Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Proud of The Team.

         After a long battle with, we are no longer using the platform whatsoever. We are officially with Spotify for Audio ONLY. So far it's been smooth transition and now we wait for the other episode to post. I know he's talked about this weekend to the team and that's fine and I know he will catch right back up. I feel he's very stressed out with the situation but I am proud of him for problem solving. 

         I am proud of him! He has shown so much growth as a content creator and always thinking outside the box or coming up with a quick solution for the problem and glad we are back up and running again! We can now move forward and work to get uploading the old Entertainment Man Podcast episodes and also the current ones too. That is everything I wanted to talk about, chat tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Plan and Schedule for our YouTube Channel

              Over the next 6 months, as I was saying on yesterday's blog, we will be uploading an array of things on the channel. Old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast & New Episodes of The CBOTW Show which will be premiered but here is what our content schedule will be over the next so many months:

Sundays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                 3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Mondays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                11 am EST: Daily Blog

                  1 pm EST: NEW Episode of Entertainment Man Podcast [YouTube Audio ONLY/Audio ONLY Platforms] 

Tuesdays:    9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                    11 am EST: Daily Blog

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Wednesdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                       11 am EST: Daily Blog

                         1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

                         3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Thursdays: 9 am EST: Weekly Video on FB/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube

                   11 am EST: Daily Blog

                     3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Fridays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

             11 am EST: Daily Blog

               1 pm EST: NEW Episode of The CBOTW Show [YouTube/Audio ONLY] Will be a YouTube Premiere

               3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

Saturdays: 9 am EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast

                  11 am EST: Bonus Blog

                    1 pm EST: Weekly stream on FB/Instagram

                    3 pm EST: Re-Uploading an old episode of Entertainment Man Podcast  

                There is the entire reupload schedule and like I said I hope it is not too much and if it is please let us know I will slow down on the schedule but we try to keep to twice a day if possible and there is one day that is 3 but least you guys are staying up to date as we prepare for the next stage of our plan hopefully by Summer 2025. I will not be announcing posts for the old uploads on social media but for the regular new episodes and videos will be announced. Anyways that is the post for today and as always talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Big Week This Week!

           This week is a big week for us here at ChrisBOnTheWeb Media! This week started out with an amazing from Kevin O. We thank him for his continuing contributions to our website and we look forward to your continuing posts in the future as well. Now this week we will be bringing out 2 episodes of The CBOTW Show. One tomorrow and one on Friday. Will be recording the Matilda movie podcast tomorrow when I get up. Also the next episode of Entertainment Man Podcast will be recorded tomorrow as well for Monday. I keep forgetting we switched to Mondays. 

          Also there is some videos I want to record and post, hence some days if you are subscribed to our NEW YouTube channel, you will see old episodes and shorts from Entertainment Man Podcast posted up between 2022 and 2024. Hopefully I can get everything updated by the Summer so we can bring Entertainment Man Podcast Back to video by the summer so we can move forward to our next plans. But I will talk about tomorrow have yourself a good day and talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Friday, January 3, 2025

End of The Week Updates [01-03-2025]

          The start of 2025 has been amazing.The CBOTW Show is back up and running on all Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris hasn't updated us on it yet and we noticed we lost a follower and we try and continue to update you guys on things as they go but it's a start. Entertainment Man Podcast is written and ready for recording. The CBOTW Show is also being recorded and edited for next week. Exciting stuff and excited for his return on the podcasts,

          YouTube is back and I roll my eyes at this because of all the drama but all of our regulars like Jimi, Josh, Gordie, Angela, our staff and anyone always supported us but we are planning to be cautious when modding people and he hasn't exactly announce the channel but it is work in progress getting it verified for longer videos and podcasts. I'm sure he will announce it very soon. Enjoy your weekend and will talk to you at the end of the week as Chris will be back on Monday with new blog posts.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Will I Return To Streaming?

               I know I haven't streamed much lately and clearly been painted a bad person due to Staff and community drama but have moved on. But in my honest opinion I've have been tired of streaming to websites. I am ready to walk away from Twitch but doesn't mean I will not stream on Facebook Fan Page once we hit the 100th follower and we are SO close to 100, just 3 away from the 100th. I had to remove a couple of people due to drama but we as a team have bounced right back and heading into the right direction.

              I rather stream on those platforms and get views compare to the platform I mentioned where I got zilch. We have to go where the views are and you can see where I am coming from and we get a lot more views on social media rather then the streaming sites and will probably limit it to 1 or 2 streams a week as content is the priority for me as that is my job. As for video games I do that on my spare time and will provide insight and updates on the games how far I get. So expect the random streams as I want to chat with you all like we use to and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

No More Twitch or YouTube!

               The title doesn't lie. I am retiring from streaming on 3rd party websites. However I will stream onto Instagram and Facebook like we use to with updates and interacting with you guys. I am just retired from streaming on those platforms. We just need 5 more followers to make it actually happen. I appreciate and love the support you have given us even the hand down of the CEO reigns with Sara which she wants to update on the transition of power so that is tomorrow.

              So I will stream and hang out with the fans but that is it. Nothing else. No more gaming streams on the fan page just hangout that's it. Maybe TikTok if I get the 1000 or 10000 followers, whatever the amount is but actually doing well on that front but I am not going to push any of this actually. Going to take those baby steps to the goal to stream on social media again. A lot of more social media presence for us moving forward! Just gotta get the numbers up which we are planning on doing immediately cause our goal for FB is 100 by the end of the year. Anyways that is the post and I will talk to you all on Monday as boss lady wants to do an additional post and she's the boss now I'm accepting her wishes so have a great rest of your week and weekend and talk on Monday! Might have some big news! 


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Website/YouTube Castrophe!

             From leaving YouTube cause someone decided to troll me and insult me when I was minding my own business to the podcast pages and RSS Feeds so screwed up not posting. I can say it has been a catastrophe and as for The CBOTW Show not going up was cause something got all screwed up in the back end. So all feeds... Gone! I have already contacted Castbox to see if they can fix something so I can make another feed as there is nothing on that account whatsoever if they can reset it. 

             So the website looks a tad bare bones but I hope Entertainment Man Podcast page to be back by this weekend at the most and active and running again. I am waiting till the Castbox RSS Feed can happen again. However it will be back soon don't worry. I am on it all. Made a mistake splitting the CBOTW Show feeds into two so it is better off as it is for now. I hope within the next week, we can get back on track. I will have an announcement this afternoon about The CBOTW Show and where we stand with it returning. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special Friday post from me and Sara will be doing the end of the week updates on Saturday. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The CBOTW Show Future is Bright!

               The CBOTW Show is slowly but surely growing. The future is looking bright. However this is just the beginning of our journey with The CBOTW Show and YouTube. We plan on doing Audio ONLY for a bit longer. I am not sure how much longer till we start recording video but for the remainder of August at the most is record Audio ONLY then take on video later on. 

               Worse comes to worse for the date of starting up is the first week of September but nothing is set in stone yet and when it is time we will let you guys know but for right now, I cannot really say and I would have to consult Larry on when we should do The CBOTW Show on video. Anyways this is a short blog as I have a lot to do today and get done and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is Successful!

              After the last 2 years of grinding hard with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, I can say we have become successful. It has taken a very long time and our time in the limelight has started. We keep growing daily and getting a ton of views on our site and earning on our website which is great and I am very very proud of the strides that we have taken to ensure success. 

           Now success doesn't happen overnight. It certainly takes time for success to happen. Years of hard work and grinding if you are a content creator like we are. I know a lot of our haters or nay Sayers as I call em cannot doubt us for a minute. We have worked our butts off day in and day out and even sacrificed our days off to ensure projects, podcasts, blog, content, streams happen.  I'm proud of my team working hard through the up's and downs and I am excited to see what is next for us in the future. I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post. 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Let's Talk Entertainment Man Podcast Shorts!

                Entertainment Man Podcast has been firing on all cylinders with the Shorts game. I think I have gotten into a good rhythm with editing shorts and the podcast itself and this is a good start for me when it comes to podcasting. I am amazed how hard I've worked on the shorts and the views have been up and good that I am getting some views but still  got a lot of work to do with the channel and that's why I am only focusing on the two channels for now. 

              I love to highlight the upcoming episode which I will be doing a few days prior and after. It was suggested to me in a meeting I had this week and I am so excited for a new era of the podcast. YouTube Shorts has helped improve the numbers on the channel and gain a whole pile of subscribers so the haters can doubt the podcast all they want cause this is the most subscribers I have gotten ever. Very proud of that but anyways that is today's post for today and reminder we are back to Five days a week so Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates so I will be talking to you on Monday and I have a pile of content for the first 2 days of the week but I will talk to you all then. 


Saturday, June 1, 2024

End of The Week Updates [06-01-2024]

            Happy first day of June to you all. Summer is approaching us and I can say Chris is planning to stream a ton this summer only on YouTube. Now if you didn't know he is currently on a one week ban from Twitch and is on his first strike but he has decided to NOT return to Twitch after the ban is up. He will be continuing on with YouTube and the occasional Facebook Fan Page weekly as well. We're excited for the next steps he's going to be taking with this community. 

          He admitted that YouTube has started to pick up on him in the way of views so he wants to continue to grow, continue to get more subscribers and building this community as it's grown quite a lot lately and we are very proud of what we have built, Chris is of course. The rest of this weekend, we will be editing and scheduling the podcasts. You will see shorts from last Sunday's episode up today throughout the day but that will do it for my post, enjoy the rest of your weekend and week and speak to you all next week.


Friday, May 10, 2024

Going back to our roots.

             I promise you guys this is the last time I am making the Main Channel as it is here permanently. We are going back to our roots where we were last week. ChrisBOnTheWeb Media is back on YouTube as the main channel and once I enable streaming, I will be getting back to this schedule:

Saturdays: Chatting Stream (Facebook, YouTube & Twitch)

Sundays: Gaming Stream (YouTube & Twitch)

            So with streams this weekend they aren't happening but may pop up Monday night if possible but if not then I will be off till 2 weeks this Saturday (tomorrow) if that is the case so I apologize but I will be not here physically in the studio nor will have time to stream while away. However stay tuned for some content on social media while I am gone. Anyways that is the blog for today, I will talk to you all on Monday as she's doing the end of the week updates. 


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Not Sure What's Next for The CBOTW Show!

                Now that it has been OFFICIALLY 2 weeks since Larry and I recorded Dino Fury Season 2 & Cosmic Fury, the finale of the franchise + the one off that we did, I'm not sure what is on tap for June for Larry and I wise. We haven't gotten that far into it as right now as at this moment of time, we are posting and publishing the episodes that we have recorded thus far. 

              We really haven't looked at what's next and we honestly haven't had that conversation honestly. We've been enjoying our time off air to really hangout and have some fun in our lives. So I cannot predict what is next for the podcast but The Mighty Ducks movies is suppose to be next on the list but the question is when are we going to be recording this podcast. I've heard June maybe July at the most now. I am also trying to get the guys in for Entertainment Man so I am trying to do both and it isn't easy. So it is all about a balance between both podcasts and I will talk about that in May a little bit in a post while I am away but for right now that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, April 11, 2024

What's Next For The CBOTW Show?

            With Power Ranger Podcast wrapped up production what is next for The CBOTW Show. Well haven't really come to that point but it will be between me doing solo episodes, The Simpsons and Mighty Ducks 1, 2 & 3. Also that is on the plans is to work on Corner Gas but it could take weeks months but that is OK I can try and squeeze it in. I'm sure that I will some how get to it soon as possible. I just haven't figured out how I will format the episodes and maybe I will talk to my guest about it first see if he has ideas for it. 

       That is everything that is being planned for now and I have nothing planning beyond August for now and I do not plan on going to far but let's say that Larry will be back more in September I am not sure when The Mighty Ducks movie chats will be posted up. Again we haven't come that point as of yet as we are currently planning 2 podcasts for the other podcast in the nearby future so it will be tough to say at this point. Anyways that is the post for today and that is sort of the plan moving forward and nothing too strenuous and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Getting Frustrated

             YouTube was a bit of a pain in the butt. Was having issues with a "Processing Error" on there and you can understand the frustration and truly my anxiety went through the roof on this. I have been fighting this for a while now. I just want to get these finished so I can move on but I think it's definitely a YouTube issue not me. However we know it is a longer episode, hour and a half long, 1 hour long and 18 minutes long so and the first and third one went up no problem whatsoever so that is really strange.

            But I continued to trying to get it up so you guys get to see this but now I need to try and keep episodes to at least an hour long for the nearby future because I have uploaded an hour podcast on "Entertainment Man Podcasts" YouTube Channel with 0 problems. Just this channel seems to be the problematic issue right now. It does sound like something YouTube related cause Entertainment Man hasn't had a problem in the past! Anyways that is the blog post for today, I thank you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, April 8, 2024

Why do we have 3 YouTube Channels?

             I know things are completely now off the rails but I made a promise when it came to streaming at least weekly for Just Chatting with Gaming Stream when I had extra time on my hands and I ended up deleting the original channel which when I brought it back up I was still a Moderator in Sonal's channel and Entertainment Man Podcast's YouTube Channel which is hilarious actually. Glad I am able to keep helping my friends out with moderating their channels as well as Streaming on my own weekly with the occasional gaming stream.

            Now as you know Entertainment Man Podcast is sticking to it's schedule meanwhile The CBOTW Show sticking to every 2nd week schedule which people don't mind cause the channel is growing even on a bi-weekly schedule people enjoy that schedule. So do not worry I will figure a way to juggle all three channels but the just chatting streams will be on both Facebook and YouTube on the weekly basis. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Schedule Changes

               Content Schedule as follow as the changes that have been made:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Monday - Fridays: 11 AM EST- Daily Blog

Wednesdays:  Week 1, 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) 

                          Week 2, 1 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

(New) Thursdays: 1 pm EST- Video on the Main YouTube Channel)

Saturdays: 11 am EST- Bonus Blog

                      1 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream (Facebook Fan Page & YouTube Main Page)

               I have simplified things 100 times better and got a video ready and excited to share with you guys. This is a better schedule and we continue to grow and learn each and every day. Anyways that is the post for today, I will speak to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

YouTube and Copyright

                I know I have had to delete some of the streams cause of copyright and for crying out loud I muted quick but apparently not quick enough... So I know now I will not be streaming Grand Theft Auto 5 or Grand Theft Auto 6 whatsoever cause of the copyright and their very stingy on the copyright especially that I actually muted it very very quickly like give me a break! I muted it and very, very fast! But noooo they are too strict on this and why even allow us to stream it on YouTube and make it restricted in a pile of countries honestly? 

                This is most definitely off my list and I have a pile of other games I wanna play and get done and is more important on my list right now. Games I do wanna play more of all together. I just don't like the fact I turned it off quickly and yet I still get slapped with copyright so I deleted the streams and got rid of the copyright affected so now that is out of the way, I am going to focus on other things. Anyways that is everything I wanted to say about the subject and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

All Streams Will be on YouTube... [For Now]

             Well cause of the software we use here in the studio which I will not name, I have made the decision to stream only to as I was planning to stream to both there and Facebook but you can just forget it since the connection to Facebook says not pages available... So I was thinking, screw that I will just to the other way around and post the link on FB, Twitter aka X, Instagram and Threads. The buggy software wanna play hardball, I'm game.... They will be doing an update for Prism Studio on March 7th so after that I will be able to stream on both FB and YouTube. 
              So you can expect regular streams with a mixture of Just chatting streams weekly on Saturdays and gaming streams on Sunday afternoons as long as I do not have my niece and nephew's hockey game I will be live on a normal schedule. I have gone ahead and added the 230 schedule on Sundays as a gaming stream to so it is now part of the regular schedule. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all on Monday for another post, Kelsie will be doing her End of The Week Updates.
