a laptop for the trip this way I can record while on the road and yet still enjoy the trip one way or another but I will let you guys know once U decide what the plan is.

           Right now it is hard to decide on the summer schedule and if it is truly worth to get a laptop and it really does depend how long I will be away but that is the only thing that is really stopping me right now is holidays but definitely deserve a holiday here and there so it is a tough decision to make. Really with family, I am not sure when we will and if we will have the time to go away with both my aunt from Alberta and aunt and uncle from British Columbia are coming, it is hard to say right now if we will be going but will definitely will be trying to get away even for a week, week and a half at the most. I could just double up on podcasts for the 2 weeks if worse came to worse but I will be talking to my parents today at some point to find out more and next week I will do an update next week on Sunday to let you guys know what is what but yet again, I haven't got a complete summer schedule yet so it will be the waiting game till I know the release date for The Amazing Race Canada comes out and again I will let you know.


Monday, May 6, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Is On A Normal Schedule!

          After 2 weeks of being on an alternate schedule we are back to the original schedule this week. Also this week is the first finale out of the 3 shows. Tomorrow is the last Tuesday podcast so we're slowly winding down the schedules. Anyways here is the current schedule for this week and next week:

This Week:

Tuesday (Tomorrow): 8 pm EST- Big Brother Canada 7 Recap

Thursday: 6 pm EST- Survivor Edge of Extinction Recap

                   9 pm EST- The Amazing Race 31 Recap

Friday: 8 pm EST- Big Brother Canada 7 Finale Recap

Next Week:

Thursday: 6 pm EST- Survivor Edge of Extinction Recap

                   9 pm EST- The Amazing Race 31 Recap

              There is the schedule for this week and next week for the podcast and as you can tell, the schedule is slowly getting smaller. I am definitely excited for finales with Big Brother Canada this week, then Survivor Edge of Extinction next week so it will definitely be exciting to see how this will all play out to the end of the games and yes I said games as I am referring to both shows that are wrapping up their respected seasons. Anyways I am looking forward to the podcasts this week right to the end of this podcasts season before we are between the seasons. Yes I am pretty sure if there is time between we will be posting up some off season stuff if we got the time but once I know further I will let you guys know what is what.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I Finally Found My Calling! (Podcasting)

             After almost 3 years of podcasting full time, I have found my calling which is podcasting. Yes I recently made the announcement about me returning to YouTube which I will address on Friday afternoon so there will be 2 extra posts today address schedule changes and this Friday addressing the big news as I have been hinting on social media for the past few days. Anyways back to what I was saying, YouTube was fun making videos, web series but honestly it wasn't me anymore and yes I am aware I am going back and I will address this in 2 days from now. But it would be different content but again I will explain. The fact I have no team now minus 2 people 1 former team member of mine and also someone new which will be addressed in the summer time at some point. However, I  am the only one that is recording Everything About Reality with some guests and of course the now popular Power Ranger Collab Podcasts that come out 4 times a year. So now I have truly found my calling and it isn't as demanding as YouTube but this season proved to be just like an off season of my old web series but I do get breaks between seasons more then I did recording The Entertainment Man Talk Show.

             I can see me doing this for years to come both on YouTube and obviously Audio ONLY and also exclusive content here on I have other ideas for even later on and been designing logos but podcasting is definitely my calling now and I am really enjoying creating content for you guys regardless and I have finally found my calling after the end of The Entertainment Man Talk Show Series and the way things ended but this was the best move I ever made. I know I have said I could of done a separate channel for the podcast but that is about to change and my alum, well most of em agreed to the decision I have made but podcasting has changed my life and I can be my true self not fake stuff like I use to at certain times and I am able to express my opinion on what is happening on the show and love doing this several times a week and yes it can be exhausting but in the end I do the podcasts not just for me but you guys too. 


Friday, April 5, 2019

Splitting Big Brother Canada Recaps Into Two Different Days Was a Good Idea

             I made a good move this season with Everything About Reality TV and splitting the Big Brother Recaps into two different days. I will break down for those who aren't a listener of the podcast or are a fan of Reality TV and haven't checked out the podcast yet. At the start when I started covering Big Brother in general both the U.S. and Canadian version of the show, I did it once a week until up to this year where I made the decision after a very successful season with Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 so that is what made my decision much easier. So I started looking at the different options and once the schedule for the show was released, I set myself on Tuesdays and Fridays @ 8 pm EST which so far has done well minus the last week and a half now with the technical issues I have had recently. The reason why I decided to split the recaps into two day was to lower the stress of getting it done and ready for release in the evenings. This definitely was the right move to make honestly, I think it has taken the amount of pressure down this season minus the one mishap last week due to computer tech issues. However once I fix the scheduling issue this schedule will be the best schedule I have yet. 

                 So I did make the right move with final tweaks to the morning schedule of me recording early in the mornings then this schedule will be a force to be wreaken with. Even if Big Brother comes back for Season 21, I'd definitely do the same thing with twice a week schedule since it does indeed work. I told you guys there are changes this year for the podcast and this definitely needs a bit tweaking but in time I will manage to get on a great roll and I appreciate you guy's are patient with me and I am still learning about scheduling, editing and all other aspects as a podcaster but I am enjoying the split as once the first recap is done I can focus on it. Yes I did remove the live feeds talk as I was losing subscribers so I did take those out and you guys seem to like the new format that the podcast has adopted for BBCAN7 recaps so that makes me happy that you guys are happier with the format now and any feedback is always greatly appreciated positive or negative, it helps me to improve the podcast. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the season and remember "You Can and You Will!"


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

We Need To Talk About Everything About Reality TV Podcast....

         I Got a goal for Everything About Reality TV and yes I have been working hard on the longer episodes but according to a poll I did a while back, you guys preferred quality over quantity so they does help me quite a lot too. I am finding out I look at the program I am recording and it is 30 minutes or more. I just love making content. However there is still room for improvement and I need to address this, I have recently lost 2 subscribers on the Castbox platform and I have made up and have posted up the podcast close to on schedule. I guess you guys got tired of it but I thank those who stuck with it despite the schedule but don't forget the podcast has only been on Audio ONLY for 2.5 years so it will take time for people to find the podcast on there but there is other platforms that are listened to. So goal # 1 is to get the podcast up on the day it is suppose to be up not the next day or the day after. It may take some time to get a good rhythm going again but with me running back and forth from here to the studio, my timetable right now is out of sync so it could be a late post tonight it could not be. That is why I said you can follow me on social media: Twitter/Instagram @ChrisBOnTheWeb constantly in case something like this happened. I should of rescheduled today but making an effort to get it up today. Another goal to get a longer podcast I need to expand on my points which I have been doing and I would like to get more of my opinion not just taking what is off my notes what was said. Not sure if you guys are liking the live feed ideas so over the next day I may go back to the Friday episodes on top of the Survivor I will do that, twice a week not the 3 times a week. No live feeds as you guys seem to not care and maybe it is best to move forward that we do the recaps 

          I definitely in room for improvement, I think it is what you guys want well, we will see what happens and I always think about you guys first. Now I am not doing a public poll but my Alumni and I are in discussions and I opened a poll over Twitter for over the next 2 days and we will figure out why I am losing subs and how to repair the issues. Like I said, if I have to I will go back to the bare bones of the podcast with the BB Canada which that is what I think is one of the main issues. Survivor Recaps are doing quite fine, I think it comes down to fact you guys are not interested in hearing live feed stuff on the recaps so I think that definitely has a factor in it. That could be it's own podcast alone if I wished but I think I know what the heck is going on and end of this week, may result to schedule change next week which I will announce on a second blog post at the end of this week so fair warning, there may be an additional Friday Post or a switch on Friday's post. I wanna make things right and make it right fast as I do not wanna go back to restarting from the start of things. 


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Today Marks 3.5 Years Since Everything About Reality TV Went On The Air!

             Wow 3.5 years ago tonight, Everything About Reality TV Podcast went on the air. Which is crazy to think it's been on for this long without any problems at all. When it first started, it was on YouTube at the very start and had 2 seasons on there before I moved onto the Audio ONLY and the rest is history. It has been quite an incredible journey I have been on and really have enjoyed recapping Reality TV each and every week. I know there has been times where I have off schedule but I still put it up. There was the one week (last week) mind you that I had to cancel the post and ended up losing a subscriber. But that is why I say it is best to subscribe to the podcast and also follow me on social media just in case something like that happens again which it will not, I am ensuring you that now. Either way I always look forward to recording days where I get to sit down and dissect the game or talk about the episode to what went on. I think starting this podcast really gave me something to look forward to when it gets to the day of recording which normally is the next day I record in the morning. 

              I also may as well say this, the other thing I have enjoyed is the milestones and have made quite some milestones, breaking 100, breaking my web series milestone and you probably know where I am going with this but also will soon be at the podcast's 200th episode. So mark you're calendars: Tuesday, April 30th will be the 200th episode coming out and yes I am not making a big deal over it but it will be mentioned at the start but that is pretty much it. I honestly think its insane this podcast has been recording this long and I thought, meh 100 episodes it'll be over but like I have said before, I'll say it again: "As long there is Reality TV to cover, this podcast is going nowhere anytime soon." It may been on for 3.5 years but this podcast is not done yet. There is plenty more Reality TV Shows to cover, new Reality TV Shows to cover. I can see Everything About Reality TV hitting 500 Episodes but I am getting a little ahead of myself honestly. Either way the more platforms my podcast gets on the more it has been getting noticed and I am very proud how far this podcast has gone over the 3.5 years it has been on the air!


Friday, March 1, 2019

Not Saying Um or But On My Podcast Much Anymore!

              I have noticed, I have gotten better at not saying um or but on the podcast as much, still got a lot of work to improve and to have 0 ums and buts in there but I think I am getting better. How am I able to do that? Well I am making sure it is out of sight, out of mind. I am trying to expand my horizon on my vocabulary which yes I know it is a big word for someone who doesn't use big words too often but starting to get better.  Trust me it is not an easy task trying to not say and so much as it was a weakness when I first started to podcast in 2015 which was almost 3.5 years ago. I know it is hard but someway, somehow I am managing to not say it. What I read up, that is always a bad habit when it comes to podcasters. What really bothers me with some of my podcasts is the ums, buts and the long pauses but that is the beauty of editing I can remove it and it is out sight, out of mind.

               I have shown so much progress and getting so much better at podcasting then I was and it feels like I was born to podcast. I mean I am after all got the gift of gab which helps out a lot and when it comes to either Everything About Reality TV or the collaboration podcasts I do, I can say it's been a positive and fun experience so far and you ain't seen nothing yet and I am not talking about the song, talking about this season coming is going to be good. Anyways I can proud of the progress I have made on the podcasts since I have two different things going on right now and I just have to remember when recording to refrain from using the words um or but. There is other words such as however for a example that I can indeed use. Again, I still have the odd habit of saying those two certain words from time to time but again, it is a work in progress and I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.
