I know the name has changed and since the change of the weekly updates is now at the end of the week to make room for the return of events eventually and you guys know the entire story of the recent and final changes I am making to the schedule but I changed the title just because it is at the end of the week for updates and changed things around. However, enough of me rambling, here are the updates:
- Website: The website has been updated by Jim as he has removed any reminisce of The Video Projects Team as that is now in the past and I have put that team well behind me and I just do not want anything to do the former team. Also under the Past Projects you probably seen no projects before November 14th, 2014 and that was removed for that reason. I am not sure but I think the About ChrisBOnTheWeb has been updated since then.
- Power Rangers Collab: With the Mystic Force Podcast now recorded, I just wanted to remind you guys that it is on the backburner for editing till I am finished with Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury. Speaking of which, I should be moving into Jungle Fury as of tomorrow and hopefully get it done by Friday so I can get them also sent out to Larry. I will be taking sometime off about a week off from the collab before I get going on RPM. Between then will edit the collab and get it out to you guys at some point after and it should take me a few days depends how fast it will take.
- Entertainment Man Podcast (2022): With 2022 getting closer and closer in for me, I will be working on 2022 during my week off and probably into RPM I will be getting into working notes for 2022 and preparing the podcast for it's 2nd year on the Air which mind you things have gotten really exciting for me with this podcast and I can say 2022 will be interesting and yes interviews are going to be on the list and I have blocked off 2 weeks for interviews but there will not always be interviews but that is a post alone and I will do a post next week about it all.
- Facebook Group Community: I will be changing the URL to the /cbotwfbgroup when the ban is up later on today but more then likely tomorrow as that is what I am planning to make a post tomorrow morning. Also there has been an large amount of drama and it will not be tolerated. Wednesday I will address it on the Group itself and will be doing a live stream on Tuesday about it to discuss what Jim and I are doing to fix it, also Moderators etc.
There is the updates for the week and a lot has gone on with the Community and content, sorry this is a very long update but so much has happened and some things Jim and I couldn't do as I am restricted or in Facebook Jail for the 30 days which is practically now up and Jim didn't have Admin status for half of the changes which it is now in the past. Anyways I will highlight was said on the Tuesday Live Stream until then enjoy the rest of your weekend and speak to you all in 2 days from now.