Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The CBOTW Show-- Made Some Wrong Decisions

                  Without clearly thinking things through, I made decisions without thinking things clearly through. That is why Amy and I did a podcast to kind of clear the air on things and get things straightened out for the upcoming return on this podcast. We are still very much learning what works and what isn't going to work and I have been feeling overwhelmed with the podcast and getting things under way. One thing is I didn't do any research on shows being recapped on YouTube and that was one of the issues so hence one of the shows was moved to Audio ONLY and will be on Audio ONLY and you have to go and listen to our recent podcast: Video (YouTube) or Audio ONLY which are both hyperlinked here on the blog. There shouldn't be room for errors like for goodness sake I have taken down the trailer twice and now I have to make sure it is all true facts as we do not wanna get taken down for spam and deceptive practices especially on YouTube and again we did a podcast. 

                   Yes we have considered that we can take down the podcast as we are falsely advertising things but reason we did that extra podcast is to correct our mistakes. Yeah we may remove the podcast we did previously but that will be up to Amy and I if we take it down but  we might not, I've not been advised with it. Also between Larry and I there has been frustrations between the two of us with the way of tech issues but who said it was going to be easy especially during a pandemic and it hasn't been easy. Transitioning from in studio to Skype hasn't been easy on us. I know Larry, Amy and myself are looking forward to actually do podcasts in studio and it will happen in due time. Moving forward we need to make the right decisions and there should be a concrete plan when it comes to deciding things. That is my post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, October 23, 2020

What Do I Think About The Amazing Race 32?

             As two weeks have now passed by with the show and I want to take the time and talk about the show so far. I really like this season and the fact they have been going to new locations like Trinidad and Tobago, I think Columbia as well but either way I am enjoying it. This week we also saw the return of the Yield which hasn't been around for years now and I started to think about everything I said on my final episode of Everything About Reality TV Podcast was to a tee so far and honestly I think I may be straight on. I heard next week the return of the Double UTurn which if I remember correctly I also mentioned that. I hope they throw in a Fast Forward in there as well eventually. I am sure it might happen. It is really nice to see some familiar tasks or elements to the race. The fact they are going to new locations is really good and it is nice to see that. I am not sure fi they have been to Trinidad and Tobago or Columbia ever in the race's history and I do not think so.

              Either way this season is very interesting and honestly I don't have a team that I do not like. I like every team equally. My picks that I have made is De Angelo & Gary, Kaylynn & Haley, Cheecee & Hung and Kellie and Lavonne which Kellie and Lavonne was eliminated from the race this week so I am now down a team which is OK as only one team can ultimately win this race technically. I cannot wait to see the return of the double UTurn and if there is a team that will be double UTurning anyone next week. I do remember the Double UTurn and wish they'd bring it back sooner but I am happy they actually brought it back.  I wish they'd bring back the intersection which was also mentioned on an old episode of my podcast and if I remember that is when teams worked together if I remember and again it's been a while since seeing that. Either way I am very impressed and wish they'd actually aired this sooner as we have been waiting 2 years since they filmed this season. Let me know what you guys think about this season in the comments below and I will see you in tomorrow's post!


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sports Seasons Suspended-- Additional Thoughts

             Honestly, we do not know when the season will be back as I spoke about on a bonus episode of the podcast and honestly I recently heard that some ridiculous thing and that is that they will have a 45 day training camp then they will finish off the season and then playoffs in the summer followed by the start of the next season. I think it is ridiculous what my dad mentioned to me and been doing a little research as they do not know when they will resume but according to the Ottawa Sun article which you can find by Googling NHL season cancelled that they shouldn't be in a rush to cancel the season. Also talking about they can condense the season without an All-Star game and no 7 day break but I think they know more then what we do not know just not saying anything at the moment. Other sports sites like ESPN are saying cancel the season already. I think they should just cancel it and start a new season in the fall if things get better. I know Billy who is my manager for ChrisBOnTheWeb will not be happy about this but I just feel this will keep going for another 2  - 3 months at the most, maybe more and think finishing up the season now is not going to be happening. 

               This goes for the NBA, I think they will definitely cancel the rest of the season and I just feel like they will cancel. Major League Baseball I'm sure they will end up changing the season and possibly shorten the season? That could be a definite possibility and probably could happen. Again I am not a sports expert when it comes towards this and honestly it is still up in the air as we know cases of the virus are still coming in and yes some countries it has slowed down a bit-- Italy being one of them. Honestly we have to remain optimistic and just gotta occupy ourselves with the seasons being suspended and  when the leagues for the sports I have mentioned decide whether they are cancelling the season or a condensed or change but I think I am aiming towards a cancelled season but again we just do not know and will keep an eye out on the news in the coming days what the plan is.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Thoughts On This Season of Big Brother Canada, Season 8?

               I honestly have a lot to say about this season of Big Brother Canada as it has been a really insane last few weeks. First we saw the self eviction of Nico who didn't want to stay due to mental health and I understand that but wish he'd stay to try and fight at least. Then we had a regular week but without the audience, just Arisa in the studio. Which I totally understand why with the Corona Virus (COVID19) going around. I wasn't planning to actually to go into Toronto for an eviction unless things slowed down but at this point I will not be going and plus the audience has been suspended so I will watch from here at home and watch the drama unfold. Now bringing into this week to hear Jamar was ejected, expelled whatever you want to call it, please correct me in the comments below but due to things said which I rather not repeat it they were both removed from the house and this brings us into this week to the HOH where they are in sleeping bags and hanging on a bar which we find out on Sunday's episode so please no spoilers in the comments below.

                 Honestly I have mixed feelings about this season as everything that can go wrong can go wrong, like I said self eviction to 2 expulsions and this virus going around right now is making me worried they will just cancel the rest of this season or just stop and I just really do not know where this season is going to, especially with the virus Pandemic right now I just got a very weird vibe they may end up stopping the game. Let's hope not as I love Big Brother Canada dearly but I just feel like they could of held it off even till early June and yes I realize it would over lap the US but they could of done it in the fall too but we will have to really wait and see what this season becomes. Jamar situation I feel like Kyle started this entirely but now both gone, I still feel like Jamar could of not said anything and things probably be completely different and Kyle could of been the only one. Either way the game moves forward and I understand the frustration by all you guys the fans and I am really being heartfelt in my message about the season in this post. The game moves forward and we are hitting a reset and we will see who wins HOH Sunday to those who do not look at the spoilers. I am going to try and enjoy it but kind of giving up on this season with so many things going on, I feel like they need to just stop and try Big Brother Canada Season 9 like Kevin said on his Twitter and I totally agree with him maybe that is the best thing to do but hey gotta stay optimistic right? 

Have a great rest of you Friday (Happy TGIF)


Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Thoughts On My Podcasts Next 2 Seasons of Everything About Reality TV

              It is scary to think my podcast will be around for another 3 seasons but exciting to be back for another 2 seasons, Big Brother 21, The Amazing Race Canada 7 this summer for the 11th season, then Survivor: Island of The Idols in the fall, then the New Year, another announcement for Season 12 and on announcement as well. Now we currently do not know the future of Celebrity Big Brother nor the summer time for next year but that is a long way from now to see what will happen. Also I know I haven't heard anything about Music City CMT and don't think I haven't been thinking about doing recaps on that show cause you guys know me too well, I'd do it in a heartbeat and you guys have enjoyed the recaps in the past 2 seasons so it is on my radar. So pretty much Music City CMT, Celebrity Big Brother are on my radar if both of those are to return again in the New Year, however like I said it is too soon to know but in time we will know what is going to happen and of course like usual, I will always keep you guys up to date on things and to what is what. Right Now, you guy kind of know the Summer and Fall shows I will be covering but nothing beyond that at the point but yes I said it was renewed for 3 more seasons.  

           The reason the podcast has been continuing on is because of you guys who keep it going with listening each and every week and the fact I keep on having shows to cover each and every season so I say thank you for the continuous support of the podcast as we're not going anywhere anytime soon as we are heading into the podcast's 11th season in a few weeks and I am so stoked to be recapping Big Brother 21 and The Amazing Race Canada 7. Now I may as well say this I knew since the day the renewal of The Amazing Race Canada that I would be active but the truth is Big Brother renewal what was holding me up to the renewal status of the podcast and why I went very quiet on the podcast. Now like I said on social media, I am holding off the schedule due to the fact I am still active on the 10th season so I am waiting till it finishes which we are on the 8th leg as of next week.  Soon as the finale week comes then I will start making announcement of the schedule for the summer. All I know I do not think there will be time off nor off season podcasts at this time as we'll be jumping right into the 11th season right away as there may be an announcement regarding the summer soon in changes but will see very soon!. I am feeling rejuvenated since finishing up Big Brother Canada and Survivor Edge of Extinction as I have taken time off for myself but excited for the rest of this season and the summer as well. 


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Do I Think Quitting Is A Sign of Weakness?

              I was thinking about this while in church back and it really made me think, is quitting a sign of weakness? Well, I have been thinking about it for the last few days now and there are many things that come to my mind when it comes to quitting and I know you will gave me a really hard time when it came to quitting YouTube but I will talk about two differences in today's post and I can tell you there is sure a difference and I will get that in a moment. This is actually a tough topic to talk about as I know I left or as most of you will say I quit YouTube but I will explain everything in this blog post because there is most definitely a difference from quitting and walking away after many, many years as a YouTuber and that is why I am writing this blog post for you guys today.

                So the first of 2 points I would like to make is if you quit after 7.5 years, that is not being a quitter, it is you moving on and that is what exactly I did so there is a difference but if you do something as long as I have, then yea most definitely I'd consider it moving on and I know you guys were quite mad or upset when I suddenly decided to move on from YouTube but I could of done one last video and left the channel but I realize when I changed emails I should of downloaded the videos first, mainly the web series the most first. 7.5 years is a long time and a long time for grinding on videos daily and I admit I was quit burnt out after all of this.  Call it what you want but I hope this kind of does explain things to you guys why I left when I did. This also goes with video broadcasting which will be changing soon and that will be a different blog post for another day, possibly tomorrow or Friday. 

                  Now to quit non stop, that is a sign of weakness, no offense to any of you, but to quit non stop, it doesn't look good on you and also you do let your fans down as well in the process and I know because I was there when I was quitting Twitch on and off several times up to me being banned for the first time in little over a year since being banned on another site but that's in the past technically. I have been in your shoes since 2016 and even know I still question myself why am I still doing online media but the reason why is because I am passionate about this field and that is what matters. You have to still have the passion and drive to continue on even when the going gets tough keep on going no matter what. If you need a break, take one, I've done that in the past and I will touch on taking breaks when you need it one another blog post.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Toronto Blue Jays Thoughts for Week

                First of all I can say this has been the most frustrating season for the Toronto Blue Jays with injuries and not hitting the ball. But since making trades and/or getting these young guys, they seem to be winning a tad bit more but they lost the series against the Rays but they won the series before that which is great. They sure went hot on the bats but you have to remember, the Blue Jays are now a Young team and have to develop. We are just like the Toronto Maple Leafs a young team and I am glad the Jays are taking that same approach and it will be an exciting next few years for the Jays. They are needing a better bullpen, I mean Biagini has indeed gotten better but Tepera I have not been pleased with. If I was the one to make trades, I would still get Biagini and Tepera traded as they haven't been very consistent this season and I have been saying this most of the season to trade em away. I know I have said I have turned the game off when the score got ridiculously high and the Jays getting slaughtered but I just didn't wanna watch it anymore... So frustrating I tell you! 

                 I know the bullpen has been the main problem but not just that is injuries are one of the other factors. Tulo is not back and I have even said it to trade him once hes back next season as he's not played for over an year now and I just do not get it, why the heck they would keep Tulo this entire time and not trade him away after hes been injured majority of the time.  As we just witnessed this past week or so, with the trade of Donaldson, I am glad they are really trying to make moves now and get this team back on trade to hopefully another world series win down the road but time will tell with all these young guys. I like Janssen as Catcher, he's played well both behind the plate and hitting. Also Russell Martin has been playing 3rd base lately and done extremely well at that position. I know being a catcher is definitely hard on the knees and I am glad they are keeping him on the team and putting him out in the infield, which he has done really well, even my mom said so too! 


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What Do I Think About Liars?

              What do I think of liars? I hate em! I can contest to it recently too with being lied to by someone about helping me with a chatroom on my website yet I did the majority of the work and was always on the chat everyday and only seen them on once the entire the chat was up and running and raring to go. Even my own group Mod, Billy came into the chatroom. Last night I was so stressed, I was up till 230 - 3 am this morning. What even makes me even more and more upset, the person told me they were going to come on the chat tonight after dinner and it became 830 pm at night and nothing. That really got me steaming mad! I mean you say your going to one thing, then don't do it? It is just unbelievable! 

               Enough of me ranting about last night. But I do not like liars whatsoever who lie to my face and think they will get away with it, primary example above in the blog right there to what I have experienced in my life. The way I think of it, I feel betrayed to, thought I could trust the person who I felt that lied to me and yet will not explain themselves to me. I am all about second chances but third and fourth and fifth chances are really hard to come by with me. I mean I am trusting person  and if you really wanna be my friend yes I will consider it but I find trust can be hard to come by and if you break it by lying to me constantly time and time again then I refuse to be your friend.

               In conclusion to today's blog post, liars think they will get away with lying to me but they won't. Actions speaking louder then words or there are consequences for your actions and I hold by that and been in that same boat a few times in my life I am sure.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Will There Be An Amazing Race 31?

             I talked about this on the Season 30 finale of The Amazing Race Podcast, but since the season has concluded, I have done some research on this and it is not looking too good for another season, but my thoughts alone, I think their will be another season, as they did not say that Season 30 was the final season so I am guessing there will be a 31st season, plus the ratings were up this season which is great! It is a much improvement, from the last few seasons so that is one positive thing to say about the show I've been watching since the Family edition when I discovered The Amazing Race, from a good friend of mine. Sp I can see them doing another season as long as the network (CBS) wants to renew the series, after all it is up to them if they want to bring it on another season. 

               Another point I would like make is you would think that they would do a final send off season for the series, they would of announced it if it was going to be cancelled or the series was to wrap up after an amazing run at the series. So this could be open doors or this series could also continue on if the ratings continue to show progress. However we do not know the fate of the series right now as there has been no announcement on it's renewal but I am very optimistic of it returning for a 31st season, especially on a great season where the ratings are went up 47% if I am correct on the statistics. What kind of season would I like to see? Well obviously a Unfinished Business as All Stars was in the 24 and I feel like it is too soon for another All-Stars, however an Unfinished Business Season is quite a possibility if the producers decide to go this way, you never know but I am excited to see what their plans are for a Season 31 of The Amazing Race and I plan on actually covering it if renewed, I will have plans to cover it once again. 


Friday, December 22, 2017

My Thoughts On The Twitter Rules Changes (Positive Feedback!)

             So as most of you know, Twitter has changed the rules where the harassment, cyber bullying, hate speech, they have officially made it more strict, not strict but I mean they are really enforcing this and I am really happy about these changes as I have had been harassed and bullied by people who now are indefinitely suspended and I am really glad Twitter are cracking down to this, there is too much hate speech I've seen. I would like to see Twitter crack down on the inappropriate pictures as I have seen it enough where I have had to block people over it. What I did hear I believe once you are banned, you are IP banned from making an new account but I could be wrong about this. 

               But it is very good they have cracked down on the abuse of hate speech, harassment and making Twitter a safe place for all users. It will be a lot better then it was before. I have been a part of the Twitter community since 2009 ish and trust me I have had some interesting trolls or individuals talking crap on me and Twitter is always changing and improving things for the community. I am sure the inappropriate images on Twitter I see from time to time, Twitter is receiving reports of it and it's a good thing. Twitter users do not need to be harassed, hate speech thrown on them, my definition of a happy community is getting along with one another, interacting and having a good conversation, laugh, joking around, promoting their content, their business. In my final words to this shorter blog post, I definitely think Twitter is heading in the right direction and looking forward to what innovative and new ideas they bring to the platform.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Net Neutrality And What My Thoughts On This....

                  I have seen YouTube Video about Net Neutrality and I figured I should address this in the blog today. It is very important issue with the FCC wanting to vote for Net Neutrality and to raise awareness on this. 

                 So the FCC want to pass Net Neutrality in the United States and if it is passed a lot of websites in the States will be throttled and yes this includes my podcast, as it is on an American website, so it may affect me too even though were neutral for Net and our ISP's (Internet Service Providers) & CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications) want to keep Neutral, but I believe I will still affected in some way with the American Websites out there and mass majority of the sites my podcast is on is on sites from the states, so I am still be affected as the FCC, I am sure when they throttle the sites and then my podcast is pretty much in trouble. Not only me other sites too.

                    Also sites like YouTube, also streaming sites like Stream Me, Camup, Vaughnlive, IVlog will be throttle, which means the streaming platforms are going to suffer dearly, but not just suffer but streaming site owners will lose their casters and money from their ads, pro or VIP users and pretty much the site will pretty much die down which is not a good thing, casting has become huge online. Also internet radio will not exist, especially with stations that broadcast on video platforms it will be throttled.

                    So with what I said, I encourage you to go to your member of congress and tell them, you don't want to see Net Neutrality passed as the online world will be coming crashing down very quickly on Dec 14th. As for us Canadians, we will not be affected it is up to our Internet Service Providers are the ones to deal with the activity I guess and hand out our prices for internet use but please down in the states talk to your member of congress and tell them you don't want the net neutrality passed. 
