Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media Phases Updated!

                Hey everyone! We've Updated Once again and major development updates on our website:

Phase 1: We release the get involved tab with doing blog post articles as you know we have collaborated with other companies and websites in the past and want to keep this going and it's been clear in my mind this is something that is working for us! Timeline: The next day or so. - COMPLETED

Phase 2: We are adding the embed of the video to for "Entertainment Man Podcast" as "The CBOTW Show" hasn't reached "video status as of yet. Timeline: Couple of weeks to a month of work on the page adding the embed. - COMPLETED


Phases changed:

Phase 3: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025. - COMPLETED Was Phase 4

Phase 4: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025. - COMPLETED Was Phase 5


Phases to complete:

Phase 5: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025. Was Phase 3

Phase 6: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: May 2025 (Might Change or be updated)

We had to readjust our phases as things got completed sooner then we thought! We are about 80 - 85% done with these changes and readjustments and we thought it'd take months to do but should be done by June next year regardless.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Feeling Good This Morning!

        Regardless of how I feel this morning, sleep or no sleep, I feel very good. I feel accomplished and the fact I've got it done at a good timely manner. Slowly but surely I am getting back on track! I feel the power of positivity that this is the beginning of posting out on time for once. Maybe my luck and the fact that I am actually going to be bringing out content more on time and the fact I am posting both episodes this afternoon, things are on the up and up.

       You have to remember to stay positive and work through the struggles that you are going through. No matter what, things will turn around and get better. Yes it may take some time to improve but it will indeed get better but it takes some time. I understand this now especially the fact it's been two or 3 months now and still was struggling with the scheduling issues. I think it was because I wasn't adjusting to the new schedule very well. It was all on me and I admit it and very open to admitting my mistakes. But what I need to do is move forward and continue to improve the day to day operations and that is all I can really do. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Already in Phase 2 with this Website!

          We are already in phase 2 of the website plans. I know there are certain phases that have been changed due to the continuing changing dynamics of this community. So here are the remaining phases changed:

Phase 2: We are adding the embed of the video to for "Entertainment Man Podcast" as "The CBOTW Show" hasn't reached "video status as of yet. Timeline: Couple of weeks to a month of work on the page adding the embed. Haven't checked if the videos are embeddable yet.

Phase 3: Put 10th anniversary into archives one Midnight hits. Timeline: Midnight January 1st, 2025.

Phase 4: Launch The CBOTW Show on video aka YouTube for the first time. Timeline: January 1st, 2025.

Phase 5: Launch the get involved page for The CBOTW Show and get people involved with the team and community. Timeline: Mid January 2025

           However with Phase 2 which is now underway now, we can actually see some progress as people have really started to love our new layout. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sometimes you've got to make difficult decisions

             Just a heads up on a few things before I get into the post's main topic: For right now, I have suspended The CBOTW Show for going on video, pending a review. The next little change is the main channel is no more! It is PERMANENTLY dismantled. If I am up to it I will sporadically stream to Twitch but on a non schedule. The CBOTW Show will be still going up this evening, not sure what time to be exact but it will be up. Website has been completely overhauled and wish I did this sooner honestly but had a hard time with the tough decisions I had to make. 

            However with what I have said, change can be good but in the long run it can be definitely scary. But we have to remember, that we have to make difficult decisions and what I did above proves that in our life we have to make decisions, whether it is personal or with work, we all face decisions in life we do not like whatsoever but that is part of our life. We have to make decisions we don't like and what I said in the first paragraph, proves I had a hard time with the changes I didn't want to make. Hope this motivates you guys a bit, a bit of motivation on this Thursday and as always I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Shopping Cart Simulator or Grocery Store Simulator?

            Well now that I have actually played both Shopping Cart Simulator and Grocery Store Simulator I have found myself loving Grocery Store Simulator more then Supermarket Simulator. I dunno why but I've actually moved a lot further then Super Market Simulator but I am not knocking it because I will be back and stronger then ever. I think Grocery Store Simulator has taught me a lot when it comes to running a store. I have learned so much and I can definitely utilize that if I choose to come back to the game. 

            I may have given up on Shopping Cart Simulator but doesn't mean I'd go back to it down the road. However, I just feel like Grocery Store Simulator is better in my opinion but you guys know me, I will not give up that easily plus i cannot get my money back on this game whatsoever so it is on the long list of games I want to play on the streams during the week. Stay tuned for more updates on this. I do have one more Minecraft post but that will be tomorrow but I will talk to you all at 1 pm EST.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Tim Horton's Flatbread Pizza Review

              I know, this has been on my backburner for a while now since last week when I was at the Pickering City Center. I got the pepperoni flatbread pizza and it was so amazing! Greasy but gooey cheese and pepperoni was great. I've been wanting to try this for a very long time and been saying I was going to and I have now done it, I'd do it again in the future for sure and I would try one of the different ones they have for sure. 

             Anyways this blog is going to be shorter as I have a lot of other work to do here in the studio once I return home from my outing to take a break from the hard workload that we have been doing all day. But as for rating for this review 20 out of 10 as it exceeded my expectations. Tim Horton never has let me down once well except the one which I forgot which one that was but that's my review. If you are in Canada and you like Pizza to try it out, very good Pizza even though I'm not a big fan of flatbread pizza normally but this time I definitely am on this review. I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Getting back on the right tracks!

              As you know and I've been talking about this for quite some time that we've been derailing our content going up and I can officially say, we're back on track sort of. It is coming along and tonight is the podcast with Mary and I won't be doing much recording till Sunday afternoon after tonight. So it is slowly coming along. 

              One step at a time. I figured out the routine behind all of this. I have learned to prioritize myself to what is the most important to get done. Now I need to hone my craft and keep this momentum up. Not sure what caused this change but this is good change. I want to keep this momentum and to have an assistant like Sadie is good. She's keeping me in line especially with the workload piled up the last week or so but we're coming to the end of the line with podcasts to record which is good so I can start working on other podcasts for the very nearby future. Anyways I am proud of myself to have a fantastic team and grateful for my team behind me and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow for the "End of the Week Updates."


Monday, July 29, 2024

This Week Will be a bit different!

                This week will be different for us! I will be away as of tomorrow till Thursday... Well Kels is planning to do blogs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. So it's a short week for me in the way of blogs and I could do Tuesday (tomorrow) but I have decided to take tomorrow off and she's made it clear that I need to take 3 days so I am. Now the studio itself will be closed down Tuesday to Thursday, I am working in the studio today then off and back on Friday. 

                 I know the podcast has been upside with scheduled to post. I feel bad for not showing up but today I am working on Wednesdays episode editing it so it's up for Wednesday while I am away on holidays. I will be working on a ton of episodes for both podcasts. I will try and wrap up things so when I get back I can continue to write new episodes. Still need to work on Witchbucket's interview but I may wait till Tuesday for it. So this week is a bit different and more then likely I will be streaming Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday depends. Anyways that is my post for today and this week I will talk to you all next Monday and I will be updating the community as the week goes on but mostly Kelsie is in charge for the week.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fiesta Week 2024 Schedule for CBOTW Media!

            As you guys know this week I'm attending Fiesta Week and trying to eat less so I can try the food. I believe I have told my dad I want to try food from Portugal which I am a little apprehensive about but only way I will know is by trying it. The other one is Italian or Ukrainian Food, not sure about that as of yet but we will see. However here is the schedule for the rest of the week for this blog:

Today: Talking about the Fiesta Week plans this week

Tomorrow: 10th Anniversary Celebration Countdown has begun.

Thursday: Fiesta Week Blog

Friday: End of the Week Updates

Saturday: Fiesta Week Blog

          The schedule is a bit wonky this week and we didn't plan this out too well. But it is what it is and all we can do is to try and fit everything in this week as good as we can. Anyways that is the blog post and I will speak to you all tomorrow! 


Friday, June 14, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-14-2024]

              This week has been tough for us. Getting all the content done so Chris can move forward but alas he is closing into finishing all this editing. Streams will be back this weekend, not sure the times as he is actually has something going on at 11 am and will not be in the studio but soon as he gets home he will be most definitely live for you guys. 

              He hopes to start working on new content as of Monday as he wants to have everything done and finished by then. There is no further updates and this post is going to be rather shorter then usual but I have to say thank you to everyone for the new follows on social media, new group members, new Discord Members. We continue to grow and evolve this community on a regular basis. We have some big plans coming in the nearby future including a special event for our 10th anniversary both Discord and Streamyards but stay tuned for more details to come! That is the updates, sorry it was a little short today but I will speak to you all next week.

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Starting to figure out what works

            I am finally figuring out things with what works for us and what isn't working. I know things have been a bit hectic for us lately but we are finally realizing what is working and isn't working. I know Discord went away for several days then it came back but it is permanently here to stay. As well as we have brought back the Facebook Group that is actually public to everyone and is the behind the scenes look at ChrisBOnTheWeb Media and early discussions that go on before it is made public on the other social medias. 

          I definitely we are going into the right direction and we continue to grow and learn what works for us. I know things haven't been the best for the second podcast but will talk about that tomorrow for a blog post. We have to take things one thing at a time and one day at a time. It will all come together eventually but one thing at a time is the way to go. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Post # 2000!

            What a journey it has been! is now OFFICIALLY at our 2000th post! I cannot believe we have come to this point. 2000 posts across the board. Now when we first started, we actually didn't start till March 25th, 2015 that was after I was banned off that streaming platform and almost 10 years since my aunts passing. I don't believe we even blogged in 2014 and back then we actually waited 5 months before starting the blog up. 

           However, when we started to blog more and more, that is what really helped our blogs. We use to have daily blogs 7 days a week, then down to 6 times a week then to our currently schedule 5 days a week with the random occasional 6th blog in the week. At this moment, I'd like to thank you guys for the support of our blogs whether it's an update or some kind of discussion, you guys are always on the website reading what I have to say and we appreciate it so thank you! That is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Upcoming Episodes of The CBOTW Show

             The CBOTW Show upcoming shows being released for you guys as follows: 

This Friday, February 2nd, 2024: The Simpsons Podcast

Friday, February 16th, 2024: Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 1

Friday, March 1st, 2024: Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Season 2

             That is basically it in the way of episodes for the upcoming weeks and as you know two weeks apart is the schedule for this podcast and I do not want to get too far ahead of schedule at the moment. But yes Power Rangers Podcast is schedule to return to air after 7 - 8 months of it being off the air this long. Excited for the return after over half a year of no Power Rangers Content due to my depression and dealing with loss in the family, we kind of fell behind because of me and it is understandable, I was going through a lot last year but making up for it this year. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Chris is taking the rest of the week off.

               Not sure what is going on with Chris right now. He's apparently sick with who knows what! Don't think it's COVID. He would of been coughing already. People mad at him for no reason. I am just lost for words. With him feeling off a bit he's decided to take time away for the rest of the week. He seems to not be able to stay healthy whatsoever. Once a year he has his yearly illness. But it is a lesson he's going to wear his mask more often when he's out and about as cases have indeed gone back up here in Ontario so better safe than sorry.

             He continues to finish up the Power Rangers Podcast for 2 weeks today, plus working on Entertainment Man Podcast notes, including the chat with Shane Flannigan, Eric (possibly) and Justin and Larry. Hope he is feeling better soon and he's able to keep working while he's sick but mostly hope he takes care of himself first before working. What I heard he's doing a tad better today, it could of been just a really bad bout of mental exhaustion but it could of been just a small head cold but he played it safe at this point cause both of them sick means no recordings for now. He made the right decision. However he will be active on Social Media and has asked me to do todays blog on top of my usual and always appreciate the opportunity and will chat with you all tomorrow. 

Kelsie, Community Director

Monday, January 22, 2024

I lost track of time with the post today....

              With the tireless work I have been doing with Power Rangers Podcast on The CBOTW Show and trying to get the notes done in a quick and timely matter and hope to get it done by Thursday and I have already told Larry least one episode will be done in time. So no matter what we will be recording something and a step forward but I am leaving the blogs opened for updates when I have news about finishing up the notes then you guys will most definitely know. 

              Now the blogs have been off schedule today and tomorrow I will promise to be done on time so you guys have a post and I was in a rush leaving the house this morning to meet up with my friend Eric as he usually hangs once a week and I didn't get back home till around dinner. Priorities have been a mess lately and trying to do everything all at once but one step at a time, one thing at a time and it will eventually get done. Anyways that is the post today, not much to say but I will be back tomorrow for another post at 11 am EST, I promise.


Monday, January 8, 2024

What Ever Happened to 6 Blogs a Week?

             I do not really know what happened! We were set to go 6 days a week with the blog and what happened? Who knows. We've had our share of issues with our Community Director and site admin since mid October to a point there was always someone doing the end of the week updates and now it's basically just me unless Kelsie pops up from time to time to fill in for me but that's been a rare occurrence as she has double the duty for us; as you know she's been on and off since August 1st of 2023, 5 months and counting and she's dominated as the Community Director. even when she went quiet she was dealing with the emails outside of social media. 

          Anyways we tried to have our Community Director to do it and she's always welcome to jump on the blog anytime. However I know we said we were planning to go 6 days a week but are keeping it optional moving forward especially with events. This also is Sundays too. Weekends are optional especially with the end of the year blog landing on a Sunday we need to be more open-minded with the days and it can happen. So in retrospective we do not know what happened but I think it's more the fact we wanted to be more open minded and that is what the plan is moving forward for us. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

No More Minecraft?!

           For those who knew this we had a Server but apparently we cannot load nor re-install the game so right now the community server we built renders useless right now and I think I got banned from playing yet I didn't cheat, I used all the game modes in the game, creative, survival. I never once cheated the system nor used anything that I wasn't suppose to and I enjoyed playing the game and now my computer will not allow me to reinstall it whatsoever. 

            So I am going to try and get my nephew to try and get it up and running again next time he is over cause there is unfinished business and that is the two tunnel ways that haven't finished up so this way I can do other things in the process and my nephew and I have a building to blow up too that I built purposely for that reason too ha-ha so for right now I going to play my other games and any other new game reviews I will be sure to do a full review but I will talk to you all tomorrow for the "End of The Week Updates."


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

More Change?! Whaaat!

             I know I am getting wackier with the blog titles these days and it's proven to people clicking on the link to find out what I said. I think I have crafted the art of click-baiting like a lot of YouTubers do but I try and not to do that too so often.  Yes changes have been made to the site our team has been shifted but as you remember I had someone else do the "End of the Week Updates," however I am going to be returning to it unless I need time away or I am extremely busy my assistant, she can handle it as she knows the entire in's and out's of this company as much as Larry does too. I tell em everything that goes on around the studio in updates and what not. 

             So this change will be effective immediately as of the start of this week so two days from this post going live, I will be back from my very short hiatus of doing em. Really should be the CEO of the company to mention all the updates that we have done to the company. I will make sure to update you guys this week as it's a big week for us here at the studio as this studio is getting light up to the nine with lights. However that is the changes and it isn't much of an update, but I wanted to make you guys aware and not be surprised to hear from me on Friday which I really should of done that to just throw you guys off for the heck of it... LOL. Anyways I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

10th Anniversary Updates!

             I know 10th anniversary has been ramping up as Kelsie would say and I have some updates. We should be releasing the schedule January 1st, 2024. On November 14th, 2023, we will will have pictures up on the website and excited to share a walk down memory lane. Right now Kelsie and I are organizing some pictures from the past and it is ridiculously a lot of pictures and we are trying to strategize how we will put it up on the website and we do have an idea how to put it maybe by eras perhaps. However we are working on the entire project. 

           I plan on not going too overboard with the pages and right now have 2 pages at this point. We may add a 3rd page to the list with a list of activities and events going on throughout the year which we can say March we are starting with events for 10th anniversary but we do not wanna overdo it but I plan on events online every 2 weeks at the most actually but I have a plan don't worry! Anyways that is the post for today, have a great rest of your Wednesday and I will talk to you guys tomorrow! 



Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Am All Over The Place... AGAIN!

               Again, I am not up to my usual standards when it comes to blogs, to podcasts, I am just not myself lately. I am all over the place honestly. I have... I am lost for words. From communication problems with my team to this, no blog today. This is getting way out of hand now. This has to change and fast. I have lost followers cause of no blog or content isn't on certain platforms. So yeah it's gotten really bad and this is where I am needing to take action before it is too late. 

            So moving, I have to start checking my list and I have a list on my desktop as you can see on the right hand side that is how I am tracking that needs to be done but I have spoke about this before in the past. However there is some tweaking to do if I am to get blogs ready for the next day then I need to actually do it the night before, meaning get it done, make it a priority. I've spoken about prioritizing on LinkedIn, this blog, the podcast... Pretty much anywhere. It is good to tweak the way you have your thinks to do and this is definitely a wake call for me. I want to thank you guys for reading today's blog and apologies for the lateness and promise to have the next one out on time tomorrow and moving forward.
