Now that it has been 48 hours (2 Days) later I got another announcement. However this time it is good news compare to my post yesterday's post. So this the OFFICIAL Post for the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and I got some news to tell you guys finally to when the collaboration Podcast is returning:
1) Yes The podcast is going to return, however, we are limited in the studio due to the on-going renovations with installing new wall units being installed so this is one of the reason there is a delay in the production side of things at the moment.
2) I have been behind schedule and it is entirely my fault, I should of had it done by end of September but the reason was because I have been dealing with my Mental Health so that is one of the main reasons there has been a hold on production.
3) I have been trying to work on this non stop to get the show watched and now half way with watching the show and the next step will be typing up the notes for Lightspeed Rescue which I think it will not take that long to type it especially if I go at a good pace.
4) Finally, with the renovations, it has indeed been tough to get finished with the episodes as I am getting close but something always seems to be in the way however I think all of this, I should of put the podcast on hold till the New Year however it is coming back.
So with all of that, Larry and I have spoken to each other in person back on Sunday (2 Days ago) and we have come to an collective agreement that we will be back to Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast in (January 2020 sometime) however we will know when we book the day as usual. Why may you ask? Well, with the reno, the setup is limited and right now there is only one boom arm and microphone setup and stuck in a corner it is not the right time right now as we rather have our normal everyday setup. Also we plan to wait till the entire studio is finished and painted so that could take up to at least another month and a half from now to hopefully it will be done. However there is no date in February as of yet but I will be done before Christmas with the planning. Also I will make this clear, I will be working on the next season immediately and with Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending I am going to have a ton of time on my hands and will be really going deep into the show to get a bunch more of collaborations out for you guys on top of my regular appearance on Punk Rock Cheeseburger Podcast. So you never know Larry and I could be recording more of Power Rangers Collab Podcast sooner then you think! I am going to try and get myself ahead so we have a bunch of new content to get out to you guys. Over the next few months, I am definitely going to be busy with planning and preparing for future episodes and never know where this will go down the road either.
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