Showing posts with label Reality TV Shows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reality TV Shows. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thoughts on Big Brother Canada On Hiatus

              This blog is a collaborative effort not just me but Larry who is next to me writing this we have a few things about Big Brother Canada being cancelled. Our thoughts is it should continue and the house now been taken down shows that it is unknown the future. We have saved the show before and there is a petition which you can find here: 

              However do we think it is over? No we can and we will as Arisa would say, so please sign the petition tag Global TV and Corus and get the word out and get the show back. If they do it sounds like they will have to rebuild the house since it's true they've started to tear it all down after 6 years of being in this studio. In conclusion we are keeping an open mind and you never know it could come back next year or in the future as a reboot of the show we all know and love. 

Chris & Larry

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Big Brother 25 Chat

           As Big Brother Canada has now come to a close few weeks back on May 11th, now the focus is on Big Brother 25 in the USA. Now I've heard and I'm sure everyone has heard there are now rumours it will be starting in August. As a fan not the Reality TV podcaster I once was I know this may have to do with the writers strike but again it's a Reality TV show, how much writing in there involved, minus the competitions they do, Head of Household, Power of Veto, etc. 

         However there is a storyline in the game of Big Brother and still it's a show and there is a lot of things that go behind the show. This has happened before with BB10, Dan's season that he won in season 10. That was aired in the winter the last time and this is probably going to be the same situation. Also I should mention on here the time frame for the season is August to November what I heard of.  So I do believe it but we will have to wait and see. Excited what this season brings but there has been a lot of promos on TV so their already advertising it so I cannot wait to find out when it will air. That is the post, thank you for continuously reading my posts every day, Monday - Fridays, sometimes on Saturdays and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 



Friday, October 23, 2020

What Do I Think About The Amazing Race 32?

             As two weeks have now passed by with the show and I want to take the time and talk about the show so far. I really like this season and the fact they have been going to new locations like Trinidad and Tobago, I think Columbia as well but either way I am enjoying it. This week we also saw the return of the Yield which hasn't been around for years now and I started to think about everything I said on my final episode of Everything About Reality TV Podcast was to a tee so far and honestly I think I may be straight on. I heard next week the return of the Double UTurn which if I remember correctly I also mentioned that. I hope they throw in a Fast Forward in there as well eventually. I am sure it might happen. It is really nice to see some familiar tasks or elements to the race. The fact they are going to new locations is really good and it is nice to see that. I am not sure fi they have been to Trinidad and Tobago or Columbia ever in the race's history and I do not think so.

              Either way this season is very interesting and honestly I don't have a team that I do not like. I like every team equally. My picks that I have made is De Angelo & Gary, Kaylynn & Haley, Cheecee & Hung and Kellie and Lavonne which Kellie and Lavonne was eliminated from the race this week so I am now down a team which is OK as only one team can ultimately win this race technically. I cannot wait to see the return of the double UTurn and if there is a team that will be double UTurning anyone next week. I do remember the Double UTurn and wish they'd bring it back sooner but I am happy they actually brought it back.  I wish they'd bring back the intersection which was also mentioned on an old episode of my podcast and if I remember that is when teams worked together if I remember and again it's been a while since seeing that. Either way I am very impressed and wish they'd actually aired this sooner as we have been waiting 2 years since they filmed this season. Let me know what you guys think about this season in the comments below and I will see you in tomorrow's post!


Friday, June 26, 2020

Survivor & Big Brother Canada 9 On Hold, Amazing Race Canada To Air Next Year!

                 So much going on and this nightmare is far from over. Yes I am making reference to "Everything About Reality TV Podcast."  Yeah it's not been the greatest year for the podcast and I will get into that on another post on Friday here on the blog. Today I wanna talk about some of the Reality TV Shows I watch and also cover on the podcast. Anyways here is what is going on:

Survivor 41: I know it has been in doubt when they will be bringing back Survivor. I had word they were going to start filming it but now what I heard last it is now on hold which I found out from another fellow podcaster of mine. So I wonder and hope they get time to at least film Survivor 41 for this fall so this doesn't hurt my podcast whatsoever.

Big Brother Canada 9: What I have heard is they are putting Big Brother Canada on hold according to Big Brother Maple and MyIClick which you can find or for the entire article. However they are not sure they will be able to afford to air it as they are highly depend on sponsors etc but anyways you can read about it in the two articles I sourced on here. Yes I am sad to see this happen and I will again address why on the Friday post.

Amazing Race Canada 8: Finally on the list is Amazing Race Canada which they recently announced on their social media that they will be back next year for Amazing Race Canada 8 so this means they aren't able to film the show this year due to this Pandemic.  However this is why I already have Tough As Nails and hopefully one other show but I am fine with this but I understand why. 

             I know it took them sometime to announce but least we are now getting some news on the shows we love and watch. However we are still awaiting on Big Brother 22 and I just hope Big Brother 22 happens so this won't end up losing listeners especially with our Reality TV Podcast. It is frustrating indeed to have all this spare time of no Reality TV Show so I am trying to make the best of my time to be honest.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

5 Years Ago Yesterday, Larry and I Had Our First Big Brother Canada Finale! (Throwback Thursday Story)

                  5 years ago today, Larry and I started this annual Big Brother Canada Finales and I believe we started in the early years, Season 3 which is like 5 years ago. Mind you when we started doing those, Everything About Reality TV was in preliminary stages and under a complete different name and what not! Everything About Reality TV was 4 months later when it existed so we weren't doing Finale Recaps till Season 4 the following year when we were still on YouTube. So we had no pressure whatsoever especially after. Non of that was in existence yet! So we got to sit back and relax and enjoy the finale. Now 2016 and on that was when he came over for them then that was a lot of fun recaps and honestly we can admit not just the finale itself we enjoyed but the Finale chat podcasts that we did which is a tradition now each and every year minus this year as there was no finale due to essential services were only and Big Brother Canada was forced to end production so this was the first time in 5 years we did not get together but this would of been our 5th year but either way we're still considering this our 5th year even without a Finale. 

                 I remember one Finale we got ourselves Ketchup Doritos which I haven't really seen around the store or we made popcorn at the house. I remember one year he was snoring so damn loud I smacked him with my pillow LOL! Oh the memories honestly! I know he missed coming over for it this year but hopefully next year we can make this happen again and get back to it. I know you guys missed him on a podcast this year but he is going to be on a Podcast sooner then you know it! Few weeks time you will be hearing his voice whether we will be live or just recorded but we are making it up to you guys for this year. Don't worry I'm sure there will be more Finales and I am sure the show will be returning in 2021 as I've read up they are planning a 9th season. It was just unfortunate this happened this year but it is what it is and production made the right choice.

- Chris

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

When Do I Think The Amazing Race 32 Will Air?

              This clicked into the back of my mind and even had a conversation to one of my followers on Twitter and they said I might be right. So in today's post we will be talking about "when do I think The Amazing Race 32 will air." I was thinking about it in the past week since they made the announcement and honestly I was really upset about it when it first came out but then I started to think about it more and more and I came to a conclusion: I was thinking Survivor more then likely if it does't air and not saying it won't but I am going by the facts which are Survivor filming is on hold till further notice or till they tell us when filming begins and right now they do not want to take a risk honestly as some of their crew is from different parts of the country and could of gotten the virus so I can see why they want to hold it off. I could make the argument that they could test them etc but I know and realize it is better safe then sorry to just postpone for now. Now to the main reason behind this post today, The Amazing Race has been put on hold till later this year and that kind of gave me the idea, well not idea but the fact that they could possibly actually put The Amazing Race in the Fall. Which makes total sense if there is indeed no Survivor this fall, this could make a possible sense. I know what you're going to say you know The Amazing Race is Audio ONLY, and I do realize that.  However we do what we can to bring content and it is unfortunate this is actually happened but it is what it is. 

            I am all for The Amazing Race 32 this fall if this indeed is the plan they got for it and we will have to wait and see but least it won't be a too long of a hiatus but we got some other plans in the works for between the regular seasons and announcement for that is coming. I'm not 100% sure on this though but it is just food for thought really. You never know this could be a true but when else would they air it? Summer? That is another one that could definitely be a great possibility really. There  is so many different possibilities really to when this is going to air.  Could be a month down the road later as maybe no Big Brother 22 as there hasn't been an announcement yet could be a variety of different ideas that could be a factor in when the show is on the air. All we know we are waiting on the news and just gotta keep being patient during this really. We will find out in due time what the plan is and I honestly getting eager to watch it honestly.

- Chris

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Do I Think Their Will Be A Big Brother US 21?

           Well, Do I Think There Will Be A Big Brother US 21? It is hard to say as I have heard from sources and as you know I want to have remember there is liable sources to the answers and I know a few things that I read up: Julie's contract would still have to be renewed or is good with the controversy with her what happened in the summer, I am just not sure. I heard it has been renewed quietly by the source I-ClickTV but I know it can be a reliable source as they actually follow me on Social Media! We will not know until they publicly announce that they are either cancelling the series or they will end up renewing so it is really up in the  air to what will happen and all we really have to do right now is just wait and see but I got some very odd gut feelings and no it's not my flu acting up again and you will see further into today's post. You have to make sure it is a liable source that in fact if the show is cancelled or not. 

               I have a funny feeling we will know further as we are head into the upcoming season of Celebrity Big Brother US comes and if we do not hear anything throughout the season then I am starting to figure out they will mention it at the 3 week season of Celebrity Big Brother? That could a be a very possible chance of happening! That is what I am kind of thinking as a super fan of the show but never know. Worse comes to worse I am thinking it will definitely will out by the end of the season before Survivor: Edge of Extinction and Big Brother Canada 7 start up so that is what my thoughts are that it will happen hopefully by end of the season.

               After analyzing things in this blog, I do think it has a very strong feeling they will be back with the ratings being OK and I thought season 20 was a good season but you are allowed to have your opinion but please keep it civil in the comments. However the concern I am having is Julie the host of Big Brother with the controversy with her husband it is quesitonable but she wants to continue on with Big Brother which is good tho so I know she will be back but if CBS decides to let her go there has been other names brought up, Marissa Jaret Winokur  or Ross Matthew from Celebrity Big Brother could take over. Or the other option is our Arisa Cox from up here north of the border which would be really cool as well. Actually I wouldn't mind any of the 3 on the list to do it but let's not go that far as of yet as we do not know the fate of our favorite Summer time, Reality TV show. Just be patient, when they are ready to announce it they will announce it down the road. 


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Got To Meet Big Brother Canada 6 Houseguests!

           Yesterday, I got to go to Toronto and meet former houseguests from Big Brother Canada, Season 6. Now the train trip was a bit rocky at first we got to the Oshawa Go Station, we were told the train isn't running from here till 10:41 am which really ticked me the heck off. So we were shuttled to Whitby and we got there and we missed the train and I was pissed the heck off at the point I just wanted to go home but was worth all the stress getting there. The bus driver was going to drive us all the way to Union Station if he had to but ended up shuttling us to Pickering to catch the train which we did and we were finally on our way into Toronto. Even my friend Dave called Go Transit all pissed off too. I even threatened to email Go Transit but that never even happened. 

              We got there and had to walk 20 minutes to where we were meeting the houseguests. We got there we first met Andrew, Olivia, Erica, Maddy and Veronica which they were all nice and very interactive and we got to mingle with them and talk to them. We talked to Erica, Andrew a lot too. We even mentioned the Kars on King here to Andrew and he will definitely check it out if he has the time which is cool. I told him I worked at the event as a volunteer. Anyways we were there for about 2 hours and had a good time. We even got to talk to Trevor one of the Producers of the show so i got an selfie with him too! Pretty incredible experience for me as a super fan and a podcaster which that was brought up once during that. I even pulled out my CBOTW Tags ha-ha! So much for undercover work for this blog post today.  Yes I was under cover but hey may as was promote myself while I'm out and next year I will have fully updated links to everything especially now that collabs are now The CBOTW Show Podcast. 

              Anyways we had a good time, we were a little cranky in finding a place to eat and the place we originally going to go to we decided to not do it as it was a 20 minute walk from where we were, but after quite a search we found a place to go for lunch and we used the self order screen to order our food which was easier at McCafe at Union Station and if you are wondering what I had it was a Grilled Cheese Sandwich on Multi Grain which was delicious which I had two food reviews for you this week McCafe and Timmies Waffle Breakfast Sandwich which will be coming out at some point during the week when I got time to sit down and do the full review but overall such a fun and exciting day for the both of us! 


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Music City On CMT Renewed For Season 2 (Everything About Reality TV Podcast NEWS)

             I just got the news yesterday that Music City on CMT is renewed for a Season 2 which means, more then likely I will be covering it as long as WE get CMT here in Canada as I am not quite sure if the show is carried up here and when it gets closer to the time, maybe they will contact me about covering it again which the answer is a big YES! I will not say no to Music City, I enjoyed covering the show and its a shorter format of Everything About Reality TV as the show is only 30 minutes compare to the hour shows but that's OK, I am happy with the results and the podcast did do very, very well back in the spring in the way of the numbers and I do not usually talk about the numbers and it doesn't really matter how many I get but it is good I do get good views. 

               This journey as a podcaster has been so incredible and to hear the renewal of Music City puts a smile on my face, knowing that Everything About Reality TV will be around for quite some time  and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon and it is here to stay. Another reason why I want to say yes to covering Music City is the story line that kind of been left off from the end of the season so most definitely I will be covering Music City to find out what is going to happen on the show next! I know it is a hook, I am now hooked on the show and I am glad I am, I really enjoy it and meant it when I said it is a breath of fresh air doing this show as it is different from what I've done. 

                 I am sure they will be in contact with me when the time comes to let me know the time it comes out as they did before but I am one step ahead as I already knew the show was renewed from their social media which told us it was renewed for a season 2 and my first reaction was LETS GOOOO! lol! I am very excited, the smile hasn't left my face since the announcement came and I was fist pumping like crazy as that made me really happy. So I will announce the release schedule for you guys to when it comes out and I will be making sure to make a post for you guys on the timetable. I am sure guessing it will be around the same time it came out as it did this year but never know, it could be an earlier release of the series! 


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Survivor Heroes Vs. Healer Vs Hustlers & Everything About Reality TV Podcast

     I really been questioning Survivor Heroes Vs Healers Vs Hustlers and when they will do an double episode, especially since it is near the end of the month to the final weeks of Survivor is on, I thought at this point, they would done one double episode this week or hopefully next week at the most there will be a double episode as clearly the season should be done by mid December. We only have about 4 weeks left not including this week whatsoever. Yes I am playing the numbers game and figuring out the math of the remaining castaways on the show to if it will be a final 2 or a final 3 situation for the finale. 

                I am wondering when the finale is as they have yet announced anything yet and usually at this point they have a Finale date set so I am for the most part questioning when finale will be taking place. I know my hiatus from recapping episodes till Late February is around the corner with off season podcasts also starting soon. This is the time where stress starts to higher then usual with finishing up podcasts for the Fall Programming for the podcast. I know we are currently at 10 castaways left in the game at this point and at least 5 weeks left they will indeed have to put a double elimination in there within 2 of those 5 weeks left but seems fishy it could be a late finale which would be Dec 20th but we will have to wait and see. 

                 Usually around this time of the year is when the finale date is out there to when it is so I am scratching my head on when it is. Usually we know when season finales are for reality TV shows at this point. I am not worried it comes out when it does, I will be letting you guys know when it is and hopefully have a schedule out for you guys on the Off Season Podcast when it comes out towards the end of the year. I know I sound annoyed, yes a bit, but I am more wondering when the season ends. Time will tell and trust me I cannot wait to see how this season turns out in the end game... I think I will be shocked but not shocked.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Updates & Everything About Reality TV Podcast Schedule for 2017 - 2018

            This is an update as I am now at the end of the summer season for Everything About Reality TV is pretty much over, even though still got the BB19 Finale Recap to still record but, after today, my main focus after today is to get the website running once again as you know is currently down and I am working day in, day out, but the podcasts and these blog got in the way, but website is the next phase at this point of time to get it back up and running.

              So now what about Everything About Reality TV, what is entailed for the highly successful podcast this fall, winter and spring? Well this is what the timetable sort of looks like, please note Amazing Race 30 is awaiting scheduling but could be fit into the Spring schedule if need be. 

Fall 2017:

Survivor: Heroes Vs. Healers Vs. Hustlers  Scheduled For Release for Thursdays @ 9 pm EDT (Starting Next Thursday, September 27th, 2017) 

Winter 2018:

Celebrity Big Brother 

Late Winter/Spring 2018:

Survivor 36

Big Brother Canada 6 

Awaiting Scheduling:

Amazing Race 30

                 There is the timetable and once I get dates I will be announcing the dates and schedule for the podcast on here, but that is what the 2017 - 2018 schedule is going to look like right now and it will once again be a busy season as I am gearing up for Survivor Heroes Vs Healers Vs Hustlers starting next week!


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Favorite TV Shows!

I wasn't going to do a post today at all due to my hectic schedule of prepping for Big Brother Canada Preview Podcast on "Everything About Reality TV" however it is late and I decided just before I go upstairs to bed, I will post up something up on the blog. Please note I am now 6 posts away from my 100th post which is crazy to think I am posted up tons of blog posts either daily or every second day, or a few days apart. So today's, tonight's blog post I would like to talk about my favorite TV Shows and trust me I got sooo many different TV shows on my list, I may miss some of them. 

1) The Honeymooners (OOOOH Bang! Zoom!) from 1955 and 1956 but originally started in 1951, I love the character of Ralph and his crazy schemes he always get himself into!

2) I Love Lucy- I like her schemes and mishaps that go on in each other, such as her and Ethel working in the chocolate factory, to her in a Vitavegamin commerical, ending up getting up drunk from the product.

3) Home Improvement, Tim getting into accidents on his TV Show Tool Time to the insults and stupid middle names for Al, makes for a hilarious comedy show.

4) Full House and Fuller House

5) Degrassi (Junior High, Degrassi High, The Next Generation and I've peaked at the New Class a tad bit)

6) CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami

7) Criminal Minds: Beyond The Border

8) Mcgyver (Current New Series on TV)
9) Hawaii 5-0 (Since 2010)

10) Reality TV Shows, such as Big Brother, Big Brother Canada, The Amazing Race, The Amazing Race Canada, Survivor, Celebrity Apprentice, Masterchef, Masterchef Canada, Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef Junior

11) Married With Children

The list is endless and I cannot name them all at this point, but those are the most basic out of the shows I like to watch on TV old, new and current! Most of these days it is reality TV I watch however I watch McGyver and Hawaii 5-O I watch that is non Reality TV I watch currently, but also there are game shows I like to watch but that is for another day and another blog post. Thank you guys so much for reading today's blog and I will talk to you on tomorrow's blog post.

Have a great night!
