Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Learning To Follow The Schedule!

            I have been struggling with keeping with the schedule with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media, I mean I even have Kelsie with the Friday posts to try and lower some kind of stress with me. Now I am actually readjusting as the load is being evened out at the moment. I mean I didn't realize that I didn't have a proper daily schedule for myself? I mean I had one but it wasn't properly following it. This is why you have it down in several places and for me I have mainly my schedules on both PC desktops on the sticky notes I have on there and also my whiteboard which I have just recently updated the schedule.

          So this is now the time to take the new schedule in effect where you look at the schedule and the best advice I can give is to do what your schedule says on a regular basis and just what is suppose to be done not go a week ahead. Yes I am making reference to the fact I was planning to record the following week. I have to realize that is only reserved for when I am actually out of town for a week or two or whatever time I am away for. So I was making myself too overwhelmed and stressed and need to take things on a day to day basis.

          Someway, somehow even with that busy schedule of mine especially to figure out  to get the content done and ready to go for the week. This is why I have designated certain days for recording and working on the blogs. Blogs are usually done Sundays or majority of them are done for the week. I know I've got this with the new schedule and it will take some time with us getting the gang of it and getting into a routine. I appreciate you guys reading this rather lengthy post but please let me know if you'd like to see longer posts in the future and as always I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Having Trouble Re-Adjusting To A Lighter Schedule

                 As it has been 2.5 weeks since Big Brother Canada ended, i have not gotten out of game mode since the season finished...  My mind is still is in game mode where I have to get podcasts out Thursday and Friday's but that's not the case now, I should be in Survivor mode up to the end of the week as the finale is this week and Season 6 is a wrap for my podcast and I am Officially off the clock for actual scheduled Podcasts. I will be starting off season podcasts and there will be plenty of em to come during the off season, one of em with Larry as you probably can hint from my Instagram posts from time to time. 

                Now back to the fact it has been almost 3 weeks now since BB Canada has ended and I am still an appalling mess trying to figure out what the heck to do with my extra time and I think I have found things to do. The website which was put on hiatus due to the podcasting schedule getting in the way of things. However I have to try and stay productive with Chris B On The Web and I have. The website has been completed, the first round of BETA Testing is done, waiting on the final round of testing to come. But in the way of podcast content, I am just feeling bored without doing 2 or 3 podcasts a week. I need my podcast fix, you know what I mean? I am just not use to having free time on my hands anymore as TV Show's are now slowly wrapping up, I will have tons of time on my hands and have to use my time wisely!

                Finally I have to be patient during this time of transition and change for me and I think I am doing OK, but I could really do a bit better at the level of transition from 3 podcasts to 2 then to 1 then down to 1 maybe every second week, maybe every week at the most for the off season podcast but transition is something I have to learn to get better at and that is for tomorrow's blog post as this one has inspired another post for tomorrow. 

Have a great day!
