This week is going to be a bit odd for the CBOTW Studios in the workflow for the week:
Today (Monday): In studio all day, may slip out in the afternoon for a bit to possibly get a haircut if I have time
Tuesday (Tomorrow): Studio Closed, will be out of town for the day with my dad up north seeing the fall colours and will not be around. Will be posting the blog as normally on this day and I will be posting pictures as well of the trip.
Wednesday: I am in the studio possibly half a day but depends on the schedule, could be the full day with me leaving for the 230 pm to see friends but that depends what the plan is so possibly it could be part day.
Thursday: Things should be back to normal in schedule wise for this day and the next day Friday so two days and it will be a tight schedule.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday: I will be in and out of the studio and I am going to be pushing getting this interview edited and posted. It will be a tight schedule for me with me out of town Saturday and it is quite out there so I will be working late on Friday and Saturday but I hope I can get it done.
So that is what is going on and the following week, I do not know but it may end up in an odd schedule next week too as I will be busy too so it will be a busy next 2 weeks for me in this studio, so it will be interesting but I will talk to you all tomorrow!