Showing posts with label Power Rangers Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Rangers Announcement. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Re-Scheduled Till Tomorrow

               So I got the word that Chris and Larry has re-scheduled till tomorrow night due to some technical issues on Larry's side with his Tablet or IPad having to do with his charger which is why they dropped the feed the other night on Monday. He was at a point didn't say a word to Larry till later in the afternoon when the two of them spoke and he wanted to get this finished yet Chris said he was done with the podcasts but hey they want to make it right and get it done. Like I've said and if he decides to end it then they would having to finish it but the two of them wanna make it right and Thursday evening the two of them will be back on Skype around 630 pm EST. We know they were live and they have decided to not go live for the rest of the recording due to it may throw people off. Also Chris and Larry have to re do the intro for the podcast as Chris isn't happy with it and they wanna add in that he is honoring the memory of his friend Kevin that passed away recently and he forgot to add it into the podcast. Then the two of them will jump all the way into where they left off with the podcast and go for it.

              Now hopefully the new charger will help as it does look like they will be doing it by remote till at least January as the Social Circle is still going to be at 10 till at least January 2021 so they will be doing it remotely not in the same studio as one another. Chris will be in the main studio and Larry will be in his. He decided to to throw away the video version and don't worry they have the Audio ONLY saved as they converted the video into Audio and we're working on the edit the podcast and hopefully we will get it edited and an announcement will come probably Sunday or Monday and I have no clue when he's returning to blogging, he's been MIA for a very long time now going on about 2 weeks now that he's not been there but you guys know the reason behind it now is this podcast but that is what is going on and the two guys are recording and I'm excited to see the final product. I give em credit they are working tirelessly on fixing and they will get it down and they always prevail no matter how much they fight and argue they still get the job and this is why this team is so amazing we work so hard on the website.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Sunday, March 15, 2020

I've Learned A lot Recently and Some Big News!

              You know now being a few weeks later after Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending, I can officially say I have learned a lot of about myself after having some time to reflect on things and think things through and I was clearly right, I was in the right path when it came to my thoughts about Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending last year when it was suppose to. It was my gut and heart telling me something and I failed to ignore it when I still tried to continue on. Now that I am doing my own podcast and weekly not this insane 2 - 3 I was on... LOL. I am thinking a lot clearly and a lot more happier now with my own podcast. If you think of it, my heart wasn't in the Reality TV Podcasts anymore, my heart was out of completely and I was clearly unhappy in that environment. However in the end I can be proud of 4 + Years, 12 Seasons and over 240 Episodes. Now I can move on and the positive thing out of all of this experience is I can really put my effort into this new podcast and also into the Power Rangers Collab as I announced on The Entertainment Man Podcast and if you missed it well.... keep on reading to find out. 

                What I am trying to say is I can do a lot more then I could before and able to put my entire effort towards the two projects and honestly I think weekly podcasts is what I need really. Between I am working on the collaboration podcast with Larry and I. I want to say something about this but you guys have to wait oh what the heck, what Larry and I are expanding on the Power Rangers Podcast with 3 recordings and 6 episodes a year which is a ton more and it will help grow the website itself with the views as well. This is something I never had before was time. I just had rarely anytime to work on Power Rangers Podcast but now I got all the time in the world now! I am quite happy about this and today Larry and I are talking further about the future of the collabs. We're excited for the future of the website and happy to have both Larry and Billy helping with moderation on the fan page and also Larry with the Collaboration Podcast. Trust me the entire 20 minute conversation him and I had on discord was all about the collab him and I have been doing for nearly 2 years now! He has been pushing for more of those as we enjoy em and it is truly so much fun. In the end I did the right move and life is so much easier now. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next post tomorrow.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Everything About Reality TV & Power Rangers Podcast Updates!

              This is a massive update for you guys. There is a lot to say on today's post since I did not post up yesterday. This is me catching up on things. So the first thing I would like to talk about is this week. As you know I lost 9 subscribers on one of the platforms which is no big deal but it is cause of the inconsistency of posting up on time so this week is me keeping up and with saying that there is some changes for this week. I have to change one of the two days for the podcast so the schedule for the podcast this week as follows:

Wednesday: 9 pm EDT- Amazing Race Canada 7 Recap

Saturday: 9 pm EDT- Big Brother 21 Recap (Temporary for this week only, will be back to normal schedule next week due to already scheduled family outing for the day, not making the same mistake to lose more listeners.)

                   The Next update is this fall, I am taking some time off from both Everything About Reality TV Podcast and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. However with Everything About Reality TV, my good High school friend, Billy will be taking over for Survivor: Island of The Idols for me so the podcast isn't going anywhere and he will be responsible for recording the podcast each week which is only on a weekly basis on the Thursday which I will be giving you guys the official finale week schedule when we get closer into the finale of Big Brother 21 and premiere of Survivor: Island of The Idols which includes the preview podcast for Survivor which he will be doing prior to the season starting. 

                   Now the next part of this post is the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. So now I found out that the renovations for the studio will be happening very soon which ties into all of this post with both the regular and collab podcast. This break came in at the right time so I can help fix up this studio and make the changes to the new studio to what I would like to do for the changes. The position the desk is in now will be changed which you guys will see the changes through Twitter and Instagram as the progress moves on. I think I will have only one mic hooked up which more then likely will not be the condenser it will be the old handheld microphone when I pop onto Punk Rock Cheeseburger with Rocky I have that one that I can use but the setup will not all setup at the time, I will be taking some of my setup down while we renovation and fix up the walls in the studio. So this comes at the very right time to take a break from the podcasts and I have to talk to Larry about this and that we will have to hold off on our collab as I am planning right now to be recording 3 times next year, January, June and October 2020 to catch up on things but this studio reno is the upmost importance as I am sick of the mess in here. This is the updates on what to expect for CBOTW and the podcasts over the course of the next 4 - 4.5 months with work being done in here and with me taking a break from things.  


Friday, November 16, 2018

Power Rangers Schedule for Part of 2019 & Hiatus

                  Well it is that time again to announce what my schedule for the Power Rangers Podcast is as this will be the final schedule till end of the year next year due to this hiatus which I will get to at the end of the this post. So as you all know both Larry and I are coming to the end of the Zordon Era in the Power Rangers first 6 seasons of the franchise so we are now coming to the end of the 6 seasons which is sad as I have and Larry as well has had so much fun behind the mic with these episodes particularly. So here is what things will look like for the schedule from here on out:

December 26th, 2018: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Zeo Talk

January 2nd, 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Turbo Talk

April 23rd 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers In Space

April 30th, 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Roundtable Podcast

                    Now before moving into the Hiatus schedule but first of all I will be slipping the Turbo season talk and In Space and Roundtable Podcast into the mix with Last Man Standing & Music City so it will be quite a timetable to handful to handle but I am sure I will be able to handle it. The plan is set for the future and I am truly am excited to what is to come. Now to the hiatus news that I have is both Larry and I will be taking a brief hiatus so I can have some time off but also prep for the next phase of things and trust me I will be working hard on the next 2 seasons and I want to take some time off as well as it has been draining on me for the last while as well prepping and working on it but Larry and myself deserve the time off and it will be quite a lengthy break from it, I am taking a 9 month hiatus from it and I do not know what is in stored for the fall in the way of Last Man Standing if they will renew for an 8th season or not but soon as I know there is new season of Last Man Standing since Fox took over but if Last Man Standing does end after 7 seasons then I got other projects I can fall on like Power Rangers Podcast stuff which will be around for quite sometime now. That is my news that I am wanting to announce and there is probably more then likely more announcements to come soon down the road. 
