Showing posts with label Schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schedule. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Content Schedule Changes!

                The schedule has changed. So we have readjusted our schedule so here is the current and updated schedule:

Mondays - Fridays: 11 am EST: Daily Blog

Mondays: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube soon/Audio ONLY)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Fridays: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Weekly/Randomly: Weekly Stream on Facebook/Instagram

                                  Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube Video

               So there is our timetable and we've updated the schedule here on the website and was an easy update as there is no events right now, so I can play around with the HTML Table code all I want. So that the blog post for today and I will speak to you all tomorrow.



Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Finalized Content Schedule!

                 So Chris, Larry, Kevin, Brooke and myself have come up with a schedule that is going to work for us and this completes the revising of our schedule for content and here is our schedule:

Sundays, 1 pm EST:  @EntertainmentManPod  (YouTube/Audio Only)

                 2 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Monday - Fridays, 11 am EST: Daily blog ( 

Wednesdays, 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY & is accessible here on YouTube)

Fridays, 1 pm EST: Weekly video ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia )

               6 pm EST: Gaming Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia  & Kick)

Saturdays, 1 pm EST: Just Chatting Stream ( @ChrisBOnTheWebMedia , Kick & FB eventually)

                  I will talk to you everyone on Friday for the end of the week updates as our Site Admin Brooke wants to introduce herself. 


Monday, May 27, 2024

OFFICIAL Content Schedule Press Release

             Good Morning!  Here is our new schedule for 2025 as we are making some major changes to fix some problems within our content schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

                  7 pm EST- Gaming Stream

Monday - Fridays: 11 am EST- Daily Blog

Monday - Wednesdays: 3 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube Short)

Wednesdays: 1 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: 11 am EST- End of The Week Blog

                      7 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream

           There is the schedule, it is a lot more simpler and easy to understand. This is the final schedule for 2025. I am ready for these changes with the bonus episode of Entertainment Man going away and down to a weekly schedule as well as The CBOTW Show. That is today's post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Will May 12th - 19th Work?

            As you know I will be away May 15th, 2024 out to Quebec City with my parents, so I will not be around for 5 days. So this is how it will work. The blog I will write them on the weekend for the Monday & Tuesday but the Wednesday - Saturday I am pre-written this week posts, while editing doing a ton of different things at the moment. Was a busy getting things done. 

            As for the end of the week, I've spoken to Kelsie and we have agreed to stop the end of the week updates for that week on the 18th of May due to the studio being closed there will more than likely no updates as I will be only working Monday and Tuesday then I will be off for 5 days straight. As for Entertainment Man Podcast I have been recording those two episodes that I worked on. Those 2 episodes will be just posted, meaning there will be no premiere on that day. I am not going to be available for the premiere of the episode. Once I am back then everything will be back to normal for us moving forward. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post!


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Holiday Schedule Was Odd...

                     I know our schedule during the holiday was odd and we didn't really plan it out properly especially with this blog taking Friday and Monday off due to Easter and originally we were planning to do a blog Monday but I wanted to give the team a day off as we've been working non stop especially getting ready for a certain podcast today that is supposedly on series finale wrap after 5 and a half years of working on it constantly. 

              So the team may have been off on Friday, Sunday and Monday but I worked Friday, Sunday and Monday to just get caught up on work, I finally got taken some time off Sunday to be with the family for Easter so either way our scheduling was way off and we promise in the future to do better planning weeks ahead when it comes to a holiday around the world and this country. We should of been more aware it was coming up and made the plans well in advance and we normally do but we've been swamped with work. Anyways that is the post for today, I will as always talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Schedule Changes

               Content Schedule as follow as the changes that have been made:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Monday - Fridays: 11 AM EST- Daily Blog

Wednesdays:  Week 1, 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) 

                          Week 2, 1 pm EST- The CBOTW Show (Audio ONLY)

(New) Thursdays: 1 pm EST- Video on the Main YouTube Channel)

Saturdays: 11 am EST- Bonus Blog

                      1 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream (Facebook Fan Page & YouTube Main Page)

               I have simplified things 100 times better and got a video ready and excited to share with you guys. This is a better schedule and we continue to grow and learn each and every day. Anyways that is the post for today, I will speak to you all tomorrow for another blog post. 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Content Schedule Is Being Adjusted in 2024!

        With 2024 slowly coming to an end... We have changed the schedule for 2024 and please note changes are in bold and italics:      

Sundays: 1 pm ET: Entertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY) Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. 

Monday - Fridays: 11 am ET: Daily Blog Not being affected for 2024, same schedule as before. Only change is Saturdays being added to the lineup.

WednesdaysEntertainment Man Podcast (YouTube/Audio ONLY, Posted ONLY) Only change on this podcast it is being added to YouTube so the podcast is fully on YouTube 

Friday's (Every second week), 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- TV or Movie w/ Chris or both Larry and I. (Audio ONLY) This will be a rotation between my solo episodes on this podcasts and Larry and myself 

Saturdays:   11 am ET: Blog post Been tested throughout the last year or two and has become popular enough that people want it back. 

                    Time TBA: (Sporadically): Facebook Stream

The CBOTW Show will be sticking to one schedule and rotate with Power Rangers/Movies and other TV Shows with Larry. This is a better schedule. I wish we could put this schedule into affect immediately but we have a lot riding on us this year first of all so the schedule right now is SPORADIC. This is a better and more solid schedule moving forward and it is important to have a more solid foundation moving forward and everything was clumped too close together. Excited for the necessary changes we need to continue to be a successful Media group in 2024 and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Learning To Follow The Schedule!

            I have been struggling with keeping with the schedule with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, I mean I even have Kelsie with the Friday posts to try and lower some kind of stress with me. Now I am actually readjusting as the load is being evened out at the moment. I mean I didn't realize that I didn't have a proper daily schedule for myself? I mean I had one but it wasn't properly following it. This is why you have it down in several places and for me I have mainly my schedules on both PC desktops on the sticky notes I have on there and also my whiteboard which I have just recently updated the schedule.

          So this is now the time to take the new schedule in effect where you look at the schedule and the best advice I can give is to do what your schedule says on a regular basis and just what is suppose to be done not go a week ahead. Yes I am making reference to the fact I was planning to record the following week. I have to realize that is only reserved for when I am actually out of town for a week or two or whatever time I am away for. So I was making myself too overwhelmed and stressed and need to take things on a day to day basis.

          Someway, somehow even with that busy schedule of mine especially to figure out  to get the content done and ready to go for the week. This is why I have designated certain days for recording and working on the blogs. Blogs are usually done Sundays or majority of them are done for the week. I know I've got this with the new schedule and it will take some time with us getting the gang of it and getting into a routine. I appreciate you guys reading this rather lengthy post but please let me know if you'd like to see longer posts in the future and as always I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Am All Over The Place... AGAIN!

               Again, I am not up to my usual standards when it comes to blogs, to podcasts, I am just not myself lately. I am all over the place honestly. I have... I am lost for words. From communication problems with my team to this, no blog today. This is getting way out of hand now. This has to change and fast. I have lost followers cause of no blog or content isn't on certain platforms. So yeah it's gotten really bad and this is where I am needing to take action before it is too late. 

            So moving, I have to start checking my list and I have a list on my desktop as you can see on the right hand side that is how I am tracking that needs to be done but I have spoke about this before in the past. However there is some tweaking to do if I am to get blogs ready for the next day then I need to actually do it the night before, meaning get it done, make it a priority. I've spoken about prioritizing on LinkedIn, this blog, the podcast... Pretty much anywhere. It is good to tweak the way you have your thinks to do and this is definitely a wake call for me. I want to thank you guys for reading today's blog and apologies for the lateness and promise to have the next one out on time tomorrow and moving forward.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Becoming a Coding Master!

             What do I mean by that? Well this was a project and a half that I endeavoured with in quite sometime now as I haven't revamped a page in a very, very long time and it was long coming I wanted to do something bigger in mind. I had a big vision and I put it into two parts the content and stream schedule at the top and the Events I go to along with news and changes which I changed to just Updates. I made it simpler with it. 

              With it now complete looks really amazing and you can fine it @ and it has been live since the day before Easter. I was worried it would be all wonky but adjusts when adding in new content or words to the table and that is how it is built is by a HTML table which I have gotten better and better at over the years. I also use it on the "Staff" Page was well hence that is the way you all see it. I have become a coding master and learned so much thanks to Google and YouTube. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!



Thursday, April 6, 2023

Content Schedule & Events 2023

            As I said yesterday, the content schedule is changing once again. Here is the schedule:

Sundays: 1 pm EST- Entertainment Man Podcast [Regular Episode] (YouTube/Audio ONLY)

Mondays - Fridays: Daily Blogs

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast [Bonus Episode] (Audio ONLY)

Saturdays: (Sporadically) @ 11 am EST: Blog Post                                             @ Time TBD: Live Stream (Facebook)



Saturday, May 6th, 2023: Bowmanville Maple Festival  

June 10th or 11th, 2023: Oshawa Peony Festival  

July 1st, 2023: Canada Day Celebrations (TBD)  

August 25th, 2023: Kars on King 
October 14th, 2023: Bomwanville Apple Festival  

December 2023 (TBD): Port Perry Parade  November/December 2023 (TBD): Christmas Market (Toronto)

           As always you can find the entire timetable which is a mess I know  so much happening but it is neatly in sections right now. However you can find the Schedule by going here: and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!



Monday, September 5, 2022

Changes To The "Schedule" Page

            If you guys have been recently on the "Schedule" page here on the website, you have probably noticed the merge of the collabs as I have now put the two seasons together as I am probably will expect Larry still wants to come over despite. I was a little out of line with him but I do not know what happened till he gets back online and it could be this week, it could be next week, who knows. So for right now I have just put the two seasons that co-aside with one another so I can considering the schedule isn't changing till I know further so I will be sure to let you all know on the changes with that project if anything changes this week or the coming weeks cause I am sure he's going to wonder why I was going off at him
sounding frantic. 

            Now also you will notice if you scroll all the way down that The Royal Winter Fair has been removed. Now I will be going to the Royal Winter Fair as far as I know but just for the fun of it if I decide to go as cases have gone up. You guys are probably wondering why it was removed and that is cause I was too late to booking my media and cases have gone up and worried it 'll be cancelled all together cause of the rise of cases but I am still planning on going to the Christmas Market as it is outside.                                       Anyways that is the post for today, I hope you all enjoyed this post as I am just really, really unsure if I wanna go to The Royal Winter Fair as cases have gone up and just worried cause I already been sick once and I just do not wanna get sick again. We'll see but I will keep you guys up to date on that as we continue to get closer to it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!   Chris

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Blog Post Schedule Later This Week

              We do not usually give you guys the schedule but with his return Thursday to the blog I have gotten his schedule from him and he wanted me to share with you what he has in the schedule:

Thursday: "Eagles Tribute Concert" 

Friday: "Polish & French Canadian- Fiesta Week 2022"      

Saturday: "End of The Week Updates" 

              So that is what is planned and nothing too exciting for ChrisBOnTheWeb just him working on things and getting things finished. I know he needs to finish up the book so he can finally do the interview with Chidi as well and I do not know what's going on with him for that to be quite honest. That is a mystery and a half  and we do not know what goes through Chris's mind around the clock but we are excited for his return to the blog to tell his stories of his adventures he has been on. Things are a little backwards in posts but he will explain it at the end of the week I'm sure. I will talk to you guys tomorrow on my last post before his return. 

Sophie, Community Manager

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Podcast Moving Forward!

                I know there is a ton of questions moving forward and today I am going to talk about it since it has been sort of discussed with my Co-Host in person end of last week: Power Rangers Collab right now have 5 podcasts remaining for 2022 and the normal 6 for next year but here is the schedule:


May 2022: Power Rangers: Super Samurai 

June/July 2022: Power Rangers 4th Anniversary

                   Power Rangers: Megaforce

                   Power Rangers: Super Megaforce

October 2022: Power Rangers: Dino Charge

                        Power Rangers: Super Dino Charge


February 2023: Power Rangers: Ninja Steel

                         Power Rangers: Super Ninja

June 2023: Power Rangers: Beast Morphers

                   Power Rangers: Beast Morphers Season 2

October 2023: Power Rangers: Dino Fury

                        Power Rangers: Dino Fury Season 2

               That takes us to 2024 and unknown what is next and when we will be recording and talking about Season 30 the last season of Power Rangers so we have the rest of this year and 2023 for a full year and a half left before we start to slow down. We will be doing a state of the Podcast in 2024 once we are finished with Season 30 and what's next for us. Anyways that is the update as that is as much as Larry and I can give you guys for now but we will keep you guys up to date on things.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Full Schedule for Entertainment Man Podcast/The CBOTW Show

               So much has happened and I cannot do this in the end of the week update as this is a long winded update for you guys. With the changes of Entertainment Man Podcast which I will explain in a post next week on Monday why it was suddenly pulled and now The CBOTW Show being pushed to success finally, here is what is on Video/Audio ONLY & Audio ONLY for Entertainment Man Podcast/The CBOTW Show:

Video/Audio ONLY:                                                                Audio ONLY:

The CBOTW Show (Survivor, Amy- Pre-Recorded)                Entertainment Man Podcast (Both                                                                                                    Episodes) (Chris)                          The CBOTW Show (Big Brother Canada, Live)     

The CBOTW Show (Big Brother US, Live)

The CBOTW Show (Power Rangers Podcast, Chris & Larry- Live)

Worst Cooks In America, Amy- Pre-Recorded)

                  Now the actual Schedule coming up for the podcasts and this is across the board on both podcast and I know it's a lot but it is a lot of content and I had to fiffle with the schedule a bit but got it all figured out. Here is the time table and when and if it is currently active:

Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast (Regular Episode, Chris) Audio ONLY 1 pm EST Currently Active

Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast (Bonus Episode every 2nd week, Chris) Audio ONLY 1 pm EST

                     The Other Side of The CBOTW Show: Survivor After Show (Amy) Pre-Recorded, Video (YouTube)/Audio ONLY Starting March 3rd, 2022

                      Big Brother Canada 10 Recap (Chris) Live On YouTube Starting March 10th, 2022

Fridays:         Big Brother Canada 10 Recap (Chris) Audio ONLY Starting March 11th, 2022

Saturdays:     Worst Cooks In America, Season 1 (Amy) Pre-Recorded, Video (YouTube)/Audio ONLY  April 2nd, 2022

                  Sorry for the long winded post but a lot for the schedule and in the next week or so I will be posting to schedule but for right now I will talk to you all on tomorrow's post.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

I'm Behind Schedule Again...

                As you know, I have been busy with other projects and honestly had no time to work on Power Rangers Samurai which I got to. I have been working on two other sites, plus getting The CBOTW Show ready for production plus scheduling it all adds up but nothing that I cannot handle. I got a team I can rely on and trust this time around. Before it was nothing but issues and problems and I wished by the end of the season, I just fired em originally in 2020 and I did fire em last year.   That is last year as I am focusing on now. Yes I may have let myself slip things out of hand again but this time it is for a good reason honestly as I said I have been working a ton of behind the scenes of The CBOTW Show which is really is going to be around for the long run of this project so it is just the matter of time when it starts and there will be an live announcement on Monday at 2 pm EST just after I record another interview. 

              Anyways the plan moving forward and been working on this week is I watched Samurai then working on typing those notes up, then start on Super Samurai then typing those notes up and then print em and mail em out to Larry. Both Larry and I have decided to delay recording and again that announcement is coming on Monday, February 14th, 2022 @ 2pm EST. I know it's been long waiting for an announcement to come with that podcast and it is coming and excited for what is coming up for the podcast moving forward. Sometimes you gotta make sarcifices to do other things, what I mean is sometimes you gotta make priorities what has to be done first but I am working on it slowlyby surely. That is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Friday, January 29, 2021

The Recent Changes and What You Need to Know!

                 I know with the decision to end daily blogging a lot of questions why would I end something that has been a part of your daily lives for the past 3 - 4 years? 1) Views are not there as they use to at one point and the 2nd point I'd like to say, I am starting to run dry on ideas with topics for posts on a regular basis so that has become a common issue for the last 6 months. I still got ideas but the fact I only post 4 days a week Tuesday - Friday with weekends off, I think this will help my mental health especially and I think this is the right move. I know there will be upset people with the decision but you have to realize I have been doing this for 3 - 4 years non stop so I kind of knew this time would come where I would have to stop daily blogging. This means a change in my routine. So the Schedule you guys wanna know the Official Schedule as it hasn't become public but this weekend, we wrap up weekend posts and get to new timetable as of Monday. So today is the normal post and tomorrow will be my last Weight Loss Update on a Saturday and Sunday a reflection on Daily Blogging every single day. I know there are questions about events and on Tuesday, I will get into it at a later date when I start going back to posts. Anyways here is the schedule for moving forward:

Sundays: Weekly Updates from our Site Admin

Mondays - Thursdays: Normal Posts from me

Fridays: Weight Loss Updates

Every Other Fridays: Regular Post as I do not wanna make it on a weekly basis at this moment. 

             I am looking forward to this change and I know there will be upset people and this opens the door for other opportunities within the website community and you never know what is planned for the future! Expect the unexpected.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Schedule!

            As of late yesterday, Chris let me know that him and Larry OFFICIALLY set a day to record the next Collaboration Podcast will be Thursday evening which the two of them will be recording the next episode which was just a month apart from the other one. Now the actual date of release is not yet available and I believe during the holidays he will be posting it up between his breaks from recording as always will be and I am assuming that will be during his holiday break from things it will be up and he will be holding onto it when he finishes editing.  Also I know for a fact he will be immediately starting up on Dino Thunder so they can record that in January before the Hiatus begins but you will get more information on this this week at some point from me. I think that is what he tends to do is give you guys a podcast during the holiday which is easy for us to upload as it is only based off the website itself and nowhere else at this point.


               That is my announcement and I am excited for what these two are recording this week and I am excited in general for the final set of podcasts for 2020 before the break and him taking a well deserved break that he really does deserves. He really has worked hard with the improvements of recording through the last month and I give him a ton of props on this and so did Larry, he gave Chris a ton of props so you never know this could be a short hiatus and again I will explain that in the coming days you guys but big props to the guys on a job well done with changes and improving production.

Kelsie, CBOTW Management

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Blog Posts Schedule Moving Forward

         I know it seems confusing with the Blogs and to when certain things are going to happen and what not so this is why I am making this post. I know I have been all over the place with posts and/or missing days from time to time but some days I need to take to myself and soon as Ninja Storm notes are done, I am going to go write happy with Blog posts for the holidays this way I am spending no time on my days off so I can enjoy my time with I guess the family here in the household since we're under restrictions again. Maybe I will explain that one day soon but anyways here is the schedule:

Week # 1:

Sundays: Weekly Update (Nothing is changing) From My Website Admin, Charlotte.

Mondays - Fridays: Regular post from Yours Truly.

Saturdays: Weight Loss Updates from Yours Truly.

Week # 2:

Sundays: Weekly Update (Nothing is changing) From My Website Admin, Charlotte.

Mondays - Saturdays: Regular post from Yours Truly. (Note Weight Loss Updates are ONLY every second week in the Week # 1 cycle.)


               There is the updated schedule for this week and next week on this day, I promise you guys I will have an update on my weight loss journey and how it is going for me but this week is a normal every day topic compare to other weeks. I can say this, I am working on a new method to lose this weight and decided to take a different route with it so this way I can at least get into the 220's at the most. Anyways, I hope this clears up some air with the schedule and right now and once I lose all the weight the schedule will be different again but that is for later not right now at this moment. I will talk to you all on Monday's blog post!


Saturday, October 3, 2020

New Blog Post Schedule Starting Monday!

           Alright since it was announced Chris is going to be returning to ChrisBOnTheWeb as of Monday for what I believe he's now readjusted his schedule with the his workload to Monday through Fridays with me looking into CBOTW on the weekends. Anyways, he is going to have 5 blog post days out of the 7 days a week so he is easing back on posts and letting me post twice a week now to ease his stress levels. Anyways here is the schedule:

Mondays:  Regular topic by Chris    

Tuesdays: Regular topic by Chris

Wednesdays: Regular topic by Chris

Thursdays: Regular topic by Chris

Fridays: Weight Loss Update from Chris

Saturdays: Regular Topic by Me, (Jim)

Sundays: CBOTW (ChrisBOnTheWeb) Weekly Updates


               There is both of our schedules and even if I do not post during the week, don't mean that I am going to be around social media, answering questions or find me along with the other staff on our Community Chatroom. You can always find me there and I will always be around and ready to help you guys out if you need the help. I look forward to this new schedule and the return of our Founder and Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb.

Jim, CBOTW Community Manager