Thursday, September 21, 2017

Updates & Everything About Reality TV Podcast Schedule for 2017 - 2018

            This is an update as I am now at the end of the summer season for Everything About Reality TV is pretty much over, even though still got the BB19 Finale Recap to still record but, after today, my main focus after today is to get the website running once again as you know is currently down and I am working day in, day out, but the podcasts and these blog got in the way, but website is the next phase at this point of time to get it back up and running.

              So now what about Everything About Reality TV, what is entailed for the highly successful podcast this fall, winter and spring? Well this is what the timetable sort of looks like, please note Amazing Race 30 is awaiting scheduling but could be fit into the Spring schedule if need be. 

Fall 2017:

Survivor: Heroes Vs. Healers Vs. Hustlers  Scheduled For Release for Thursdays @ 9 pm EDT (Starting Next Thursday, September 27th, 2017) 

Winter 2018:

Celebrity Big Brother 

Late Winter/Spring 2018:

Survivor 36

Big Brother Canada 6 

Awaiting Scheduling:

Amazing Race 30

                 There is the timetable and once I get dates I will be announcing the dates and schedule for the podcast on here, but that is what the 2017 - 2018 schedule is going to look like right now and it will once again be a busy season as I am gearing up for Survivor Heroes Vs Healers Vs Hustlers starting next week!


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