Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Orono Fair 2024

                  On the weekend, I went to the Orono Fair as I always do every year with my dad. It's become a tradition for us to do the fair the weekend after Labor Day. So it was after a very bad rainfall, the track where the tractor pull was so the machine had to flatten enough so they could do the tractor pull. Had a breakdown of one of the tractors and it happens from time to time.  We look at the tractors as you can see in the photo to the right is me in front of a Farmall tractor. 

            We grabbed some food and watched the tractor pull which was awesome to sit back and watch the pull. Always one of the highlights of our visit. Also we visited the animals, chicken, roosters, ducks, Goose and much more. I think the hens, chickens and roosters have been getting a little ruckus with each other so they were in solitary confinement. I got a bit of an inspiration for a podcast for Entertainment Man regarding mental health which will be a cool idea but will see how I want to lay it all out. However that is the post for today, as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fiesta Week 2024

      So last week, I got to attend Fiesta Week here locally and first up was last Wednesday, my parents and I went to the Portugal Pavilion for some good Portuguese Food and I was a little scared to try it out for the first time but I shouldn't have been scared whatsoever. Because honestly it was really good! I had pork cutlet on a bun with some good juice to season it with French fries. However both were a little too salty but they use more salt and I was totally fine with it, just an observation I made eating it. Also we grabbed a dessert, Custard Tart which was gooey and really delicious! We enjoyed it! Also we got to watch the junior and senior groups dance and I could of actually got up and danced with the seniors group but maybe next time perhaps.

Two days later, my dad went up to the Krakow Pavilion for some Polish food and this is our second time going actually. I had cabbage rolls, potatoes, perogies and polish sausage and my replaced the sausage with sauerkraut and I think he had a cutlet perhaps. No entertainment as this was around lunch hour this time around and that's honestly OK. We enjoyed Fiesta Week last week and look forward to it in 2025 for another amazing week of food and entertainment. Anyways that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, May 3, 2024

Got My Schedule for Tomorrow!

                As you guys know, I have 2 events back to back to go to this weekend (tomorrow) and I finally have a schedule laid out for the day and there will be a stream and I will mention it in my list but we'll see how things go for the stream to happen. 

10 am EST- Shipping Docks Tour as part of Doors Open Ontario

1130 am EST- Bowmanville Maple Festival

6 pm EST- Just Chatting Stream, as long as another channel that I sub to isn't going live, I will be going live on Twitch/Facebook. 

               There is the schedule, a full day of activities and I wouldn't be surprised if I pass out after the stream as I will be a very tired guy by the end of the stream. I know it will happen. Either way I am excited for the start of events and a very long and fun events season after going dormant for the winter and I am ready to kick it into high gear and doing these awesome events again. Anyways that is the post for today, have a great weekend as Kelsie will be doing the end of the week updates and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Toronto Christmas Market 2023!

              Monday, I got to go to the Toronto Christmas Market. It has been 4 years since my dad and I have been to the event so it most definitely felt good to have gone back to the event. There was a lot of vendors, soaps, Christmas Decorations, tarts, little cool nick knacks especially that it is the Christmas season now too. Lights are absolutely stunning this year. They had a ton of different vendors to many to even mention and they also had a candle and soap shop which smelled absolutely amazing. 

It was cold out but wasn't that bad once we had something to eat which I will talk about and review tomorrow on the blog which is taking up a lot of my blog space for the week which is actually fantastic, more content the better. Anyways the lights were amazing as always I really enjoyed going back to the Toronto Christmas Market and will look forward to it again next year as this wraps up events for us for 2023. That's the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the food review.




Friday, December 8, 2023

Tyrone Parade of Lights 2023!


       I will explain everything at 11 am what the heck happened with the blog yesterday that will be the first basic part of the end of the week updates! Anyways Wednesday day and a half ago I was at the Tyrone Parade of Lights. We visited Tyrone Mills and got ourselves a nice Apple Cider and a Coconut tart which was very, very delicious. I love anything Coconut and it was very delicious and enjoyed it but we ate it after the parade as we were busy with enjoying the floats going by us. 

         So we got out, I got to finish up the Apple Cider the parade started and it was pretty quick like a few minutes after we got outside of the mill which was awesome. I loved a lot of the changes the floats had this year and this year I think one or two floats were the same and actually a lot of different ones as well. We actually got to go look at them very close up to the tractors and went crazy on Instagram and tried to take some pics. I need to work on the bigger camera for night shots it's work in progress. However I enjoyed the parade as this was for the first time in 4 years that we have attended and look forward to the next one next year because I can tell you all it is on the schedule. Anyways that is the post and I will speak to All in 2 hours or less depending when you read this post. 




Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Additional Events Coming Up!

             This week and next week will see 3 events, 2 this week, one in Tyrone Ontario for the Farmers Parade as you guys remember I last did that event back in 2019 before COVID started that went through 2.5 to 3 years and still even a thing now but besides the point. Anyways this Wednesday (tomorrow) I will be attending the parade for the first time in 4 years which will be another first for CBOTW Media. Then on Saturday, I will be attending Halton County Radial Museum's Christmas Streetcar event, sorry if I messed it up. 

              The following week I am back out and about again, this time to Toronto for the Toronto Christmas Market and this will indeed be the final event for 2023 as we wrap up what has been a crazy and busy year with a full year of events. Truly am blessed to have all these opportunities this year including going to Halton County Radial Museum 3 or 4 times. We got our money's worth out of our membership with em. This year even saw us with a one or two new events and also returning events that has been absent off our website for many years. With the events wrapping up next week, means more time for content which we really need to get back on the high horse with as we've fallen off. Anyways more will be coming in the way of updates for now I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Friday, November 17, 2023

Merry and Bright Market 2023!

            As you may remember from 5 + years ago, my dad and I actually. Well my mom, dad and I went to this event. Reasons was because the way it was setup but this time it was a lot better of an event. Vendors up center street was awesome. They had a bus trolley driving around and was so busy if it wasn't I would of liked to have a ride on it. There was a shop with art, soaps, candles Christmas wreaths. A lot of cool stuff. Even with a area for hot chocolate and treats.  

            There was local vendors even the art studio even food there. Wasn't a lot but hey it was a very simple event and simple is definitely good. However, I enjoyed myself last night and been long wait to returning to this. We heard about this down at the lake via a sign but glad I went and had a wonderful evening out. Anyways that is the post for today, have a great weekend, it will be a hectic weekend finishing up notes for next Thursday and I think I can definitely handle that but Mark will be doing the end of the week updates tomorrow and I will talk to you all on Monday.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Back @ The Royal Winter Fair This Week in 4 Years!

           For the first time in 4 years, I will be returning to The Royal Winter Fair since November 2019 before the pandemic start. I know I've been on edge about going back and contracting COVID again but I will be wearing my mask and hope my dad does too just to be on the safe side as Toronto is where I got sick with it in the first place. However this is the first time for this event again and I have missed it dearly. I am so happy to be returning to the Royal again after a 4 year absence from it. I will have my phone and take a ton of pics of the show itself.

             However, I will not be attending the horse show since there isn't one during the afternoon during the week and there use to be but not anymore. It would be late for us to get out of there and back home so it's definitely not worth it but if it was on a weekend... Most definitely yes. Always next year. However I'll be there taking notes and pictures to talk about my first time back at The Royal Winter Fair for the first time in 4 years. This has indeed been long overdo and excited for this week getting back into events locally and abroad meaning Toronto as I have two schedule. Anyways that is the post for today and as always I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Events The Next Few Weekends... (Changes)

             This weekend's schedule may change for Halton County Radial Museum. Reason why is threats of rain Saturday so this means Halton is on Sunday, no rain whatsoever this Sunday so I will be travelling with my dad to Halton this weekend to the Streetcar Museum and spending time with him. Will have my camera with me as always to capture pictures and what not at the museum, especially the special with the fantastic fall colors.

             Next week is going to be ridiculous and really over these events as I wanna spend time with you guys on the premieres but I can't cause I am on the road most of the time. However the following weekend after this one there are two events, Saturday, October 14th, 2023, Apple Festival in Bowmanville and Sunday, October 15th, 2023 for South Simcoe Railway but this all depends on the weather as it has been a very unpredictable here it's either hot, cool or rainy. Anyways that is today's post, have a great weekend, Kelsie will be blogging and I will speak to you all Monday!



Friday, September 22, 2023

Events & YouTube!

          As you may know Chris is M.I.A. right now and it's cause of a lot of problems and drama but I will not talk about it. However the insults to Entertainment Man Podcast's YouTube Channel is really getting to him. He's started to regret returning to YouTube after his first initial retirement. However he is going to monitor the comments and if this continues, he will 1) block you no chance to return 2) Turn off the comments for good. 3) Decide to leave YouTube and go back to Audio ONLY.

           Now with events wise he has pulled back on Toronto Christmas Market as he doesn't feel safe with the crime rate in Toronto right now however it is strange he kept the Royal Winter Fair on the list but that could also soon be off the list soon as well. I understand that and time will tell. Chris also mentioned to me that Tyrone is also up in the air as there hasn't been a parade since December 2019 before Covid actually started and if there is a parade, he will go but if not then he will be removing it. But that is today's post, I will be covering for him tomorrow. Not sure when he will be back but please stay tuned on the ChrisBOnTheWeb Social Media accounts and I will chat with you tomorrow at 11 am EST. 


Monday, September 11, 2023

Orono Fair 2023!

           This weekend, I attended the Orono Fair 2023 for the second year in a row as before we miss two years due to COVID. Anyways, fantastic time with my dad. At the start we looked around the arena which mind you had no ice yet for the hockey season. Anyways, our local transit was there which I got some information on routes for the 507 route. They even had a Jenga game for the kids and that instantly brought back a lot of memories as a kid playing it. And yes I got a picture of me in front of the Zamboni in the arena, I had to! 

           Then we watched the Antique Tractor pull on the one side then we switched to the other side which was bad with the wasps around us constantly driving us insane. Then we grabbed food and watched some more tractor pull, followed by looking at the tractors on static display that has been or just sitting there. Looked around at the rides and activities and there is a board where you put a ball in and it goes to the top and goes down. Like a Plinko board from the Price is Right. Also the cows, sheep and pigs were there as well.  Cows were mooing at me I said something and the one mooed at me like it understood me. There was horses as well. Anyways we had a wonderful time and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this blog and I will speak to you all tomorrow.





Monday, August 28, 2023

Auto Fest 2023


           What a weekend it has been! Been to two events over the span of 2 days on the weekend. First Fridays Kars on King which I covered and blogged about Saturday morning and yesterday's Auto Fest down at the lake yesterday. I couldn't honestly believe how many cars there was at the event. It would take us hours to go through every car there and nothing wrong with that really. We had no plan when it came to looking at the cars. We didn't look at every single but spent an hour and a half down there, was truly a lot of fun.

            We grabbed a hot dog/sausage and drink was great little treat for us both and cannot go wrong with one from a little BBQ stand there. Music was great and had the funniest oldie they played called "Beep, Beep!" I know it sounds funny for a name but they were known for the silly songs back in the 50's and 60's which is great. I could even do a blog about my favourite silly oldies songs. I really enjoyed this event and fortunate to have gone again 2 years in a row and as long COVID doesn't end up us with restrictions I will continue to go to the events no matter what. Anyways that will do it for today's post as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Saturday, August 26, 2023

Kars on King 2023

           Yesterday, I went into the downtown for Kars on King. I am not sure if this is my second time and if I have been to the one last year and I could of with both my parents. Anyways, one of my cars that I saw is the Austin Mini aka the Mr. Bean car. One of my personal favourites actually. Saw a lot of different varieties of cars at Kars on King. I actually ran into friends of mine that I have been friends with for many many years now. Also my aunt and uncle we bumped into on the other end of the downtown and another friend of mine that I didn't see but knew she was there. 

         Now there was entertainment obviously between one of the major roads there which is called the 4 corners which is truly what it is called. When we came back around to the main stage there it was an Elvis tribute by a gentleman and boy he sounded like him actually, exact same voice as Elvis... He was really, really good! As you guys know there is always 2 cars that I hope to see, actually scratch that 3: Lemon car (Edsel); Delorean car and the Mr Bean car, Austin Mini which I saw. I can officially say I saw at least 1 of the 3 yesterday night. Anyways that is the blog for today, enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk to you all Monday. 



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

German Pavillion- Club Loreley

            As you know this week, I am at Fiesta Week twice this week and yesterday I was at Club Loreley which is the German Pavillion. My dad and I had the Schnitzel with Potatoes and Sauerkraut. The Schnitzel was super good, large but really, really good. I ate every bite of it right to the end. Only thing I didn't finish was the potatoes as there was only two potatoes left but was a lot and why I didn't have anything for dinner but half a sandwich much later. 

          As for dessert, we had an Apple Strudel which was really good and couldn't use a fork to eat it so I ended up just grabbing the entire thing and eating it by hand. Was the best way to eat it. I give the entire meal 10 out of 10 all day long and 10 out of 10 for the dessert as well. I really enjoyed this and next year would like to go again with my parents but for a show instead as I'd love to see what the German dances are like. Get the entire experience you know what I mean. Anyways that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

This week will be been tough with posts!

            This week has been hard to navigate between the blog posts as this week has been a bit trickier to navigate as there is two days already booked for the Fiesta Week and today being one of them actually at the German Pavillion today and Friday being the other which I have added an additional blog post to the schedule this week to cover the French-Canadian Pavillion. There may be one more Pavillion added to the list and we'll see how things go but I do not even know what I'll do to add the third one to the list. 

            I could post a second post Friday but yet again this post may just be scrapped and you will not be reading this today. It all depends if we can squeeze in another one but I do need to go get wood to build a frame for a drawer which has more importance but this is why I am keeping things more open this but as I said this week is tough. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Got a Couple of Events Next Week!

               Next week will be a busy one for event wise for me. I will be at 3 local events. As you know Fiesta Week is next week and I will be at least 2 - 3 different venues for Fiesta Week:

Tuesday: German Pavilion- Will be looking forward to some food from Germany. I've had it before and really enjoyed it. Anything European is actually great, I enjoy it. 

Friday: French-Canadian- As you know I am part French, part Slovak which that part you never knew about till today. My parents and I will be going together to the French-Canadian Pavilon and excited to have some French-Canadian food. 

               There is one more being added possibly and could be the Caribbean Pavillon in there between but depends on the schedule and what not. Still have to confirm that one way or another but will let you guys know. That is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Peony Festival 2023


            This is the start of a few events around my city here and was at the Peony Festival yesterday with my dad despite the weather being here. flowers were beautiful and out in full bloom. Had some music in the background up to the point of the mic issues where the feedback was happening. 

              This year actually saw the start of the other side of the creek they had food, entertainment so they really expanded on the event which was really good to see. I know I was on Facebook/Instagram Stories you saw some behind the scenes looks at the event what it is like. I should do those more often for you guys regardless. Either way, I enjoyed myself, we enjoyed ourselves as my dad was with me. Was just an enjoyable event and I will talk to you all tomorrow for another blog post which I have no clue what it will be but will talk to you all tomorrow for whatever topic I have to talk about. 


Monday, January 30, 2023

What Is Going on With Events This Year?

           I know the last two years with events has been all up in the air with this pandemic. With everything unknown for the events I go to I have made that decision to not make a specific flyer for the events I will be at for the blog here on I can say Toronto is most DEFINITELY out of the realm of possibility as that is where I got sick with the "C" word last year, I am not about to make a second round of it anytime soon and any trips there is a most definite no. Also with the recent crimes in Toronto, I do not even feel like it's not safe to go there at this moment. I rather focus on the events here locally at this time.

            Any of the events will be only posted here on the website on Schedule page here on the website. It is just the best way to know what events I will be going to this year. Right now in the coming month I will be gathering events for this year that will be only local and only local in the region here. Yes I will be adding in Halton County Radial Museum and maybe South Simcoe Railway into the mix perhaps but that is it. So that is what is happening with events and the post for today, so I will as always will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Monday, October 31, 2022

Events For Remainder of 2022! [Changed]

           First of all Happy Halloween everyone! Now to the post: Cause of the new variant going around and that our current shots would not do anything with the new variant, I have made a decision that any of the Toronto events would be cancelled for this year and I am staying in my region only. After getting sick in August I am very leery about going back to Toronto again and who could honestly blame me to be quite honest, I rather stay here at this moment. My days going to Toronto may be lesser then I went. Now I'd go to the Island in the nicer weather, yes but anything indoors, no. 

              The only event that remains now on the schedule is Tyrone Parade of Lights which is still pending right now. No news as of yet whether it is going but the most part I will be home now and will be continuing on with content. Event portion of this year is pretty much a wrap for this year at the moment. Not sure what 2023 will bring whether I will indeed go back to Toronto for events even with a big crowds I just do not know what I will do. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow as always. 


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Things Are Changing Temporarily in November/December!

               With my mom getting surgery on her knee, I am going to be at home a lot more but have come up with a schedule that would work, every 2nd week with Eric at the most unless things change every other week with Terry. Now Larry right now we see each other on a monthly basis for right now and I know it was cause I am leary of having friends here right now especially after getting sick in August and it wasn't any of my friends that got me sick, was my own stupidity but I just wanna be cautious seeing friends again. 

            What about the collab you may ask? Well Larry and I are going to try and record in studio. Even if we have to we can record via Skype if I am just not able to see him in person and have him over. Skype is always an option for us if worse comes to worse when it comes to taking care of my mom. She has the number 1 priority first before anything else. This also goes for local events both here and in Toronto, I am leaving it up in the air for right now the calendar will remain as it is right now. If I get to go, I get to go and that is all there is to it.  It is the best decision for ChrisBOnTheWeb and any announcements will be made on social media. Now I will not be covering Royal Winter Fair this year as I was a little late to the game for a Media Pass but maybe next year for sure. Anyways those are the changes, thanks for reading today's post and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


