Saturday, July 11, 2020

Answering Your Questions About The CBOTW Show

Since I am the Founder/Executive Producer/Host of The CBOTW Show, I have been asked a so many questions by you guys and I am going to address some of them in this post as it cannot be answered in tomorrow's post as it is an update post and it wouldn't fit into one post. Anyways here we go:

1) Is The CBOTW Show going to be going to video as well? Now that hasn't really be determined but we would be changing over the former Everything About Reality TV YouTube Page and change the name, logo and description etc. Now we do have a Twitch channel setup in case we go this route and I do go on a few Twitch Streams, Dan, Boogie2988. I'm only following 3 or 4 channels at this moment. 

2) What is airing right now on The CBOTW Show? We are about to post up some point this weekend the first Tough As Nails Recap Podcast on Audio ONLY as I stated we're currently on Audio ONLY both & the other Audio ONLY platforms as well. 

3) Any news on Big Brother 22 and will you be covering it? This has been answered so many times that Reality Teas (Also named Chris) has come with us during this Merger and will be covering when and if. Now there has been rumors and speculations that we will be seeing an August start but all rumors and speculations at this point. 

4) Do you have a back-up plan in case there isn't many shows in the fall as Survivor may or will be filmed in the fall? So far with this plan nothing is in the plans at this time. It is too early to start planning ahead, however right now the only show on our schedule is Amazing Race 32 at this current moment unless CBS changes the schedule again but we hope not. 

5) What other shows besides Reality TV are currently on our List? Well, currently besides all the Reality TV Shows that we have on there, we have The Simpsons and Power Rangers Podcast so not as much as of yet but in time if shows end then I'm sure we will add another one but we do not want to over do it as of yet. 

6) What happens if not many shows are being recorded? Well you always have posts to read and Entertainment Man Podcast will currently so either way you will get a podcast to listen to one way or another. 

             There is the answers I can give you guys. There was 6 of them that was on the list and if you guys got anymore questions to please contact us through Social Media or if you got any questions that you may have moving forward and we will try and answer them as best as we can.


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